Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Lose Belly Fat


21 November 2018

Health & Fitness

Lose Belly Fat

Are you tired of belly fat? Belly fat is more than a nuisance, it is more harmful than many people realize. It not only makes your clothes feel tight but may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, and heart problems.

Losing belly fat is extremely difficult, but it can be much harder if you are doing it wrong. There are many things that you do for losing weight that can actually increase your belly fat. In this article, we have listed the most common mistakes you should avoid. Have a look!

Not Getting Enough Sleep:


The most common mistake is staying awake at night. Whether you are having late-night coffee or scrolling through Instagram or Facebook. When you don’t get 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night, you will feel tired the next morning. You will not have the energy to keep up with everyday chores. Additionally, this will have an adverse effect on your weight. Instead of losing weight, you will be gaining weight.

This is because when we are sleep deprived, the hormones are not balanced. It has a direct impact on our hunger. The hormones that affect our hunger levels are leptin and ghrelin. Ghrelin makes us hungry while leptin promotes the feeling of fullness. When we have a lack of sleep, ghrelin levels increase and leptin level decreases.

It indicates that when we are awake, we will be eating more and feeling less satisfied. This is why you should go to sleep early and keep your hormones balanced.

Eating Too Much Sugar:


Losing weight becomes challenging when your diet includes a lot of sugar content. When you are trying to lose belly fat, you must keep a check on the calories and sugar you are intaking. You must avoid drinking sugar-sweetened drinks, sports drink, and other sugary foods.

Though many people tend to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables when losing weight, it is not a great approach. This is because fruits and vegetables havea high content of natural sugar. Many people even consume low-fat foods, such food also have high sugar content. So, it is advised to check the food label before using them.

Doing Crash-Dieting:


Though crash diets can help you lose weight in the start, it will not help keep the weight off. You need to keep in mind that intaking few calories can do more harm than good. This is because when you have low-calorie intake, your body will enter starvation mode. It will slow down the metabolism that makes it harder to lose weight.

You must try and keep the intake of carbohydrates to a minimum. When you will reduce the carbohydrates intake, you will be able to reduce your belly fat. If you want to make healthy changes in your eating habits, this menu will tell you what you should eat to lose weight.

Therefore, these are common mistakes made by people when trying to lose belly fat. You should gradually make changes to your lifestyle and habits to starting losing weight effectively.

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Medicare Plan

How To Choose The Best Medicare Plan For Your Healthcare Needs

Navigating the vast array of Medicare plans available can be a daunting task.  However, you can make an informed decision with proper preparation and a good understanding of coverage, networks, doctors, and plan benefits.  Medicare Advantage plans, in particular, offer additional benefits and reduced out-of-pocket costs. Although, not all plans are created equal.  Therefore, to ensure you make the best choice for your healthcare needs, it is essential to consider your options carefully. Moreover, you must ask pertinent questions about coverage, networks, doctors, and plan benefits.  You can also get help from professionals with medicare expertise to help you find the best solutions for your health coverage. Doing so lets you find a plan that provides the coverage and quality of care you deserve. Here, let us dive deeper and understand the factors you must consider when choosing the best Medicare plan. How Do Medicare Plans Work? Medicare is a health insurance program for individuals 65 and older and those with certain disabilities. Given below are the different parts of a Medicare plan: Hospital Insurance (Part A): Part A covers inpatient care. It includes hospital stays and skilled nursing facilities. Moreover, it comes free of cost once individuals turn 65 and qualify for Social Security.  Medical Insurance (Part B): Part B covers medical insurance, including outpatient care, preventive care, and medical equipment. Most plans offer prescription drug coverage, with some charging an additional premium in addition to Part B premiums. Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C): Part C Medicare Advantage plans include prescription drug coverage, with some charging an additional premium.  Medigap Plans (Part D): Medicare Part D covers prescription drugs when the Medicare Advantage plan doesn’t include them.  Therefore, before you pick a plan, you should look at your care and coverage needs to understand how they work. Steps To Choose The Best Medicare Plan Given below are the important factors that you need to consider chronologically. This will help you land on the best Medicare plan for your health needs— 1. Cost Of The Plan It's important to understand your health insurance plan clearly. The first factor that you must look into is the cost: How much do you pay in premiums? Deductibles. Out-of-pocket costs for services. These costs include hospital stays and doctor visits.  Moreover, you must note that there is no limit on what you can pay out of pocket annually. However, these costs do not include your supplemental coverage.  Conversely, Medicare Part A and Part B plans have a yearly cap. Therefore, you don’t have to pay anything for Part A and Part B services until you reach the limit. 2. What Your Plan Covers? Medicare covers most necessary medical services and supplies. This includes the following: Treatments provided in hospitals. Treatments are provided in doctors' offices. Treatments received at healthcare facilities.  However, several Medicare plans do not cover certain benefits like the following:  Eye exams. Dental care. Routine check-ups.  Your Medicare plan will help you pay for the covered services, depending on the type of care and where it is received.  Therefore, you should ensure that your Medicare plan covers all your required services to get the most cost-effective healthcare.  Moreover, some services, such as preventive care screenings and tests, are free. However, others, such as prescriptions for covered antibiotics, may involve a fee.  You must find a Medicare Plan that covers all necessary medical services. Sometimes, you may need prior approval before it covers certain services or supplies.  Lastly, if necessary, look for a plan that covers additional benefits like vision, hearing, and dental services. 3. Traveling Coverage It's crucial to ensure that you are covered wherever you go.  Original Medicare usually covers medical appointments when traveling within the U.S. and seeing a healthcare professional who accepts Medicare.  However, traveling overseas can bring up issues. Many Medicare Advantage plans offer international coverage, as well as coverage while you're traveling domestically.  Different Medicare plans have different rules regarding coverage outside of the United States. Therefore, speak with your Medicare advisor to find out what is and isn't covered before embarking on your trip.  4. Plans For Prescription Drugs When considering joining a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan, it's important to consider several factors.  It is important to first establish whether you currently possess prescription drug coverage that is considered creditable. This can help you avoid paying a penalty if you join a drug plan later. Additionally, you should look into the plan's overall star rating. This rating can give you an idea of the quality of care provided by the plan.  Moreover, you must consider what your prescription drugs will cost under each plan. Find out whether your drugs are covered under the plan's formulary.  It's also important to check if any coverage rules apply to your prescriptions. Some plans may have restrictions on the quantity or frequency of certain medications. Lastly, you should determine your eligibility for a free Medication Therapy Management (MTM) program. This program can help you manage your medications and get the most out of your drug plan. 5. Do You Have To Change Your Doctor? When switching to Medicare, finding a doctor familiar with your medical background can be tricky.  However, your Medicare advisor can help determine whether your current doctor is still in your network.  You can also do your own research. However, you must do a bit of digging to find out which doctors get coverage under your new plan.  Moreover, you must ensure that your preferred doctors are covered under a Medicare Advantage or Cost plan. You must contact the insurance company directly or check their website for a search tool.  Find a new primary care physician if your current doctor is outside your network.  Getting The Best Plan! When choosing a Medicare plan, it's important to remember that you have a variety of options available.  Ultimately, the decision is yours to make.  Therefore, ensure that you make the best choice for your individual needs. Gather as much information as possible before making a decision.  Start by listing the key factors you must consider and ensure you ask all the right questions. By focusing on what type of plan will be most beneficial to you, you'll be able to find a Medicare plan that meets your needs and gives you the coverage you need. 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How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life

It has been established that marijuana has an overall positive effect on human body and more and more people are starting to experience it and discover how cannabis can be used in many different forms to help treat certain conditions or it can be consumed recreationally for relaxation and fun. More and more countries are starting to open their eyes towards the idea of making the green plant legal and accessible. California legalized it in 2016 for both medical and recreational use, opening many new dispensaries like People’s OC. Now it is much easier for people from all walks of life to enjoy this wonderful plant, share experiences, and further test marijuana thus filling some gaps in practice which science tries to explain in theory. The topic for today will be the effect of marijuana on your sex life. We are sharing our thoughts and experiences on how cannabis you get from legal marijuana shops in California and other states where recreational marijuana is legal can make sexual experiences different and better. All in your head? You can say that this literally is true because marijuana directly affects receptors in the brain with its active component THC which stimulates the release of hormones of happiness and peacefulness (dopamine and anandamide). If you combine the high THC-rich recreational marijuana achieves with a regular sexual arousal, the results both of these conditions provide only complement each other and enhance the intercourse in terms of quality, duration and amount of pleasure. It is worth noting that not all people have the same experience when consuming cannabis, some feel like they grasp the whole cosmos with their mind, others claim that they feel nothing or just sleepy, and a similar comparison can be made for sexual experience and orgasms. Science can’t draw a definitive line and pinpoint precisely what type of experience a person is going to have, but it sure can answer many hows and whys of marijuana’s effect on human body. Benefits of mixing marijuana and sex We are well aware of the positive effect marijuana has on us, but here are some benefits which directly affect the quality of your sexual life and improve it on so many levels. It helps fight off anxiety, relieve tension, relax and gain confidence in your performance, it also reduces the accumulated stress. Increased libido and sharpened senses boost both mental and physical experience, meaning the feelings of joy and pleasure sex provides are raised on a new level. People have also experienced a stronger emotional connection with their partner during the intercourse in a sense that they can truly relax and shift all of their focus on the partner and sex, which means that the brain does not allow any other distraction to reduce the amount of joy even the slightest. This strong focus translates well to your physical performance as well, you feel more energized, and you can extend the duration of the intercourse and thus intensify and prolong your and your partner’s pleasure. This state of heightened concentration allows you to savor every single moment of sex until you reach the climax. Try to balance things out As in every other aspect of life, balance is the key. This is especially important for marijuana because it hasn’t been scientifically determined how much weed one should take to reach the optimal experience. Effect of marijuana are individual and the best way to determine how much weed you need is to test on yourself and see what works and not. What you ideally want is a moderate consumption in order to reach the level of joy we’ve mentioned before. Many factors influence how things are going to play out, but too much marijuana intake can lead to some undesired effects such as reduced motor skills functionality, lack of sexual drive and fatigue. Men and women are affected differently as well, and current circumstances and mood also play a big role, but if you are able to balance things out and find the amount that works for you, then pleasure and fun are the only side-effects you’d ever have. Read Also : Why Is Cannabis Good For Health? Best Grow Tents For Growing Cannabis

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation: Does It Cause Cancer In Patients?

Many women worry about developing breast cancer, especially when it comes to invasive procedures. In fact, according to breastcancer.org, one out of every eight women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. Here, you will learn whether breast augmentation leads to cancer or not. Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. More than 300,000 surgeries happen in the United States every year. Their number is growing. Basically, breast augmentation is a full-scale surgery that tampers with the tissues. Hence, many patients fear the possibility of developing such dangerous conditions as cancer. Can breast augmentation cause cancer? Let’s find out. Understanding Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation is a surgical procedure with the help of which cosmetologists and doctors change the shape and size of a woman’s breasts. It is also called augmentation mammoplasty. Generally, there are two reasons why you need to perform breast augmentation: Cosmetic Reasons:This helps in making breasts larger, correcting asymmetrical breasts, or changing their shape. Reconstructive Reasons: Some women want to restore the volume of their breasts after pregnancy, weight loss, or even breast removal. Moreover, reconstruction also works when you want to increase the size of your breasts that are of different sizes. Basically, during the breast augmentation procedure, the surgeon inserts breast implants under the chest muscle or breast tissue. Generally, these implants consist of sacs that are full of silicone or saline water. Moreover, the surgery mostly happens at an outpatient clinic or a hospital. On the other hand, there is also a natural alternative to breast augmentation. This happens through fat transfer. Here, the surgeon brings out fat from the woman’s body through liposuction. Then, they inject the fat into the breasts of the woman. In some cases, this procedure surgeons call this process fat grafting. Risk Factors To Breast Augmentation The following are some of the major risk factors for breast augmentation: Improper incision placement Excessive tissue manipulation Incorrect implant placement Poor surgical technique Inadequate hemostasis (control of bleeding) Does Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? Different research came up to show whether implants can lead to cancer. According to Seattle breast augmentation surgeons at LaBelleVie and other board-certified doctors and qualified medical professionals, there is currently no evidence linking breast implants to breast cancer. There are reasons why some women may find out about cancer after or even before getting implants. This depends on the fact that there are many tests before the actual surgery happens. So, patients discover tumors during the preparation procedures rather than after the insertion of the implant. Generally, breast implants haven’t been linked to the appearance of breast cancer. However, they may increase the risk of developing a certain type of cancer. Actually, it is the Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma or BI-AALCL. What Is BI-AALCL? BI-AALCL is an uncommon type of lymphoma that occurs around the implants after breast augmentation. It’s more common in women who opt for breast implants having surface textures. BI-AALCL is an immune system cancer, NOT breast cancer. The risk of developing such cancer is rather low. One in about 30,000 women develops BI-AALCL after opting for breast augmentation with textured implants. However, if doctors discover the problem early enough, it is easy to cure. The symptoms of this type of cancer include: Unexpected breast enlargement Breast asymmetry Lump in the breast or armpit Hardening of the breast Fluid collection If a patient experiences such symptoms, she must contact a doctor immediately in order to prevent cancer from spreading. BIA ALCL can occur in patients who have chosen silicone or saline implants. Also, one can find it regardless of the type of surgery, be it breast reconstruction or breast enlargement. As of today, no cases of women developing BI-AALCL after installing a smooth implant have been reported. If a patient opts for textured implants, the doctor must monitor her for several years after the surgery. Today, it’s not possible to run tests in order to understand which patients are prone to this disease. Should You Remove My Breast Augmentation And Implants? If you have textured implants, it doesn’t mean you will develop BI-AALCL. All the findings show that the risk of getting such cancer is quite low. Removing the implants is a drastic measure that should be discussed with the surgeon and the physician. In the majority of cases, women with textured implants should be monitoring the condition of their breasts carefully in order not to miss the first signs of the disease. For the majority of patients with stage 1 BI-AALCL, the cancer is confined in a capsule. Early treatment involves surgical removal. The survival rate of patients with such cancer is 89% over 5 years. The rate is much higher for women who are diagnosed early and who have the implant and the capsule removed timely. Breast Augmentation And Cancer: The Way Forward Does breast augmentation cause breast cancer? No. However, it can lead to an uncommon form of immune system cancer, which is well-treatable if caught early enough. Do you have more information to add about breast augmentation? Please share them in the comments section below. 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