6 Ways to Promote Healthy Brain

Published on: 19 February 2018 Last Updated on: 06 November 2024
Healthy Brain

While taking the necessary steps to keep our body toned and in shape, we often neglect the importance of mental health. There are many factors that leave both positive and negative impacts on the mind.

Knowing these factors is necessary if you want to promote the health of your brain. Plus, this way you will be able to eradicate those factors from your life that adversely impact the brain and adopt the habits that improve the overall mental health in the long run.

Here are some of the effective ways to promote a healthy brain:

Keep Your Mind Stimulated :

Brain stimulation is necessary for maintaining mental health. You can stimulate your mind by playing games that require mental focus, memory, and activity. Solve mathematical problems, puzzles, and other similar quests. You can also engage in activities that require a lot of focus and imagination like a painting.

Develop Relations :

Connecting with people is essential for strengthening emotional wellbeing and overall mental health. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with your loved ones and engaging with new people helps you stay composed. Plus, communicating with people with different perspectives help your mind to stimulate and strengthen up.

Cut Down on Smoking :

Cut Down on Smoking

As per the latest research, smoking nicotine does not only adversely affect the lungs but also causes a decline in memory. Therefore, if you want to retain your memory in the long run and do not want to end up with dementia, cut down on smoking. Either it is topnotch cannabis or plain cigarettes, avoid their use as much as possible for better mental health.

Keep a Positive Approach :

Training your mind to be positive and take out a positive stance from every situation helps keep your brain at peace and improves overall physical and mental health. Moreover, staying happy has a very positive impact on the mind itself. When you are happy and positive, the brain releases a hormone called endorphin that promotes mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Meditate :

Meditation involves steps like breathing techniques that do not only relax the mind but also improve mental focus and memory. It is greatly renowned for its benefits of relieving stress and other mental issues like depression.

Learn Something New :

If you believe that education is only up to the level of the university, you are probably mistaken. Educating yourself each day is essential for opening up the mind and expanding it. Read a thick book that you have been avoiding lately or learn a language that you think is tough. Test your limits and challenge your mind each day. It will help stimulate your brain and strengthen the nerves inside it. Engage in activities that involve using the brain. Our brain is just like a machine; the more we use it, the better it works without getting rusted.

Read More :

1. 5 Mental Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy That You Must Know

2. Health Tips For Hard Working Men

3. Unhealthy And Healthy Solutions For Coping With Stress


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Pregnancy Foods

The Top 10 Best Foods to Eat in Early Pregnancy

Good news ladies, pregnant women need to eat an extra 350 to 500 calories each day. Finally, a valid excuse to eat more! With that statistic in mind, we thought it would be a good idea to reveal to you the best foods to eat in early pregnancy. That way, you'll be able to use this surplus of calories to both you and your babies advantage. So, without further ado, let's dive in! 1. Beans and Lentils : If you're looking to nurture your 14 weeks pregnant belly, we recommend eating plenty of beans and lentils. These foods are a fabulous source and protein, and pregnant women need an extra 10 grams of protein each day. Therefore, beans and lentils make an excellent addition to your diet because they contain as much as 15 grams of protein per cup! If you're unsure how to use them, we suggest adding cooked lentils and beans to your salads and rice dishes. These are sure to be a tasty addition! 2. Broccoli : Now, broccoli isn't always everyone's favorite food. However, it's worth bearing with because it's packed full of nutrients such as calcium and folate. In addition to this, it's high in fiber and vitamin C which is essential for helping your body absorb iron. Therefore, the best time to eat broccoli is when you accompany it with iron-rich food like lean red meat or wholegrain pasta. Plus, broccoli is rich in antioxidants, which promote healthy digestion and strengthen your immune system (which is obviously even more critical when you're pregnant). Also, if you're struggling with constipation (which is exceptionally common among pregnant women), broccoli is a must because of its high fiber content. Really and truly, broccoli is the perfect pregnancy food! 3. Bananas : Bananas are a brilliant snack for pregnant women. Not only does the potassium help combat fatigue, but they're also kind on the stomach if you're suffering from morning sickness. 4. Lean Meat : Just like protein levels, pregnant women also need to increase their iron intake. The volume of their blood increases, which causes them to need double the amount of iron. Therefore we suggest eating plenty of lean meat as this provides a form of iron that's quickly absorbed by the body. Good examples of these include: Beef Pork Chicken In addition to iron, these meats typically contain choline and vitamin B, both of which pregnant women need more of. 5. Oatmeal : There's no better to start your day than by eating a bowl of nutritious cereal. The complex carbohydrates in oatmeal will leave you feeling fuller for longer, and this breakfast will help lower your cholesterol levels--win-win! Top Tip: Don't buy processed oatmeals that are full of sugars and additives. Instead, cook yourself the plain variety and add a dollop of jelly. Yummy! 6. Leafy Greens : When you cook the following greens: Spinach Kale Turnip greens You release higher levels of iron and folate. In addition to this, they're also a fabulous source of calcium, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, and potassium. We suggest sprinkling a few of these leafy greens in your pasta dishes, adding them to soups, or substituting iceberg lettuce for them in your salads. 7. Whole-Grain Bread : The simple swap from white to whole grain can make a massive difference when you're pregnant. By doing this, you ensure you get your daily intake of fiber. Ideally, you want to ensure that each slice contains at least two grams of fiber before you commit to purchasing the loaf. Plus, wholemeal bread also provides you with both iron and zinc, which are both essential nutrients for pregnant women! 8. Oranges : Oranges are an excellent fruit to eat while you're pregnant. They're full of the following goodies: Vitamin C Folate Fiber Water Now the water might not sound like a massive deal, but these fruits are almost 90% liquid, which is excellent for keeping you hydrated and combatting fatigue. 9. Nuts and Nut Butters : Healthy fats are critical for your baby's brain development, so we suggest eating one ounce of nuts a day and two tablespoons of nut butter. Plus, these snacks will help keep you full! Top Tip: if you suffer from any kind of allergy, we suggest steering clear of highly allergenic foods such as nuts while you're pregnant. Some scientists believe that exposing the baby to foods like this during pregnancy could increase their risk of developing a more severe allergy during childhood. 10. Sweet Potatoes : Sweet potatoes are full of a nutrient called beta-carotene. When we digest it, we transform it into vitamin A. This is fabulous for mothers to be because Vitamin A helps the fetus' cells grow and differentiate from one another. Top Tip: pregnant women are usually advised to stay away from high levels of animal-based vitamin A because these can sometimes be dangerous when eaten to excess. This is another reason why foods that contain beta-carotene are essential to include in your pregnancy diet. Best Foods to Eat in Early Pregnancy: Final Thoughts It's important for women to swot up on the best foods to eat in early pregnancy because your dietary requirements change a little. However, by sticking to diets high in protein, iron, and fiber, you shouldn't go too far wrong! If you enjoyed this article, we're confident you'll love the other features published on our family and parenting blog. Over there we discuss everything from pregnancy care tips to family leave. Enjoy! Alternatively, if you have any questions about this subject, please feel free to drop us a line. We love to hear from our readers! Just fill out the simple contact form, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Speak soon! 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The Healthy Effects Of Shrooms On Your Mind

Magic mushrooms are known to affect peoples’ minds. But, when you talk about its effect, what usually comes to mind is the hallucinations. Others would even think of just having a good time. It’s not wrong to see shrooms as hallucinogens. This is considering they are psychedelics, but they’re more than that. The effects mushrooms have on your brain, and your mind goes beyond your typical “shroom trip.” There are also many beneficial effects shrooms have on your mind. What Are Shrooms? The common term for Shrooms is magic mushrooms or Psilocybin. This is a popular specific type of mushroom that has a hallucinogenic effect on the mind. But the main side effects of the Shrooms have on the people’s mind. It triggers perceptions and has long-term effects on the mind and thought process. The main active ingredient of the Shrooms is Psilocybin. So when this is going to react with your body cells, it is going to produce Psilocin. This Psilocin is the main responsible factor that is affecting your nervous system. The research uncovered many things about shrooms’ effects on the brain. Although, science still has much to learn about shrooms. For example, shrooms are found to help rebuild neural networks. This neurogenesis psilocybe cause is another possible benefit that can come with taking shrooms. How To Find The Shrooms? The magic mushrooms are look-alike the other mushrooms. But when you are going to look at it with more contractions, you will find the differences. The most common difference is most of the shrooms have golden tops with blue meanies. The regular edible mushrooms are available in monotonous white and cream colors. But the shrooms are more like the poisonous mushrooms. So it is better to keep it in the ground. If you do not differ with the poisonous mushrooms, it is better to keep them away. The shrooms are available in capsule forms. And a dried form of shrooms and synthetic psilocybin is available in powder form. And it can proceed into the tablets. Neurogenesis And The Current Body Of Knowledge Neurogenesis pertains to the process in your brain where neurons are formed. This is a significant part of brain development, as it helps create the neurons that make up the human brain. So, this process also leads to the formation of neural connections. According to Yale researchers, giving psilocybin could help induce neurogenesis. Based on their research, psilocybin produced a 10% average increase in neural connections. It’s worth noting that these were a result of a study done on mice. But despite having mice as the test subjects, these results showed a lot of promise. But what does that mean for people? Well, current studies revealed that psilocybin also has potential in treating depression. In some studies, it showed that giving psilocybin was as effective as antidepressants. What’s more, psilocybin had more lasting effects compared to antidepressants. So, What Now? Mental illnesses are known to cause a decrease in neural connections. Examples of these illnesses are depression and chronic stress. This explains why many people suffering from these conditions experience memory loss. Treating depressed patients with psilocybin can reverse these losses of neurons. This could help rebuild and strengthen their neural networks. This would mitigate the memory loss effects that they would experience. This could then help better treat patients with depression. It gives them more effective and lasting treatments. The potential shrooms are invaluable. This comes to improving and revolutionizing medical treatments. However, psilocybe mushrooms are still far from being completely understood. Studies only continue to show the good that mushrooms can do. This is the same with psilocybe-induced neurogenesis.  Conclusion: The shrooms are available in different forms and shapes. But the magic mushrooms look like poisonous ones. It is always best to take it in capsule or tablet forms. Many times the doctors prescribe these active ingredients to keep the mental health strong. For keeping the nervous system calm and relaxed, shrooms are most effective. Read Also: Top 5 Facts To Know About Geiger The Kratom Botanical Family Juice Press – About, Specialities, Menu, Location (Full Guide) How Is Kratom Helpful In Living Life At Its Best?

Best Vitamin To Take For Dry EyesBest Vitamin To Take For Dry Eyes

What Is The Best Vitamin To Take For Dry Eyes?

If you suffer from dry eyes, it's important to make sure your diet is providing your body with the nutrients it needs. Your optometrist can help you with dietary changes to support your eye health and decrease symptoms. Certain vitamins and nutrients can improve your tear quality and reduce dry eye symptoms. Some of these include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin A Vitamin A is a fat-soluble compound that aids in the growth of cells and tissues throughout the body, including those of the eye. It's found in a variety of foods, including carrots, spinach, and apricots. The body can convert carotenoids to retinol, the active form of vitamin A. This happens as the body needs it, and it's possible to get this vitamin from food sources or supplements. A deficiency of this vitamin is associated with poor tear quality and tear film dysfunction, which may lead to dry eye symptoms. The best way to ensure you have enough of this essential nutrient is by eating a balanced diet rich in foods that contain vitamin A, such as carrots and other orange-yellow vegetables. Another important nutrient that may help with dry eyes is Vitamin D, which decreases inflammation and improves the lubrication ability of the tear film. Some sources of this nutrient include eggs, fish, and fortified cereals. Finally, Omega-3 fats have been shown to reduce inflammation, which may be helpful for reducing irritation and dry eye symptoms like pain and itching. They also increase the amount of oil in your eyelids, which affects how quickly tears evaporate. Whether you need to add more nutrition to your diet or want to take vitamins to help treat your dry eyes, it's important to speak with your eye doctor before you start any new treatment plan. With proper care, you can maintain healthy vision and minimize your dry eye symptoms for good. Fish Oil Fish oil is considered one of the best vitamins to take for dry eyes. It is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation and soothe your eyelids. Omega-3 fatty acids can also stimulate the production of oils in your meibomian glands, which are responsible for producing tears that lubricate the surface of your eyes. It can also help prevent dry eyes from occurring in the first place. Fatty fish, including herring, halibut, salmon, and tuna are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. They can be a great addition to a healthy diet to relieve dry eyes and other symptoms associated with dry eyes such as watery eyes, itchy, irritated eyes, and burning sensations. It can also help to improve your vitamin D level, which is crucial for your eye health. Studies suggest that a deficiency of Vitamin D may be linked to dry eye syndrome, so adding it through diet or supplements is helpful in reducing symptoms and improving tear quality. This vitamin is important for your retina, where it plays a key role in the health of your vision. It’s also a key antioxidant that protects your eyes from the sun. You can also get Vitamin A from foods like carrots, spinach, and tomatoes. Taking vitamin A supplements may be beneficial for some individuals who are deficient in this nutrient. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that can also reduce the risk of developing eye diseases and infections. Vitamin C Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that’s needed to help your body fight infection, heal wounds and keep tissues healthy. It’s available in fruits and vegetables, such as citrus fruit, strawberries, cantaloupe, green peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, and leafy greens. This vitamin helps lubricate your eyes and prevent dryness. It’s also an antioxidant that helps protect the blood vessels in your eye and prevent cataracts. It’s best absorbed from foods, but it can be injected into the vein (intravenous) if necessary. Higher doses of intravenous vitamin C can be helpful in treating certain medical conditions, such as cancer. But it can also cause negative side effects if it’s taken in too much, so talk to your doctor before you take any supplements. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil, can reduce inflammation and improve the quality of your tears. They also promote the production of oils in your meibomian glands, which are responsible for keeping your tears moist and preventing them from evaporating too quickly. These nutrients are found in eggs, fish, dark leafy greens, and other food sources. You can also get them from multivitamins and other supplement products. It’s important to make sure you get enough of all the vitamins and minerals you need through a balanced diet. However, if you’re unable to achieve your recommended daily intake, supplements can be helpful to ease the symptoms of dry eyes. Read Also: How To Care For Your Eye In 5 Medically Proven Ways Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that are found in foods like fish and seafood, eggs, and dark leafy vegetables. They are also available in supplements, but the body can't produce them on its own, so a healthy diet is the best way to get them. One study shows that consuming omega-3 fats from fish can lower your risk of dry eye. In fact, researchers found that women who consumed the most omega-3s had a 17% lower risk of developing dry eyes. Aside from reducing inflammation, omega-3s may also help your eye make more natural tears. This is because they improve the quality and quantity of the tear film. However, if you are looking to supplement with omega-3s, it is important to choose supplements that contain EPA and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) rather than ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). Although flaxseed oil contains ALA, it doesn't have the same effect on your eyes as EPA or DHA do. Several studies show that supplements can help improve dry eyes, but it's important to talk to your doctor before you take them. They will be able to recommend the best supplements for you. And they will know how much you should take to benefit your eyes and overall health. Vitamin D Adding the right vitamins and nutrients to your diet can help improve the health of your eyes, including those suffering from dry eye syndrome. It can also reduce itchiness, burning, and irritation. Vitamin D is an important nutrient that can be found naturally in fish, dairy products, and mushrooms. It’s also available as a supplement if you don’t get enough sunlight to reach your optimal level, which is usually 600 IU or more per day. It’s particularly important for people with darker skin pigmentation, as they produce less vitamin D through exposure to the sun than those with light-colored skin. This means that even if you’re getting plenty of sunshine, you may not be able to get the level of vitamin D your body needs to keep your eyes healthy. Another way to ensure that your eyes are receiving the nutrients they need is to add zinc to your diet. Zinc is a mineral that helps the liver deliver vitamin A to the retina to produce melanin, a pigment that protects your eyes. While some studies have shown that taking supplements can help ease symptoms of dry eye, be aware that excessive intake can lead to side effects and toxicity. It’s always advisable to speak with an optometrist or a pharmacist to make sure that any supplements you are considering are safe for you and your unique health situation. Lutein & Zeaxanthin Lutein and zeaxanthin are two antioxidants that have been shown to protect your eyes from dry eye syndrome, macular degeneration, and cataracts. They can be found in a wide range of foods, including leafy greens like spinach and kale. They can also be taken as dietary supplements. These antioxidants help your eyes by reducing oxidative stress and free radical damage. They also help protect your eyes from light glare and UV rays. They can also slow down macular degeneration, a disease that affects your central vision. It happens when blood vessels in the macula leak fluid. It is a leading cause of blindness in older people. The best way to get these important vitamins into your body is to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. It is also a good idea to increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, which can improve the quality of your tears and reduce inflammation in your eyes. Zinc is another nutrient that can help your eyes stay healthy. This mineral is needed to transport vitamin A from your liver to your retina and to produce melanin, which helps protect your eyes from infection and injury. It is found in a wide variety of foods, including dairy, nuts, legumes, and whole grains. Lutein and zeaxanthin can also be taken as dietary supplements, but you should always speak with your doctor before taking any new vitamins or supplements to ensure they are safe for you. Read Also: 10 Healthy Habits To Improve Your Health Tips To Get Beautiful Eyes At Your Home Contacts Vs Glasses: Which Of These Two Eyesight-Improving Methods Are Best For You?