3 Things to Know About Long-Term VOC Exposure


Volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, are one of the leading causes of air pollution. They pose an immediate environmental risk to the average individual. VOCs can be both natural and manufactured. They are dangerous because of their volatility, which means the toxins evaporate into the air at room temperature. VOCs are released into the indoor air that we breathe and can cause exposure.

Beyond the danger of their short- and long-term effects, VOCs are particularly hazardous because most of the time, you cannot see or smell them. Learn the following about long-term exposure to VOCs and how you can reduce your risk.

You Can Be Exposed Through Everyday Activity:

Individuals can be exposed to VOCs in a variety of ways. Smoking cigarettes or being in the presence of secondhand smoke, using common household cleaners, working with commercial building and crafting chemicals, or using products that contain formaldehyde or benzene all increase your exposure to VOCs.

There are two ways to be exposed to VOCs. First, you can become exposed by inhaling air that contains volatile compounds. In addition, you can become exposed when your skin comes into contact with products that contain and release VOCs. Formaldehyde is one of the largest contributors to environmental pollution via VOCs because of the significant amount of residential, commercial, and personal products that contain it.

Long-Term Exposure Can Cause Serious Issues:

The danger of VOC exposure varies depending on the amount of VOCs in the air, the length of time you have been exposed, and how often you are exposed to it. Short-range exposure can garner a variety of symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, irritation to the eyes, and memory issues.

Being exposed to VOCs for longer periods can induce more serious symptoms. They can include consistent eyes, nose, and throat irritation; nausea; loss of coordination; prolonged periods of fatigue; damage to your liver, kidneys, and central nervous system; and in some cases, even cancer.

It’s Possible to Reduce Your Risk:

To limit your risk of VOC exposure, it is advised to reduce the amount of time you spend breathing in air that contains VOCs. Likewise, limit the time you spend using chemicals that contain and release VOCs, such as household cleaners or commercial crafting supplies. Whenever possible, buy and use naturally sourced cleaning supplies, cosmetics, or other personal items.

Taking measures to improve air quality can also help to reduce symptoms and any long-term damage. The installation of features such as air-cleaning ventilation systems can improve your air quality. These systems help take out the air that contains VOCs inside your home and replace it with preconditioned fresh air.

Volatile organic compounds are an immediate threat and can cause harmful long-term symptoms. However, there are ways you can protect your health. Start by limiting your exposure to air that contains VOCs. In addition, install ventilation systems to replace contaminated air inside your home. It doesn’t take a lot to make a difference, but it can save you from some serious health concerns in the long run.

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multiple chronic medical conditions

The Disturbing Trend of Multiple Chronic Medical Conditions

Americans with a chronic medical condition know just how difficult it is to navigate the challenges of our healthcare system. These patients pay huge medical costs, experience a diminished quality of life and, in some cases, run the risk of developing even more chronic conditions. They also represent about half of the adult population in the United States. But as bleak as things are when you suffer from a single, long-lasting sickness, the challenges are compounded exponentially when you develop a second, third, or even more chronic conditions. This growing subset of patients - those suffering from two or more chronic conditions – now accounts for over one quarter of all Americans, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Most Common Medical Conditions Chronic conditions last for a year or more, require ongoing medical attention and often limit a person’s day-to-day activities. Chronic conditions include heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, chronic respiratory conditions, asthma, human immunodeficiency virus infection, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy and obesity, to name only a few. Read also:  An Overview of Schizophrenia 6 Imbalances in Body Hampering Weight Loss Efforts Other non-physical conditions can also fall into this category -- those like developmental disabilities, mental illness, and cognitive impairment. Tobacco use, alcohol abuse or substance addiction may cause more chronic conditions, or be considered chronic conditions themselves. Read More: Tackle Your Shredding This Family Day An Expensive and Common Problem About two-thirds of healthcare costs in the United States and over 90 percent of Medicare spending go toward people with multiple chronic conditions (MCC). In addition to the approximately 27 percent of Americans with MCC, the Department of Health and Human Services estimates that around three-quarters of those over 65 have MCC. Many people with MCC have more than just two chronic conditions. Over seven percent of men and over 10 percent of women in the U.S. have five or more chronic medical conditions. With every additional condition, come steep rises in costs, treatments, doctor visits, and prescription medications, per the DHHS. When Riskier, Costlier, Less Effective Treatment is a Part of Life If you have MCC, or if you know someone who does, then you might already be familiar with the incredible challenges that come with having two or more serious illnesses. Insurance will be costlier, as will the out-of-pocket costs you pay. Of course, you’ll also be paying even more than those with a single chronic condition, because you will likely be seeing more doctors to receive the treatment you need. You will probably need to take several prescription medications for your medical conditions. It is the increased number of doctor visits to multiple doctors and the many medications needed for management of MCC that open patients up to inadequate healthcare. Patients with MCC rely heavily on specialists, and it is likely that a specialist who is treating a patient for one of their chronic illnesses won’t have the skills or training necessary to provide care that addresses the other chronic illnesses the patient suffers from. This leads to a disjointed, uncoordinated and costly system in which patients are more likely to suffer from medical error, receive conflicting medical advice and experience adverse drug reactions. Patients so often find that they are handed off from one doctor to another, with little to no oversight to coordinate the many treatments, tests, and medicines they take. Read More: Folic Acid Deficiency Symptoms: Supplement The Deficiency Before It’s Too Late Addressing the MCC Problem Reducing the direct and indirect costs to patients requires an ambitious rethinking of our approach to healthcare that addresses the unique needs of MCC patients. We need federal and state programs that engage patients to better coordinate their care and provide education to those suffering from several medical conditions. We need doctors that are better trained in handling a wide range of medical needs, as opposed to the specialization trend among doctors that have become the norm in the last several decades. Prevention is also key to lessening the number of MCC patients in the United States. This means education, raising awareness and public health initiatives that serve to stop the development of these illnesses before they start. Patients with MCC can easily get disillusioned with the obstacles they encounter when they enter the convoluted, expensive system that they depend on for treatment. The odds are good that many of you have first-hand experience with the failings of our current system in dealing with multiple, chronic medical conditions. Judging from the statistics, most of us will also encounter these shortcomings at some point in our lives. Mark Evans is a Missouri trial attorney and partner at the Bley & Evans law firm. Read More: The Relationship Between Oral Health And General Health Top 6 U.S. Universities That Offer Health Science Course Dore Aesthetics: Proven And Safe Acne Treatment

Ordering Alcohol

Tips to Follow When Ordering Alcohol Online

Alcohol delivery right at your doorstep is quite convenient. However, it's essential to follow a guideline when ordering alcohol from an online store. Overlook all the benefits of online delivery and learn of what is required of you first. Nonetheless, some delivery companies operating in NYC are legally certified, while some are not. However, whether the company is approved or not, you must follow the guidelines to safeguard your interests. Guideline When Ordering Alcohol: Follow the Laws The same rules apply to you, whether you're ordering alcohol from the local supplier, ordering it online, you've never done it before, or you're just starting a business, you have to search for a website containing the requirements you should follow. The regulations differ in each state. So, ensure you read from a website dedicated to your state. If you want to order alcohol for your store in NYC, hire the services of alcohol delivery for business nyc. Fortunately, when ordering online, the delivery company sees which state you are ordering from, and if you fail to follow the requirement, they will cancel the order. This is an advantageous measure because it prevents kids from ordering. Choose Your Product When you're starting a liquor bar, you would prefer to offer a wide range of alcohol so that you reach more customers. However, your capital may limit you. Make a list of the alcohol you need. So, if you want to specialize in wines, choose different brands of wine. Remember, every customer has a unique taste, and therefore, it's necessary to choose various brands. When you order alcohol, make sure you get everything you need, such as whiskey, rum, and others. Alcohol deliveries partner with various stores to facilitate your order. So, when you choose alcohol delivery for business NYC, you can receive a variety of wines from different brands. Choose the Quantity Once you select the alcohol type that you want, choose the quantity. If you choose a beer to start your business, it's advisable to select enough. The same applies when selecting the number of wines and whiskey boxes. Read more: 5 Tips To Finding Better Talent For Your Bar Business Order Today, ordering alcohol is easy, but you have to create an account with the delivery company or download an app. It's a perfect solution to protect kids from ordering alcohol. Ensure you have the app, log in, and make your order. Confirm your checklist matches with what you've ordered and click on the agreement box then click order. Also, ensure that there is a delivery agreement so that you protect yourself from future disagreement. Receiving Your Order Once the alcohol is delivered, counter check with your checklist and ensure you receive tightly sealed liquor bottles. Conclude by paying what you owe the delivery individual. Summary Laws are meant to protect you. Thus, following a guideline when purchasing alcohol online is simply a way to protect your interest and keep clear records. Also, following a guideline helps you keep track of your business purchases and the profits you make. Read Also: How To Quit Alcohol: Consider Non-Alcoholic Drinks The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Non-Alcoholic Spirits

breast cancer

Early Symptoms and Signs of Breast Cancer

October is the breast cancer awareness month. This tradition has been established in the 1980s and has been commemorated every year since. It is meant to raise awareness of this vicious disease affecting predominantly women. And a vicious disease it is. In fact, it is one of the biggest killers of women in the US, as well as the rest of the developed world. It is also one of the most diagnosed cancers. We asked professionals from Odonate Pharmaceuticals to share some insight into the early signs and symptoms of breast cancer, as well as possible treatment options available today. Early Symptoms Are Easy to Dismiss Breast cancer is not only a dangerous and widespread illness, but it can also be very subversive, particularly in the early stages. The symptoms and potential signs that something is wrong are easy to dismiss and can even go unnoticed. However, if you are diligent and check regularly, you should be able to notice any difference and seek advice from your doctor. Some people adopt the mindset that it is perhaps nothing and not important, but you really shouldn’t gamble with your health and seek help if you notice anything. Changes in the Feel of the Breast The earliest symptoms won’t be visible, but you will be able to feel them with your hand. Giving yourself regular breast exams is the simplest and safest way to ensure that you are able to spot any changes or problems early on. Some of these symptoms include the tenderness of the breast or a lump on the breast or the armpit region, enlargement of the pores in the region, or even a change in the texture of the skin (often described as orange peel sensation). Remember that even if you do spot these changes (particularly lumps), that doesn’t mean that it is cancerous. There are different types of lumps; however, just to be safe, any changes should be seen by a professional. Changes in the Appearance of the Breast The second level of potential early symptoms of breast cancer can be inspected visually as well. One of the most common of these is the unexplained change in size or the shape of the breast. This kind of problem is particularly noticeable if it is asymmetrical, i.e. affecting only one breast and not the other one. A more noticeable issue can be if the nipple is inverted or at least slightly turned inwards. This might be a stronger indication that something is wrong. If the skin of the breast is red, swollen, scaly, or with orange skin pattern, you really should consult a medical professional. Even if it is not a symptom of cancer, it is a concern which you should see as soon as possible. Nipple Discharge Finally, if you detect any kind of discharge from your breasts which you do not expect, it is a cause for concern. If the discharge is milky, most experts agree that this is not an indication of cancer, but should be investigated by a medical professional, nonetheless. On the other hand, if the discharge is clear, you ought to be responsible and see a doctor. The same thing applies in the case of bloody nipple discharge. Once again, even if it is not related to cancer, it is a cause for concern. Keeping yourself healthy may seem like a chore at first, but if you persist, you will find that this short and simple ritual is quite useful and that the benefits it provides far outweigh the trouble you put yourself through. Read Also: Can Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? Breast Augmentation: Procedure, Benefits, And Risks 5 Types Of Cancer Prominent In Women