Follow These 5 Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat

Published on: 18 February 2016 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021

The ‘spare tire’ area of the body is the most dreaded place for unsightly fat. That section around and near our waistline and extending downward…yep…that stubborn belly fat that those suffering for it would love to remove. Many have tried special diets, exercise routines and expensive equipment to help them rid that extra baggage. But, have you tied Yoga?

Why has worried About The Belly Fat Region?

This is one of the most noticeable areas, thus making many quite self-conscious. While your mental health may be affected by this feeling, your physical health could be at risk also. Fat in this region of the body has been linked to certain cancers, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and insulin resistance; all of which can be life-threatening.

 Read also: Bed Time Yoga to Sleep Well

As we get older, this is even worse, as we slow down physically and so does our metabolism often increase this area of fat. So, to maintain a healthy lifestyle, one should learn to use the following exercises and follow them while maintaining a nutritious diet. One without the other simply won’t work.

Specific Postures

The following are some poses that are great for reducing that pesky belly fat. You should try to hold each pose for 15-30 seconds, and try to repeat it about 5 times with 15 seconds rest in between

Wind Easing Posture (Pavanamukthasana)

This one tone and firms the abdomen and relieves the lower back.

  • Lie flat on your back with your legs stretched and arms at your side.
  • Stretch your feet out with heels touching
  • While exhaling, bend the knees and bring them toward your chest
  • Press tightly toward your abdomen, applying pressure to the abdominal region
  • As you breathe deep, hold this pose for approximately 60 – 90 seconds
  • Exhale and release your knees while bringing your hands down to your sides with palms facing downward.

Cobra Posture (Bhujang Asana)

A word of caution should be you suffer from ulcers, back injuries, hernias or may be pregnant this pose should not be done by these individuals.

  • While lying on your stomach with your legs outstretched and palms under your shoulders, touch your toes and chin to the floor.
  • Keeping your legs flat on the floor, inhale slowly and begin raising your chest while bending backward as much as possible.
  • As you exhale, slowly lower yourself back to the original position.

Pontoon Posture (Naukasana)

Wonderful pose for tightening the stomach muscles and strengthening the legs and back.

  • With your back flat and legs together stretched out and arms at your side (palms down), inhale slowly and begin raising your legs, keeping straight.
  • Stretch your foot and toes pointing straight and raise your legs as high as possible.
  • Once you have reached this point, with arms straight, reach to your toes to create a 45-degree angle with your body. Hold the pose and normally breathe for 15 seconds. Release and inhale.

Bow Posture (Dhanurasana)

Strengthen your core with this pose. Full potential can be reached by rocking back and forth.

  • While lying on your stomach with your arms at your side, outstretch your legs
  • Bend your legs at the knees and reach backward with your arms to grasps the ankles and hold.
  • While inhaling, lift the head and begin bending backward while trying to lift your head a high as you possibly can.
  • Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds, breathing normally.
  • Exhale and come back to the original position.

Board (Kumbhakasana)

Caution should be taken if you have high blood pressure or and spinal injury.

  • Start by crouching with hand and knees directly underneath the shoulders and hips.
  • With the toes tucked under, begin to step back with your feet extending your legs. The entire body should be in a straight line from head to toe. Be sure to keep your hand flat with fingers spread apart.
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds or as long as possible. Then exhale and drop back to your knees.

It’s best for your body to complete these in the morning. Your best results will be to repeat the poses daily, 3-5 times, three days per week then take a day off.

Kathy Mitchell was born and raised in the USA. She has done MA in English literature. She loves to publish her article on different health websites. In her spare time, she likes to do research on health information. She is an inspirational writer who strongly believes in the power of self-motivation. Also, she is contributing to consumer health digest since 2011, which is a leading health news platform. Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter and Google+.

Read More:

  1. 7 Ways To Kick Off Your Fitness Routine
  2. Get Up And Workout! Things To Consider
  3. What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym?
  4. Go Trampolining To Have Fun And Maintain Your Fitness

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Feet Stronger

4 Essential Ways Of How To Make Your Feet Stronger

The human feet are a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art that enables you to stand for long hours, walk for long distances, hop, skip and jump and follow the activities that your heart wants to follow. Just like a sound foundation ensures that a building stands upright forever; having strong feet ensure a longer, happier, and healthier life. However, we often tend to take our feet for granted.  Even the best of athletes focus upon building muscles legs, arms, calves, abs, and the rest of the body; but hardly anyone pays attention to the feet. We seem to forget the fact that our feet are involved in almost every activity we do. They provide us the support and balance in almost all our bodily movements. Lack of strength in our feet is therefore bound to compromise our ability to do any physical activity; be it walking, running, jump, high-intensity sporting event, or even standing! The Science Behind the Structure of the Feet Before we embark upon knowing the ways about how to ensure that your feet stronger, it is important to understand the three most important aspects that dictate how strong or weak your feet are. These are - 1.The Soles  Most of us who wear shoes all day long have very soft and tender feet soles. You would have noticed that those who spend time barefooted, have thicker soles. This makes them stronger and firmer and they are able to withstand superficial injuries as well as normal wear and tear quite easily. 2. The Joints, Muscles, And Tendrils Of The Feet  The human foot is a very complex structure. It is made of 33 joints, 26 bones, and almost 100 ligaments! They all are designed to function in a manner that the foot can take the weight of the entire body and spread it evenly to maintain balance in all types of movement. Strong feet not only help an efficient movement but also help in improving the posture. They also help in avoiding spinal injuries by efficiently maintaining our balance, thus cushioning the effect of any jerks. 3. Arches in the Feet  The arches in our feet help in an efficient rolling action, which maintains the balance during movement. Sometimes the arches are not well developed, giving rise to a situation commonly known as flat feet. When someone is flat-footed, it is difficult to maintain good rolling action which in turn leads to a lower range of action consequently lowering strength as well as speed. How to Make Your Feet Stronger Most of us are blessed with well-shaped feet that can take the rigors of our daily life and all the activities we undertake, but often we tend to neglect our feet and suffer the consequences by way of loss of strength as well as suffer from early aging symptoms. It is but natural that if the feet are weak, a person's mobility will be restricted and he will do fewer activities. This would have an adverse effect on overall health. On the other hand, if a person is active,  some of the drawbacks of being flat-footed can be overcome. Here are some of the ways of how to make your feet stronger - Exercises By consciously spending some time doing the following specific exercises is the best way to make your feet stronger – Caterpillar Type Movement – (Benefit- Strengthens the arches) Lie down on your back, draw your knees and place the feet flat on the floor about 8 inches away from each other. Then lift the arches of both the feet and simultaneously pull your toes backward toward the heels. Keep this position for a few seconds and bring back the arches and toe to their original position. Then do the reverse- arches up and heels toward the toes. Repeat this set three to five times. Windshield Wiper Movement – (Benefit- Strengthens the entire foot and improves ankle stability) In continuation with the caterpillar type movement exercise listed above, lift the toes, keeping the feet flexed while only the heels are touching the floor. Then slowly roll your feet to the ground and lift the heels keeping only your toes are on the ground. Repeat 8-10 times. Wing and Sickle Movement - (Benefit - Strengthens the ankles and promotes correct posture) Continue lying down as above and roll your feet inward along the inner edge in line with the toe, then roll outwards in line with a small finger. Do this 3-5 times. The Round Knot Movement - (Benefit - Stretches the ligaments and aids foot alignment) Sit upright on the floor and extend your legs in front. Bend the left knee towards yourself and interlace the fingertips of the right hand with the left toes. Inch them forward and backward giving the foot a stretch. Repeat 6-8 times. Then do the same with the other foot. Toughening up Your Feet There are many other ways of how to make your feet stronger. Stand More Often – Our daily life is mostly based on sitting. Be it office or home, we spend the day sitting. Consciously standing more often would help strengthen and stretch the muscles of the feet. Jogging/Walking on the Sand – If you have access to a sandy beach, try walking or running gently on the sand. This would increase the flexibility and strength in your feet and exercise the arch.     Read also: Why Jumping on Trampolines is More Beneficial than Running or Jogging? Walking Barefoot– Crazy as it may appear, walking on smooth rocks can do wonders for your feet' strength. Walking barefoot on grass is equally effective as it toughens up the feet soles and makes the feet stronger. Using Shoes With Insoles Insoles were traditionally used for making short people appear taller. These days however they are scientifically designed for multiple functions and assist in skiing, biking, golf, etc. Using best insoles for flat feet ensures not only physical comfort but also improves efficiency and performance in all your multifarious activities. Even those who suffer from other ailments like Morton’s Neuroma and plantar fasciitis can benefit by using the best insoles for flat feet and carry out all activities normally. Go On, Focus On Your Feet! If you want to enhance your control, balance, and power, it is important to start focusing on strengthening your feet. It will also make you agile with better control of movement. Following these simple tips in your daily routine can put you on the way to balanced, more powerful, and stronger feet in a matter of a few days! Read also: Get up and Workout! Things to Consider


Get up and Workout! Things to Consider

Fitness bug has bitten the entire world and India is not behind in any way.  Prominent authority figures have been promoting the concept of healthy living in various ways. People all over the country make an effort to make time for exercise.  If one has no time to work out at a gym or at the community participate in the community workout program, one can simply workout at home. If you are someone that is looking to start your fitness journey, experts recommend checking out the We202 EMS training program. This is an exercise journey where technology, science and data are monitored and work in ways to ensure that you get the best results. The training uses specialized suits that amplify the muscle build-up and allow you to generate quicker results in a short span of time. Ways to go about: There are many options for exercise equipment online India available these days and can simply be confusing. In this case, one tends to buy either too many types of equipment or gets swayed away by the glittery advertisements. The idea is to invest in what suits the needs. One must also keep in mind space constrains while buying exercise equipment. Advantages of exploring options online: It is a great idea to explore options online. Few advantages are as follows: For every equipment, there is a description below in easy words, hence one gets to know what the use of the tool is. There are offers throughout the year in the form of discounts and additional equipment on purchase of one. There are combo packs available. One gets the option to choose from the many brands available. One can read the user review before making the final transaction. For home or office workouts, combination machines are the most preferred. One can work abdominal muscles, biceps, triceps, arms, chest, back, and legs on one machine. They occupy less space and are multi-functional in nature. Combination equipment comes in various sizes and the price range also differs. One can also choose to workout with free weights. Free weights and mat workouts are in trend these days. For maximum benefits, it is important to have the right kind of weights and mats to work with. On the internet, one can find weights of various kinds. These come in a soft and hard variety. There is a separate category for beginners and for advanced fitness enthusiasts.    Read also: Tips to Lose Weight Naturally Tips to consider before you purchase an exercise equipment Have an exercise routine in place- Any equipment will not change your routine habits! You need to work out in an efficient manner to derive optimum results. Go through the reviews: There are various fitness magazines, giving you a fair idea on how equipment performs. You get an idea on whether your fitness goals can be achieved with the use of an instrument, relating to fitness enhancement, increasing flexibility and promoting your overall health. Reviews online is a precise indicator of the quality of equipment. It would be a sensible idea on not to count on a single review and go through multiple ones. A better idea would be to type in any search engine the name of the manufacturer and find out any complaints. Read also: 5 Rowing Machine Workout Tips Every Fitness Person should know Shop around:  Rather than counting on a single online website, go through a host of them as costs tend to vary considerably from one website to another. So go, check, choose and buy! Get moving, get going! Read also: Elliptical Buying Guide at


Morayfield Fitness Unleashed: A Journey Into A Unique Fitness Experience

From sunrise to sunset, an energetic pulse in the Morayfield region keeps its community moving forward. A significant component of this vitality is attributed to the high-energy fitness culture that thrives here. Among these, one standout facility offers many fitness services that are nothing short of a revolution. Let's delve into this journey of a transformative fitness culture that incorporates the best of Les Mills, Yoga, Pilates, HIIT training, and more, all facilitated by top-notch instructors. Unveiling The Unique Fitness Services In Morayfield, fitness is not merely a pastime or a hobby; it permeates every facet of life, creating a lifestyle where health and well-being are not just aspirations but a daily reality. This community has wholeheartedly embraced fitness as an integral part of their day-to-day routine, ingraining it into the fabric of their existence. This deep-rooted passion for fitness is fuelled by the region's commitment to variety, innovation, and achieving tangible results. The fitness services that have blossomed here are a testament to this commitment. The Les Mills Extravaganza Nothing quite like the Les Mills experience when discussing fitness classes that pack a punch. These classes have a global reputation for delivering engaging, fun, and effective workouts. In Morayfield, enthusiasts can enjoy an impressive selection of these classes, including favourites like BODYPUMP, CXWORX, SPRINT, RPM and more. Let's explore them in detail: BODYPUMP: A Full-Body Workout A typical BODYPUMP class involves using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition for a total body workout. The result? You'll burn calories, tone muscles, increase strength and endurance, and boost your metabolism. CXWORX: Core Training Like No Other Are you looking to work on your core strength? Then, CXWORX is for you. This class will challenge your torso and sling muscles that connect your upper body to your lower body, thus improving functional strength and assisting in injury prevention. SPRINT: High-Intensity Cycling SPRINT is a short, intense style of training that returns rapid results with minimum joint impact. The workout is based on the science of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which is proven to produce immediate results. RPM: Indoor Cycling At Its Finest RPM is an indoor cycling class set to the rhythm of motivating music. It burns a lot of calories and gets you fit. This class caters to all fitness levels, from the beginner to the elite athlete. Going Beyond Les Mills: Yoga, Pilates And HIIT Training While Les Mills classes have their unique charm and effectiveness, the fitness world of Morayfield goes way beyond that. Yoga, Pilates, and HIIT training sessions are also offered here, each bringing unique benefits and variety to the fitness landscape. Yoga: Uniting Mind, Body, And Spirit Yoga classes in Morayfield are perfect for those looking for a holistic approach to fitness. The courses are designed to improve flexibility, build strength, promote better breathing, reduce stress, and improve heart health. Pilates: Strength, Flexibility, And Balance The Pilates classes here are suitable for all fitness levels. They focus on core strength, flexibility, balance, and overall body strength. Pilates is an excellent way to shape your body, reduce stress levels, and develop an understanding of how your body works. HIIT Training: Maximize Your Results In Minimum Time High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a fantastic way to maximise your workout if you're short on time but want effective results. These sessions involve brief, intense bursts of physical activity followed by short recovery periods. The result is a super-efficient workout that boosts metabolism and burns fat. The Very Best Instructors In The Area What sets the Fitness cartel in Morayfield apart isn't just the variety of classes available and the quality of the instructors leading them. Passionate, experienced, and dedicated to helping clients reach their fitness goals, these instructors make every class exciting, challenging, and fun. They're trained to provide expert guidance, allowing beginners to seasoned athletes to improve their performance and achieve their fitness goals. Conclusion The world of fitness in Morayfield is diverse, challenging, and immensely rewarding. There's something for everyone, from Les Mills classes to Yoga, Pilates, and HIIT training. Paired with the best instructors in the area, it's no wonder this region is buzzing with energy and enthusiasm for fitness. Embark on this unique fitness journey in Morayfield, and experience how transformative and fun staying in shape can genuinely be. The promise is not just of a healthier body but a revitalised spirit and an exhilarating sense of achievement. Read Also: Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out 8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate Different Types Of Blood Circulation Exercise