Unhealthy and Healthy Solutions for Coping with Stress

Published on: 22 December 2017 Last Updated on: 18 June 2021
Unhealthy and Healthy Solutions

Demanding responsibilities at home and work, the piling bills, the lack of time in a day… the stress seems never-ending at times. Though stress is a normal part of life, it can reach levels that can take a toll on your physical and emotional well-being. Keeping stress under control is imperative, but how you manage it is equally as important. Below, are some healthy and unhealthy ways to cope with stress.

Emotional Eating

Emoonatil eating is very common when trying to battle stress. When stress is prolonged, it results in the brain releasing the hormone cortisol which increases the appetite. This then motivates you to want to binge on comfort and junk foods. Though it may feel good going down, binge eating is bad for your health and an ineffective way to deal with stress. Emotional eaters can experience weight gain, and weight-related diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

Using Drugs to Relax

There are certain illegal drugs and prescribed medications that can cause the brain and body to feel relaxed. When stress reaches uncontrollable levels, some people turn to pills and other drug forms to calm down. The high or calm experienced when using these drugs is only temporary which leads to increased cravings, dependency, and ultimately addiction. Using more medication than prescribed or illegal drugs is never a good solution for coping with stress. If you’ve reached this point, you should consider enrolling in an outpatient drug rehab program to get sober.


Nicotine, which is found in cigarettes, has a mood-altering effect on smokers. It essentially blocks out feelings of frustration, anger, and anxiety. The dopamine released into the bloodstream because of smoking helps the person to feel good at the moment, therefore giving the impression of relieving the stress. However, when the cigarette is done, the dopamine levels drop and the stress increases. Smoking is a bad habit to break and should not be considered a remedy to stress. It can lead to an array of adverse health complications including an increased risk of stroke, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more.

Get a Massage

There are some that treat themselves to a massage when dealing with a lot of stress. As stress impacts more than just your mental well-being, massage therapy can be an essential way to release the tension and improve your mood. Using various techniques massage therapists are able to pinpoint areas of tension and remove knots that help to loosen up the muscles. This relieves pain and improves your mood. Massage therapy has also been proven to help lower blood pressure and heart rate to relax the body and mind.

Do Something You Enjoy

The monotony of life can sometimes bring stress. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take some time to yourself and do something that makes you smile. Spend time with family and friends, read a book, ride a bike, or cuddle up on the couch and watch your favorite movie or television series. In doing so, you’ll feel a lot better and be more prepared to handle the day today.

Get Some Rest

Lack of sleep can increase stress. When you’re sleeping, it provides your mind and body with the time it needs to replenish itself. Minimal sleep can lead to issues like memory loss, lack of concentration, and altered judgment or mood. Essentially, not getting enough sleep could cause performance issues at home and on the job making life more complicated to navigate. Getting a recommended 8 hours of sleep each night can help improve this.

The demands of life can become stressful to deal with. When you feel that you’re overwhelmed, it is important to take action. Though finding a way to cope is recommended, you must avoid handling it the wrong way. Unhealthy methods of coping with stress such as emotional eating, smoking, or using drugs can lead to adverse health effects which only heighten stress. Instead, use healthy methods like getting a massage, doing something you love, and allowing your body to replenish with a good night’s sleep. If it has gotten out of control, asking for help from a doctor or therapist is advised.

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Occupational Therapy

Empowering Lives With Occupational Therapy: How NDIS Makes A Difference

Occupational therapy (OT) can be an empowering practice that helps individuals overcome potential barriers and experience the joys of daily life more fully. A significant contributor in this area has been the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which has transformed numerous lives by providing financial resources needed for personalised therapeutic care - thus mainstreaming occupational therapy services into society. Unveiling The Role Of Occupational Therapy What Is Occupational Therapy? Occupational therapy (OT) is a health profession dedicated to helping individuals of all ages maintain, improve or regain the skills needed for daily living and working activities. These may range from physical activities like dressing and cooking to cognitive functions like problem-solving or maintaining focus; ultimately, OT encourages individuals to live independent and fulfilling lives. Why Is OT Important? Occupational therapy's significance lies in its broad scope. For individuals living with disabilities, illness, or injury, occupational therapy provides a way to regain lost abilities and regain autonomy. Still, more broadly speaking, it is a preventative practice promoting healthier lifestyle choices for a better tomorrow. OT's Impact On Different Age Groups OT's effects are profound, touching all age demographics. Children rely on occupational therapy for development milestones; adults use it to ease back to work after injury, while seniors depend on it to maintain independence by equipping themselves with skills needed to complete daily activities safely. NDIS And Its Revolutionary Impact An Overview Of NDIS The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an innovative initiative to support Australians with disabilities. It provides individuals with financial resources so they may access personalised support and services - including occupational therapy - in an individualised fashion. NDIS's Role In Promoting OT NDIS has been essential in expanding occupational therapy (OT) access. By funding its services, NDIS ensures that individuals of any financial status may take advantage of its therapeutic offerings. How NDIS Changes Lives With OT NDIS has brought occupational therapy (OT) into many households and improved lives. It has helped individuals recover following injuries more rapidly, enabled children with disabilities to reach their full potential, and helped adults and the elderly maintain independence. Exploring NDIS And OT Success Stories Recovering From Injury With OT And NDIS NDIS has immensely contributed to helping individuals heal from injuries by funding occupational therapy - allowing them to regain their abilities and return to daily living routines. Not only does OT address physical healing, but it also addresses emotional and psychological aspects leading to holistic healing. Assisting Children's Development Children with disabilities often face developmental obstacles that impede their growth. But thanks to the NDIS funding Occupational Therapy services, these children can receive tailored support that helps them overcome them. Through engaging and playful methods, OT helps these kids reach developmental milestones while building confidence and encouraging independence. Promoting Independence In Adults And The Elderly Independence is essential in adult and elderly life. Thanks to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), funding occupational therapy services designed to enhance and preserve freedom has revolutionised adult and elderly life. Occupational therapy services provided under NDIS have significantly contributed to a higher quality of life for its recipients, from refining motor skills and improving mobility to cognitive exercises to maintain mental acuity. The Future Of NDIS And OT Ongoing Research And Development NDIS and occupational therapy (OT) have an unbreakable bond, set to deepen with ongoing research and advancements in both fields. As we gain greater insight into disability impacts and manifestations, OT techniques continue to develop with NDIS' support, ensuring those in need can access these new approaches. Broadening Accessibility And Reach NDIS continues to work toward expanding access to occupational therapy (OT) services for individuals living in remote locations. Teletherapy plays an integral part by providing remote consultations and therapy sessions. Continuing To Empower Lives NDIS and occupational therapy have already transformed countless lives and will do so in the future. Every success story is evidence of occupational therapy's transformative power as an enabler and NDIS' enabling role. Conclusion: Empowering lives requires more than simply providing care; it means changing societal perceptions of disability, promoting inclusivity and accepting diversity. OT and NDIS play critical roles in this transformation by changing individual lives and creating a more compassionate society. NDIS provides much more than funding: its steadfast support of occupational therapy stands as a beacon of hope to individuals with disabilities and their families, evidence of society's progress towards inclusiveness, and recognition of occupational therapy's life-altering power. Read Also : How To Stay Healthy And Fit Despite A Hectic Schedule Important Habits To Protect Your Ear Health And Hearing Must-Have Appliances For A Healthier Life


Role Of Diet, Hormones & Skin Care On Acne

Acne, a prevalent skin condition affecting people of all ages, often becomes a source of frustration and self-consciousness. While acne products are readily available, comprehending the multifaceted factors contributing to acne is crucial. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the role of diet, hormones, and skin care in managing acne. You can adopt a holistic approach to acne management by understanding how these aspects intertwine. The Impact of Diet on Acne Dietary Choices and Skin Health: Your diet is pivotal in determining your skin's health. Certain foods can significantly influence acne development. Food rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins gives essential nutrients supporting skin health. Antioxidants in colorful fruits and vegetables help combat free radicals that can exacerbate skin conditions. Lean proteins contain amino acids necessary for collagen production and skin repair. On the contrary, diets high in sugary foods, dairy products, and processed foods may exacerbate acne in some individuals. Excessive sugar intake can lead to increased insulin levels, which, in turn, stimulate the production of skin oils and contribute to clogged pores. The Glycemic Index Connection: Foods with a high glycemic index can lead to acne flare-ups. Consuming certain foods can cause an increase in blood sugar, causing the release of insulin. Insulin stimulates the production of androgens, leading to increased oil production in the skin and higher chances of clogged pores and acne. Foods with a low glycemic index, like whole grains, legumes, and non-starchy vegetables, can aid in stabilizing blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of acne breakouts. Hormones and Acne Hormonal Fluctuations: Hormonal changes during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause undoubtedly trigger or worsen acne. Increased androgen production increases oil production, making the skin susceptible to clogged pores and acne breakouts. This hormonal influence is why acne is often associated with adolescence and can affect both teenagers and adults. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): It is a hormonal disorder that affects many women. It often leads to elevated androgen levels, contributing to acne and other skin issues. Managing PCOS through lifestyle changes and medications can help control acne symptoms. A healthcare provider can offer guidance and treatment options tailored to individual needs. Skincare Regimen for Acne Management Importance of Proper Cleansing: A consistent skincare routine is essential for effective acne management. Proper cleansing helps remove dirt, oil, and makeup, preventing pore blockages. However, avoiding harsh scrubbing or overly abrasive products is crucial, as these can irritate the skin and exacerbate acne. Choosing Acne Products: When selecting acne products, it's essential to consider your skin type and the severity of your acne. Look for acne products with active ingredients like salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acids( AHA), and benzoyl peroxide, as these can effectively treat acne. These ingredients help exfoliate the skin, unclog pores, and reduce inflammation. However, using these products as directed is critical, as overuse can lead to excessive dryness and irritation. Moisturization and Sunscreen: Even acne-prone skin requires adequate hydration. Opt for non-comedogenic, oil-free moisturizers to maintain skin balance. Additionally, always use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF to protect the skin from damage. Some acne treatments can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight, making sunscreen crucial in preventing further skin issues. Environmental Factors and Acne Environmental factors, like pollution, humidity, and exposure to certain chemicals, can also impact acne development. Pollution particles can settle on the skin, potentially clogging pores and contributing to breakouts. Humidity can increase oil production, leading to more frequent acne flare-ups. Understanding how these external elements influence your skin can help you take preventive measures and adapt your skincare routine accordingly. Lifestyle and Stress Management Lifestyle choices and stress levels can play a significant role in acne management. Unhealthy habits like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and inadequate sleep can worsen acne symptoms. Smoking narrows blood vessels, lowering blood flow to the skin and decreasing oxygen and nutrient delivery. Excessive alcohol consumption may dehydrate the skin and impair its barrier function. Inadequate sleep can significantly raise stress levels and trigger hormonal fluctuations that result in breakouts. Stress can exacerbate acne by boosting the production of stress hormones like cortisol, leading to increased oil production and inflammation in the skin. Exploring ways to manage stress through relaxation techniques, regular exercise, and lifestyle adjustments can be valuable to your acne management strategy. Engaging in physical activity not only aids lower stress but also increases blood circulation, which can benefit overall skin health. Proper sleep is crucial for skin repair and regeneration, so aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Conclusion In conclusion, comprehending the intricate interplay between diet, hormones, skincare, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices in the context of acne is essential for effective management. While dietary choices and hormonal fluctuations can influence skin health, a well-thought-out skincare regimen tailored to your skin type and suitable acne products can make a significant difference in managing acne. 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The Process of Invisalign

Whenever you are up to for teeth whitening procedure the most part you should be careful about is choosing the best dentist for this purpose. There are many dentists out there who are not experienced, but still, they are self-labeled as experienced dentists. Among the dentists, there are only a few ones who are trained and well experienced to provide safe and quality services. Make it sure that you search about the dentist before the one for you and select the right dentist of Invisalign Calgary or from any other area. What Is Invisalign? Invisalign are self-made aligners that are replaced every two weeks for the period of six or double months. They might be used for a longer time if the teeth are too much misaligned. These are similar to mouth retainers; aligner is mainly used for teeth treatments and known as one of the dental ways to move and properly fix them on their right place to have the beautiful and desired smile. What Is the Process of Invisalign? The process is very easy and pain-free. It has only five simple steps mentioned below: 1. Dentist’s Consultation: The first step of the procedure is your consultation with one of the Invisalign Calgary dentist. During this consultation, the dentist examines your teeth thoroughly and then decide what you are in a serious need of Invisalign or not. The patients are always welcomed by the dentists to ask the questions if they have some in their minds regarding the treatment. Questions might be like the cost of this procedure, the duration, or are there any side effects of this treatment or not. 2. Customized Treatment: After the first step, the next is taking the x-rays marks of your teeth to know that from where your teeth need more alignment. This process is fully customized. This step is important because on the basis of the x-ray the dentists decided that which treatment will be the best one for you. After this step, the dentist will give you an idea of how much it will take for the alignment of your teeth, but the best results you’ll always get are after a year. 3. Get Your Invisalign Aligners: Once your overall treatment plan is made, the dentist makes a set of customized aligners that you can wear for the proper alignment of your teeth. The best thing about the aligner is that they are smooth and made of plastic and they won’t even disturb you while sleeping or eating something. The aligners should be worn for at least 20 to 22 hours daily as if you require the best result in less time. You can also remove the aligners while eating something or brushing your teeth. 4. Change Aligners After Every Two Week: The new aligner means a step forward to better teeth. The aligners are required to be changed within every two weeks. The dentists provide the patients with a set of aligner after two weeks. 5. Smile Confidently: After the complete procedure, you are ready to smile with the best teeth without any defect. It is necessary to take care of your teeth even if the treatment is finished to have long-lasting effects. The patients are recommended to keep using the retainers to secure the position of their teeth. Read Also: How To Choose The Best Fort Lauderdale Dental Office Dental Health: 6 Essential Dental Care Tips You Need To Know 5 Ways To Prevent Severe Dental Problems