The miraculous benefits of Aqua Yoga

Published on: 07 November 2017 Last Updated on: 17 August 2019
Aqua Yoga

Water, an undeniable necessity

“Water is the driving force of all nature.” -Leonardo da Vinci

Water is the undeniable necessity of life. A human body composes of 50 to 65 percent water and an infant is made up of 78 percent water. It forms the basis of existence for all living organisms and is one of the five major elements of nature, the other four beings; space, fire, air,and earth. The vital property of buoyancy of water provides relief to the beginner yoga enthusiasts who experience joint or muscle pain. It also helps in acclimatizing after an injury or surgery due to the upward force that minimizes the effects of gravity.

The concept of Aqua Yoga

Imagine a situation where your yoga instructor directs you to jump into a vibrating pool of water and drills you to perform various asanas with ease. Isn’t the thought of it just exhilarating? Indeed it is.

Aqua Yoga

Yoga in water or Aqua Yoga is the art of practicing yoga in water. It has an extra benefit of exercising without sweat and paining muscles. Aqua yoga Asians develop flexibility and core strength. It is majorly practiced to relieve all the physical and mental pain and is specifically recommended for pregnant women and senior citizens.

The body only bears 20 percent of its weight while being chest-deep submerged in water. This property of water enables one to stretch deeper and easily balance, which is sometimes not even possible on land.

‘I was surprised by how much more flexible my body felt in the pool, and how easily I slipped into a meditative state.’ This statement by the famous yoga fanatic, Chelsey Hamilton further portrays the benefits of practicing yoga in water.

Origin of Aqua Yoga

“Yoga, an ancient but perfect science, deals with the evolution of humanity. Yoga means union – the union of body with consciousness and consciousness with the soul. Yoga cultivates the ways of maintaining a balanced attitude in day to day life and endows skill in the performance of one’s actions.”

Yoga in its various forms originated about 5000 years ago in India and till date, it has experienced significant changes in its execution and practice due to change in the public’s perception and change in lifestyle. Aqua Yoga is one such change in execution. Due to the underlying benefits of exercising yoga in water, various yoga instructors started taking classes in pools and even the students benefitted in various ways from it. This resulted in the formation of yet another type of yoga i.e. Aqua yoga.

Different Asans in Aqua yoga

Some Aqua Yoga instructors follow the Bikram yoga practice and heat the pool to 88-92 degrees to aid with flexibility and relaxation. While the others preach asanas in normal temperature water. The practice of Aqua Yoga relives all the weight-bearing issues since it serves as a natural strut for helping the body to balance and stay upright. There are various asanas that can be performed underwater. Some of them are as follows:

  • Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand):

While performing headstands underwater, individuals must very comfortable underwater and holding your breath for a short time. Underwater headstands are significantly beneficial for improving breathing.

Adho Mukha Vrksasana

  • Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose):

This pose, when practiced underwater strengthens the thighs, ankles, abdomen, and buttocks. It also effectively stretches the groins, hamstrings, and calves.

Ardha Chandrasana

  • Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose)

This pose is one of the most exciting poses one can practice underwater. This yoga asan is useful in strengthening the back and arms as one expands and opens through the chest.


“The movements are very fluidic underwater, therefore it is easy for some people to focus more and achieve ideal results,” says yoga expert Amrapali Patil. Aqua Yoga is indeed workout without pain and sweat and various yoga teacher training institutes in India preach it due to its usefulness.

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Health Benefits Of Drinking Beer

Top Health Benefits Of Drinking Beer According To Experts

The preferred alcoholic beverage for millions over the world has strong health benefits. Yes, you read that right. As compared to other forms of alcoholic beverages, beer is healthier, has a positive impact on your body, and allows you to keep critical illnesses at bay. For a very long time, scientific studies and health studies have shown how beer drinkers tend to live longer, have better cognitive abilities, and lowers stress. While a lot of reports state that wine has several anti-oxidants, the same can be said for beer as well. Its core ingredients are hops and barley, both of which are known for their anti-oxidant properties. In the following section, we take help from experts at Melvin Brewing to try and understand how beneficial beer is for your health. Beer has a Positive Impact on the Mental Health of an Individual: The natural properties of beer allow it to be a great agent for helping improve the mood. In other words, it helps majorly in lowering stress levels, reduces anxiety, and prevents people from getting into depression. The same cannot be said about harder alcoholic beverages like whiskey, vodka, rum, or gin. It should be pointed out that the above observation has been pointed out in the case of moderate drinkers. Heavy drinking is likely to reverse this and add to additional stresses and pressures. However, if you are drinking socially, with friends or colleagues once or twice a week in moderation, you can experience lesser fatigue levels and a more productive brain. Beer is Great for your Kidney and Helps Lowers Cholesterol: Studies have shown how drinking beer prevents the risks of kidney stones. Experts have pointed out that beer has a natural filtration process when it goes inside the body. This helps it remove any internal impurities and allows the same to be excreted out of the body through urine. As we have already mentioned, beer contains natural fibers like hops and barley. These fibers play a positive role in the reduction of LDL or bad levels of cholesterol. Fibre has been known to have several positive effects on the human body. It helps with maintaining blood sugar levels and controls cholesterol levels within the body. However, heavy drinking is likely to have the reverse effects as it reduces the body’s power to naturally absorb minerals and vitamins that come from dietary sources. Does Beer Help Improve Memory Focus and Brain Functions? According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, moderate drinking of beer promotes cognitive abilities. Why? Because hops, the major ingredient in beer has a property called ‘Xanthohumol’. This chemical is a proven agent that prevents brain and memory degradation. Similarly, historically, advanced civilization has attributed drinking to improving brain focus, attention, output, and productivity. Beer has selectively been seen to boost the retention power of the brain in many research subjects. Again, it should be pointed out that we are talking about drinking in moderate doses and not heavy ones. The positive effects can only be experienced if the individuals are drinking beer in moderate doses of one or two glasses per week. The Final Word: You would be surprised as we were when we first came across the positive health benefits of beer drinking. We tried to dig deeper and found that medical experts did not want to publicize the same for fear that this would act as a license to give drinkers the right to drink more. To conclude, beer has several positives, but only when it is consumed at moderate levels. If you are looking to add to the list of benefits, might we suggest you use the comments section and add to the list of health benefits of drinking beer? Read Also: 7 Modern Day Beer Drinking Etiquettes You Should Know How to Choose the Right Wine: Sommelier Tips Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Signs, Symptoms and Who Is At Risk?

Fitness Routine

7 Ways to Kick Off Your Fitness Routine

If you keep setting fitness resolutions but never succeed, maybe your approach is not the best. Any person who has been successful with this can tell you it is not as easy as many people think. According to an experienced expert from, taking the appropriate fitness enhancement supplements is one way to boost your established fitness activities. They also advise on various approaches to making sure that you succeed in kicking off the fitness routine and making it to the end this time. Here are the top tips Get Started Now There is no wrong time to start the fitness routine. This is the right time to wake up from the comfort zone and start being proactive. Do not wait for January as other priorities may come up. Now is the best time when you feel there is a need to shed off some extra weight. Avoid rushing to it as all the starting energy can end up being short-lived. Design the Fitness Routine Before putting on exercise shoes on the first day, a plan of what is to be done on a daily basis is ideal. Whether you plan to walk, then jog and eventually run, putting it in a plan is better than a freestyle approach. If it is your first time, then you can involve an expert for the best guidance. This will be your guide through all of the routine cycles. Evaluation of the Routine and Your Health These two evaluation processes are crucial. You may set reasonable goals, but the body reacts otherwise. Taking some time to do a trial on what can work for your body is a paramount idea. If there is a need to make changes, it will be made clear. The use of various fitness tools can make this whole process easy and accurate. Start Slowly and Improve with Time Most people fail in their fitness routines because of taking on too much at first. Even though one has more energy at the beginning, fitness becomes more productive when one starts slowly and adds more exercises to a workout as time goes by. The body muscles and processes adapt as time goes on, and they can now accommodate more exercises. Go for Interesting Activities Hitting the gym every day will soon get boring. Your plan should be filled with interesting activities to avoid monotony. The most important factor to consider is making sure that your exercises will deliver the same results as your plans. The weekends are better left for outdoor activities like cycling and hiking, for instance. Keep Tabs on the Progress If something means a lot to you, you must monitor how it is fairing. Just like the evaluation stage, you need to know if the set goals are being achieved or not. Sometimes, drastic changes must be made in the middle of the routine cycle to avoid a futile program. Tracking is better done using various fitness apps and software. The old way of keeping a hard copy of the data can also work well. Remain Positive There is nothing better in fitness than staying positive at all times. It will help you to see the end results at all times and remain motivated every day. If need be, get a mentor or role model who has succeeded in the same route you are taking. With such efforts, this will be your first fitness routine to succeed. Read More: If You’ve Reached A Weight Loss Plateau, Fix Your Sleep Cycling – Learning To Safe Cycling Crucial Tips To Getting A Flat Stomach Why Jumping On Trampolines Is More Beneficial Than Running Or Jogging? Summer Body Inspiration Get Up And Workout! Things To Consider 5 Common Weightlifting Mistakes Women Should Avoid The Miraculous Benefits Of Aqua Yoga


How Does Smoking Weed Affect The Society

The debate over the effects of smoking marijuana on the society is all the rage currently. Whether you refer to this magic plant as cannabis, marijuana, Ganja, pot, kush just to mention a few, the point is that whatever you refer to it, folks are discussing it now more than ever which is a great thing. The truth is that over 60% of Americans use marijuana. Hopefully, the following positive ways in which smoking marijuana affect society will encourage you to puff even more. Reduces deaths : Statistics indicate within a decade over a million folks have died from using prescribed medicine that is approved for use by the FDA. On the flip side, zero deaths have been attributed to marijuana use over the same period. Within the same period, many other people lost their lives because of the food that they consumed. The chances are that pot is safer than the medication approved for use by the FDA as well as some of the food that we consume daily. Minimizes trips to the hospital : No matter how controversial the topic of how smoking marijuana affects society is, we can't deny that the plant has fantastic medical properties. The list of conditions and disease marijuana can fight is endless. Gone are the heydays when you had to make several journeys to the hospital and spend lots of cash treating diseases like multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, nausea, concussion, bipolar disorder among others that can be cured through smoking or using marijuana products. Helps fight evil : Crime is an unfortunate fact of life, no matter where you reside. Nonetheless, if most people smoke weed in the society, then crime rates will reduce significantly. If the pot is readily available, criminal gangs won't make lots of cash from it. This means that they won't have the notes to fund other criminal activities. In fact, statistics indicate that states that have legalized marijuana are much safer than states that have a high demand for illegal marijuana. Grows the economy : Yes, you heard me right! With many folks smoking marijuana, those who supply smoking equipment like bongs/dab rigs, glass blunts and the rest will make a kill because their products will be in high demand. The government will also make money because they will receive tax from each of the products sold. Without any doubt, smoking grass creates jobs and develops the economy, which is a good thing. Enhances creativity : Research in consciousness and cognition discovered that marijuana makes users more creative. With more productive people in society, people with coming up with new and innovative ways to make money, not through crime. The study was done on a hundred and sixty users when they were sober and when intoxicated with cannabis. It revealed that weed heightened the verbal creativity of non-creative users to that of high creatives. If you wish to make your smoking experience better you can consider the products sold in luxe products in the USA. So if you have not been smoking marijuana it's time to start and hope that many other folks around you follow suit for a better society. Read Also : What’s It Like In A Drug Recovery Center? All That You Must Know About Prenatal Vitamins How To Choose Workout Supplements