How 12-Step Works as Addiction Recovery Support?

Published on: 11 October 2018 Last Updated on: 31 October 2024
Addiction Recovery Support

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), around 74% of inpatient drug rehab centers in America are based on the 12-Step approach. 12-Step is a philosophy pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) in the 1930s that has strong foundations in Christianity.

The objective of 12-Step recovery programs is to enable people to achieve and maintain sobriety through the support of others and their belief in a higher power. In many respects, the 12-Step movement has been shown to be a force for good which is why it remains one of the most popular choices for addiction recovery support in the world.

12-Step treatment centers are not for everyone, particularly if they do not subscribe to any particular religion and their needs can be addressed by a wide range of alternative inpatient drug rehab centers that do not have religious components. However, in this article, we want to take a closer look at traditional 12-Step in terms of what it offers people with addiction illness and how the world’s oldest recovery support system works.

The History of the 12-Step Program:

The principles of 12-Step treatment centers were designed in 1938 by Bill Wilson, who based the concept on his own experiences and understanding of alcoholism. In particular, Wilson had seen how positively people struggling with alcohol responded when sharing their stories and experiences with others. In the early days of 12-Step’s history, Wilson put his program into writing into what is now known as the Big Book.

12-Step rehab centers originate from the Christian view of spirituality and are designed to provide encouragement for participants to seek help from a higher power than themselves. Although the Big Book was originally intended for people who did not want to attend meetings, it has since become a model for all NA and AA meetings around the world. Offshoots of 12-Step treatment centers now include Heroin Anonymous (HA) and Gamblers Anonymous (GA). These days, members are expected to “work through” the steps using the Big Book for reference.

How 12-Step Approach Works:

12-Step rehab centers are designed to allow people to support each other in achieving and maintaining sobriety while calling on their higher power for help. This is done through meetings in which members share their experiences, talking through difficult issues and congratulating successes. According to the journal Addiction Research and Theories, the kind of abstinence practice 12-Step is based on often accounts for high levels of positive mental health or “flourishing.”

A particular benefit of 12-Step is that it provides a structured framework from which people can surrender their addiction, process the experience and move on from it for improved mental health. An article by Psych Central suggests that following the 12-Step model arms members with the following tools for mental and emotional transformation:

  • Being able to recognize and admit that the individual has addiction issues
  • Surrendering to this fact and deciding to seek control with outer guidance
  • Developing self-awareness of addictive behaviors and how they impact others
  • Practicing self-restraint and building self-esteem
  • Achieving self-acceptance and being able to make positive changes
  • Having compassion for those affected by the individual’s addiction and others who are struggling with substance abuse

Through providing members with these experiences and tools, 12-Step can promote significant changes, helping individuals seeking to overcome addiction find a path to sobriety.

The 12 Steps, as outlined in the original Big Book are as follows:

  • The admission that the individual is powerless over their addiction
  • The belief that a higher power can help overcome addiction
  • Making the decision to surrender control to the higher power
  • Making a personal inventory
  • Admission to the higher power, themselves and another trusted person the wrongs that were done through addiction
  • Being prepared for the higher power to correct shortcomings in character
  • Asking the higher power for help in removing shortcomings
  • Listing the wrongs done to others and preparing to make amends
  • Connecting with all those hurt by addictive behavior to make things right unless it is detrimental to the person to do so
  • Maintaining a personal inventory and admitting when the person is in the wrong
  • Seeking enlightenment from the higher power through prayer and meditation
  • Sharing the 12-Step mess with others in need of support

Although there is no “one size fits all” approach to addiction treatment, the efficacy of 12-Step is undeniable. The main reason for the program’s success is that it focuses on providing mutual support as a means of achieving and maintain sobriety. The 12-Step recovery program shifts focus from the individual and their addiction to the group as a whole, with members bound together by a common spirituality and a shared desire to live a substance-free life.

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CBD Oil Capsules

How CBD Oil Capsules Are Changing People’s Lives

There has been a lot of buzz around the abbreviation CBD, and for a good reason, it's dramatically helping to change people's lives. Without the need for a prescription from the doctor, you can purchase CBD capsules for sale online from various retailers. CBD, otherwise known as Cambodia, is an extract of the cannabis. You may be aware of the term THC, which is another part that forms the cannabis plant. THC is a chemical that can alter a person's mental state and exhibit the feeling of being high. CBD in comparison to THC, however, is legal to buy and this is mostly due to it not being psychoactive in contrast to THC. Now we've covered the basics of what CBD is let's move on to how it's changing people's lives for the better. Here are the most commonly reported benefits. Keep Anxiety Under Control Anxiety is a powerful feeling that can emerge as a result of stress that has built up over time, sometimes unknowingly. In the moment or periods where we feel anxious, we may experience butterflies in our stomachs, or a surge of worry and fear. And sometimes at that moment, we can't pinpoint a specific problem or event that has brought it about. Anxiety feels incredibly uncomfortable and for most people makes them feel as though they are going crazy. Most people just want to make the stress go away, but very few know how to do this or tend to turn to pharmaceutical drugs. Which, although some may help to relieve anxiety, the side effects of agitation, drowsiness, and sexual dysfunction can be quite off-putting. An alternative solution that has worked for many is CBD. Whether in capsules or liquid form that you drop under the tongue, CBD helps to calm the mind and body and restore balance. This allows you to get on with your life without anxiety taking over. Reduce Acne Some of us are plagued with acne that arises from several underlying issues. Such as genetics, overproduction of sebum, and bacteria. According to many recent scientific studies, CBD could be the solution to solve a lot of acne problems. Due to its ability to calm inflammation and reduce the production of sebum from the sebaceous glands. For those trying to find solutions for their acne problems, CBD could be the answer and help to change their lives for the better. Pain Relief For those suffering from pulsating back pain from a slipped disc, or other illnesses such as arthritis or multiple sclerosis, coping day to day is inevitably difficult. And if the pain and discomfort aren't managed quickly and effectively, it can lead to other health issues such as depression. In response to chronic pain, there is promising research that promotes CBD in helping to provide a solution to various pain-stricken problems with its ability to reduce inflammation. This occurs as CBD forms connections with receptors in the immune system and the brain. One of the receptors CBD associates with once ingested is called CB2. CB2 manages inflammation and pain. A Good Night's Rest We need our rest to thrive and take on new challenges each and every day. A bad night's sleep can be an indication of a few causes. Such as caffeine, particularly if it's taken later on in the day. Anxiety and depression can also be a driving factor that keeps you from drifting off to sleep. Or medication could alter your sleep cycle too. Taking CBD on its own will not make you sleepy. It does, however, help with the causes that can keep you from getting a good night's sleep. For instance, it can help to eliminate the anxiety that usually keeps you awake. In this scenario, CBD can help to dull down the intense feeling of stress so that your mind and body may slip into slumber with ease. The word of CBD is spreading like wildfire and it’s easy to see why when you look at the host of benefits one little capsule can bring to people's lives. Chances are, you may be suffering from pain, anxiety, depression, acne, or struggle to get to sleep, and if you are then don’t suffer in silence. You should of course always speak to your doctor for advice about these issues. But alongside this, take an active interest in self-care. Such as eating a healthy diet and sourcing supplements such as CBD. And of course, exercise and being outdoors can also help to enhance your life. CBD may not be the whole solution to your problems, but it is bound to be part of it. Read Also: What Is Cannabis Oil And How Does CBD Oil Work? Is CBD Oil & Edible Treats Safe For Pets – Dogs & Cats 4 Advantages Of Using CBD Oils


Tips for Managing Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a condition that is caused by issues with muscle control in the bladder, which can lead to the inability to hold urine, leakage when you cough or sneeze, or a frequent need to urinate. As a result, dealing with urinary incontinence is stressful and can be embarrassing. If you suffer from urinary incontinence, there is hope for management. You may be feeling self-conscious, but this is a common condition that many people, of different ages and demographics, experience. You are not alone, and there are plenty of things you can do to help control urges and build up muscle strength in your pelvis. Here are some basic tips to follow and options to try to manage urinary incontinence.   Different Ways You Can Reduce The Urinary Inconsistence       Try Out Some At-Home Exercises: Taking on some basic pelvic muscle exercises can help you build up strength to hold your urine flow. These muscles are responsible for your ability to control your bladder and can be strengthened naturally through some simple exercises. Performing daily kegel exercises can help you naturally gain control over your bladder muscles. Essentially, doing a kegel exercise means pretending you are holding back a stream of urine and will help you get better at strengthening your ability to do so when the time actually comes. Certain other exercises can be beneficial, too. A study from the University of California at San Francisco found that certain yoga poses can help with urinary incontinence by targeting the pelvic muscles. Find Products That Work For You: In the past, adult diapers were the most common thing people could buy to help with leaks and accidents. But not everyone enjoys wearing an adult diaper. Fortunately, urinary incontinence is common, and because of that, there are plenty of options that can cater to your own lifestyle and preferences. There are different types of pads and liners you can purchase for your undergarments, including specialized ones for swimming that no one will even notice. You can also choose specially designed underwear that passes as regular underwear and won’t cause any additional self-consciousness. Additionally, there are some more innovative devices to try, including incontinence rings, if you want to take on something a little more advanced. Develop New Behavioral Techniques: Get yourself into a routine that helps you take control of your bladder. For example, limit your caffeine intake, as caffeine is a known factor for increased urination. Alcohol is also a known factor, and reducing the amount you drink can make a substantial difference. Develop a new bathroom schedule as well. Train yourself not to go to the washroom just as a precaution, and work on holding your bladder for a longer duration between washroom visits. If you feel the need to urinate frequently, distracting yourself and focusing on something else can also be helpful. Maintain a Healthy BMI or Body Weight: Obesity, being overweight, and/or a high BMI can lead to a higher risk of developing urinary incontinence or other bladder problems. Therefore, taking measures to eat healthier and exercise more often can help you reach a healthier weight and therefore help with overall bladder function. Losing just 5% of your BMI can be beneficial in managing urinary incontinence, so every little bit helps. Aim to cut out processed foods, sugars, and make sure half of each meal contains a good serving of fruit and vegetables. Start with adding a little bit of exercise to your daily routine, even if it’s just a brisk walk a few days a week. The differences will be noticeable. Read Also: What Doctor Says About Snoring 3 Health Advantages Of Good Night’s Sleep


Why is Fitness Important for Weight Loss?

Being fit is an incredibly important part of weight loss. Yes, nutrition and eating right is an integral part of the process, however, your fitness regime is an equally vital part of the process. Here’s why. Fitness classes help to burn calories: If you want to lose weight, you ultimately need to burn calories. Ideally, you need to burn more than you take in so that you can get rid of the excess weight that you want to. Cardiovascular exercise is the best way to do this because you’re expending a lot of energy while performing these activities. Here a few cardiovascular exercises as well as the number of calories that you can burn during these activities: A person, weighing in at 155 pounds, who runs at 7.5 miles per hour has the potential to burn 465 calories in 30 minutes. A person of the same weight will burn372 calories swimming breaststroke. Swimming butterfly for 30 minutes will burn 409 calories. Jogging burns 372 calories in 30 minutes if the 155-pound person jogs at a steady pace of 6 miles per hour. So, as you can see, cardiovascular exercise is a great calorie-buster for losing weight! Being fit promotes the creation of lean muscle mass: Strength and resistance training helps to create lean muscle mass. The way that it does this is by creating thicker muscle fibers. This is important in weight loss as the more lean muscle mass you have the more calories you will be burning at rest. Experts say that one pound of muscle burns 6.5 calories. Women often fear that weight training will make them bulky. This couldn’t be farther from the truth because a woman’s body is not designed to do this. However, what weight training does do is stimulate the creation of lean muscle mass. So, as part of your fitness regime, we encourage you to start lifting weights! Foods to eat to help create lean muscle mass: When you exercise, your muscles are microscopically torn. Thus, they need to build themselves up. In order to build them up to be stronger, they need protein to accomplish this. (Protein is an integral part of building muscle.) Know More About weight loss as the more lean muscle mass against. So after a workout, make sure that you take a protein shake (which is available from most health shops or pharmacies) or otherwise, eat a meal that is rich in protein. Foods that are recommended for your post-workout meals include: Eggs, Salmon, Lean chicken breasts, Soybeans, Lean beef, and Edamame beans. If you do decide to go for a protein shake, make sure that you choose one that is right for you. For example, if you are lactose intolerant rather choose a whey protein isolate powder. Fitness helps you feel good about yourself: Following a fitness plan, working out and eating properly helps you to feel good about yourself. Exercising stimulates the production of endorphins. These feel-good chemicals in your body stimulate feelings of happiness. When you feel happy when you’re exercising, you’re more likely to keep doing it because you like the way you feel afterward. And because you’re keeping on with a consistent exercise routine you’re more likely to lose weight because you’re burning more calories! Breathing is a very important part of the exercise and learning to harness this can help you to push harder as well as center yourself, reduce stress and increase your sense of general well-being. Exercise modalities such as Yoga and Pilates teach practitioners about how to use their breath during the class in conjunction with the movements. If you’re feeling stressed and/or anxious why not pop into one of these classes so that you can experience the feel-good properties of these disciplines. As you can see, fitness is an integral part of weight loss because being active is an integral part of losing weight. To achieve an optimal programme, combining cardiovascular activity with strength and resistance training so that you can reap the benefits that having a good amount of lean muscle mass has for your body. Read Also: Mistakes To Avoid When Trying To Lose Belly Fat Eating Good Quality Foods For Diet Crucial Tips To Getting A Flat Stomach Easy Diet Tips To Summer Six Pack Abs