Yoga For Pregnant Women

Published on: 24 October 2017 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021
Pegnency yoga

You’re expecting? Congratulations! Well, it is the most welcoming yet challenging period in a woman’s life. Practice prenatal yoga to deal with changing body and mood swings.

Pregnancy is the most pleasing time in a woman’s life. For years, a woman dreams about this day to embrace the pleasure of being a mother. When finally the day arrives, it brings along a lot of challenges, especially for the first time mothers to be. During this period, woman battles with morning sickness, mood swings at varying levels, deal with cramps, fatigue and much more.

Due to the various body and emotional changes a woman undergoes during the gestation period, many perceive it as a complication. If you are going through the same and looking for ways to relax, de-stress and stay fit during this life-changing journey, then consider practicing prenatal yoga. The practice of yoga asanas and breathing techniques provides relief from backache, eases morning sickness and much more, ensuring a better gestation period and hassle-free delivery.

The aim of yoga is to lessen the labor pains, help the mother bring the unborn child into the world with minimal complications and, to ensure the wellbeing of the mother and the baby both. In addition to this, it provides numerous physical and mental benefits to the mother, like increasing the endurance and strength of muscles required for natural childbirth, improving the balance as body undergoes rapid changes, helping you to focus on your  breathing that can  be applied during labor pain, developing maternal bond with the child and so many wonderful benefits.  A pregnant woman undergoes several body changes. Yoga can be the ideal way to keep the mom-to-be in shape. Those beginners who do not follow a regular yoga regime are advised not to rush into the practice without medical consent.

Keeping in mind all the precautions and health considerations, here is a list of yoga asanas for the mothers-to-be:

1. Butterfly or baddha konasana:

Sit straight on the floor and stretch your legs fully. Bend your knees and try to bring your feet as close as possible. Join them in namaste position. Keep the hands-on thighs and knees. Take deep breaths. Upon exhalation, press the thighs and knees towards the floor by pressing the elbows over the knees. Hold the pose for as long as you are comfortable. Strengthen pelvis and inner thighs.

2. Mountain Pose or Tadasana:

Stand with feet hip distance apart. Keep your spine upright and arms resting by either side. Now, stretch your arms overhead to join them in Namaskar Mudra. Tilt your head backward and fix your gaze at the fingertips. Keep breathing in and out. Hold the pose for few seconds. Strengthens spine and relieves back pain.

3. Cat Pose or Marjariasana:

Come onto your fours with knees under your hips and hands under the shoulders. Take a deep breath, lift your chin up and slightly push back your head. Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Exhale and bring your chin close to your chest. Relax your hips and hold the pose for 10 seconds. Slowly release the pose. It improves blood circulation level in the body.

Triangle Pose or Trikonasana:

Stand with a straight back on the yoga mat. Spread your feet wide about 3-4 feet. Make sure the toes of both the feet are parallel to each other and heels are aligned. Lift your hands up with palms facing downwards. Align them with your shoulders. Bend towards your left side. At the same time, lift your right hand up towards the sky. Turn your head to the left and fix your gaze on the fingertips of the right hand. Hold the pose for 10-20 seconds. The pose improves hip flexibility and eases pregnancy-related digestive issues.

Child Pose or Balasana:

Kneel on your fours. Keep your knees wide apart about 3-4 feet. Rest your hips on your heels. On an exhalation, bend forward draping your torso between your thighs. Tuck your chin close to your chest and forehead on the ground. Keep your arms extended. Remain in the pose for 5-6 slow breaths. It provides relief from nausea and stress.

Corpse Pose or Savasana:

Lie down on your back on the floor. Rest your hands by your side and keep your eyes closed. Relax your body and mind. Release all your tensions and think about the life growing inside you. Stand up and cover your face with your hands. Take ten breaths and massage your face. It relaxes your whole body.

Practice prenatal yoga to be at your healthiest during your pregnancy period.

Read More :

  1. Follow These 5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat
  2. 9 Tips For Staying Fit And Healthy During Pregnancy
  3. What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym?
  4. Why Jumping On Trampolines Is More Beneficial Than Running Or Jogging?
  5. Bed Time Yoga To Sleep Well

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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eat affects

What You Eat Affects Your Productivity

You must have heard someone say “you are what you eat” at some point in your life but have you ever wondered what exactly does it mean? We’re all aware that the food we consume fuels our body, yet we tend to focus only on the long-term effects of our eating habits instead of the short term consequences of the decisions we make during lunchtime. Perhaps, our eating choices have a profound effect on our mental performance and productivity levels throughout the day. But how exactly does FOOD have the power to do that? And how can you control your productivity by watching what you eat? If you want to find the answers to all such question, keep on reading this article and we guarantee a lot of things will become clear to you. The Link Between Food And Productivity Our diets have a much greater impact on our productivity than we realize. In fact, eating the wrong foods at the wrong times can turn your day upside down. Essentially, whatever you eat has a way of making its way to your bloodstream and eventually reaching your brain. This is because almost every food item that we eat is broken down into glucose in our bodies. Glucose is a simple carbohydrate that can easily cross into the bloodstream to fuel our entire body and keep our brain awake. So when our body is short on glucose, like on an empty stomach, our brain finds it hard to concentrate, focus and perform. But since everything we eat is eventually broken down into glucose, what difference does it make if we eat a bowl of vegetable salad or two scoops of ice cream? Well, here’s the thing: the ability of a certain food to fuel our body and brain depends on the rate at which it can release glucose into our blood, also called the glycemic index (GI). Foods with a low glycemic index like oats or healthy salads release glucose slowly yet sustainably in the blood, regulating blood sugar levels and optimizing brain activity. On the other hand, foods with a high GI such as white rice an ice cream rapidly release glucose in the bloodstream, providing a burst of energy which the body can use immediately. However, the downside is that you’ll be left unfocused and distracted only after a few hours of eating. Moreover, starchy and sugary foods with high GI can impact sleep cycles and actually kill productivity. A sudden spike in blood sugar level increases insulin production in the pancreases which, in turn, floods the brain with hormones like serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that also acts as a precursor for the sleep hormone melatonin and regulates circadian rhythms which manage the internal clock of the body and the sleep-wake cycles. Thus, aligning your diet with the circadian rhythms allows you to harness your full potential and make the most of the day. How To Improve Cognitive Performance With Food Now that we have established the link between food and productivity, let’s learn how you can attain a greater mental efficiency by watching your diet and tweaking your lifestyle. Here are some research-based strategies worth giving a try. Watch What You Eat Perhaps, the most important thing you need to do is to keep a check on what you eat. Processed and junk foods spike blood sugars and have a negative relationship with productivity. Instead, make such healthier foods readily available and stack them in plain sight since you’re more likely to eat the first thing you see when you’re hungry. Here are some brain fueling foods you should consider: Fish: A classic brain-food, fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids that are known to optimize brain function and development and maintain overall energy levels. Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate has a high content of caffeine that is a well-known concentration booster. Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds rich in Vitamin E and other antioxidants reduce cell inflammation and prevent cognitive decline. Fruits and vegetables: Most fruits and vegetables have a low glycemic index and hence are excellent brain power foods. Carrots, avocados, and blueberries are some choices you can opt for to increase your brain activity. Don’t Skip Breakfast In a study published by Roy Baumeister in his book, all children in a class were asked to skip breakfast before coming to school. Then, half of them were fed with a healthy breakfast after coming to school and it was observed that these children displayed better learning patterns and behavior than the other lot. When the unfed children were given a healthy snack during mid-day, their performance also improved. This study perfectly depicts the significance of eating proper breakfast every morning so make sure not to skip on this important meal even if you’re running low on time. Have Small Meals Throughout The Day Since unregulated blood sugar levels can suppress productivity, it’s wise not to let your glucose levels hit the bottom throughout the day. Thus, feast on small and frequent meals during the course of the day to maintain consistent blood sugar levels. You can have small portions of meals during lunch and dinner time and supplement them with 2 healthy snacks at mid-day and evening to fuel your brain more efficiently. Plan Your Meals Beforehand Last-minute eating decisions are not always the best ones since you’re more likely to cave in on unhealthy food cravings that are quite an inefficient source of energy. Hence, it’s good to plan your meals before you get hungry so that you don’t make unhealthy food choices later on. You can prepare your weekly meals over the weekend to save time on weekdays and stay away from ordering unhealthy food out of sheer laziness. Or you can order weekly meal sets from healthy food delivery services like ActivEats if you don’t have the time to cook for yourself. Perhaps, the key to productivity is in your own hands and making subtle changes in your lifestyle and eating habits like those mentioned above can be a step closer to achieving maximum productivity. Read Also: Eating Good Quality Foods For Diet Love Who You Are: How To Prevent Eating Disorders


Smoking and Other Negative Lifestyle Habits You Need to Kick to the Curb This Year

The COVID-19 pandemic has made us more cognizant of our mortality. Many people are starting to become more aware of the importance of healthy living. Smoking are responsible for up to 90% of all lung cancer diagnoses, as well as many other types of cancer. One of the most important steps towards a healthier lifestyle is identifying and breaking self-destructive habits. You almost certainly have at least one bad habit that is threatening your health and well-being. Your quality of life and life expectancy will drastically improve if you take the correct action. Here are some highly unhealthy habits that you should avoid at all costs. Smoking Tobacco Cigarettes are probably the least healthy mainstream habit in the United States. They are responsible for more preventable deaths than anything else. Although the prevalence of smoking has dropped drastically since the 1970s, 480,000 people still die of cigarette use every year. Cigarettes are responsible for up to 90% of all lung cancer diagnoses, as well as many other types of cancer. In addition to causing premature deaths, cigarettes also hurt your quality of life in numerous ways. They cause vision problems, depression, anxiety, impaired lung function, and many other serious issues. If you are a regular smoker, your number one priority should be to quit. This is the single biggest change in your life that will benefit your health. You can try using tobacco free dip to move away from cigarettes. Consuming Food Late In The Evening You might be tempted to have late-night snacks. There might be a number of reasons for this. Perhaps you didn’t get enough protein with your dinner. You might have eaten dinner too early in the evening, which leaves you feeling hungry an hour or two before bedtime. You might simply feel like snacking to alleviate anxiety. Regardless of the reason, eating snacks late at night creates multiple health risks. It is a precursor to weight gain because your body can’t process the food as efficiently as late at night. Late-night snacks also tend to disrupt your sleep patterns. You might have trouble falling asleep at all and struggle to reach deep REM sleep when you finally doze off. Eating Too Much Meat Hot dogs, hamburgers, and ham sandwiches are major staples in the western diet. Meat isn’t just tasty. It also is a rich source of protein. Unfortunately, many people consume meat excessively. You may develop a number of health problems if you eat too much of it, especially red meat. What health risks can it create? Regular consumption of processed and red meat increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and multiple types of cancer. A research team from the Harvard School of Public Health found that eating one serving of processed red meat every day increased the risk of death from cardiovascular disease or cancer by 20%. You don’t need to become a vegan. However, you should minimize your consumption of meat and reserve red meat for special occasions. Using Your Smartphone Too Often (Especially In The Evening) Smartphones are the newest addition that is taking over our lives. Unfortunately, they are so widely accepted that most people refuse to acknowledge the toll that they are taking on our health. Excessive smartphone use can be debilitating in a number of ways, such as: People that use smartphones regularly are more likely to suffer from back and neck problems. Every time that you look down to use your mobile device, you are putting around 60 pounds of pressure on your spine. You have a higher risk of developing vision problems. The light from your smartphone screen can cause long-term damage to your retina. Your eyes might also start to suffer from nearsightedness since you aren’t spending enough time looking out long distances. Your mobile devices might also disrupt your sleep patterns. If you are using them late at night, then you might be throwing off your circadian rhythms. You will have a harder time falling asleep and get less restorative REM sleep as well. You can’t be in denial about the problems that your smartphone is causing. You need to use it in moderation to prevent back, neck, and sleep problems. Read Also: Good Reasons to Stop Drinking in your 40’s

Scalp Micropigmentation

Everything Balding Men Need to Know About Scalp Micropigmentation

The Vancouver Paramedical Clinic ― scalp micropigmentation training is one of the leading training programs for one of the fastest growing careers in North America. With a client base numbering a least 50 million by conservative estimates, this should come as no surprise. Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a procedure that is quickly becoming one of the most preferred hair loss solutions for men. SMP also works for women who are suffering hair loss due to hormonal issues and those who are suffering from medical conditions. So, what exactly is scalp micropigmentation and what is in it for you? If you are one of the millions of balding men in North America, here’s everything you need to know about SMP. More than restore your youthful looks, you may even consider a career in this burgeoning industry that experts predict to continue to grow for the next 10 years. Scalp Micropigmentation: Scalp micropigmentation is a treatment that gives balding scalps the appearance of having tiny hair follicles. When done correctly, a bald spot will look more like it has been closely cropped or shaved. This non-invasive treatment is ideal for restoring receding hairlines, make hair look fuller for women with bald spots and even hide scars from hair transplant procedures. Those with thinning hair can also benefit from this treatment as skilled SMP technicians (also called artists) can give you the look of having a thicker head of hair. SMP can also help those who are suffering from alopecia, a medical condition characterized by hair loss and patients undergoing chemotherapy. There are several reasons why SMP better than other hair loss solutions. Scalp micropigmentation treatment can be completed within a matter of hours. Depending on how dark you want your SMP follicles to appear, you may need one or two more treatments to refine the initial treatment. Once you are done, you won’t need any medications, and your treated scalp will require little to no maintenance at all. Apart from restoring hairlines and hiding bald spots, scalp micropigmentation can also hide scarring on the scalp. A large number of those seeking SMP treatment usually do so to camouflage scalp damage due to strip and follicular unit transplant (FUT)/follicular unit excision (FUE) scarring that inevitably appears after hair transplant treatments. Skilled SMP technicians can also use various techniques to hide accident and alopecia scars, marks left by head acne and bumps from hair plugs. Scalp Micropigmentation vs. Hair Tattoo: While there are similarities between scalp micropigmentation and tattooing, these are two completely different disciplines. For one, SMP treatments require specialized equipment designed just for the procedure, which likewise require specialized training to use. Here are the major differences between SMP and tattooing: SMP clinics: Scalp micropigmentation treatments take place in a clinic as opposed to tattoo parlors. These treatment environments are sanitary and are compliant with workplace safety and biohazard requirements. SMP clinics ideally should also have surgical lighting as well as loupes that will enable the technicians to make more detailed needle strokes. SMP artists: Unlike tattoo artists, SMP technicians employ advanced techniques that are completely different to that used by a tattoo artist. SMP techs know exactly the type of settings and needles required for a specific scalp as well as the density and pigment of the ink to be deposited on the scalp. Medical grade pigments: Tattoo artists use ink. SMP treatments, on the other hand, use medical grade pigments that are specially made for the scalp. Such pigments are designed to remain unaffected by the natural oils on the scalp. The pigments are also hypoallergenic and resistant to fading. If you are considering an SMP treatment, it will be in your best interest to avoid tattoo parlors that are offering “hair tattooing.” Do yourself a favor by going directly to SMP technicians and save yourself the trouble of wearing a scalp with a botched hair tattoo. Scalp Micropigmentation Training: As popular as scalp micropigmentation has become in recent years, experts still predict the industry to grow even more within the next decade at least. This is because male pattern baldness continues to affect millions of males in North America alone, and there is no cure for this condition currently. Because it is a quick, convenient and safe alternative to surgery, scalp micropigmentation should continue to win proponents in the years to come. With the present cost of a regular SMP treatment, it may interest you to know that an SMP technician can earn on the upward of $300,000 annually at two clients a week. This should dispel any doubts from those who mistakenly think that the cost of SMP training is too high. What Is Involved in Scalp Micropigmentation Training? The training institution mentioned at the start of this article offers a five-day course with intensive hands-on training, along with comprehensive classroom lectures. The course covers color theory and skin pigment basics, hands-on equipment training on a live model, clinic set up and advice on the business and marketing aspect of SMP. Here’s what a five-day training course looks like: Day 1: Intro to SMP, pigments and color matching, pain control, skin structure, demo on the latest gear, basic procedure, needle positioning, and hands-on practice. Day 2: Dealing with pigment allergies, post-treatment care, and management, stroke correction, hiding scalp scars, consultation basics, forms and releases needed for your clinics, medical records, workplace safety and clinic sanitation, equipment sterilization, and hygiene. Day 3: Protective gear, preventing cross-contamination, pigment migration, more workplace safety tips, hands-on equipment training on a live model and making pigment corrections. Day 4: Pointillism techniques, hair replication strokes, equipment familiarization and maintenance, techniques, marketing and more hands-on treatment on a live model. Day 5: Hiding scars, scar pigment correction, blending, hair stroke techniques, needling, color mixing hair replication tricks and hands-on training. As more hairlines continue to recede in the coming years, the demand for more SMP technicians will increase even more. There is a current shortage of SMP artists, and this may be your chance to embark on a new and more financially rewarding career. If you think you have what it takes to become an SMP technician, enrolling in a comprehensive workshop offered by a reputable institution would be a good place to start. Read Also: 6 Proven Ways To Deal With Hair Loss For Women Possible Causes Of Hair Damage When Visiting A Salon Dealing With The Psychological Impact Of Alopecia