Marathon Training Section. Breaking Through the Wall

Published on: 27 October 2017 Last Updated on: 20 July 2024
Marathon Training Section

Every runner knows what “to hit the wall” means and almost every runner lives in fear of it interfering with their race. During a marathon hitting the wall is the main problem, thus, breaking through wall is the number one priority as the success with the race depends on it.

The wall is considered as the most difficult period in a marathon when things transition from being just hard to being really very-very hard. It is a specific runner`s condition of sudden fatigue and loss of energy.

For most runners, the latest 6.2 miles (or 10-K) of the marathon are commonly the toughest part of the race when the legs feel like if they are made of cement, when the stomach is queasy, the head starts getting dizzy and negative thoughts flood the mind.

The wall is hard to describe to a non-runner as it`s something that needs to experience to understand. Jerome Drayton, winner of the 81st Boston Marathon, said it best: “To describe the agony of the marathon to someone who’s never run it is like trying to explain the color to someone who was born blind.” Some athletes call it “wall”, some also call this state “bonking”.  But it doesn’t really matter how to call it, it`s more importantly, what to do about it, namely, how to break through the wall and reach the finish line first.

The key to avoiding the wall or at least minimizing its impact on your race is understanding what`s going on in your body and preparing yourself for it with proper training, intelligent race management, right nutrition and appropriate hydration strategies.

Prepare Your Body For The Race 

If you include the long training runs in your training program you’ll be able to train your body for the marathon. Your long runs are the best training for avoiding the wall as they will condition your muscle for a marathon distance. By the way, they help you build your endurance and make your muscles more injury resistant. You have to experience and stimulate the exertion of the marathon every day, preferably 16 weeks before it. Your long runs should be done slowly (at least 2 minutes per mile) than the marathon pace. Remember, here your goal isn’t a distance, here your goal is duration! For example, if you run training commonly lasts 4:30 hours, your long run should last 4 hours (it means 3 hours of long runs in the morning and an additional hour in the evening).

Analyze Nutrition Matters 

When your aim is to win the marathon you have to draw your attention to the right nutrition strategy. If you prepare your muscles with daily progressive long runs that’s great, but don’t forget your muscles are fueled by using the combination of fat and glycogen. The harder you’re pushing yourself, the more fuel your body needs. So you should eat before the marathon and during it! At least 300 calories you need to take in an hour before the race to raise your blood sugar level and help your brain concentrate on the task. Then every hour of the marathon you should consume about 200 calories. That can be candy, a banana, cookies, energy gels or an energy bar. It would be better if you work out what fuel is easiest for you to transport, use and digest before the race.

Drink More Often 

It`s equally important to stay hydrated during the marathon. When you lose water through sweat, your overall blood volume is decreased and that’s why there’s less blood available to carry oxygen to your muscles. So dehydration also leads to the marathon wall. Try not to pass the early water stops even if you feel that you’re not thirsty! By the time your body tells you it’s thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. You have to drink two 8-ounce glasses of water or sports drink 2 hours before the marathon and take in 6 to 8 ounces of water or sports drink at every water station every 15-20 minutes of the race (of course, depending on the weather conditions, your body size and sweat rate). This will help you avoid dehydration so your blood will move smoothly from your heart to your leg muscles, providing the oxygen to those muscles and shuttling waste products away. By the way, consuming enough fluids keeps sweat flowing that cools you down and helps you ease muscle cramps. Don`t be afraid to lose your precious time, just stop and drink. These few seconds will pay off further.

Follow Proper Marathon Race Management 

The biggest and most common marathon race mistake is to start the marathon too fast. Of course, you feel so strong and full of energy early in the race, so you tend to run too fast. Don`t do that, in no case! If you want to cross the finish line you have not to overestimate your potential. Keep in mind that you have to save your energy for the last 6 miles.

Use Head Games To Reach The Finish Line 

To make the last 6 miles easier you shouldn’t focus on how your body is feeling or your fatigue, if anything, you can visualize yourself in another situation and try to dissociate. For example, don`t concentrate on the race you may imagine yourself by the sea or visualize achieving your goal. The main thing is to think of something nice and you’ll cross the finish line before you know it!

As you see with the right training program and racing techniques, proper nutrition, hydration and mental strategies you can easily make the last 6 miles of your marathon and defeat the wall once and for all.

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Helen Rogers is an editor of She helps people get stronger. She shares running and sports questions, beauty tips. All her stories are result-oriented and make her readers become healthy, wealthy and wise.


I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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6 Imbalances in Body Hampering Weight Loss Efforts

You may be constantly following a diet program and daily exercise, but weight loss seems to be an impossible task. A lot of imbalances in the body make weight loss a difficult task to accomplish and enhances the chances of obesity. Keep reading further to know about the imbalances in the body hindering the weight loss efforts. Inflammation Do you know what inflammation is? It is the physical condition of the in which a body part becomes reddened and swollen. A various number of body disorders like digestive problems, allergies, asthma, eczema, autoimmune disease, arthritis, abdominal fat, headaches, and sinus disorders lead to chronic inflammation. Recent studies have reflected that inflammation is also a major cause of obesity and weight loss problems. Apart from this, it is also a reason for other diseases like aging, heart diseases, and cancer. The california weight management in Monterey CA also shows that inflammation is the root cause of rising rates of obesity across the world. Insulin Resistance Insulin is the hormone released by the beta cells of the pancreas and plays an important role in glucose metabolism. Insulin regulates the glucose level in the bloodstream allowing the body cells to use it as a source of energy. When your body is resistant to insulin, the cells do not respond properly to insulin which increases the glucose level in the body. Hence, the pancreas produces and release more amount of insulin. Increased insulin level lets your body store unused glucose as fat. The fat stored in the body cannot be used as a source of energy which leads to weight gain. Hyperinsulinema is a body disorder that is characterized by a high insulin level, obesity, and higher lipid levels. The medical weight loss center in Monterey reflect insulin resistance as a major cause of obesity these days. Thyroid Problem Thyroid hormone secreted by the adrenal glands is a major hormone responsible for the body metabolism. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the level of thyroid hormone increases in the body. People suffering from this condition feel tired, sleep more than usual, and suffers from constipation resulting in weight gain problem. A thyroid problem is hereditary. It leads to associated autoimmune illnesses which are accompanied by weight loss problem. The body loses its ability to lose weight and thereby the fat deposits increases leading to excessive weight gain. Hormonal Imbalance Hormonal imbalance in the body results in problems in weight loss mechanism. Low levels of serotonin lead to weight loss problems. Serotonin exerts a lot of influence over the mood, memory, appetite, and cravings. During the depression, the body tends to crave more sugar and starch stimulating the release of serotonin which affects the weight loss mechanism. Another hormone which results in obesity is the excess level of estrogen in the body. The estrogen receptors present in the brain is responsible for keeping control over food habits, energy utilization and distribution of fat in the body. The low of testosterone increases the fat deposition in the body and loss of muscles. It increases the chances of obesity and stress in the body. Recent findings have established that low testosterone is linked to depression, obesity and a number of heart disorders. Genetics The genetic has an important role to play in the weight loss in the body. Many genes in the body are involved in weight control as the bodyweight has an effective genetic component. These genes are responsible for increasing the endurance to survive when the food is scarce and thus making weight loss a difficult thing to accomplish. If the problem of excess weight is a part of your family, then you are likely to be obese. The weight loss program in Monterey is designed for effective weight loss. Read also: Tips to Lose Weight Naturally How To Lose Your Weight With Venus Factor Chronic Stress Stress, whether it is physical and mental, is a major cause of weight loss. Our body releases a lot of cortisol hormones which acts against the weight loss mechanism. Increased level of cortisol leads to enhanced appetite and belly fat. The doctors at California Medical Weight Management (CALMWM) also suggest the stress is one of the major reasons for poor weight loss regime. These are the important imbalances in the body which are hindering the efforts you put for weight loss.


Are Oncology Clinical Studies Facing Challenges?

Oncology clinical trials are a huge growth area and there is understandably a great deal of interest in treatments for cancer. New treatment strategies such as immunotherapy and personalized medicine mean that clinical oncology has moved into an exciting stage. Demand for clinical studies is growing all the time, and clinical development is moving apace. Interestingly, these developments mean that great progress is being made, but there have been some problems along the way. In August this year, reports emerged that the sheer number of oncology clinical trials means that pharmaceutical companies are having trouble finding enough patients to test new treatments on. The issue has arisen due to the appetite for getting new cancer treatments to market, and the fact that these revolutionary treatment strategies are only effective in select patients. Drug companies want to get proprietary drugs to market so they can profit from their research, but testing them requires lots of patients. Consider the fact that there are now more than 1,000 clinical studies of immunotherapy underway and it’s not hard to see why patient supply has become a problem. Fortunately, there are companies who can help researchers find the patients that they need. One such company is INC Research, which boasts a team of experienced oncology specialists such as project managers, medical directors, CRAs and executive leadership. Over the past five years, INC Research has managed 310 studies at 7,278 sites involving 34,106 patients. If anyone can help researchers find the right patients, it’s an experienced company like INC Research. Drug companies that have worked with INC Research report that there are real benefits, such as time- and cost-savings and real-time data gathering. The team has worked on incredibly complex trials involving investigational therapies like monoclonal antibodies, so they are ready for anything that you can throw at them. Choosing the right clinical research organization (CRO) can make or break a study. INC Research offers a full spectrum service which handles data management and operational strategy, and the team also has a deep knowledge of the regulations related to Early Phase Oncology. INC Research offers regulatory intelligence services to biotech companies across the globe, making sure that new treatments will get approved and make it to market. After all, improving available treatment options is the reason why companies choose to invest in cancer clinical trials. From planning a trial to sourcing patients and collecting data, INC Research is a leader in its field. In an incredibly competitive environment, it is important to work with the best. With a long list of happy clients and glowing testimonials, drug companies can rest assured that their cancer clinical trial is in good hands with INC Research. Read also: How Can A Cardiologist Save Your Life? Top 6 U.S. Universities That Offer Health Science Course  


8 Motivations to Start Up Health & Fitness

The holiday season is officially over, which means it’s time to start working off some of the extra pounds you picked up at mom’s house. While people generally love the idea of looking like the dudes who do commercials for home-exercise equipment, most of us still hate working out and dieting. If you are one of them, don’t worry. There are a ton of startups offering the kind of motivation you need in the form of mobile apps. Such apps use activity tracking as well as fitness and health risk assessment apps. Today we’ll be exercising our startup muscles by taking a look at some of these young companies and what makes them tick. 8 Motivations to Start Up Health & Fitness: Fitness gamification is huge right now, which makes sense given that it adds a much-needed dimension of play to the arduous task of getting fit. A great example of fitness gamification is Tep, which is basically a cross between a fitness tracker and a Tamagotchi; though, in the case of Tep, the star is a niftily-designed giraffe rather than a globular cluster of black pixels. The more a user exercises, the better the giraffe does (users can buy their long-necked pets treats with rewards points they earn from walking, running and cycling). If users slack off, though, it’s curtains for the poor creature. According to the app’s creators, a group of five super-talented self-starters from Szeged, Hungary, «Tep’s competitive edge relies on emotional connection and the mental „threat“ that the beloved pet might suffer from the lack of proper physical activity and thus offers a solution for curve fatigue effect.» Does that sound a little dark? Sure. But it’s for a good cause. The founding team’s goal is to help users lose eight million pounds of fat in the next three years; there’s also talk of buying a giraffe. The founding team built Tep on their own time and dime, but are currently funded by Traction Tribe and prizes from Microsoft’s Imagine Cup. Tep is available in beta for Android and Windows phones, with an iOS version coming soon. Wokamon If you like the idea of a digital workout buddy helping you toe the line, but giraffes aren’t really your thing, then you might dig Wokamon, which comes to us from Mars Zhu and Hazim Abdul Hamid of Noodum. Wokamon features dozens of animated monsters that get bigger and stronger as you do. Since it comes with a pedometer and syncs with wearables like Jawbone, Fitbit, and Up, you can be sure that every calorie burned gets counted and fed to your growing army of critters. Connecting with friends on social media through Wokamon earns you reward points, which you can burn on unlocking new creatures. Noodum and Wokamon are currently being funded by an $18,000 seed investment from Manchester Metropolitan University’s Innospace Incubator. Gamified fitness apps like Wokamon and Tep have a lot of options when it comes to future monetization. They can either take the Zombies, Run! The approach of charging for downloads (which works if you’re as niche and well-made as that app) or offer in-app purchases for things like new backgrounds, characters, or crystals and boosters for your pet monsters. For now, though, we can take advantage of both Tep and Wokamon for free. Teamster Teamster is an iOS app that, contrary to its name, has absolutely nothing to do with trucking. What teamster does do, though, is help you connect with other people in your area who are interested in the same sorts of athletic activities as you. Conveniently, users are able to identify which sports they like and their level of skill in each on a scale of 1 to 5, which means you won’t be totally outmatched when you meet up for a game with other users. When you find another user who shares your interests and skill set, swipe right in the app to add them to your team. Sounds like Tinder is ubiquitous, doesn’t it? Users can then create activities for other users or teams to join. Teamster comes to us from the Melbourne based duo of Henry Chan and 22-year old Sam McCallum, who has a background in competitive running, cycling, and skiing. Actually, 2015 is shaping up to be an awesome year for apps that bring social networking logic to the gym. Take Boston-based Perspyre, for example, which is coming out soon with a beta version for Android and iOS. The whole point of Perspyre is connecting people who love to sweat and giving them access to workouts, advice, and motivation. Users can log into the app via Facebook and take post-workout selfies, record workouts, and brag about new personal records. Though it’s admittedly a little intense for beginners, Persypre is perfect for those who are already «motivated and dedicated» enough to willingly visit Crossfit and P90x classes. Perspyre is the brainchild of Jason Chisholm and Jeremy Mays and has received $25,000 in seed funding from John Piret of the investment firm Newbury Piret & Co. If Perspyre sounds like it’s right up your alley, keep an eye out for the soon-to-be-launched SternFit iOS app which also gives workout buffs a great platform for sharing pics, tips, and workouts. Rocket Journey If your meteoric rise to peak physical perfection is still in the launch phase, you’ll find a helpful companion in RocketJourney, which bills itself as the «smartest and friendliest way to a fitness lifestyle.» The app’s founding trio of Carlos Ayala, Pablo Artee, and Ernesto Cambuston has received funding from 500 Startups, the seed fund and startup accelerator comprised of Google and PayPal alums. RocketJourney tracks all of your fitness activities from cycling to yoga to lifting to competitive eating — just kidding about that last one — and verifies that you’ve actually worked out through GPS and wearables integration. The app motivates you to stick to your fitness regime by giving you points for completed workouts and taking away points for missed ones. The same logic holds true for user-created «teams» which add the pinch of peer-pressure that it just might take to keep you on track. You can register for updates on RocketJourney’s release on the website. OneSet OneSet — «Vine for Fitness» — is another promising app to stay tuned for in the months to come. Users can create 15-second videos demonstrating an exercise or «stack» other users’ videos into workouts. Since videos are organized by muscle group or goal, it’s easy to find the right moves for you. OneSet’s founding team is based in Waterloo, Canada, and consists of brothers Amad and Shameel Abdullah, as well as full-stack developer George Xu. GYM radio Sometimes all it takes to reach the athlete within is finding the right music to sweat to, or the right gym to do it in. Though GYM radio’s online music streaming service has been around since 2013, its new iOS, Android, and Windows phone releases have made it easier than ever to get amped up and pumped up at the same time. The app features three music settings — cardio, gym, and hardcore-tailored to give your workout the right feel. Here’s the best part: GYM radio is completely ad-free, which means your runners high won’t get interrupted by voice-actors pitching toothpaste or discount car insurance. GYM radio also offers a premium upgrade which, for a monthly or yearly subscription, will let you listen offline, skip songs, and get access to material unavailable on the standard version. Gymhopper Gymhopper — «Uber for gyms»- is a Swiss startup that aims to help you find the right gym by offering its users discounted individual training passes. Gyms benefit from the app by getting a little extra exposure as well as a shot at their target market, people who are actively searching for a new place to get sweaty. Gymhopper is currently in series A fundraising but expects an iOS release later this year. What can fitness startups learn from RunKeeper? Figuring out how to actually make money with your app is a problem that can plague even the biggest of startup fish. Each of the aforementioned apps will have to figure out the right monetization strategy for their product and user-base. One good model employed by the leading fitness tracker RunKeeper is to partner with other businesses to provide sponsored advertising to users. That means Teamster’s users could theoretically get discounts on Nike products for showing up at local softball games, and Perspyre users could get 25% off gym memberships for visiting p90x classes 3 times a week. There are a lot of good ways to get back in shape, and a lot of good startups out there creating more every day. Read Also: 8 Fitness Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better How Do I Get Back In Shape? Fitness Experts Share Their Tips!