Health benefits drinking less soda

Published on: 29 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
benefits drinking

There is an interesting study in California that compares the intake of calories for schools which has banned soda water vending machines. It was found that on average that students consume 158 fewer calories daily. These studies are of course not conclusive but it is encouraging to see that reducing the amount of soda being consumed can help to cut down on the amount of sugar a child can take.

I personally wish that more such studies can be conducted to show folks that cutting down these sugary drinks can help to reduce the obese problem that is facing America right now. In my previous post on New York City banning soda water, I argued that this is the right policy decision although it is likely to face much resistance from the companies that manufacture of best soda maker.

This is where studies such as what I have highlighted comes into play because they provide strong support for governmental policies. With scientific proof, it is being much harder to gain support from the rest of the community.

That being said, I also foresee the cases where companies will undertake their own research and prove that drinking soda water has no correlation with obesity. This is the kind of games that the Tabaco companies have been playing and I see soda water manufacturers doing the same thing. In fact, I am not so sure that smoking and drinking excessive soda water should not be on the same level of concern in everyone’s mind.

Readers, if you see more such reports, please share them here so that collectively, we can know for sure what are the health benefits of drinking less soda water.

5 Reasons Why You Need a Carbonated Water Maker

The carbonated water machine is about the size of a coffee maker and uses no batteries or electricity. All the work is done by a CO2 canister placed in the back of the machine.

It only takes a few seconds to enjoy nearly unlimited amounts of sparkling water and soda. Here are 10 reasons why you need a carbonated water maker:

1. You Control the fizziness 

For seltzer loves, one of the best parts of a carbonated water maker is that you get to control the fizziness of your drinks. Some people prefer a gentle fizz. Others like lots and lots of bubbles. Usually, it only takes 2-3 button presses to fully carbonate a liter of water. I always add an extra push of the button.

2. Drink Healthy 

Not only do you control the fizziness, you also control all of the ingredients. This provides an excellent opportunity to teach your family about healthy alternatives to high-fructose corn syrup name brand sodas. Instead of sugary syrups, why not use a squeeze of lime juice or a splash of cranberry juice. You can also make your own flavors with ginger, tea bags, or anything else you find in your kitchen.

In addition to flavors, you also control the water source. You can use ordinary tap water, or you can use chilled water from a water filter.

3. It is good for the environment 

Many people would argue that this is the most important benefit of owning a home carbonated water maker. Most of these machines include one or more reusable soda bottles that are good for three years or more. By reusing your bottles instead of throwing them away, you greatly reduce your plastic bottle waste. Reusing is even better than recycling.

Secondly, these machines help you reduce your carbon footprint. There is no point in paying for someone else to manufacture, fill up, and then truck plastic bottles around the country when you have all the materials at home.

4. Cut your grocery store bill 

The CO2 canisters included with most carbonated water machines are good for about 60 liters of carbonated water.  Large sizes are also available.   Name brand sparkling water can cost several dollars per liter at the store.  Home seltzer machines can make a liter of carbonated water for about 15-20 cents per liter.

5. Unlimited Carbonated Water, Seltzer Water, and Club Soda 

Since you have all the materials at your fingertips, these machines can make virtually unlimited amounts of carbonated water on demand.  If you run out of soda at a birthday party or club soda at a cocktail party, it only takes a few seconds to make more.  You won’t have to run off to the store to buy more.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Are You Sick and Tired of Drugs

Are You Sick and Tired of Drugs?

The media has created a lot of awareness regarding addiction treatment. People who engage in such activities can find a way out from addictions. Every country has a lot of recovery centers that offer proper treatment. The experiences of individuals vary but mainly people go through four phases in every treatment center. The phases are: Admission with a complete care plan Detoxification Rehab Center Aftercare plan Every individual who gets admitted to the center goes through these four phases. These phases have many activities and treatments designed for addicts. Every phase is like a domain that covers series of activities and plans within it. The treatment journey aims to bring a clear-headed life. It takes time and is not a one-day process. It demands devotion, motivation, and assurance. Nothing can be achieved without hard work.  The journey of sobriety is tough to some extent but the professional assistance has helped a lot of people to work on their goals. A comprehensive evaluation takes place which is used for designing a customized plan. The decision of choosing and deciding on a rehab often causes stress. If you need some understanding about what is involved in the treatment of rehab then you’re in right place. Here we have a brief guide for you. Understanding of Phases: Let’s start with the first phase which involves the creation of an individually customized plan for treatment. When the intake process takes place, the person goes through series of assessments which help in making a tailor-made plan for the addict. In this phase, the addict and his family meet the team and discuss all the options for the treatment. The objective of this segment is to advance a plan which caters to social, physical, and emotional functioning. The medical team assesses the condition from a mental and physical aspect. This step decides the functioning of treatment, finance, and all the facilities decided for the entire cure journey. In the second phase, the team seeks to remove the effects of addictive substances from the body of an addict. The removal of the substance is carried out through the detox program. It has some dangerous and uncomfortable symptoms but the assistance of professionals ensures that the patient will remain safe and comfortable throughout the detox period. They know how to take care of unpleasant symptoms. In some cases, medication is added to the detox process to bring ease to the withdrawal symptoms. Medication depends on the type of drug used. Some people fear detox but without it, it is impossible to get rid of drug use. In the third phase, comes admission to a rehab center. At this point, the addiction of a person is over and he just needs counseling to stay stable in his upcoming life. After a successful detox, the patient is moved to rehab. This phase includes intensive sessions and therapies where one understands the underlying problems that lead him to the drug journey. For rehab, we have inpatient and outpatient or partial hospitalized treatment. This phase includes various therapies like behavioral, individual, group, and family therapy. Patients are given a lot of amenities like a private room, a comfortable place to live, a personalized chef, delicious meals, etc. For more info, visit Recovery Corps Los Angeles. The last and final phase is the aftercare plan which allows the person to continue the healing journey so he stays sober for a longer time. Aftercare is very important because it is a solid plan which guides the person his entire life. Off and on sessions and discussion with the team keeps the individual on the path of sobriety. Read Also: Cannabis can Help in the Fight Against Drug Addiction Marijuana Addiction Treatment: 5 Steps to Avoid Relapse 6 Healthy Habits That Will Change Your Life Are you aware of Belviq – a Weight-Loss Drug? 4 Tips to Find an Effective Drug Therapy


Tips for Managing Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a condition that is caused by issues with muscle control in the bladder, which can lead to the inability to hold urine, leakage when you cough or sneeze, or a frequent need to urinate. As a result, dealing with urinary incontinence is stressful and can be embarrassing. If you suffer from urinary incontinence, there is hope for management. You may be feeling self-conscious, but this is a common condition that many people, of different ages and demographics, experience. You are not alone, and there are plenty of things you can do to help control urges and build up muscle strength in your pelvis. Here are some basic tips to follow and options to try to manage urinary incontinence.   Different Ways You Can Reduce The Urinary Inconsistence       Try Out Some At-Home Exercises: Taking on some basic pelvic muscle exercises can help you build up strength to hold your urine flow. These muscles are responsible for your ability to control your bladder and can be strengthened naturally through some simple exercises. Performing daily kegel exercises can help you naturally gain control over your bladder muscles. Essentially, doing a kegel exercise means pretending you are holding back a stream of urine and will help you get better at strengthening your ability to do so when the time actually comes. Certain other exercises can be beneficial, too. A study from the University of California at San Francisco found that certain yoga poses can help with urinary incontinence by targeting the pelvic muscles. Find Products That Work For You: In the past, adult diapers were the most common thing people could buy to help with leaks and accidents. But not everyone enjoys wearing an adult diaper. Fortunately, urinary incontinence is common, and because of that, there are plenty of options that can cater to your own lifestyle and preferences. There are different types of pads and liners you can purchase for your undergarments, including specialized ones for swimming that no one will even notice. You can also choose specially designed underwear that passes as regular underwear and won’t cause any additional self-consciousness. Additionally, there are some more innovative devices to try, including incontinence rings, if you want to take on something a little more advanced. Develop New Behavioral Techniques: Get yourself into a routine that helps you take control of your bladder. For example, limit your caffeine intake, as caffeine is a known factor for increased urination. Alcohol is also a known factor, and reducing the amount you drink can make a substantial difference. Develop a new bathroom schedule as well. Train yourself not to go to the washroom just as a precaution, and work on holding your bladder for a longer duration between washroom visits. If you feel the need to urinate frequently, distracting yourself and focusing on something else can also be helpful. Maintain a Healthy BMI or Body Weight: Obesity, being overweight, and/or a high BMI can lead to a higher risk of developing urinary incontinence or other bladder problems. Therefore, taking measures to eat healthier and exercise more often can help you reach a healthier weight and therefore help with overall bladder function. Losing just 5% of your BMI can be beneficial in managing urinary incontinence, so every little bit helps. Aim to cut out processed foods, sugars, and make sure half of each meal contains a good serving of fruit and vegetables. Start with adding a little bit of exercise to your daily routine, even if it’s just a brisk walk a few days a week. The differences will be noticeable. Read Also: What Doctor Says About Snoring 3 Health Advantages Of Good Night’s Sleep

Heart Disease

Effects of Anxiety on Heart Disease

Stress and anxiety have become serious problems that people are facing in modern times. Researchers have proved this that anxiety has the connection between heart disease and many other health issues. This issue has become prevalent enough that should raise an alarm and make all of us think of efficient ways to keep anxiety under control. In this article, we are going to talk about the effects of anxiety on heart disease and why you need to do all you can to stay relaxed and avoid stressful situations. Effects of Anxiety on Heart Disease: Heart and general health monitoring apps: It’s strange to consider that applications that are meant to help people keep track of their health could actually be more harm than good. According to many physicians, apps could lead to unnecessary anxiety and there is plenty of evidence to back this up. The evidence comes in the form of the close relation between anxiety and heart disease. When people are constantly checking their apps and seeing heart rate spikes, their anxiety levels are going to rise. If they are monitoring their heart rate and other vitals all day long, they are going to start worrying about things that they would normally not even notice. This alone is a serious problem. The use of various health apps is a good idea in some ways. But it proves to be problematic for those who suffer from anxiety. No application should ever diagnose any kind of heart disease or potential issue (in fact none of them are actually capable of true and accurate diagnosis!). But many of these apps do attempt that and they even warn users of possible serious conditions. The best way for apps to be effective and avoid raising alarms or making assumptions is for them to be strictly used for heart rate monitoring, but even them, they can cause unnecessary anxiety. Studies that link anxiety and depression to heart disease: Washington University conducted studies that shed light on the connection between heart disease and patients that experienced anxiety and stress. It was determined that the number of patients who experienced anxiety is more likely to suffer from other heart-related conditions as well. While these studies are not conclusive, they do raise concerns. It has been widely documented that people who suffer from stress and anxiety are going to deal with health issues more often. Experts believe that untreated blood pressure is a factor: Leading cardiologist Simon Stertzer has previously discussed how high blood pressure is one of the factors that contribute to heart disease. This is definitely something that many heart patients worry about and their concerns are justified. The heart is a very complex organ and everything that happens in our bodies affects it in one way or another. Poorly treated blood pressure problems are often going to lead to heart disease, but blood pressure problems have also been linked to anxiety, so there is an obvious concern and anxiety seems to be right in the middle of the problem. Critical factors that predict the risk of heart disease: Heart disease continues to be a very common topic of discussion for many reasons. This a huge health concern all over the world, but it also continues to be a mystery in many ways. Fortunately, more discoveries are being made all the time and other treatment options are also available. This article from Digital Authority Partners covers some of the most important and critical factors that predict heart disease (with a very cool infographic!). This includes age, social and economic factors, lifestyle factors and environmental pollution. It’s important to note that stress and anxiety are always considered lifestyle factors. It seems like people are learning to live with stress and anxiety now and that is a very bad thing. Most people admit that they feel anxiety and stress all the time, but they have learned to live with those feelings. They feel that they have this problem under control but their anxiety is causing all kinds of health issues. Learning to relax is going to be essential to fight anxiety. The main causes of anxiety: There are many causes of anxiety in modern times. Some of the most common and relevant include drugs, alcohol, caffeine, thyroid hormone problems, and certain medications. Then you also have the stress of life, with everyone being so competitive and time management being such a big deal, people are more stressed out than ever before. This is often going to lead to anxiety. Keeping your body healthy with a good diet and exercise is always going to be an important thing to consider. If you feel your dietary habits are bad and you are living a sedentary life, you might want to make some changes as soon as possible. How to get rid of anxiety: Anxiety can be very difficult to handle for some people. The problem can be so serious that they require medication just to function properly. If you feel like you are experiencing anxiety, you might want to look for ways to start dealing with it naturally. Practice breathing exercises: This is a great way to relax and to lower your anxiety levels. You could learn this by practicing yoga. There are many benefits to Yoga, but lowering anxiety is your priority in this case. Exercise often: Being active and exercising outdoors is always a great way to get rid of stress and anxiety. A large number of individuals claim that their anxiety levels are much lower after they workout. Get rid of junk food and sugars: It seems almost unavoidable to eat food that is bad for us sometimes, but the more you avoid sugars and general junk food, the better your body is going to perform. Anxiety and stress are also linked to bad dietary habits. Final thoughts: The more we learn about anxiety, the easier it becomes for us to figure out how to deal with this problem. Knowing that your heart is greatly affected by anxiety should be a warning sign that everyone needs to keep in mind. This knowledge can help prevent serious issues with heart-related problems. Read Also: Art Activities For Stress Relief How Martial Art Can Help You Stay Fit And Healthy Ways To Emotionally Deal With Chronic Illness