Foods to eat on a low-Carb ketogenic diet

Published on: 17 March 2018 Last Updated on: 12 September 2024
ketogenic diet

Following a ketogenic diet means cutting down the Carbohydrates content in your food and increasing the fat content. This is to ensure that the body consumes fat in order to get the energy required for its functioning. A ketogenic diet is known to have a number of benefits ranging from weight loss to sugar level control. A lot of people rely on keto diets to decrease their body weight and get in shape because of their highly effective results. Also, following the low-Carb diet helps in regulating the sugar level in the body, thus proving to be a boon for persons suffering from diabetes. The sugar level in the body can be checked easily with the help of smack at ketone strips.

Food intake on a ketogenic diet needs to be done very carefully and only after analysis the proper effects of what you’re eating. There are certain foods which have high nutritious value but need to be avoided on a low-Carb diet because of their high Carbohydrates content. To make things simpler for you, here is a list of the items that you can eat while being on a keto diet:

1. Seafood:


Sea Foods

Apart from being a good source of vitamins, minerals, and other fatty acids, seafood is one of the major food recommendations for those who are on a keto diet. This is because there are several types of seafood which are low in carbs and even those which are free of carbs. You can rely on clams, mussels, octopus, oysters, and squid as their carb content is very low.

2. Eggs:

Eggs are of the most suitable foods to eat on a ketogenic diet. This is because of the fact that egg contains less than 1 gram of Carbohydrates, thus can be considered as a low-Carb food. Another benefit with eggs is that they keep a check on the appetite so that you don’t end up feeling hungry every now and then.

3. Cheese:

Cheese is a food which is known for its taste and high nutritional There are a lot of varieties of cheese available in the market and almost all of them are rich in fat and low in Carbohydrates. You can safely rely on cheese while being on a keto diet.

4. Low-Carb vegetables:

The non-starchy vegetables are considered to be keto-friendly as they are low in Carbohydrates along with having an ample amount of nutrients. You can choose to eat cauliflower, kale, and broccoli if you’re on a low-carb diet. These vegetables will keep a check on the carb intake along with supplying the required minerals and vitamins to the body.

5. Avocados:


Avocados help greatly in controlling blood sugar level and keeping a check on cholesterol level. Being rich in nutrients and minerals, avocados are known to contain a low value of Carbohydrates. So, they’re safe to consume on a keto diet.

6. Meat and poultry:

Meat and poultry are a great source of Vitamin B, Omega-3 fat, and antioxidants. Being rich in protein, they’re helpful in preserving muscle mass while you’re on a low-carb diet.

7. Olive oil:

Olive oil is considered to be a companion for your heart because it is known to contain oleic acid which lowers the risk of heart-related diseases. Being high in fat, olive oil is free from Carbohydrates and a very good option to consider on a keto diet.

8. Berries:

Unlike most fruits, berries are known to contain a minimal amount of Carbohydrates. Eating blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries can be keto-friendly.


Amidst tough competition, you can rely on these foods to cater to your energy needs without having to compromise with your ketogenic diet. If you want to get more info, visit Seriously Smoked.

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How to Choose the Right Wine: Sommelier Tips

Wine is the key to a perfect dinner. A glass of wine will decorate any dish and make it play with brand new gastronomic overtones. In general, sometimes it is possible and even necessary to pamper yourself. Unfortunately, when we come to a supermarket or wine boutique (which gives a lot more bonuses to wine karma), the perfect bottle of wine does not begin to flicker with lights and shine in the rays of designer lamps. You have to look for it yourself, the perfect bottle of wine. It is not an easy task for beginners. Here are How to Choose the Right Wine: First of all, you need to understand what you are buying wine for. For dinner, for a picnic, to have a drink with light snacks or as a gift. And of course, it is best to buy wine where there is a specialist who will help you make a choice, especially if you want to pick up the wine for a particular dish or as a gift. What to look for if you choose the wine in a supermarket? First of all, it's worth dropping the prejudices about "powdery" or fake wines, screw plugs, and counterfeit labels. All wine is real: just eat high-quality wines and eat low. As a rule, it is a question of price and place of origin of the wine. Also, many mistakenly believe that if the wine is sold at a special price, it means that something is wrong with it, and it is trying to "drain". If the wine is sold at a special price, it means that the shop has just bought a large volume of wine at a very favorable price. It's in their interest just to sell it quickly. The origin of the wine is very important. To choose, for example, French or Italian wine, you need at least a little understanding of the regions, as very often the label indicates only the place of origin, where the wine is produced in a particular style and from specific grape varieties. If you do not yet have such knowledge, make a more confident purchase easier by focusing on mono wines from the New World. The label almost always indicates the grape variety and place of origin. If you like light white wines, try the Chilean or New Zealand sauvignon blanc. Denser wines are torontes from Argentina and Chen Blanc from South Africa, while the dense California chardonnay aged in oak can even go well with white meat (chicken, pork) in cream sauce. Break the stereotype of combining red with meat, and white with fish: oily redfish (tuna, salmon), along with dense white wines are well suited to light red wines from grape varieties "Pinot Noir", "Gamet" or light "Cabernet France" from Nice (France). If you like rich red wines, try the Chilean Carmenaire, the Argentinean Malbec, the South African Pinottage, or the Australian Shiraz. These wines are juicy and bright, they are easy to understand and pleasant to drink for nothing, they are also suitable for a picnic or a feast, where it is impossible to choose a wine for a huge variety of dishes. Cabernet Sauvignon is another popular red grape variety that will fit well with red meat. It is grown in many countries, as it is not very whimsical, so its character may vary from light and fragrant to complex and requires long aging in the bottle. By the way, about aging. A year is important for good wines from regions with an unstable climate, and it is better to contact specialists. Different varieties behave differently over time. In general, it is better to drink white wines as young as possible, and red wines need some time, during which certain chemical processes take place, due to which wine changes and tastes more pleasant. However, one should not forget that wine is a living product. After some time, it ceases to acquire and begins to lose its good qualities. So it is not always useful to keep an expensive bottle of wine for a long time in the hope that over time it will only get better. New World wines (both white and red) can mostly be drunk by the young. Read also: 7 Modern Day Beer Drinking Etiquettes You Should Know Tips to Follow When Ordering Alcohol Online 5 Tips for Finding Better Talent for Your Bar Business

Electric Brew System

How to Brew the Best Beer with an Electric Brew System

So you’ve decided on joining the ranks of America’s finest craft brewers and create your very own handcrafted, completely original product from the ground up. Good for you! It’s a big first step to take for any small business or venture, especially when it comes to the intricate and detail-intensive process of brewing alcohol for consumption. Obviously a lot goes into making beer, but even more goes into making a good one. Think about the last six or seven glasses or cans you’ve drank and really decide if any of them actually hit the spot, quenched your thirst, or tickled your pallet. Probably not. That’s because most commercial alcohol is absolutely garbage compared to even the smallest craft brewery’s offering, these days. Alcohol has been fermented and drunk for recreational, medicinal, and religious purposes since the literal beginning of recorded time. The early cavemen gathered grain, fruit, vegetables, and other food in large clay jars and let them ferment under the hot sun for days or weeks until delectable nectar was produced from the slurry. Click here if you want to know more about the history of beer: However, in modern times, the process has gotten a bit more complicated; and for good reason. Health and safety standards take precedence in food and alcohol-making facilities as these areas are prime for bacteria outbreaks like e-coli, swine flu, etc. Because of our advances in science, we’ve never before had facilities as safe and compliant in history as the ones that exist in most large-scale and craft brew houses alike. But enough about the grandiose stage stuff. We’re here to focus on the approachable, beginner’s stages, and “I’m interested but kind of nervous and scared” level of commitment in the process. Don’t worry, though. This is where absolutely everyone starts, so there’s no shame in being nervous. You want to impress your friends and clients, not gross them out! Brewing in 5 Steps The Dream The Equipment The Ingredients The Staff The Process 1. The Dream If you’re not starting here then you’re not doing it right. You should be passionate about brewing and you should have the dream always in your heart and at the front of your mind. It’s an intense, life-consuming process and should be respected. Outside of that, creating alcohol is in essence creating drugs. Not only is alcohol a drug, it’s one of the most dangerous drugs in the world. Follow this link for strategies on how to avoid impaired driving. You can both enjoy your business and also ensure the safety of your clientele, especially if you have a tasting room or area. Most people give up after this stage once they get to the next step. If that’s true for you then maybe creating your own alcohol was never truly in the cards for you. Everyone has their own destiny and you’ll find yours eventually. 2. The Equipment Now here’s where things get tricky. Here is where you’ll need to decide on the style and scale of your establishment. Is this a small, homey-style craft brewery with a few barrels at a time? Or is this the kind of place you see expanding into a factory setting with metal tanks, electrical monitoring equipment, and automated machinery? Depending on what state you live in there are different permitting requirements for creating your own food and alcohol from your home or small business for the purposes of human consumption. Call your local county clerk’s office for more information and make sure to check the federal regulations on the sale of alcohol. For larger, more industrial projects, you’re going to need a lot more than permits. You’re going to need large scale infrastructure or machinery like what ABS Commercial deals with. Brew masters all over the country have their preferred methods, but everyone needs to be using certified, food-grade surfaces, machinery, and materials for their production. 3. The Ingredients Here’s where the game gets fun and interesting. This stage should be the whole reason you’re doing this to begin with. Perhaps you’ve had one-too-many glasses of beer that tastes like old dishwater rung out of a used rag into a cold glass, or maybe you’re just craving a profile that doesn’t exist to your knowledge in the general market. For some easy, small batch stuff, check out these home brew recipes and see if there’s something you’d like to try out. They’re perfect for beginners. Otherwise, all you need to do to start is simply Google a base-profile beer you want to create. Is it a lager, an ale, an IPA, etc.? Once you’ve got the base figured out, you can start playing with things like your own ingredients. Ideas and recommendations: try cinnamon and apple in a batch for a nice, Christmas-style beer that’s sure to appease the masses. You could also try pumpkin and nutmeg for another holiday-inspired alcoholic beverage that’s sure to delight. 4. The Staff Once you’ve gotten to this stage, it’s time to decide the scale of the help you’ll need. Is this the sort of process you think you’ll be able to take care of yourself or is it something you’ll need to outsource some help from. Most breweries and alcohol businesses have teams of people working round the clock as most of the machinery is sensitive and dangerous, and thus shouldn't be left unattended. If you’re planning on hiring and training a small staff, legally you will be required to pay them and establish your business as a corporation. This opens up a whole different can of worms that can only be figured out depending on what the state’s laws that you are in are. Unfortunately the United States differs greatly from state-to-state on these issues, further confusing the matter. 5. The Process The process can be long and difficult, even for professionals in the industry. Every new type of beverage will be a different and new process for the team, or you, to learn. Remember, yeast is a living thing and can be temperamental. You and your team need to respect it for the life that it creates. The Brewers Association of America has an up-to-date list of safety tips and guidelines to follow in your taproom or brewpub. These things need to be followed in order to ensure the safety of not only you and your team, but your clients and the public as well. Craft breweries are springing up everywhere and the market is opening up for new entrepreneurs every day, so don’t miss out on the achievable opportunity of making a name for yourself in the beer world and start today! Additionals: Beginners Guide: Capping Explained 7 Modern Day Beer Drinking Etiquettes You Should Know

Black Coffee

The Health Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee

Have you ever heard about black coffee for weight loss? Well, it helps in weight loss because it contains natural antioxidants that help in the reduction of excess fat cells. This means you don’t have to invest in fat-burning supplements. Besides, it has many other health benefits, especially for those who are suffering from osteoporosis. So, here are some benefits of consuming black coffee. May prevent cancer & enhance liver function The major health benefits of coffee include the prevention of cancer, helping in preventing heart disease, slowing down the aging process, and preventing dementia. However, the most outstanding side effect of Black coffee is its ability to increase the normal functioning of the liver. In simple words, if your liver functions properly, it will help in burning fats and calories which results in a decrease in weight loss. So, drinking two cups of Black coffee a day can help in enhancing liver functions which significantly helps in weight loss. Improves digestive health Another great benefit of black coffee is that it aids in digestion. When making black coffee, the caffeine content increases the speed of the metabolism in our body which consequently enables our body to burn more fats faster. If you prefer drinking a cup of black coffee with some hot milk, you can add a dash of natural sugar to taste and enjoy the healthy benefits of caffeine. Good source of antioxidants Black coffee is loaded with antioxidants. The antioxidant content of black coffee is 20 times higher than that of green or decaffeinated coffee. Including a cup of hot black coffee in your diet can do wonders for your health. It also works as a detoxifier and speeds up the metabolism which aids in losing weight. Burns excess calories When you are dieting, you should reduce the number of calories you take in a day. The main benefit of drinking coffee is it burns off excess calories quickly. Thus, the consumption of black coffee can help you in reducing your calorie intake while you are following a diet regimen. However, you should ensure that you do not increase the number of calories you take in when you switch over to black coffee. This will result in increasing the number of calories you consume later in the day resulting in gaining weight. Detoxifies digestive system In addition, black coffee helps in detoxifying the digestive system. As a result of its healthy and natural ingredients, it helps in cleansing the digestive tract. It cleanses the stomach of toxins which eventually results in improving your digestion and decreasing the risk of digestive diseases. Constipation and indigestion are common problems that affect millions of people across the globe. Black coffee provides an effective solution to both of these problems by helping you to relieve the symptoms and prevent future indigestion. May elevate mood Apart from the healthy properties, drinking black coffee may also be good for your mental health. The caffeine content in this beverage acts as a mood elevator and provides a pleasant state of relaxation. However, excessive use of this beverage may lead to insomnia and may adversely affect your mental health. Conclusion Black coffee beans without adding any sugar help in retaining the flavor of the original blend. You will get a delicious and rich taste by drinking black coffee. However, it should be noted that too much use of black coffee may result in a sour taste in your mouth. It has been seen that excessive use of caffeine leads to the weakening of the teeth' enamel. Therefore, people with weak teeth should avoid drinking this beverage or consult their dentist before they start using this product. So, make sure to have coffee at the recommended dosage. How do you prefer to have your black coffee? Feel free to share with us in the comments section below. Read Also: 10 Best Coffee Places in the US How You Can Create a Coffee House Experience in Your Own Home 7 Fantastically Unusual Uses Of Old Coffee Beans Monthly Best Coffee Subscription