Some supplements you need to know right now

Published on: 03 December 2018 Last Updated on: 22 November 2021

There are tons of supplements out there today, I would like to share some popular ones with you, the obesity I feel you need to know. For those who don’t know what supplements are, they are a product that is meant to add a little bit to our diet, some can be taken in form of pills, capsules, tablet,s or oil.  There are certain supplements you need to know right now to get a better dosage cycle.

They are extracted from different sources of foods or nowadays purely synthetic, they usually contain necessary classes of food such as vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. Well, I’m sure you all learned that your 3rd grade and higher institution.

First off, I understand some of us don’t completely get the nutrients we need from our food, so we rely on these supplements to help fill the gap, left for me, I would say we should all depend on food to get all the nutrients we need, but hey! We need these still, I’m also guilty of this too, when you live in this busy world, you’ll understand what I mean.

Essential Supplements You Need To Know Right Now   

There are certain essential supplements that you must know at your end while you want to make use of the supplements for your better health.


Do you know your gut has over 400 types of probiotics, don’t know what these are? Think of them as the good tiny bugs that help you digest food properly or good bacteria that help you fight bad bacteria there are also present in your – that sounds crazy, I know.

That’s not all, they also help you fight infections that surround your digestive tract and control inflammatory bowel disease. What can this do as a supplement?

When it turned to a dietary supplement, they help you prevent diarrhea, cramps (no thanks to medications and antibiotics.

Before you head for work, make sure you take one as you will be sure to get a healthy digestive system.

There are other ways to get the supplements, some of which are yogurt, kefir, etc.

When shopping for probiotics, there are certain things you need to always look out for, some of which include the strain of bacteria and the dosage.  bacteria aren’t one size fits all come on different bacteria manage different conditions, make sure you look out for that.


One of the vitamins that are trending in the research industry today.  As a kid, we were told to stay outside in the morning to enjoy the sun if your childhood was like mine comma this was why your parents told you told you to do so. The sun is one of the major sources of vitamin D, I’m not saying you should stay in the sun, only a little bit of exposure can give you vitamin D.  Don’t get it twisted, there are two types of vitamin D, one is gotten from fortified foods (known as vitamin D2) while the other is gotten from the sun or exposure to Ultraviolet light (vitamin D3).

Vitamin D is known to regulate phosphorus and calcium in the body, according to the latest revelation, it is also responsible for I immediately the regulation of insulin in our body and our body. Both can also be converted to hydroxyvitamin D3, an active form in the blood.

If you are at higher latitude and you’re experiencing winter, there’s no way you’ll be able to get the d3 you need, so I advise you get it from eggs and sardines.


I have a thing for this supplement, I take it every time, one of the reasons why I do so is because I’m trying to boost my immune system, and OMEGA 3 can help me do just that, research also finds it beneficial for heart-related issues, inflammatory response and brain health too. There are claims that it can help boost our mood and fight depression, improve your sexual life and make you sleep better all of which is due to the fact that it serves as a building block for a healthy brain.

Natural sources would be your Salmon, the dark leafy greens, walnuts and of course, fatty fish.  I’m sure, one if not all of these are found in our everyday food, if no seems to be your answer, you can get it as supplements from a pharmaceutical company, they should also contain DHA and EPA, these are the two fatty acids that are responsible for keeping us fit and healthy every day.


The CLA Safflower oil pills are a form of dietary supplement, the formula is made up of mostly Safflower oil when used, it helps to increase the mass of one’s muscle and enhance your metabolic rate. Experts have deemed it to be the healthiest oil so far.

There are two types of oil that are extracted from the Safflower, the first has a higher concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids and the other is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids.

The oil is extracted from a plant known as Safflower. You could either take the oil by mouth to help fight diabetes, prevent heart-related diseases including the hardening of the heart. And for those in the fashion industry, they make use of this supplement to for hair growth.

And for women who have menstrual issues, safflower oil can help treat that too. The main reason why I didn’t add it to the other supplement is that it is not fully recognized. Take for instance, in the United States, the Safflower Oil is not approved by their Food and Drug Administration, you will only find them in some FDA registered labs (that’s why I’m bold enough to add it to the list).

To take it, you will need to consult your MD, since it can lead to some side effects that you might not know of. The best way to avoid these side effects is to take it by mouth or inject the oil emulsion (Liposyn)

There are other supplements that are worth mentioning too:

  1. Multivitamin
  2. Protein powder
  3. Green Powder

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School Stress

5 Ways College Students Can Minimize Back to School Stress

Now that school is back in session, you can look forward to seeing your college friends, attending frat parties and stressing out about your workload. It’s all a part of the college experience, but that doesn’t mean you have to let stress get you down. You may not be able to eliminate it completely, but you can definitely minimize your back to school stress with the right techniques. Here are five ways college students can minimize stress. 1. Prepare in advance : If possible, read the syllabus for each class before it starts. In this document, you should find out exactly what's expected of you throughout the semester. Put important dates and deadlines on your calendar so that you can plan the rest of your classes and social life around them. If you know anyone who has taken the same class before, ask them how it was. Another student can give you insight that you won’t get on an outline. He or she may even be able to tell you how to get on the professor’s good side, which is a priceless nugget of information. 2. Meditate : Meditation is a proven way to help combat stress by reducing cortisol levels. This doesn’t have to be a religious experience. Simply try to start each day with a quiet 5 or 10-minute meditation. This will help you focus better in class, prioritize your assignments and remain calm when it’s crunch time. To get started with meditation, you may want to try a guided meditation or some simple breathing exercises. Sit in a quiet area, relax your body and mind, and focus on your breaths in and out. Don’t worry if it seems haphazard at first. You’ll get better with practice. 3. Keep partying to a minimum : Drugs and alcohol seem like a part of college life for many students, but they can get in the way of your education if you let them. These things can have a negative impact on your memory and cognitive abilities, and they can increase your anxiety an stress levels. It’s okay to drink in moderation, but don’t drink so much that you have to start worrying about alcohol addiction. 4. Exercise regularly : Exercise is a natural stress-busting activity, so you should try to make it a regular part of your routine. Try to fit at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise into each day, if not more. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which are responsible for that great post-workout euphoria. Endorphins are a natural antidote to the cortisol that courses through your body during midterms and finals. 5. Build a support network : College can be a fun time, but it can also be a stressful and difficult time. Make sure you have a good support system to help you through. Even just one or two good friends can help you get through the hard times. It can help to talk about your thoughts and feelings, but it’s especially beneficial to have someone to laugh with. Just like exercise, laughter causes the body to release feel-good endorphins. You may have a long year ahead with lots of work, but don’t let stress get the better of you. You’re stronger than you know. Read Also :  How Can Stress During Studies Affect The Health Of Your Children? 10 Tips On How To Ditch The Stress And Start Living A Peaceful Life 5 Things You Should Do To Reduce Stress

Vein Specialist

7 Signs Which Indicate That You Need To See a Vein Specialist Right Now

Vein health is imperative for keeping your circulatory system in a good condition because veins are responsible for pumping the blood from the body organs back to the heart. However, a majority of people are averse to vein health as they think that pain and discomfort in the veins are minor issues. No wonder, problems such as spider veins and varicose veins are becoming so common. People seldom seek medical guidance right from the initial stages and suffer in silence while the disease aggravates. Lack of timely treatment sometimes even results in serious complications such as Deep Vein Thrombosis. If you are struggling with even minor vein issues, you should not ignore them and take medical guidance. 7 Signs Which Indicate That You Need To See a Vein Specialist Right Now Here are 7 signs that indicate that you need to see a vein specialist right now: 1. Your experience leg weakness after standing for long intervals You may think that it is normal to feel weakness in the legs after standing for a while even if you do not have any other medical problem. This could, however, be an early indication of poor vein health. Varicose veins make your legs feel heavy and weak, particularly after standing or sitting in the same position for hours. See a specialist immediately if you experience this issue regularly. 2. Your leg pain is hampering physical activity Leg pain could be a symptom of varicose veins though there could be some other factors at play. If you experience aching and throbbing in your legs for a prolonged period and are unable to do your daily activities due to the pain, it is time to seek vein clinic help. The specialists here can evaluate whether the pain is due to vein damage and chalk out a treatment plan for you. 3. You have rashes or dryness near your ankle Another telltale sign that you may be suffering from vein problems is a rash or dryness of the skin near your ankles. This could be an indication that your veins are damaged and are not doing their job properly. The condition may get worse if not treated in time as the itch or rash may lead to a venous ulcer at a later stage. So it is better to see a doctor and address the problem before it is too late. 4. You have developed leg ulcers Ignoring rashes and itchiness can cause leg ulcers, which are commonly seen in the calf and ankle areas. Diabetic patients are at high risk of having them. This is one problem that you should not ignore because it points out the presence of vein disease and diabetes (if not diagnosed yet). A vein specialist can offer the right treatment for ulcers before they get worse. 5. You have swelling in one of your legs and it goes after resting Swelling in your legs could be caused by a number of health issues but if it happens it one of the legs, it is probably because of venous insufficiency. Diagnosis is even more likely if the swelling goes after resting for a while or after waking up in the morning. If you experience such symptoms, you should see a specialist at the earliest. 6. Your veins have turned blue and are bulging The most noticeable signs of vein issues are discoloration and bulging of the veins. If you find your veins turning purple or blue in color along with visible bulging, a medical consultation is warranted. These are the symptoms of varicose veins and should be addressed at the earliest to prevent the formation of blood clots. 7. You have a tender lump in your leg Another concern that you should not ignore is the presence of a tender lump in your leg. This may not always mean that you have a vein-related issue but it could probably be caused by a blood clot in the vein. If you spot anything like this, do not delay an appointment with a vein specialist. These signs are the danger signals that your body sends and you should never ignore them. Pregnant women should be particularly vigilant as hormonal changes and increase in weight and vascular volume can aggravate varicose veins during pregnancy. Those who have suffered from vein issues during their first pregnancy should be extra careful during the subsequent ones. Timely consultation and proper treatment from an expert specialist can help to resolve vein-related issues effectively. Your veins play an important role in keeping you healthy and they deserve all the attention and care that you can give. Read Also : 5 Mental Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy That You Must Know How Can Stress During Studies Affect The Health Of Your Children? 7 Health Benefits Of Black Seed Oil

Varicose veins

Do You Suffer from Varicose Veins? How to Know if You Need Treatment

Varicose veins are the bulged and twisted veins found on your legs just under your skin. They are one of the most common body conditions but are seldom dangerous or life-threatening. How to Know if You Need Treatment Two types of these veins typically occur in the legs. The first one, superficial veins, are harmless and appear just under the skin, and are visibly prominent. Deep veins are caused by the muscles in your legs, squeezing the veins during activities such as walking, running, or exercising. How do They Form Your veins typically contain a one-way valve that allows the flow of blood from legs to the heart. When the normal functioning of this valve fails, blood tends to flow back down the veins and exerts pressure on the legs. This excess pressure results in the widening of the veins. When these veins develop, you will see a spider-like vein structure that is discolored and appearing like bruises. Who is at Risk You are at risk for developing varicose veins for many reasons. You might be predisposed to them because of heredity, underlying health conditions, or hormonal fluctuation. Women are more likely to have varicose veins than men for reasons including pregnancy, menopause, puberty, and other hormonal-induced body changes. The veins can also be brought about by certain medications and birth control pills. Varicose veins are very common among pregnant women during their initial trimester. This is due to increased estrogens and blood volume that cause veins to enlarge. Additionally, pressure on the veins can be exerted involuntarily from the enlarged uterus in pregnant women. Another risk factor for varicose veins is prolonged sitting and an idle lifestyle. Complications In an otherwise healthy person, these veins do not cause adverse health problems other than cosmetic issues. In other words, the veins can be a significant cause of concern only for those who feel it as a nuisance or embarrassment. The condition in some individuals can cause mild discomfort and a feeling of heaviness as well. Sometimes, aching may be present, which may worsen as you sit or stand for an extended period. You might develop swelling in your ankles, as well. If the symptoms are severe enough to cause other health issues, you should seek immediate medical attention from a specialist. You might develop skin ulcerations on or near your varicose veins. If the varicose vein is close to the skin, there is the possibility you could bleed if you injure the area. If the bleeding doesn’t stop with compression or your ulcers become worse, it is necessary that you see your doctor immediately. Treatment Treatment for varicose veins depends on the severity of your condition. You can alleviate some of the symptoms associated with varicose veins on your own. You should elevate your legs every evening for ten to fifteen minutes to help with the blood flow in your lower extremities. Try wearing compression socks or stockings, which will compress your muscles and support the blood flow through your veins. You can also take an anti-inflammatory for any swelling or pain you might have. If your varicose veins are causing you serious health problems, then you will need more invasive treatments. Your doctor for varicose vein treatment might recommend laser treatment, where they will use light energy directly on the vein to cause it to fade and disappear. Another option is sclerotherapy, where your doctor injects a foam or chemical solution into the vein causing it to collapse so it can no longer transport blood. There is also the possibility of your doctor surgically removing or stripping a varicose vein in more serious situations. Final Note If you are suffering from varicose veins, there are treatment options other there for you. Don’t let this cosmetic issue become more serious! Read More: Vein Doctor Diana Wilsher Discusses Vitamins That Can Help You With Varicose Veins 7 Signs Which Indicate That You Need To See A Vein Specialist Right Now All That You Must Know About Prenatal Vitamins