How 12-Step Works as Addiction Recovery Support?

Published on: 11 October 2018 Last Updated on: 31 October 2024
Addiction Recovery Support

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), around 74% of inpatient drug rehab centers in America are based on the 12-Step approach. 12-Step is a philosophy pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) in the 1930s that has strong foundations in Christianity.

The objective of 12-Step recovery programs is to enable people to achieve and maintain sobriety through the support of others and their belief in a higher power. In many respects, the 12-Step movement has been shown to be a force for good which is why it remains one of the most popular choices for addiction recovery support in the world.

12-Step treatment centers are not for everyone, particularly if they do not subscribe to any particular religion and their needs can be addressed by a wide range of alternative inpatient drug rehab centers that do not have religious components. However, in this article, we want to take a closer look at traditional 12-Step in terms of what it offers people with addiction illness and how the world’s oldest recovery support system works.

The History of the 12-Step Program:

The principles of 12-Step treatment centers were designed in 1938 by Bill Wilson, who based the concept on his own experiences and understanding of alcoholism. In particular, Wilson had seen how positively people struggling with alcohol responded when sharing their stories and experiences with others. In the early days of 12-Step’s history, Wilson put his program into writing into what is now known as the Big Book.

12-Step rehab centers originate from the Christian view of spirituality and are designed to provide encouragement for participants to seek help from a higher power than themselves. Although the Big Book was originally intended for people who did not want to attend meetings, it has since become a model for all NA and AA meetings around the world. Offshoots of 12-Step treatment centers now include Heroin Anonymous (HA) and Gamblers Anonymous (GA). These days, members are expected to “work through” the steps using the Big Book for reference.

How 12-Step Approach Works:

12-Step rehab centers are designed to allow people to support each other in achieving and maintaining sobriety while calling on their higher power for help. This is done through meetings in which members share their experiences, talking through difficult issues and congratulating successes. According to the journal Addiction Research and Theories, the kind of abstinence practice 12-Step is based on often accounts for high levels of positive mental health or “flourishing.”

A particular benefit of 12-Step is that it provides a structured framework from which people can surrender their addiction, process the experience and move on from it for improved mental health. An article by Psych Central suggests that following the 12-Step model arms members with the following tools for mental and emotional transformation:

  • Being able to recognize and admit that the individual has addiction issues
  • Surrendering to this fact and deciding to seek control with outer guidance
  • Developing self-awareness of addictive behaviors and how they impact others
  • Practicing self-restraint and building self-esteem
  • Achieving self-acceptance and being able to make positive changes
  • Having compassion for those affected by the individual’s addiction and others who are struggling with substance abuse

Through providing members with these experiences and tools, 12-Step can promote significant changes, helping individuals seeking to overcome addiction find a path to sobriety.

The 12 Steps, as outlined in the original Big Book are as follows:

  • The admission that the individual is powerless over their addiction
  • The belief that a higher power can help overcome addiction
  • Making the decision to surrender control to the higher power
  • Making a personal inventory
  • Admission to the higher power, themselves and another trusted person the wrongs that were done through addiction
  • Being prepared for the higher power to correct shortcomings in character
  • Asking the higher power for help in removing shortcomings
  • Listing the wrongs done to others and preparing to make amends
  • Connecting with all those hurt by addictive behavior to make things right unless it is detrimental to the person to do so
  • Maintaining a personal inventory and admitting when the person is in the wrong
  • Seeking enlightenment from the higher power through prayer and meditation
  • Sharing the 12-Step mess with others in need of support

Although there is no “one size fits all” approach to addiction treatment, the efficacy of 12-Step is undeniable. The main reason for the program’s success is that it focuses on providing mutual support as a means of achieving and maintain sobriety. The 12-Step recovery program shifts focus from the individual and their addiction to the group as a whole, with members bound together by a common spirituality and a shared desire to live a substance-free life.

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World Trade Center Health Program

What is the World Trade Center Health Program?

The country recently recognized the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. The anniversary brought up many emotions for many people who were directly and indirectly affected on that day. There are also political issues that were brought to the forefront again. For example, Congress is currently working to maintain funding for the World Trade Center Health Program, facing a significant funding gap. There’s a newly proposed bill working its way through Congress that would put an additional $7.3 billion into the fund, keeping it operational for another ten years. After that, the bill calls for a further annual 5% increase. So what is this program, and what should you know? Program Basics The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 authorized both the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program and something called the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF). Both are intended to serve the survivor and 9/11 responder communities. Each program has its own eligibility criteria, mission, and process for enrollment. The WTC Health Program provides medical monitoring and treatment for health conditions related to 9/11 for survivors and first responders. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), oversees the program, as does the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The WTC Health program serves responders at the World Trade Center and related sites in New York City, as well as responders to the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania sites. To be covered, a condition has to be certified through the WTC Health Program. A program-affiliated health care provider must treat the condition. Categories of conditions that may be covered include acute and traumatic injuries, airway and digestive disorders, cancers, mental health conditions, and musculoskeletal conditions. Covered Conditions Touched on above were the broad categories of covered conditions. Specifically, conditions include: Acute traumatic injuries: These are physical damage to your body. Examples include burns, eye injuries, and head trauma. Airway and digestive disorders: These affect your sinuses or lungs or portions of your upper digestive tract. Examples include asthma, chronic respiratory disorder, interstitial lung disease, and reactive airway dysfunction syndrome. Cancers: This program includes blood and lymphoid tissue cancers, like lymphoma and leukemia, digestive system cancers, head and neck cancer, and mesothelioma. Mental health conditions: Examples of conditions covered under the WTC program are major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, panic disorder, and substance use disorder. Musculoskeletal disorders: This category only applies to WTC responders, and it includes low back pain and conditions caused by repetitive joint strain. Who’s Eligible? The qualify for the WTC Health Program, you have to be in one of the following categories: An FDNY responder: You have to be a member of the Fire Department of New York City who was participating at a minimum of one day in recovery and rescue efforts at any World Trade Center site. General responder: This includes volunteers and workers who provided a variety of services following the 9/11 attacks but were not affiliated with the FDNY. New York City survivor: You may qualify for the program if you’re someone who was present in the disaster area in New York City following the attacks because of your work, where you lived, child care, adult day care, or school attendance. Pentagon and PA responders: for recovery and cleanup workers, volunteers, and emergency responders who were directly involved in the attacks on the Pentagon and near Shanksville, there may be program eligibility. What Does the Program Provide? Program participants receive treatment for all certified conditions, and prescription medications are included as part of that. You have to receive health care services through a WTC Health Program-affiliated provider. You can receive benefits without paying deductibles or copays. Also included are annual health screenings. You can use the qualification of your medical conditions under this program to file a claim for compensation through the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund, which is also federally funded. In 2015, the program was reauthorized for funding. In 2019, both the WTC Health Program and the Victim Compensation Fund received permanent authorization until October 2090. Again, as was mentioned above, currently, Congress is hammering out details to make sure the program has the money it needs for the foreseeable future, and experts say that its ending is not an immediate threat. If you could be eligible, it’s essential to look into the requirements and potentially speak to an attorney who can guide you through the process. Read Also: 6 Reasons To Prefer Patient-Centered Care For Older Adults 6 Effective Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

Reduce Stress

5 Things You Should Do To Reduce Stress

Stress is one of those conditions you wouldn't want to be in because apart from its manifestations that can range from mild to severe headaches, it can be completely disruptive. It can put your productivity in jeopardy and saneness into disrepute. People who have had to deal with stress can attest to the fact that it is also hard to socialize. When stress invades your life, even eating becomes a challenge because appetite, even for the most sumptuous meal, will be out of the window, and you just want to be left alone. While you can consider to help you do a post on your situation as a way of stress relief, there are other approaches. In this post, I share with you tips on how to deal with stress, but first, What causes stress? Whether it catches up with you at home, or at the workplace, types of stress vary depending on the cause. The following are some of the most common: The pressure at the workplace. Employees sometimes slump into anxiety because there is a lot to do with a strict timeline. It is to say; when it becomes clear that one will not be able to meet a set deadline, stress sets in. Loss of a loved one, through separation, death or in any way. Health conditions such as sickness are a major cause of worry. While patients need to cheer up no matter their situations, diseases like cancer are sure to cause one unimaginable level of stress. Discrimination at school, workplace, and other places. Emotional and physical abuse Common stress symptoms include the following: Tension headaches Depression in the worst cases Insomnia or lack of sleep Anxiety/fear of the unknown Muscle pains Gastrointestinal refluxes/upset Thus far, the next question most people who exhibit these symptoms ask is how to reduce stress so as to become active again, jovial and productive.  Well, studies on stress management suggest different approaches. The following tips will go a long way in helping one recover from any of the above conditions: 1. Take care of yourself : If you cannot take good care of yourself, then who will? It is the first question stressed persons need to ask before embarking on a path of recovery.  Also, what does self-care entail? It is important to feed on a healthy diet, get enough sleep and partake in physical exercises. Studies have indicated that those who do these reduce stress levels in their lives, almost completely. 2. Meditate : There is no way you are going to get away from stress if meditation is not one of the foremost solutions. For those who do not know how to partake in thoughtful awareness, it basically involves sitting silently in a quiet room with one hand on the belly, legs folded or straightened, then listen to the sound of the heartbeat. There are however many other productive meditative approaches people who want to deal with stress can explore. According to research, when you meditate, there occurs an alteration in the pathways of brain neurons, something that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful. 3. Do away with negative energy : If the cause of your worries and anxiety is negativity, then a journey to recovery should start with doing away with people who bring negative energy into your life.  Life should be fun, and it all starts with finding people who put a smile on your face. 4. Design a healthy life-work balance : There is no way you are going to be happy if work takes away all the time you have in the world.  People need time for their families, in which case, it starts with knowing how to design the life you want. Come to think about it. What value does being a career addict who is obsessed with deadlines and never has for family and plays bring? It only begets stress. 5. Enjoy your hobby : One of the best approaches to fighting stress is sporting. If you love to play football, go out and enjoy it in the evenings after work. Dance to your favorite music tunes, or watch a favorite movie series.  Hobbies keep your mind busy, and by extension, help in releasing endorphins hormones that will make your face glow once again. In summary, managing stress starts with you, and ends with making the right decision. A psychotherapist will only advise but it is incumbent upon you to execute. Read Also : Unhealthy And Healthy Solutions For Coping With Stress

Medical Delivery Service

Medical Delivery Service: What To Know

Medical delivery service is the shipment of necessary medical supplies and equipment to hospitals and clinics. It may be anything from discarded needles to essential pharmaceuticals. Hiring a delivery service company for medical supplies can be a great step, and it actually helps with the shipments. Assuring that people can get their hands on the medicines they need is a top priority for the healthcare system, and that's where the medical delivery services come in as well. How Can The Medical Delivery Services Help You? Providers of this delivery service bridge the gap between patients and the doctors who treat them.  Organizations such as hospitals, clinics, home health agencies, and commercial businesses usually make use of medical delivery services. To know more about express medical services, read here Transporting patients with the help of the delivery service can ensure their appointments, and delivering necessary medical supplies and equipment are two of the most common functions of medical delivery services.  Looking for a medical delivery service requires careful consideration of several factors. Here are the facts that you should keep in mind when you are making your decision: 1. Make Sure That The Service Is Accredited Medical transport, with the help of delivery service with accreditation, has demonstrated that it satisfies criteria established by an authoritative organization. This indicates that an independent party has tested the service and deemed it to be trustworthy.  You may rest assured that you will receive the highest standard of care when you work with a medical delivery service that has earned accreditation. You may rest certain that they have the education and expertise necessary to give you the finest treatment possible. 2. Check Out The Reviews Check out what previous customers have to say about the service's level of attention. Reading customer feedback is essential before committing to a medical supply delivery service.  Doing so will give you a good feel for the medical delivery service quality and whether or not you should invest in it. Before hiring any delivery service, always take a look at the consumer’s reviews first.  You will know what types of services the delivery company is providing and how it is performing. 3. Find Out What the Service's Policies Are Regarding Timely Delivery Verify that the provider you select has a plan in place to ensure timely delivery. You should prioritize this so that your patients do not have to wait too long for their medication.  You, too, would rather not have to wait an excessive amount of time for your own prescription. Every medical delivery service-providing company has different policies. So before taking any of the services, always take a look at their policies.  Hence you want to have a functional service. You have to check the service providing company services policies, especially the time when they are not going to provide you the services. 4. Ask About The Cost It's important to inquire about pricing while deciding on medical delivery service. You should make sure you can afford the services you require, as they vary in price.  Verify that the cost of the treatment is commensurate with the benefits you receive. Many times medical suppliers are asked about what the postal service delivers on Saturdays.  When you are taking help from professional medical suppliers, you will actually get that privilege. As the medical suppliers supply the items for the whole year irrespective of time and money. 5. Get A List of The Medications That the Service Can Deliver This way, you can be sure that they will have what you need when you need it. Helping from the medical delivery service can ensure that everyone gets the medicines on time if you want to get the best services.  It will be better to list out all the compulsory medicines right before taking the services from the delivery agents. So they will know what type of medical services they need. What are must, and what do they have to supply on time? The Bottom Line: Modern Society Benefit From Medical Delivery Service  Medical delivery service has improved patient care in numerous ways in recent years. The most obvious benefit is obviously the time savings associated with not having to physically go to a hospital or clinic.  This is of paramount significance for individuals who reside in remote places or who are unable to leave their homes owing to health issues.  It's also worth noting that a medical delivery service may frequently offer superior care to that of a nearby hospital or clinic. This is because medical transport services might bring in doctors from different locations to treat patients. How about your experiences of hiring to deliver service for your company? Share your opinion in the comment section. Read Also: 7 Diabetes Mistakes And How To Avoid ThemWinning Tactics To Build A Competitive Service Delivery WebsiteHow Safe Are Steroids? Safe Guard Your Liver During Steroid Cycle