11 Foods You Must Incorporate Into Your Diet for Great Skin

Published on: 10 October 2018 Last Updated on: 23 March 2019
Great Skin

Acne affects up to a whopping 50 million Americans every year. That’s already bad news, but the list of skin problems doesn’t end there. There’s also atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and yes, aging skin.

The good news is, you can prevent or at least minimize your risks for such problems. One of these is through using the best skin care products in the market. Another is through seeking the help of skin care experts.

At the end of the day though, having great skin has a lot to do with your own personal skin care regimen. That, and loading up on foods proven helpful for skin health.

The good news is, Mother Nature has given us access to so many of these foods. We’ve rounded up 11 of the best foods that can give you that younger, healthier skin you’ve always wanted.

1. Avocado:

Great news, since almost all of us love avocados. We love it so much that the average American eats about seven pounds of it a year! But what’s even better aside from its rich and creamy flavor is that it’s loaded with great things for the skin.

Vitamin A — check. Vitamin D — check. Vitamin E-check. All that and more, avocados can give you and your skin. It’s more of a question of what it doesn’t, really.

It’s particularly rich in Vitamin E that helps with hydration and overall skin nutrition. It’s rich in fats and phytonutrients, giving the fruit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Researchers have also found avocado oil to have collagen-increasing properties. Another study even found it to have potent antimicrobial effects! We can go on and on about avocado’s benefits for the skin, but you get the gist.

Plenty more reason to gobble up guacamole!

2. Berries:

Who doesn’t love strawberry or blueberry cheesecake? Here’s another great reason to love these fruits: their skin protecting benefits!

Plus, there are plenty of other choices, all of which are lip-smacking. There are the goji, blackberry, and raspberry variants.

These fruits may be small, but they pack a punch when it comes to dealing with free radicals. They contain loads of antioxidants, helping kill toxic elements that damage cells. They also supply you with a good dose of Vitamin C to boost your skin’s collagen levels.

Note though that the darker their color, the better they are for your health (and your skin).

But helping reduce signs of skin aging (like wrinkles) isn’t berries’ only benefit. Their ellagic acid content may also have sun-damage protecting features. A separate study even found they may even boost heart health and brain power!

Either way, all those are some berry awesome news, don’t you think?

3. Broccoli:

For the longest time, Broccoli has been a superpower food. After all, its many health benefits are all scientifically-proven. It can help with detoxification, deal with inflammations, and boost Vitamin D levels.

What makes it particularly amazing for the skin is its glucoraphanin content. This phytochemical helps repair skin damage and improve overall skin health. It also helps prevent UV damage that can wreak havoc to your skin.

When the body converts this into sulforaphane, it can even act as a preventive agent for cancers! That includes skin cancer, as well as breast, colon, and stomach cancers among many others.

So, do what your mom told you. Eat your vegetables, particularly these amazing green florets. Speaking of which, here are a few tips to have your kids eat veggies too.

4. Dark Chocolate:

Need more reason to indulge in dark chocolate? Well, how about scientific evidence that they’re great for your skin?

In one study, participants consumed high flavanol cocoa for six to 12 weeks. They reported an increase in their skin’s moisturization level. They also said their skin felt thicker, smoother, and all in all, healthier.

A separate study also supports other findings on dark cocoa’s skin protective properties. The keyword here is dark, so make sure you know your chocolates. It’s best you stick to the dark kind that contains at least 70% cocoa.

5. Fatty Fish:

What if we told you there’s a way on how to have better skin while also boosting heart health? You can also add lower blood pressure to that list.

What we’re referring to is loading up on fatty fish! There’s the rich, buttery, and great-tasting salmon for starters. For meal variation, you can go with herring and mackerel too.

Either way, these fishes contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. They may sound quite unhealthy, but it’s exactly the opposite.

For instance, you need these fatty acids for the health of your skin. They’re especially helpful for keeping your skin hydrated and supple. If you don’t eat enough of these fats, your skin may end up becoming dry and scaly.

Also, omega-3 fats can help with acne management. These fatty acids help minimize inflammation after all. As such, they make a great addition to the list of must-have ingredients for the best diet for acne.

Pro Tip: If you have serious breakouts, consider professional skin care services. Check out MyBotoxLA for services such as facials and skin care treatments.

6. Green Tea:

Knowing about the many skin benefits of green tea is one way to drink less soda. Unlike soda that’s linked to so many health conditions, green tea is far healthier.

For starters, this tea boasts high amounts of catechins. It’s one of the plant’s primary health-beneficial compounds. Studies like this have shown them to have powerful antioxidant functions.

As you know by now, antioxidants protect your skin against damage from UV exposure. The sun’s UV rays are notorious for premature skin aging, so drinking green tea may help prevent that.

Here’s another reason: It can help moisturize your skin! In a three-month study, women who drank green tea reported skin health improvements. These include better skin hydration, less roughness, and greater elasticity.

A friendly reminder though: You may want to think twice about splashing some milk in your tea. Granted, further studies have yet to answer the question, “Is dairy bad for your skin?”. But existing research found that dairy products may further irritate acne.

7. Kale:

Kale is much like broccoli, although it’s a relatively new addition to superfoods. It delivers pretty much the same benefits, including helping the body’s collagen synthesis. That’s many thanks to the high Vitamin C content of the vegetable.

Plus, a cup of this contains the same amount of absorbable calcium you’ll get with one cup of cow milk. That makes it a much better source for calcium, especially if you’re worried about dairy and acne.

8. Nuts:

We’re not saying you should go nuts every time you eat walnuts or almonds. Even only a handful of them can already bring benefits from their high Vitamin E content. They also contain selenium, another powerful antioxidant.

All these, plus their zinc and omega-3 fatty content, make nuts a great skin health booster. These nutrients help keep your skin taut and tight by raising collagen levels. Plus, they’re great sources of fiber, helping improve bowel movement.

9. Tofu:

Have you ever wondered how women from Southeast Asia (like the Japanese), have amazing skin? Well, it may have something to do with their love of tofu, or soy, in general.

First off, tofu’s rich in calcium, Vitamin E, and protein (for skin cell production and regeneration). It also contains soy isoflavones, which have shown to increase collagen fibers. Another study also reported that isoflavones may reduce skin wrinkling and discoloration.

So, consider adding tofu to your diet. It may give you back that youthful, glowing skin you’ve had in your younger years.

10. Tomatoes:

Who doesn’t want clearer skin? Almost all, if not everyone wants glowing, smooth skin, and eating more tomatoes may help.

One reason is that of these red fruits’ lycopene content. You may have heard of this compound’s potential cancer-fighting properties. But lycopene has other skin benefits too, thanks to its antioxidant properties.

That includes boosting the skin’s protection against the sun’s damaging UV rays. Furthermore, it helps minimize damage due to UV exposure. Researchers have also found tomatoes to help with skin cell replacement.

11. Watercress:

Watercress’ leaves may be smaller than your usual greens, but it’s packed with skin benefits. It’s vitamin-rich, starting with a high Vitamin A content. It also contains three types of Vitamin B, as well as Vitamins C, E, and K.

Those vitamins alone make it a great source for antioxidants that help protect the skin. Researchers also say that watercress consumption may even reduce cancer risks.

Combining a Healthy Diet with Proper Skin Care for Great Skin:

These are only 11 of the superfoods you should stock up on to have great skin. But, they’re some of the best ones that you should incorporate in your healthy meals ASAP.

Don’t forget that personal hygiene and proper skin care also affect skin health! So, be sure you combine all three for that glorious looking skin. Of course, it also doesn’t hurt to visit skin care specialists from time to time.

Want more insider info on health, fitness, and food? Then make sure you pay our blog’s Lifestyle section a visit!

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Things No One Warns You About When Working Home Health Care Assistance

Caregivers make up a critically important part of the healthcare system, around 9.5 million people are involved - either family members, or trained professionals. Taking up such a spot requires a great deal of heartfelt desire to help, support, and sacrifice. Whatever the noble cause to start, the reality can be quite harsh, everything that involves human-human contact becomes a challenge, sooner or later. The caregiving position encompasses two sides: Visible or physical -  bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, transferring, feeding, etc. Invisible or psychological - empathy, support, listening, sympathy, care, compassion, patience - and all these qualities are doubled or tripled depending on the case. This is just a short list of theoretically crucial requirements. However, in practice, everything is even more demanding. Those who are willing to apply for the home care assistant jobs, need to be aware of all the aspects of such an occupation, including the flip side. 1. Emotional breakouts People who are full of compassion are emphatic, they feel what others feel and co-live the pain. Apart from making you a great listener, it can also devastate you from the inside. Obviously, the majority of the clients have a sad story when reaching you, and they share their pain, as it’s just natural. That’s the moment when you need to learn to build walls to defend your world from crushing. It doesn’t mean being ignorant about someone’s feelings, but not letting them go through you. Even if it sounds cruel, it’s a vital step to save your psychological health. Think about the doctors, they see a lot, but they never cross the border of empathy, as it will lead to a breakout. Listen, analyze, and sympathize, but never let it inside. Emotionally-proofed people will work more efficiently, as their emotional state will not get the lead. 2. Physical challenge The lightest cases of caregiving will get by with shopping, cleaning, and cooking, which don’t require a high level of physical strength. It is quite a pleasant experience, as the person you are looking after can make a great friend, talker, and listener - just one more person to learn from. However, the prevailing number of care receivers have more severe issues and will require bathing, toilet assistance, washing, etc. In this case, you will make the main force. If you don’t have enough muscle endurance and strength, you both will suffer - your client and you, as the probability of injuries gets too high. In order to prevent such situations from happening, you need to be physically prepared - going to the gym is the best variant. Remember, your health is the foundation of your life and daily performance, your most precious resource. Don’t let it deteriorate, otherwise, your career will end up quite soon. Related: Is Medical Assistant A Good Career Path In 2021? 3. Mood swings We all know about kids experiencing mood swings due to hormonal changes, and they find it hard to control their emotions. However, they are not alone in this problem. The elderly can undergo even more severe mood changes. There are various reasons for that - reaction to pain, health problems, terminal illnesses, inability to accept the changes in body and lifestyle due to aging, etc. While young people mock at grumpiness of the seniors, it’s worth digging more, to see the reason for such negativism. The majority of the clients used to be cheerful and easy-going a few decades before, however, the life lessons could be too hard for many. It is important not to flinch and be understanding, just change the topic, tell a joke to ease the tension, etc. It will help greatly if you deepen your knowledge of the psychology and behavioral changes of seniors. 4. Awkward moments Dressing/undressing, washing/bathing, toilet assistance - these are the most painful moment for people you help. Nobody is used to being suddenly limited in such easy activities and motions, this is the hardest truth to accept. It may cause excessive shyness or an overwhelmingly protective reaction. After it becomes a regular routine, things will get simpler, yet it takes time to adjust. 5. Personal care A good caregiver is a healthy caregiver - psychologically and physically, as only the balance of both will work. Physical exercises, proper nutrition, and sound sleep - the three most important cornerstones for efficient functioning during the day: Some people dismiss the necessity of physical exercise, saying that they have enough at work. However, that’s pretty faulty thinking. Planned and scheduled physical training creates the resources (strength and endurance) you use while working. Proper nutrition consists of healthy proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Just snacking around will not provide your body with the necessary energy, thus, you will quickly get exhausted. Sound sleep takes about 7-9 hours; if you reduce the time frames to 5-7, your body will not recover after a physically exhausting say. The state of tiredness will accumulate and will lead to health problems and chronic fatigue. Taking care of others is honorable, yet taking care of yourself must be a high-priority task. 6. Financial reward The profitability of caregiving depends on many factors. The average salary of caregivers is around $26, however, it varies according to the state, the services provided, the license, and your skills. While some people think that caregiving is an underqualified position, that is nothing but a common misconception. The more knowledge you have, the better your profile will be. Use every chance to grow within your professional world, and go as far as having a caregiver certification. Attend supplemental training related to medicine, psychology, and physiology. Surely, it’s not possible to be a jack-of-all-trades, however, knowing the basics will definitely increase your chances for better pay, and it will help to grow and instill your confidence, which is a sound ground for your work. Caregiving is sometimes called paid-for care, sometimes as a sacrifice, and sometimes as a work out of despair; however, none of the variants is right. Being a caregiver is a choice and a personal decision. When taking on such a position, you become a co-engine for another person, their help, friend, assistant, and consolation. Yet it’s always important to remember the ‘you’ part, and not to work at the expense of your resources. Read Also: Parasitic Infections Of The Intestinal System, Skin, And Eyes What is the World Trade Center Health Program? How Much Does 24/7 In-Home Care Cost?

Medical Malpractice

Common Types and Causes of Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is when you sustain an injury because of an error made by the medical professional. It occurs when a professional does not follow the standard of care that needs to be provided to the patient. This carelessness can be caused by medical professionals in several ways as discussed below. In recent years awareness around issues of medical malpractice has spread among communities. People know that institutions, pharma companies and doctors can on occasions prioritize economic and business interests. This is why a growing body of trained personal injury attorneys have come forward to help individuals and families with regards to medical malpractice claims and settlements. If you would like to get in touch with a medical malpractice attorney for your lawsuit, please follow this link. Common Types and Causes of Medical Malpractice: Misdiagnosis Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis is one of the most common types of malpractice in the medical profession. It means failure to identify the illness correctly or on time which has severe outcomes for the patient. The most commonly misdiagnosed diseases include cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Surgical Error Surgeons are most likely accused of malpractice as a probability of malpractice is more than other procedures. Surgeons often make minor mistakes which could prove to be fatal for the patient, for example, puncturing an organ, operating on the wrong side, leaving a surgical instrument in the body, etc. Mistakes could also occur aftercare as well if the patient’s condition is not observed. Infections Hospitals are filled with people carrying different diseases and germs so it is necessary for medical professionals. Negligence in providing proper health care could result in a lawsuit for medical professionals or the institution. You should be informed of the risks you could be exposed to else you have got a lawsuit claim against the medical professionals for malpractice. Anesthesia Anesthesia mistakes are rare but are more dangerous than surgical errors as even a minor miscalculation could lead to permanent injury, severe brain damage or even death. Anesthesia-related errors include injecting too much anesthesia, failing to monitor the patient’s condition or using defective equipment. Medication errors They are the most common type of medical malpractice and can occur in many ways. An error could be made in the prescribed drug by the doctor, prescribing drugs that could cause a reaction, wrong medication to the wrong patient or recommending improper dosage to the patient. If there is an error in the medication chain, from doctor to pharmacist; the patient will be the one who will suffer. Pregnancy / Childbirth Issues in childbirth either with the mother or with the child are very common which are mostly caused by the professional’s negligence. Major types of malpractice during childbirth include excessive bleeding, unusually long labor, negligence in surgery; while performing a cesarean delivery, nerve injury to the baby during labor, etc. These issues expose the mother and the child to several risks. These are the few common types of medical malpractice however there could be many more ways a medical professional can commit an error. You need to be informed of what is being done to you or to a loved one. If unfortunately, you are a victim of medical malpractice, you need to contact a medical malpractice attorney in Miami, FL as soon as possible. The medical professionals and their insurance representatives could coerce you to not file a lawsuit or settle at a very low amount. Read Also:  Home Decor is an Art Itself - Things To Know Make Sure Your Product Hits the Market As Soon As Possible

Figure Skating

The Health Benefits of Figure Skating Explained

Figure skating is a fun hobby that tons of people choose to partake in.  No matter what the weather outside, you can head to a skating rink and enjoy a fun hour on the ice.  However, what many people are unaware of is the whole host of health benefits that those who participate in the sport receive.  These are what we’re going to take a closer look at in this article. Different Ways Figure Skating Is Beneficial To Your Health    There are multiple ways figure skating is beneficial to your health. In this article, you will get the complete answer to it. 1. High-Calorie Burn: Anyone who has ever strapped on a pair of figure skates for women and performed some laps on the ice will tell you that the activity is strenuous.  The number of calories that you’ll burn in a session will depend on your speed and your weight, but to give you an idea, a 155lb woman will burn around 380 calories an hour at a slow speed, and over 600 calories an hour at a fast speed.  If you have the opportunity to use an outdoor rink, you’ll burn even more, especially if the conditions are very windy.  There are dozens of health benefits associated with losing weight, and figure skating is a safe and fun way to go about doing it. 2. Improves Flexibility: Due to the nature of the sport, figure skaters need to flex their body constantly in order to maintain balance on their thin skates.  Over time, the body becomes used to extending outside of its comfort level, boosting flexibility on a permanent basis.  The improved level of flexibility helps to prevent the body from obtaining injuries, as the constant stretching and flexing motions make it more resilient, and can also help to make everyday tasks a lot easier due to less strain being placed on the muscles. 3. Improves Bone Density: Bone density decreases as we age, especially in women.  But, preventing this from happening can help to improve posture as well as prevent diseases like osteoporosis.  Apart from adding more vitamin D to your diet, you can also improve bone density through figure skating. Research shows that placing stress on the skeleton helps to make it stronger over time.  The best way to do this when skating is through jumps.  Even small, low jumps can help to improve bone density over time. 4. Builds Major Muscle Groups: Over time, figure skating can help to build major muscle groups, most notably those in the lower body.  Your core, back, pelvic floor, quads, calves, and hamstrings will all be strengthened and toned, even if you only participate in leisurely skating.  This can provide many health benefits.  For example, a strengthened pelvic floor can help to combat urinary incontinence; something that many women struggle with after childbirth.  Back pain can often be attributed to weak muscles too, which ice skating can help to relieve. Whether you figure skate for exercise or just for fun, there are tons of health benefits associated with the sport.  Have you noticed any other ways in which your health has improved after figure skating?  Let us know in the comments! Read Also: Ways To Stay Fit And Healthy In Your Senior Years Why Jumping On Trampolines Is More Beneficial Than Running Or Jogging?