5 Best Sports To Lose Weight Fast in 2020

Published on: 25 April 2019 Last Updated on: 23 January 2020
Best Sports To Lose Weight

Sports can be a fun way to learn new things, make some friends, relieve stress and get some regular exercise. It is a great way of losing weight as you lose calories really fast while enjoying yourself. There are many best sports to lose weight but you need to pick those sports which will suit your body.

Here are some of the best sports to lose weight:

1. Basketball:


To lose weight, the calories spent should be more than the calories consumed. The number of calories you burn playing basketball cannot be accurately calculated. It depends on a lot of factors such as your age and gender, but most importantly, on your weight.

An average person with a bodyweight of around 155 lb can lose up to 300 calories in just half an hour of playing whereas someone with a greater weight of around 185 lb will have to put in a lot more effort and can spend 355 calories in the same time!

There is no fixed formula, but multiplying your weight in pounds by a factor of 3.6 will give you an estimate of how many calories you burned per hour.

2.  Tennis:


Tennis can become a very competitive sport pretty soon if you are passionate about it. But if you are getting into it with the sole intention of the best sports to lose weight, you might be discouraged at first as you will not see much results. This is because, if you are not serious, you will be slacking off pretty often.

Tennis can be a full-body sport if you make it a point to always keep moving. Play singles so that you have the whole side to defend and run around. Play with a single ball so every single time you miss, you have to go get it. Maybe play with a better player, that way you will be on your toes a lot! Make sure you have put enough effort in to be dripping sweat by the end of the game.

3. Rollerblading:


Rollerblading is an aerobic exercise that uses your own body weight against you. To balance on the wheels, you might not realize, but you are using most of the muscles in your body. While it is a very similar sport to walking or hiking in terms of benefits, it can be a lot more fun.

Many factors such as the terrain and your speed influence the ultimate quantity of calories you will burn. Adding more difficulty to the sport such as using wrist weights and involving more arm movements, can increase the number of calories you burn. Going up against an incline rather than plane surfaces can also help. A person with a bodyweight of 160 lbs can burn over 900 calories in a one-hour session of rollerblading.

4. Football:


This is a full-contact sport that will make you run up and down about a hundred yards after a ball that everyone is fighting for. How is it any different than just running then? Well, first there’s stakes. You gotta win! Then, it’s not just plain running, kicking the ball, jumping, dribbling, every activity increases the number of calories burnt.

if you are not already a sportsperson, having the stamina to complete a game might be a bit difficult. Slowly trying to gain stamina over a period of time by jogging, stretching and doing cardio can help. In the end, not only will you be losing weight by the day, but also you will learn a cool new sport!

5. Racquetball:


Similar to squash this sport requires you to be moving continuously. As soon as you hit the ball, you have to get back to the position and be ready for the next. It requires speed and agility making it a great way for the best sports to lose weight.

A person of 160 lbs should be able to burn over 500 calories in just an hour of moderate-intensity racquetball and over 637 calories for a person of 200 lb.

Having a motivation other than just weight-loss, like winning a game, can take out the frustration of the journey making it easier for you to reach your goals. You can find quality basketballs discussed on this.

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Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting: How Does It Work and Crucial Things to Consider?

Most of us would prefer to lose a few KGs or pounds quickly before going on a summer vacation. However, it is difficult for anyone to change his/her life-long eating habits. Because most diets that follow a predetermined diet or exclude whole food groups are never really a long-term solution. In fact, you can lose weight noticeably in a very short time through diet cures. As soon as the cure is over, you gain weight again just as quickly. Even worse, nutritionists warn that lightning diets can even cause additional weight gain. However, fasting has been rediscovered in recent years. While diets usually harm health, fasting is said to have numerous health-promoting effects. In particular, the intermittent fasting is to prove the support fat loss, to lower blood pressure and inhibit inflammation. We have summarized for you how interval fasting works and how it can be combined with taking natural hemp oil. What Is Intermittent Fasting and Why It Is Practiced Fasting is understood as voluntary withholding of food for spiritual, health, or other reasons. You must not be underweighted and have enough fat reserves that can supply the body with energy during the period. In most of human history, fasting was part of everyday life. Because hunters and gatherers could not keep their food for long without freezers. Whatever was found or captured had to be eaten quickly. That's why nutritionists are convinced that fasting regularly is more natural than snacking all day long. This change in our eating habits could have made obesity more common than ever. Several individuals fast for many days or even weeks. However, this method is unsuitable for most of us. There comes interval fasting (or intermittent fasting) into play. In contrast to conventional diets, it does not require tiny portions and no omission of favorite foods. In other words, it is not like a traditional diet. Rather, it is a planned eating behavior, in which one limits the food intake to a certain period of the day or the week. How Does Therapeutic Fasting Affect the Body? There are many different reasons why fasting is practiced. In the past, it was more often a religious or cultural tradition. But so-called therapeutic fasting has also been practiced for a long time for medical purposes. The term therapeutic fasting refers to the practice of fasting to promote health and well-being. Further studies have recognized the positive effects of fasting for rheumatism, high blood pressure, and high levels of fat and sugar in the blood. Another health benefit of fasting is the onset of autophagy after 16 hours without food. This is a vital process that some describe as the body's “recycling program.” This is because cells that are damaged or are no longer needed are disassembled and recycled. With this form of cell cleaning, autophagy ensures that we have healthy body cells and a strong immune system. How Long Should You Fast? There are two popular and best methods: 16:8 – Meals are scheduled so that there are 16 hours between the last meal the day before and the first meal the day after. The first meal of the day starts an 8-hour period in which you eat. After that, a fasting period of 16 hours begins again. 5:2 – This method divides the week into fasting days and non-fasting days. On 5 days you can eat normally, on 2 days you fast. Since this reduces calorie intake, both methods should lead to weight loss. Just make sure that you continue to eat normal servings. Otherwise, despite fasting, you might consume as many calories as you normally would. What to Pay Attention To? It is recommended to start with a shorter fast. For instance, you can get used to not eating anything after 6 in the evening. If you then have breakfast at 7 in the morning, it is already 13 hours in which you have had no food. From here you can slowly feel for long periods. The 16:8 method is the best long-term option for most. It is very easy to follow to them by adjusting your daily routine. Some skip breakfast, others dinner. Over time, the body gets used to it and the "diet" becomes a lifestyle. During this, apart from food, calorie drinks are also avoided. You should only drink a lot of water. Unsweetened tea or a bowl of thin vegetable soup can also be enjoyed. There should always be a break of at least 4 hours between each meal. Take a little walk right afterward, because exercise is good for digestion. During this time, it is also important not to eat snacks. When the blood sugar rises, the body begins to release insulin, and the fat loss stops. In some cases, this can even lead to food cravings. Nevertheless, be careful not to eat larger portions than usual. It is also recommended to eat healthy sources of protein and plenty of vegetables. This way you will be full for much longer and fasting will be easier. But people with any medical conditions should consult a doctor before starting this fasting. CBD Oil in Combination with Intermittent Fasting CBD users who would like to start with intermittent fasting and those who want to make fasting easier with CBD often ask themselves whether one can and should safely combine the two. Fasters already know that MCT oil is a suggested supplement when you are on interval fasting. It is an extract from coconut oil that is often touted as a “keto booster.” Slowly body begins burning reserved fat and it is called Ketosis This can only happen if no carbohydrates are available. The result is straightforward - we lose body fat and weight. Exactly this principle also works with interval fasting. Another dietary supplement that is being used more and more by fasting people is CBD oil which can be bought from online dispensary Canada. Due to its effect on the endocannabinoid system, which affects many important body processes, CBD can support interval fasting in various ways. A study showed that it can encourage metabolism. It is therefore considered by experts as a potential means of treating and preventing obesity. There is also evidence that it can inhibit appetite. The well-known cravings of marijuana do not come from CBD, but from THC which can, you get from stashclub. For example, while high-THC medicinal cannabis is used by cancer patients to stimulate appetite, CBD can do just the opposite for many users. Can CBD Oil Break Fasting? Most people do without any calories when fasting. Since CBD oil is made with a carrier oil such as hemp seed oil, coconut oil, or olive oil, every drop has calories. Technically speaking, it could, so to speak, interrupt fasting. Intermittent fasting can be avoided by simply consuming the CBD product of your choice during the period in which you eat. Another recommendation from fasters is to use an MCT-based CBD oil because the combination of these two agents most effectively supports ketosis during fasting. Many fasters swear by CBD and therefore take it to help them get by without food and to prevent food cravings. For example, even if you tend to eat from stress and anxiety, it could help you to be successful in fasting. Read Also: 7 Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil You Need to Avoid These Foods for Breakfast 5 Best Sports To Lose Weight Fast in 2020

bungee workout

Bungee Workout Benefits: Learn the Basics of Bungee Fitness

A bungee workout is the best option for you if you are looking for a dynamic, effective, and interactive workout. For instance, if your current workout regime bores you, you must try out bungee fitness. Generally, this workout combines resistance training with aerobics and dance to create a unique training experience. In this article, you will learn about bungee workouts and a training plan to start with. Additionally, this article also explains the benefits and risks of this fitness training. Moreover, you will learn about the types of bungee workouts and the equipment you need. Finally, you will learn some safety tips and precautions. Hence, to learn more, read on to the end of the article. What Is a Bungee Workout? In a bungee workout, you have to perform body-weight exercises while hanging from a bungee cord. Here, the cord connects to the ceiling. On the other hand, you have to connect to the cord either by a harness or by holding it tight with your hands. Basically, the bungee cord hangs from the ceiling of the gym. As a result, you get to perform a myriad of exercises. Meanwhile, you are also experiencing buoyancy as the cords pull you upward. Apart from that bungee cord and the harness, you can also use a mat or a floor pad to perform certain exercises where you need to jump or do floor workouts. In fact, when you are in a bungee fitness class, you can engage in different types of exercises. These include jumps, lunges, squats, cardio dances, and more. In all these cases, the bungee cord pulls you upward by creating buoyancy. Hence, you achieve resistance and stability from different directions. Basically, this resistance helps you to challenge different muscle groups. Moreover, it improves your overall strength, agility, and endurance. Apart from that, even some bungee fitness classes incorporate resistance bands, weights, and fitness props. This helps in enhancing the workout experience. In fact, it is a low-impact exercise that helps you to perform full-body cardio and bodyweight exercises. Benefits of a Bungee Workout The following are the major advantages you will benefit from if you perform a bungee workout: 1. Muscle Building When you are in a bungee fitness class, you will generally be doing bodyweight exercises to build muscles. In fact, it is important to perform exercises that strengthen your muscles at least twice a week. This will help you gain strength and maintain muscle mass. 2. Posture Enhancement To have the right posture, you need to work on your shoulders, back, and chest muscles. Hence, with the help of a bungee workout, you can maintain flexibility and balance. 3. Better Balance and Stability Generally, a bungee pulls you against gravity. Hence, you need balance and stability to remain on the ground. Moreover, you can switch your stance and perform exercises in different types of foot positions. Thereby, you can gradually improve your balance. Apart from that, you will also become more familiar with movements while hanging from a bungee. 4. Low-Impact Exercise Although it can be a bit difficult at the start, bungee workouts are adaptable quite easily. Moreover, a bungee workout mainly includes jumping, bouncing, and bodyweight exercises. Also, they do not put pressure on the joints and also prevent injuries. Hence, it counts as a low-impact exercise. 5. Weight-Loss With the help of bungee workouts, you can burn calories in an enjoyable way. Hence, it can help you a lot in weight loss. Basically, if you use a fund way to lose weight, it will be more effective than traditional exercises that seem demotivating. 6. Heart Health In most cases, a bungee workout consists of cardio moves. These moves are enough to ensure that your heart pumps well. Hence, you will strengthen your heart muscles and pump more blood to your lungs. What are the Risks of a Bungee Workout? If the fitness studio or gym properly installs all the bungee equipment, it will be safe. However, if you have a recent injury or surgery, you might need to avoid bungee workouts. Moreover, if you are pregnant, a bungee workout is unsafe for you. This is because the bungee harnesses around the waist. Also, it is unsafe if you recently gave birth. Hence, you must consider consulting a healthcare professional to discuss whether a bungee workout is good for you or not. Who Can Do Bungee Workout? Actually, a bungee workout ensures a well-rounded and low-intensity fitness. Hence, if you want to perform low-impact exercises that are easy for your joints, you must consider this workout plan. Basically, the bungees will help you remove the pressure from your joints, which is usually the case when you use weights. Also, running and high-intensity workouts put pressure on joints. However, it is always a better idea to follow the instructions of a certified trainer. In fact, a trained instructor can help you harness your requirements and abilities. Moreover, a bungee workout is not a safe option if you are pregnant. However, in some cases, a mild workout can help you boost energy and decrease fatigue. Despite that, do not start a bungee workout regime without discussing a healthcare professional. On the other hand, if you are a senior, you can try out bungee fitness to restore your muscle mass and bone strength. Generally, seniors lose bone and muscle mass with age. This affects your stability and increases the risk of falls. Hence, with muscle-strengthening exercises with bungee, you can build or preserve strength. Essential Bungee Workout Equipment You Need Here are the major equipment you need if you want to start bungee workouts: Fitting and moisture-wicking athletic clothes. This will help you see how your body moves in front of the mirror in the gym. Also, it will be easier for the instructor to check your form. Socks and Sneakers/Running Shoes. A water bottle to hydrate your body while you work out. Types of Bungee Workouts The following are the major types of bungee workout you will have when you join a bungee fitness studio: Bungee Dance Here, the trainer combines dance choreography with resistance training with the help of the bungee cord. This helps you to enhance your heart rate, and helps you to tone your muscles, and improve coordination. Bungee Yoga It combines traditional yoga with bungee resistance. Here, the cords provide support and resistance for various poses. Thereby it helps improve stability and coordination. Bungee Bootcamp This is a high-intensity workout that combines strength training, agility exercises, and cardio with bungee resistance. As a result, you can build muscles, burn fat, and improve your health. Aerial Bungee Fitness Here, you perform aerial acrobatics while you hang from your bungee cords. Basically, it helps you with strength, coordination, and flexibility. This helps you improve core strength, generate body awareness, and get more balance. Bungee Rebounding This involves bouncing on a small trampoline while you are attached to your bungee cords. It helps you in coordination, balance, and cardiovascular health. How to Start a Bungee Workout? To start a bungee workout, you must join a bungee fitness studio near you. Here, you can consult the trainer regarding how to wear the bungee harness, depending on your comfortability. Moreover, before you start intense exercise with bungee resistance, make sure to perform some stretching exercises without the bungee cord. Sample Bungee Workout Routine Here is a sample bungee workout routine: Bungee Lunges: 20 lunge reps in each leg of 3 sets. Squats: 25 reps of corded squats of 4 sets. Jumping: 30 reps Jumping of 3 sets Safety Tips and Precautions Before you start a bungee workout, here are some safety tips and precautions you must consider: Always were fitting and moisture-wicking athletic clothes. Moreover, always wear socks and sneakers. Listen carefully to your instructor. Do not perform bungee workouts if you are injured or pregnant. Do not eat before a workout (at least for 1.5 hours prior). Before attaching yourself to a bungee cord, check the weight adjustments. Start Bungee Workout Now Now you know the basic details of a bungee workout and its benefits. However, before you join a bungee fitness studio and you are injured, consider consulting with a healthcare professional. Moreover, always discuss every detail of the training with your trainer, and do not try anything new without your trainer’s permission. Do you have more information to add regarding bungee workouts? Please share them in the comments section below. 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Dark Chocolate

8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

Chocolate is the world’s favorite sweet indulgence. In fact, the average person will consume about 12 pounds of chocolate each year. Chocolate is often considered a treat or a dessert, but did you know that chocolate actually provides great health benefits too? Some of this has to do with the amount of lecithin in chocolate. Chocolate truly brings together the best of both worlds: a yummy treat that is also good for you in moderation. Checkout 8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate: Let’s take a look at some of the ways chocolate can actually help you stay healthy. Not All Chocolate Is Created Equal It is important to remember that not all chocolate is created equal. Dark chocolate is actually the only form of chocolate that can really benefit your health. The reason for this is that dark chocolate does not have tons of added sugar. In fact, the darker the chocolate the less sugar is added. So, if you want to really reap the health benefits, always choose dark chocolate. 1. Antioxidant Within our bodies are chemicals and compounds referred to as free radicals. These chemicals and compounds are created by cellular processes. You can think of them as waste products that are created as our body processes toxins and other invaders. These free radicals can have a negative impact on our health over time. To fight free radicals, you need antioxidants present in your body. Antioxidants are compounds that kill off the free radicals and keep your body clean. Dark chocolate is a wonderful source of antioxidants. A regular dose of dark chocolate will help keep free radicals down in your body. 2. Cancer Prevention Cancer research scientists have a growing body of research that supports the existence of cancer-fighting properties in dark chocolate. This is due to the presence of antioxidants and flavonoids found in the chocolate. Tests have shown that these compounds successfully reduce the number of colon cancer cells in rats. 3. Heart Health The flavonoids found in dark chocolate are primarily of the type called flavonols. These compounds have a powerful effect on heart health, including blood pressure reduction and improving blood flow to the heart. Some tests also show that flavanols can also improve blood flow to the brain as well, which could improve cognitive function. 4. Improves Cholesterol Cholesterol levels can have a significant impact on heart health and overall well-being. The cocoa butter that is found in chocolate contains healthy fats and polyphenols. These both work together to improve the lipid profile of the body. This means that it can help to decrease bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Cholesterol profiles can affect how well the heart can pump blood throughout the body. High cholesterol levels can greatly increase the risk of heart disease and heart attack. 5. Improved Cognitive Function Dark chocolate has a powerful impact on how blood can move through the body. This includes increasing blood flow to the brain. When the brain does not have sufficient blood flow, it will start to impact cognitive function. This can include memory, task management, time management, mood, and more. Improving blood flow to the brain is one of the best ways to improve cognitive function. Doctors have tested Alzheimer’s patients who were given flavonoid-rich foods to see if the increase in these compounds in the diet could improve cognitive function factors. Positive results have been recorded in these tests. Because dark chocolate is considered a flavonoid-rich food, it can be added to a flavonoid-rich diet to help with cognitive function. 6. Blood Pressure Blood pressure issues can be a huge contributor to the risk of heart disease. There are medications that can be used to control blood pressure problems, but there are also natural ways to help blood pressure as well. Adding dark chocolate to your diet has been shown to reduce blood pressure levels. However, you should note that if you are being treated for blood pressure issues under a doctor’s care, you should follow all instructions from your doctor. Talk with your doctor about natural ways to improve blood pressure. 7. Improves Vision Vitamins and nutrients found in dark chocolate have also been shown to help improve vision. Although natural methods of vision improvement, such as diet modifications, cannot cure all vision problems, it is good to know which food products you can add to your diet to boost vision. 8. Improves Skin The rich flavanol content of dark chocolate may also be able to improve your skin. When flavanols are rich in the body, they can help to protect your skin from sun damage. Sun damage is a leading cause of skin cancer. Flavanol can also help to improve skin smoothness as well. Some Final Considerations If you decide to start adding more dark chocolate to your diet, be sure to remember that dark chocolate should be added in moderation. You should choose chocolate that has very little added sugar. The darker the better. The many health benefits of dark chocolate can be primarily attributed to a large amount of flavonoid content. If you are interested in more health benefits, you can research other flavonoid rich foods. Adding these foods into your diet can increase these health benefits. It is important to note that you should always consult your doctor concerning current treatments and not make sudden changes to your treatments without consulting your doctor. Read Also: Essential Health Benefits Of Coconut OilThe Health Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee6 Delicious Cakes That You Must Try This Winter