Top Health Benefits Of Drinking Beer According To Experts

Health Benefits Of Drinking Beer

The preferred alcoholic beverage for millions over the world has strong health benefits. Yes, you read that right. As compared to other forms of alcoholic beverages, beer is healthier, has a positive impact on your body, and allows you to keep critical illnesses at bay.

For a very long time, scientific studies and health studies have shown how beer drinkers tend to live longer, have better cognitive abilities, and lowers stress.

While a lot of reports state that wine has several anti-oxidants, the same can be said for beer as well. Its core ingredients are hops and barley, both of which are known for their anti-oxidant properties.

In the following section, we take help from experts at Melvin Brewing to try and understand how beneficial beer is for your health.

Beer has a Positive Impact on the Mental Health of an Individual:

Beer has a Positive Impact on the Mental Health of an Individual

The natural properties of beer allow it to be a great agent for helping improve the mood. In other words, it helps majorly in lowering stress levels, reduces anxiety, and prevents people from getting into depression.

The same cannot be said about harder alcoholic beverages like whiskey, vodka, rum, or gin.

It should be pointed out that the above observation has been pointed out in the case of moderate drinkers. Heavy drinking is likely to reverse this and add to additional stresses and pressures.

However, if you are drinking socially, with friends or colleagues once or twice a week in moderation, you can experience lesser fatigue levels and a more productive brain.

Beer is Great for your Kidney and Helps Lowers Cholesterol:

Studies have shown how drinking beer prevents the risks of kidney stones. Experts have pointed out that beer has a natural filtration process when it goes inside the body. This helps it remove any internal impurities and allows the same to be excreted out of the body through urine.

As we have already mentioned, beer contains natural fibers like hops and barley. These fibers play a positive role in the reduction of LDL or bad levels of cholesterol. Fibre has been known to have several positive effects on the human body. It helps with maintaining blood sugar levels and controls cholesterol levels within the body.

However, heavy drinking is likely to have the reverse effects as it reduces the body’s power to naturally absorb minerals and vitamins that come from dietary sources.

Does Beer Help Improve Memory Focus and Brain Functions?

According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, moderate drinking of beer promotes cognitive abilities. Why? Because hops, the major ingredient in beer has a property called ‘Xanthohumol’. This chemical is a proven agent that prevents brain and memory degradation.

Similarly, historically, advanced civilization has attributed drinking to improving brain focus, attention, output, and productivity. Beer has selectively been seen to boost the retention power of the brain in many research subjects.

Again, it should be pointed out that we are talking about drinking in moderate doses and not heavy ones. The positive effects can only be experienced if the individuals are drinking beer in moderate doses of one or two glasses per week.

The Final Word:

You would be surprised as we were when we first came across the positive health benefits of beer drinking. We tried to dig deeper and found that medical experts did not want to publicize the same for fear that this would act as a license to give drinkers the right to drink more.

To conclude, beer has several positives, but only when it is consumed at moderate levels. If you are looking to add to the list of benefits, might we suggest you use the comments section and add to the list of health benefits of drinking beer?

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Is Vaping Safer Than Smoking?

Vaping is a relatively new concept which gained popularity over a decade ago. Some people have given up smoking entirely and replaced it with vaping, and some use it as a means of quitting smoking for good. Despite its newfound popularity, not a lot of people are aware of it or the difference to smoking. There are many unanswered questions such as how safe it is compared to smoking tobacco or cigarettes. The good thing is, there are on-going studies about its chemical content and if it's a safer alternative to smoking. The difference in chemical content: Smoking is harmful to the lungs. Vaping is no exemption and, in fact, comes with health implications as well. Although it’s not as bad as when smoking cigarettes, knowing the chemicals in it will help you make a better decision to try it or not. Cigarettes and tobacco. Tobacco is an essential component of cigarettes. Smoking involves the process of burning tobacco leaves, which then releases thousands of chemicals that go into your body. One should be alarmed to know that 20 or more of these chemicals are potent carcinogens. This includes nicotine, which is an addictive chemical giving you that urge to smoke another stick. Hydrogen cyanide, lead, formaldehyde, ammonia, and arsenic are also some of the dangerous chemicals you introduce to your body when you smoke. Vaping eliminates the process of burning tobacco leaves, which in turn, reduces the harmless chemicals to which you subject your body. Studies show that there are only a handful of chemicals involved in vaping compared to smoking cigarettes. Cyclops e juice was found to contain the least amount of harmful chemicals amongst all other producers of e-cigarettes. This includes nicotine, acetaldehyde, propylene glycol, and nitrosamines, while the rest are chemicals added to give flavor to the vapor. Vaping and quitting smoking: Cigarettes can be addictive, and despite the health implications, smokers find it hard to break the habit. Quitting is a difficult challenge because once your body’s addicted to nicotine, there’s almost no turning back and stopping will take a lot of willpower to achieve. This is where vaping plays a role. Smokers find it easier to overcome their cigarette addiction by replacing it with e-cigarettes, which are available from an online vape store on the web. Some claim they managed to overcome their nicotine cravings by vaping, or at least reduce it by half.  Cancer Research UK conducted a study and compared cigarette smokers and vape smokers and found lower toxins and carcinogens with the latter population sample. They also suggested people should give up cigarettes entirely and swap over to e-cigarettes if you want an easier way of giving up your addiction. Healthy living is a personal choice, and if you’ve been smoking for years, it’s understandable how much of a struggle it is to quit. Giving up cigarettes is a big step, and you’ll need all the help you can get to make it possible. From nicotine patches to vaping, all you need to do is find an effective method to break the bad habit. Read Also: Make A Mark: The Vape Brand For Your Lifestyle Can Vaping Really Help You Kick Your Smoking Habit?

Fitness Routine

5 Tips to Kick Start Your Fitness Routine

No matter the kind of workout that you would like to engage in, you can use the new season as an opportunity of starting over again. Life always gives people of all walks of life a chance to open a new page. Therefore, it is possible to begin a daily fitness routine even if you have a proven track record of failure. The most important thing is to set yourself up for great success. In such a case, the small changes that you make will mean a lot to you. Do not allow the lofty end goals to intimidate you in any way. The guiding principle is to remain highly focused on your goals. This may call for some level of discipline but you will make it as long as you stay highly motivated. You may have to deny yourself some of the pleasures that the world presents your way. Here are some 5 tips to kick start your fitness routine. Use them to make sure that nothing deters you from the main objective. 1. Don’t Think About Being Bad The fact that you did not engage in any physical activity during the last vacation is reason enough to make you feel bad. You may also be discouraged by the fact that you eat a dessert every single night while on that vacation. You could be struggling to create some time for your fitness routine within your schedule that is seemingly busy. You have to go to work, school, and take care of your young ones. It is like there is completely no time for a workout in your timetable. Whatever the prevailing circumstances for your workout blues, you should always learn to let it go. The fact that you took a break from physical activities does not make you a bad person. Do not allow the little voices of shame and guilt to make the past to paralyze you. You may end up procrastinating everything in the present.  As human beings, we can only learn from the past and not change it. The good thing is that we can pick the lessons we learn from our past to shape our future. Know that every day gives you a brand-new opportunity to invest in your health and feel good. Therefore, you don’t have to dwell in the past in any way. Overcome such feelings and focus on your fitness routine so that you can move forward. This is an excellent starting point if you want to kickstart your fitness routine. 2. Set Realistic and Specific Goals We have all been in a place when we give ourselves unrealistic targets in life. The truth of the matter is that you cannot achieve most of these targets and you will end up as a frustrated person. For example, after not exercising for one month, you want to compensate for the lost time by spending the whole week under an intensive exercise in the gym. Remember your body runs on blood and hence it needs time to adapt. You will strain, become tired, and most likely not achieve the desired results. The best that such an incidence can do for your is making you're frustrated to a point of giving up. Therefore, you should not be so overambitious in the way you set your goals. You need to set for yourself targets that you know are attainable. It is good to be reasonable as you set your workout goals.  Remember you are human and not a machine that runs on fuel. At some point, your body will wear out during the session. Begin with short term yoga workouts so that your body can adapt. As you continue with your fitness routine, you can increase the intensity slowly. You will be able to give your body the best experience that will encourage it to pursue the fitness routine. The most important thing is to do something and not nothing. Just know that you will eventually get in shape them move through the whole process progressively. You can even begin by taking a walk and then introduce running to your fitness routine later on. Some of these things may seem to be simple but they will make your body to feel good. You can even motivate your body by jogging before you can run. The step by step approach is the best way to adapt to a new fitness routine. 3. Hold a Plank for One Minute Let me inform that holding a plank for one minute is harder than you may think. Planks are simple but highly effective exercises that will work the whole body from the top to the bottom.  If your intention is to nudge your body from shifting from a long break of workout, you can throw a few plank holdings every day. It will help you to tune back in with your glutes, shoulders, arms, and core. You will discover that your body will begin to adapt to exercising within a few days. 4. Tying a HIIT Workout The full mane for this abbreviation is ‘high-intensity interval training.’ HIIT exercises determination rev your energy levels and blast your body like nothing else. It gives you one of the best feelings that come with challenging your body muscles. It will also give you excellent soreness and a good sweat. You should not miss this in your fitness routine if you have not been exercising for some time. 5. Eat Health Meals Eating unhealthy meals while exercising makes the whole process to be counterproductive. You have to make nutritious meals as soon as you begin to get back to your fitness routine. Include things like green smoothies in your diet and you will be good to go. However, this does not mean that you have to do this for all the meals. Once you make a small implementation of healthy eating, you will get the motivation to desire to eat healthy foods every time. It will give you energy and a clear mindset to move on with life. These tips will make sure that you kickstart your fitness routine and adapt within a short period. Read Also: 7 Ways To Kick Off Your Fitness Routine How Do I Get Back In Shape? Fitness Experts Share Their Tips! 10 Winter Fitness Hacks To Help You Stick To Your Fitness Goals

Lose Belly Fat

Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Lose Belly Fat

Are you tired of belly fat? Belly fat is more than a nuisance, it is more harmful than many people realize. It not only makes your clothes feel tight but may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, and heart problems. Losing belly fat is extremely difficult, but it can be much harder if you are doing it wrong. There are many things that you do for losing weight that can actually increase your belly fat. In this article, we have listed the most common mistakes you should avoid. Have a look! Not Getting Enough Sleep: The most common mistake is staying awake at night. Whether you are having late-night coffee or scrolling through Instagram or Facebook. When you don’t get 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night, you will feel tired the next morning. You will not have the energy to keep up with everyday chores. Additionally, this will have an adverse effect on your weight. Instead of losing weight, you will be gaining weight. This is because when we are sleep deprived, the hormones are not balanced. It has a direct impact on our hunger. The hormones that affect our hunger levels are leptin and ghrelin. Ghrelin makes us hungry while leptin promotes the feeling of fullness. When we have a lack of sleep, ghrelin levels increase and leptin level decreases. It indicates that when we are awake, we will be eating more and feeling less satisfied. This is why you should go to sleep early and keep your hormones balanced. Eating Too Much Sugar: Losing weight becomes challenging when your diet includes a lot of sugar content. When you are trying to lose belly fat, you must keep a check on the calories and sugar you are intaking. You must avoid drinking sugar-sweetened drinks, sports drink, and other sugary foods. Though many people tend to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables when losing weight, it is not a great approach. This is because fruits and vegetables havea high content of natural sugar. Many people even consume low-fat foods, such food also have high sugar content. So, it is advised to check the food label before using them. Doing Crash-Dieting: Though crash diets can help you lose weight in the start, it will not help keep the weight off. You need to keep in mind that intaking few calories can do more harm than good. This is because when you have low-calorie intake, your body will enter starvation mode. It will slow down the metabolism that makes it harder to lose weight. You must try and keep the intake of carbohydrates to a minimum. When you will reduce the carbohydrates intake, you will be able to reduce your belly fat. If you want to make healthy changes in your eating habits, this menu will tell you what you should eat to lose weight. Therefore, these are common mistakes made by people when trying to lose belly fat. You should gradually make changes to your lifestyle and habits to starting losing weight effectively. Read Also: Follow These 5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat Crucial Tips To Getting A Flat Stomach