Bed Time Yoga to Sleep Well

Published on: 18 February 2016 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021

Sleep is one of the most precious activities and also the most awaited part of the day, especially if your life moves like the hands of the clock. Yoga lovers will often find themselves practicing a few poses by just moving their legs while they are reading a book before switching off the bed side lamp. The ingrained mindset that yoga relaxes the body is so filled in us, that our body automatically starts working to overcome blockages in the body. Bedtime yoga can make life simpler and leave you fresh and more charged up for the next day.

    Read More: Follow These 5 Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat

When you combine two relaxing activities together, yoga and sleeping, the results are only going to be a relaxed mood and an effortlessly smooth day. Bid farewell to backache, sleeplessness and negative thoughts with these poses:

Bend Knee Spinal Twists

 A great way to ease out any discomfort in the spine, legs and back, this stretching exercise, where you hug and bend your right knee to the left side and vice-a-versa, is a great way to kick start your bedtime yoga routine. All you have to do is stay on each side for 5 to 7 breaths and repeat 2-3 times depending on what your body is telling you and feel the benefit enfold soon enough.

Happy baby pose

 A hip opener, the pose creates space for back and works on the sacroiliac joints as well, a common cause of discomfort in most of the people in sedentary jobs. Bend both your knees and flex the foot to face the ceiling. Bring it closer to the chest and hold each big toe with the relative hand and stay in the pose for 5 to 7 breaths.

Child’s pose

A semi inverted pose, it relieves the practitioner of any form of back pain apart from bringing blood flow to the face and removing stress and anxiety. The pose works invariably in any routine, at any time to remove unwanted stress.

Knee Hugs

 An extremely relaxing pose, it is also known as wind releasing pose as it removes any extra gas in the body, which might become a hindrance in a good night’s sleep. Also, it presses the entire back making it easier for the practitioner to remove any form of discomfort from the back region.

Hamstring stretch

 A simple pose, it works on the entire lower body and also removes tension and fatigue from the back. Simply extend one leg to the ceiling and bring it closer to the chest. Grab the back leg with both hands or if advanced practitioner, you can hold the big toe with relative hand, keep the other legs straight or bend as your body allows. Stay here for a few breaths and change to another side.

Corpse pose

 This pose can be practiced at the end of the routine when the practitioner is deciding to call it a day. A relaxing pose, you can even meditate during this pose and gently dose of to sleeping. It is a great way to recharge your body and make it a routine to practice Savasana before sleeping, great benefits enfold when you practice this pose.

The practice of these poses leads to long-term respite from many issues faced by the modern man.

Manmohan is a yoga enthusiast, free spirit, traveler and freelance writer from Rishikesh. He run yoga teacher training school in India, Nepal, Thailand and various other countries, where yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, and spirituality is taught under the expert guidance of traditional and authentic yoga instructors.

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Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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fitness routine

8 Fitness Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better

Are you unsatisfied or bored of your everyday fitness routine? Worry no more as the following tips can help in keeping you focused, motivated and healthy. Eat More Meals Eating more meals and eating more food are entirely different things. Ensure that you break your meals into portions of reduced quantity and eat at regular intervals. In an ideal routine, you should consume a meal every 3 hours. This way, your blood sugar levels, and appetite can be kept in check. Moreover, you will not feel like binging on junk foods and snacks. Read also: Meals That Matter: The Best Foods And The Ways They Make You Fit Begin The Day With Lemon Water We all want to start our day healthy. But, how do you ensure that? Pick up the habit of drinking a glass of water with some lemon drops in the morning.  This can help in boosting your immune system and will keep your digestive system healthy. Also, lemon water is well known for its detoxifying and antifungal properties. It will do a perfect job in cleansing your system and will ensure that you are active and focused all day. The “New Exercise” Rule When I hit the gym, I often see people doing the same workouts day after day. Many of us fail to realize that our body has a great ability to adapt and exercises are no exception. When you do the same workouts over and over, it can adversely affect the effectiveness of your workouts. Also, doing the same exercises over and over again can contribute to injuries. Ensure that you devote some time during the weekends to look for more efficient and new workouts on the internet. Not only will it be a learning curve, but it can also take your overall fitness to the next level. Also, if your decline bench press muscles worked today, ensure that you work a different muscle group the next day. Utilize The Internet What makes you hate the most about the gym? The majority will point out to the fact that gym and health clubs membership are costly and often unaffordable.  So, how do you curb these costs and still manage to get fit? By exercising at your comfort inside the home. You can consider setting up a home gym and also make use of internet resources like youtube.  As a result, your trainer will be at your service 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. Google for fitness tutorials and quit thinking about coughing up money for a fitness coach. Also, make use of subreddits such as r/fitness on Reddit. Get Out Of The Gym What is the most essential factor for growth? It is 'change.' If you keep on doing the same thing every day, then you might end up losing motivation, focus, and interest. Exercising daily at the gym is great. But, limiting yourself to the four walls of the gym can hurt your interest to exercise. Read also: What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym? It might be hard to get the benefits of incline bench press outside the gym, but the scenery, the sunshine, and the fresh air can more than compensate for the same.  If you are not interested in taking a solo trip or hike, ask your buddies to tag along. Change Your Commute This is a very effective hack. How do you go to your school, college or office on a daily basis? Well, it is time to rethink it again, Choose to walk or bike for a portion of the whole of your commute. This way you will stay more active. Burn more calories and stay off public transport. If you are a person who chooses to use your car to work, then switching to a bike can help you reduce your carbon footprint as well. Exercise To Fast Music Studies point out to the fact that listening to songs which are fast-paced can make people exercise longer and harder. So, ensure that your phone is loaded up with songs which are heart thumping and fast-paced. This can increase the effectiveness of your workouts Get A Workout Buddy Are you a person who procrastinates anything and everything? Then, you should follow this hack no matter what. Working out with a friend will make you less likely to skip the gym and more likely to finish a workout. Ask a buddy with identical fitness levels to hit the gym with you and be wonderstruck at how far you can push yourself. The tips listed above are sure to help in keeping you fit and healthy. Ensure that you reward yourself for achieving fitness goals. This can help a lot in increasing motivation. Read also: Get Up And Workout! Things To Consider 5 Rowing Machine Workout Tips Every Fitness Person Should Know

contact lens

Never Compromise the Style Factor While Choosing Contact Lens

The colored contact lenses are especially created to "mimic" the natural look of the iris, the colored part of the eye. However, they actually beautify the persona of an individual, aren't they? Oh! A fashion-conscious woman can easily understand the value and the essence of a colored contact lens. Are the lenses connected with the "fashion"? Yes, of course! Why not? Nevertheless, it is rightly stated that contact lenses are specially designed for persons, who have the eye-sight problem. But, time has covered an elongated journey till today. In the present era, the contact lens has become an epitome of the modern trend and a great aspect of the 3. Especially among girls, these lenses are very much prevalent. Twilight contacts, ifairy lens, Cosplay Contacts, etc. are some of the types of lenses that are reigning the current sphere. If you are looking forward to bringing dramatic changes in your life, then you can choose colored contact lenses, such as puffy 3 tones. This tone can make your life "multi-tone" filled with diverse colors. Are Colored Contact Lenses Safe? Often, many of the persons are a little bit scared whether to use the colored contact lens or not. Do they perfectly fit the eyes? Don't they have any side effects? Which pair suits absolutely? It is so obvious. The eyes are the most delicate part of the body. No doubt, they require more attention. Don't worry! Just pay a visit to an eye care professional before selecting the contacts. He/she has the profuse know-how about your eyes. So, proceed with your steps as per his/her instructions. Your eyes will look good and natural as they are. Here at contactlenses co uk can offer you the freedom to enjoy the game. Even, you can pick the contact lenses according to a particular occasion or festival. Yes, the Disposable Lenses have come. Just wear and dispose of them. Quite interesting! But, don't share your contact lenses with others and care for them properly. Ultimately, you will have the permission and liberty to relish each moment wearing the multi-hued contacts and set a unique yardstick. Selecting a Right Pair of Contact Lens Basically, contact lenses are categorized into two major genres. 1. Prescription Colored Contacts: These types of lenses are specially prescribed by a competent eye specialist. A person, who is suffered from hyperopia or far-sightedness, myopia or near-sightedness, and/or astigmatism, is associated with these lenses. Wait! If you are thinking that you can't match the style with your eye problem, then ditch this thought right now. The fact is that these lenses will execute two tasks at the same time. First, they will correct your vision. And, secondly, you will be in the utmost style. Just choose the trendy contact lenses, like- geo princess Mimi and you look fabulous. 2. Plano Colored Contacts: These classifications of colored contact lenses don't step in the direction of vision correction. Plano contacts are simply utilized for the "cosmetic purpose". Wearing these will transform the color of your eyes and allow you to see a different you. Nonetheless, these lenses are accessible in the market in an array of colors that include transparent and distinct colors. It is solely up to you. If you wish you can go with the neutral-colored lens or select some jazzy color. Contact Lenses and Skin Tone Isn't it a great facet? You can have the full liberty to choose the contact lenses, like Naruto Sharingan contacts according to your skin tone. Very First, check whether your skin is the cool tone or warm. If your veins are of blue color, then you are a cool skin tone. On the flip side, if the veins are of green color, then you are a warm skin tone. So... For the cool skin tone persons, the cool colors, like ice blue, violet, or plum are the perfect selection. And, for the warm people, the colors, such as honey, hazel or green, light brown are the appropriate options. Choose your vein color and pick up your gorgeous colored contact lenses. The Bottom Line In the nutshell, contacts are a category of the fashionable eye accessory. So, get them from a reputable store and "flash" your eyes. Read More: How To Choose The Right Shoelaces For Your Shoes Buying Perfect Men’s Rings For Your Husband Classic Dresses: The Little White Dress

chiropractic care

Emergency Chiropractic Care – It Can’t Wait

Chiropractic care isn’t often something we think of as an emergency treatment. Usually, we conceptualize going to the chiropractor as a sort of routine treatment, something you do every month or every few months to when your back and neck are feeling stiff. You go get worked on to alleviate any symptoms you might have and reduce the future severity of any pain. However, emergency chiropractic care is a critical form of treatment and is not something that should go unmentioned. Consider for a moment someone who has had an emergency. Perhaps it was a sports injury, a car crash, or some other kind of trauma that has affected their back, neck or spine. Oftentimes, you would go to an emergency room or primary care physician right away, have them look at whatever external damage there is, and ok you to return home. If your back continued to hurt for a few days or weeks after this, then you might go see a chiropractor to have it realigned. However, failing to see a chiropractor right away can bring consequences. Not only will this lengthen your recovery time, but it can also cause suffering with undeserving pain longer than perhaps necessary. Emergency Chiropractic Care – It Can't-Wait: When is it a chiropractic emergency?  As one emergency chiropractic specialist discusses, there are two large categories of accidents that create chiropractic emergencies – sudden, acute pain that arises out of seemingly nothing and traumatic events such as sports injuries, work injuries and work accidents. Anytime you experience sudden, unexpected and unexplainable pain in your neck or back you should immediately think chiropractic care. This could very well be caused by a slipped or herniated disk, something that needs to be taken care of immediately. By seeing a chiropractic specialist they will be able to diagnose the problem and provide treatment. Leaving this kind of thing on its own for a few days or a few weeks can add to the pain and suffering. For instance, the severity of the condition itself can increase and you can develop other issues from the limited mobility. Of course, you are also likely to be in extreme pain, something that should justify a trip to the chiropractor on its own. Sports injuries in particular, especially when they affect the cervical spine (neck area), can result in neurological problems, such as carpal tunnel if left untreated. Of course, the classic cases of sports injuries all result from the repeated hits and tackles of football, but most sports involve repetitive, ongoing stress to the same muscles, joints and bones day after day. A lot of the patients emergency care chiropractors will see are in fact the sort of weekend athletes that come in with these injuries. They have their day jobs but enjoy getting out and competing on the weekends, only to get injured and need emergency chiropractic care. If either of these sorts of emergencies happens to you, then you should immediately think of seeing a chiropractor for treatment. Taking care of any musculoskeletal injuries is just as important as getting stitches and medicine. What will an emergency chiropractor do? A chiropractor treating someone in an emergency situation will often employ various additional techniques and many of the same methods and practices that they would if they were seeing you in their office during a regular visit. Of course, the timeline will be compressed as the chiropractor will be working to relieve your pain and address the problems as quickly as possible. The emergency chiropractor will start by identifying the issue. They will ask you questions about the accident or injury you have suffered and will seek to better understand your medical history, especially as it relates to chiropractic care. They will test your flexibility, seeing how restricted your movement might be by pain and they will feel around your spine, neck and or back. Once your issue is identified, he or she will go about making whatever adjustments are necessary to alleviate the origin of your pain. One chiropractor working in an emergency room described this process well. He spoke of a patient that came in after having attempted to lift a heavy airplane tire at his work. It caused his back to clinch up in pain, and he laid on the floor for four hours before he was willing to admit to anyone that hen needed help. The emergency room doctors gave him several different injections of powerful pain medications, but nothing could totally remove the pain in this man’s back. Finally, they called the chiropractor in to see what he could do for him. The man’s back was spasming and the chiropractor explained this to him then went ahead and implemented manual therapy techniques to help relax the affected muscles. After this, the chiropractor put the patient on his side, stretched him out and performed some spinal adjustments. This resulted in a nice reduction in pain for the patient. In fact, the chiropractor relaying the story says the patient was so improved he was able to dress and walk out of the emergency room on his own, impressing the nurses and everyone else there. It should be clear by now that chiropractic care is not just something for routine pain reduction. Adjustments to the back and neck should be seen as an absolute necessity after certain types of trauma and injury. Skipping out on chiropractic care after this should be viewed the same way as skipping out on getting stitches after a massive cut. Just as an infection can lead to much greater complications than the original injury, so too can skipping out on chiropractic care can lead to orthopedic or neurological issues later on. If you have suffered from a work injury, a sports injury, or any kind of acute, sudden pain in your neck or back, it is critical that you see a chiropractor right away. While you might not find one in an emergency room, there are a number of chiropractors that offer emergency services to those that need it. Seeking out a trained, experienced specialist to help relieve any symptoms and injuries you may have will be critical to your recovery process and long-term health. You don’t have a moment to waste! Read Also: American Healthcare And Its Woes How To Care For The Elderly: Tips For The Caregivers