How to Fix Being Skinny Fat

Published on: 13 October 2017 Last Updated on: 28 January 2020
Fix Being Skinny Fat

What is skinny fat? The term skinny fat could be very confusing, for how could someone be skinny and fat at the same time? But to make this clear skinny fat people are those individuals who look skinny on clothes but they have body fat which is high and muscle mass which is very low. But they look very soft and flabby underneath those clothes.

The question that many people ask is, do you have a struggle in gaining weight and building up your muscles no matter how much are you eating? If despite the fact that you have a skinny look you still have a fat look. In this case, you would be probably suffering from a condition called skinny fat. You should not worry if you have this situation all you need to do is just a little change in your nutrition while you are performing a skinny fat workout.

Discussed below is how to fix fat skinny by having a skinny fat workout that helps in losing fat, gaining muscle and having a better look; and also the nutrition and diet which will help you fix this condition.

How to Fix Being Skinny Fat:

Poor nutrition:

Poor nutrition

As much as we may consider the root source of skinny fat condition as not having the correct workouts the problem majorly stems from poor nutrition. Despite your high metabolic rate junk food, alcohol, having irregular mealtime as well as not having enough sleep makes your body to store unwanted fats.

Increase calorie intake:

For you to gain muscles, you have to increase calorie intake daily. But as you take this make sure it only comes from natural, healthy sources. If you end up splitting these foods into six times a day instead of the usual three meals a day, it will ensure that your metabolic rate is consistent. If you are taking alcohol, then it may jeopardize your ability to fix to be skinnyfat. Once alcohol is in your body, then your body will store a lot of fat as alcohol needs to be processed first

Skinny diet plan:

Skinny diet

As mentioned above diet plays a critical role in losing weight thus you can not only rely on a good workout plan but also a diet plan. If your diet is not good enough, then your body may not be able to lose the excess fat. Below is a good diet plan that will help you fix the skinny-fat condition.

Cut the crap:

Anything fancy is no requirement for your nutrition. just cut out anything that is not natural, deep-fried food and any junk food such as chocolate and cakes. It is not that you should not completely take them but instead reduce the amount and the number of times you take in a week.

Reduce carbohydrates:

A diet that is lower in carbohydrates will assist you to lose weight very fast. It is preferred that you should take fewer carbohydrates since your body is still in need of it and also it is the source of fiber. As you take this, you just need to be smart about it.

Fruit and veggies:

Fruit and veggies

Some fruits and vegetables such as potatoes contain carbohydrates, but they have a wide range of nutrients that your body needs. You should take at least two pieces of fruit each day and at least five servings of vegetables.


If there is something tough to do is taking the required amount of water each day. You should have a record of the amount of water you taking each day to try taking the minimum requirement of 2 liters a day.

Skinny fat workout:

In the case that you have sorted your diet out then its time to have started performing exercises in your skinny fat diet or workout to ensure that you have muscle growth in the shortest time possible. You should perform these workouts three times a day ensuring that you have a break after every session. The most preferred exercises are squats, maxi climber, treadmill among others. They are considered essential in building up your muscles since they work for multiple muscle groups at the same time.

Skinny fat workout plan:

If you want to fix the skinny fat condition and get results as soon as possible then below is a recommended workout plan. It is always good to have a proper plan for with it you are likely to stick and be consistent.

1-2 days of high-intensity workout training:

As mentioned above the workouts should not take much of your time. You should not have them overdone for they will make your legs be over muscular.

1-2 days rest:

The most important thing to give your body is time to rest and also time to recover your muscles. Doing an excess training may make your body hold onto excess fat. So in a case where you are having a feeling that your body needs some rest then think twice you just need to rest.

If you follow these well, then your skinny fat condition will be fixed in a very short period.


I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Major Illness

Impact Of A Major Illness On Your Work Life And Lifestyle

Coming down with a manageable disease like the common flu can be a nuisance. How your body reacts to this condition—from your eyes watering to nose dripping and throat feeling dry—can interfere with your work. As a result, you may feel agitated and angry at the lack of productivity you can achieve in a day. However, what happens when you come down with a much more severe illness that requires elaborate medical intervention? Diseases can occur due to many reasons. You may have a family history of complications, work in a hazardous environment, or your idle lifestyle may contribute to your deteriorating health. But, the answer to all these questions lies with your healthcare professional. Anytime you feel unusually sick, don't delay booking an appointment. For instance, If you have trouble breathing, wheeze often, have tightness in your chest, and cough up blood, you may have mesothelioma. Occupational asbestos is the primary cause of this illness, and you're well within reason to contact a lawyer and file a case for mesothelioma cancer against your employer. Mesothelioma requires both money and time to get treated. Apart from high dosage medication, it would help if you had extensive aftercare to heal. This may confine you to the bed and prevent you from returning to work. The expensive treatment may lead to a massive lifestyle cut down, so looking into a lawyer helps get a certain amount of compensation. Here's a glimpse at the way your work and home life get disturbed: 1. Your Appetite May Dip You need a certain amount of calories every day. Generally, adult men need 2,500 calories while adult women require 2,000 calories. But, your health condition may suppress your appetite, causing you to skip meals, be unable to keep the food down, or eat plain snacks like saltine crackers. When you don't eat enough, your body feels lethargic. You may get frequent headaches, stomach aches, and get irritable. At work, this may interfere with your job and make it hard for you to focus, socialize with your colleagues and keep up with a fast-paced environment. Your family may feel the effects of your poor diet at home. You may choose to isolate yourself, not have the patience to handle children, and strain your bonds. 2. You May Feel Mentally Drained Learning about your diagnosis can leave you rattled. Feelings of anxiety, fear, anguish, and anger are all natural reactions to getting heavy news. However, your emotions may get amplified once treatment starts. Strong medications and surgery can also take a toll on your mental health. Transitioning back to work while dealing with your illness can become difficult. You may have high levels of fatigue, feel nausea, and also choose to withdraw socially. Sometimes, you may feel depressed and have no motivation to go to work. If you have an office job, filing documents, signatures, and reviewing the files you submit may not be up to the mark. Your focus also shatters. When you become mentally shaken up, it trickles over you emotionally and physically. You may feel sad, avoid meeting and talking with others, and choose to stay in your room. Some people cope with extreme mental distress by eating more food, while others may choose to eat less. You can also develop unhealthy habits such as staying up through the night, being unable to maintain a hygiene routine and neglecting your partner. 3. Your Physical Health Fluctuates A significant illness can impact your weight and overall appearance. Taking vital medicines several times a day to contain the disease can cause a massive drop in body mass. Your lack of appetite and consistent throwing up can also accelerate weight loss. If you go through surgery, it can limit your movement. At work, if you have a physically strenuous job, such as working on a construction site, you may need to take time off. You may need physical therapy if you have inflamed joints. Physical weakness can also make long hours strenuous for you. In such cases, opting for remote work or shortening your workload is best. Furthermore, your lifestyle will also need adjusting to your physical well-being. A loss in weight may require you to get a walking aid, hire a nurse and change your bed so that it's more straightforward for you to use. In case of a weight gain, you will still need help moving, working, and performing your chores, requiring full-time support. Other ailments include drowsiness, uneasiness, and breathlessness. Final Thoughts When you get sick, your overall well-being suffers heavily. Depending on what disease you have, when you get it, and the kind of treatment you require, you will end up going through drastic changes. These reflect on your emotional, mental, and physical status. A major diagnosis requires multiple rounds of medicines and may become expensive for you to keep up with, leading to a mismanaged budget. A reduction in your appetite can make working tedious and hard for your family to be around you because of your consistent mood swings. As your mental health declines, you may experience severe symptoms like anxiety and depression, which may interfere with your work and also push you into social isolation and lead to a chain of unhealthy habits. Finally, when your weight fluctuates, you may need assistance with your chores, maintaining your routine, and keeping up with your lifestyle. Your career may also need a drastic change since the illness may severely impact your movement and stamina. So, to ensure you don't despair, you need to have a good health practitioner in your corner, stick to your care regime and pursue sustainable lifestyle choices. Additionals: What is Neuroticism?Panic Attacks: What You Can DoWays to Emotionally Deal with Chronic IllnessFour Easy Ways To Take Back Control Of Your Health This Summer


Do You Know How to Take Care of The Eye?

It is very important to protect the eyes from external factors such as solar radiation as well as take care of our food. The sense of sight and the state of our eyes is very important and is that half of the information we receive from the environment comes through them. It is the most valuable sense and the one whose loss would be more serious. However, more than half of the population does not aware how eyes can be taken care of. The eyes are one of the smallest organs, but more delicate, of our body. They work in coordination with the brain to interpret the size, shape, colour, and texture of the objects that surround us, as well as the distance they are at or the speed at which they move. To raise awareness among the population about the importance of taking care of the sight there are some notches to look after. 1. Take care of the food: You have to make an effort to consume foods rich in vitamin A, which is essential for sight. In addition to carrots, they contain asparagus, apricots, nectarines, and milk. If, in addition, you are diabetic, hypertensive or have cholesterol, taking care of food is especially important. 2. Keep the eyes hydrated: Especially when working in front of the computer, it is advisable to blink often. You also have to ventilate the room and, if necessary, use humidifiers. If you still suffer from dry eyes, you can resort to individual solutions of artificial tears. And, of course, drink lots of water throughout the day. 3. Monitor the lighting: When working, reading or doing any other visual effort at close range, make sure you have enough light in order to prevent eye fatigue. It is also advisable to take brief breaks so that the view rests. 4. Watch television at a distance: For example, a 32-inch device should be about two meters away, and one of 46, about two and a half meters away. It is also not advisable to see too many hours a day or allow your children to do so. 5. Protect yourself from the computer: In order to avoid visual fatigue, you must have the computer at a distance of at least fifty centimeters from the eyes and forming a ninety-degree angle. Also, it is important to use a filter or screen protector and adjust the brightness of the monitor to lower its intensity. 6. Wear glasses when driving: If so instructed by the ophthalmologist, always wear the glasses when driving. In addition to avoiding eyestrain, you will increase your safety and that of others, especially at night. Make sure you also bring spare glasses in the glove compartment. It is best to visit an eye specialist near you to have a power test after 40 years though you might think that your eyes are ok. 7. Bring sunglasses: Solar radiation can be very harmful to the eyes, so we must protect them with approved sunglasses that have a filter for ultraviolet rays. It will also protect you from other aggressive environmental agents for the eyes such as wind or smoke. Wear your sunglasses also when you practice outdoor sports or go on a motorcycle. 8. Take care of the hygiene of the lenses: Store the contact lenses in a clean, bacteria-free case and follow the daily cleaning instructions to the letter. Nor should you allow the remains of makeup to dirty the lenses or the case in which you keep them. 9. Learn to relax the view: Massages performed with slight pressure around the eyes or on them are very useful to reduce the tension that accumulates in the eyes and the muscles that surround them. Also, the practice of exercises of change of focus or of muscular relaxation allows alleviating the visual fatigue. 10. See the ophthalmologist regularly: Many eye problems do not present symptoms, so you should go to the eye care specialist at least once a year to perform an examination of your eyes and the state of your vision. If you are already correcting refraction problems with glasses or contact lenses, it is very important that you regularly check your graduation. In modern-day technology become so advanced that everything is in your grasp. Almost anything can be searched on Google or any other search engine today. Like in this topic if you are new to a place or don't know which ophthalmologist is good near you to have to just type "eye clinic near me" or "eye specialist near me" and click on the search button or press the enter button. Within less than a second you get all the eye specialist details in your area. Read Also: Tips To Get Beautiful Eyes At Your Home Never Compromise The Style Factor While Choosing Contact Lens


Go Trampolining to have Fun and Maintain your Fitness

Many researchers have proved how trampolining has a variety of benefits to the body. Study after study has long proved how rebounding or jumping on trampolines brings peak fitness and keeps one healthy. Even a NASA study testified all these things in a way back 70’s. Given so many benefits, it’s important to take a peek into rebounding and understand what makes it one of best workouts around. In fact, it becomes important to understand what makes jumping on a trampoline one of best workouts invented ever. Beneficial than jogging or running Yes, it’s true that jumping brings three times more rewards than what your regular jogging or running activities do. What’s more, it’s easier and more fun at the same time. Jogging or running causes a great deal of physical stress on lower feet and limbs which are not the case with jumping. A 10-minute bouncing is equal to 30-minute running Yes, it’s true that a 10-minute bouncing is equal to 30-minute of running on a regular basis. You can see the difference and can also gauge why more people now take to trampolining than ever before. So, you should do it more often to save time and gain more benefits. Boost to metabolism Studies have proved that trampolining has a big impact on metabolism. A lot has to do with the involvement of muscles and their contraction and relaxation. In a way, you can jump on a regular basis and have a superior metabolism than you do have currently. More oxygen to the body Try jumping on trampolines for a few minutes and see the results. What did you see? You will experience a surge of energy into the body and you will feel like energized. How did that happen? It happens as more oxygen reaches to the body when one jumps. More oxygen means more supply of blood to the cells, which makes us feel energetic on an immediate basis. Immune system Studies have proved that trampoline has a big impact on the immune system. It means, your regular jumping can keep you away from diseases and illnesses. This happens because the circulation of the lymph gets a boost. Which means more lymph flow into the body which takes toxins out and boosting the immune system. Muscles and bones The best thing about rebounding is that it involves almost all the body muscles and bones. It means, when we do jump on a trampoline, muscles come into play and they also get some well-deserved workouts. In a way, firming and toning of the muscles takes place and bones too get strengthened to keep the body healthy. Mental Health Rebounding on a trampoline helps in the release of mood-enhancing chemicals – endorphins. This is a major reason for one feeling happy and alert while jumping. More so, this increased level of alertness means superior grasping of things and events. This also helps with learning. In all, rebounding has a positive impact on your mental health. Simplicity and convenience Rebounding has to one of the easiest and simplest exercises around. You can do it anywhere and anywhere. All you need is to put a small trampoline at some corner of the home, or out in the open, there you go. In terms of fun, simplicity, and convenience, you won’t find any other exercise coming close to jumping ever. In a nutshell, you should visit a trampoline park quite often in the hope of joining best fitness classes Leeds. There, you can mix fun and fitness together and have a great time. So, plan your weekend and take your kids and family where they all find something Fitness Classes Leeds to have fun with. Read More: The Relationship Between Oral Health And General Health Top 5 Life Hacks Of Dealing With The Symptoms Of Menopause Top 4 Natural Combination For You To Eliminate Blackheads (Infographics)