You Can’t Out-diet Your Training

Published on: 19 December 2017 Last Updated on: 17 August 2019
Out-diet Your Training

The common phrase goes: “You cannot out-train your diet.” That is, you cannot use exercise to eat anything you want. Similarly, you cannot out-diet your training either, or simply, you cannot minimize calorie intake and increase workouts. Consumption of too many calories, or missing out on your cardio exercises will make your body experience constant weight fluctuations. However, the intensity of your workouts should not rely on how much calories you take. People tend to think that starving themselves while burning more calories will help deal with excess fat in the body. In reality, though, this approach does not work. For you to build muscles, you have to burn calories. Cutting your calorie intake can even reduce your muscle mass and size. Quality muscles can also be obtained by use of winstrol compresse – Samento, an anabolic steroid available in both oral and injectable forms.

Why out-dieting does not work

Restriction of calorie intake and increment of cardio exercises for burning calories will definitely result in the loss of muscle mass. Nobody likes losing muscle, because muscle burns calories even when they are in the state of rest. Muscle tissues can burn calories when you are sleeping. An increase in metabolism can be enhanced by increasing your muscle mass. The greater your metabolism, the more calories you can take.

Do not eat less to cut on your calorie intake, neither exercise more to burn calories

This method is counterproductive as it hampers the body’s natural ability to burn calories on a daily basis. Instead, to improve the body composition, put your focus on how you can build your muscles, and how you can grow stronger and fitter. This way, your metabolic flexibility can be improved. Building skeletal muscles increases the energy requirements of the body and burns fatter. This means that the more the muscles you have, the easier it is to burn fat. Muscle can only be built by training, something that will not be achieved with just diet.

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Train for performance

Training for performance is a very motivating approach as the intake of calories is not restricted. You should focus on performance and not the numbers shown on the scale. This makes you strong physically and mentally, thus boosting your confidence. Performance training involves the use of compound exercises like deadlifts. These exercises work on a lot of muscle groups at the same time. This induces the secretion of growth hormones, which in turn increase muscle mass and density.

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Do intermittent fasting

Fasting scares a lot of people, but if it is carried out in an intermittent manner then it can be effective. Your metabolic flexibility can be improved by skipping breakfast. If you want to burn fats then your body must be taught how to fast. Consumption of adequate calories is healthy as it helps fuel your workouts. Slashing of calorie consumption and spending more hours doing cardio does not really work, but rather, makes you feel miserable. Strictly depriving yourself calories and doing excessive cardio exercises leads to failure.

Examine your diet and training regime closely. Train for muscle development and not for burning fats. You do not have to starve your body to burn fats.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life

It has been established that marijuana has an overall positive effect on human body and more and more people are starting to experience it and discover how cannabis can be used in many different forms to help treat certain conditions or it can be consumed recreationally for relaxation and fun. More and more countries are starting to open their eyes towards the idea of making the green plant legal and accessible. California legalized it in 2016 for both medical and recreational use, opening many new dispensaries like People’s OC. Now it is much easier for people from all walks of life to enjoy this wonderful plant, share experiences, and further test marijuana thus filling some gaps in practice which science tries to explain in theory. The topic for today will be the effect of marijuana on your sex life. We are sharing our thoughts and experiences on how cannabis you get from legal marijuana shops in California and other states where recreational marijuana is legal can make sexual experiences different and better. All in your head? You can say that this literally is true because marijuana directly affects receptors in the brain with its active component THC which stimulates the release of hormones of happiness and peacefulness (dopamine and anandamide). If you combine the high THC-rich recreational marijuana achieves with a regular sexual arousal, the results both of these conditions provide only complement each other and enhance the intercourse in terms of quality, duration and amount of pleasure. It is worth noting that not all people have the same experience when consuming cannabis, some feel like they grasp the whole cosmos with their mind, others claim that they feel nothing or just sleepy, and a similar comparison can be made for sexual experience and orgasms. Science can’t draw a definitive line and pinpoint precisely what type of experience a person is going to have, but it sure can answer many hows and whys of marijuana’s effect on human body. Benefits of mixing marijuana and sex We are well aware of the positive effect marijuana has on us, but here are some benefits which directly affect the quality of your sexual life and improve it on so many levels. It helps fight off anxiety, relieve tension, relax and gain confidence in your performance, it also reduces the accumulated stress. Increased libido and sharpened senses boost both mental and physical experience, meaning the feelings of joy and pleasure sex provides are raised on a new level. People have also experienced a stronger emotional connection with their partner during the intercourse in a sense that they can truly relax and shift all of their focus on the partner and sex, which means that the brain does not allow any other distraction to reduce the amount of joy even the slightest. This strong focus translates well to your physical performance as well, you feel more energized, and you can extend the duration of the intercourse and thus intensify and prolong your and your partner’s pleasure. This state of heightened concentration allows you to savor every single moment of sex until you reach the climax. Try to balance things out As in every other aspect of life, balance is the key. This is especially important for marijuana because it hasn’t been scientifically determined how much weed one should take to reach the optimal experience. Effect of marijuana are individual and the best way to determine how much weed you need is to test on yourself and see what works and not. What you ideally want is a moderate consumption in order to reach the level of joy we’ve mentioned before. Many factors influence how things are going to play out, but too much marijuana intake can lead to some undesired effects such as reduced motor skills functionality, lack of sexual drive and fatigue. Men and women are affected differently as well, and current circumstances and mood also play a big role, but if you are able to balance things out and find the amount that works for you, then pleasure and fun are the only side-effects you’d ever have. Read Also : Why Is Cannabis Good For Health? Best Grow Tents For Growing Cannabis


5 Ways To Get Healthier In The New Year

Every year, millions of Americans swear to themselves they are going to be healthier in the new year. In keeping with this tradition a “New Year's Resolution” is promised and they began to become excited about the new changes about to happen in their lives. Sadly, by February 14th, 80% of these new promises are abandoned and people return to their old habits and old life. If you are someone who has made a New Year’s Resolution this year, then you must first understand that nothing will change unless you are ready to make a change. It doesn’t matter how big the promise you made to yourself is, if you’re not dedicated and consistent, nothing will happen. However, this year is different. For once, you’re not going to be merely a statistic. You are going to advance your promise and build on a new life and a new you. If you are ready to take on the challenge, more than likely, you have committed to becoming healthier in some form or fashion this year. If this is true, you will need a jumpstart on your progress to get your body back on track. Here are five ways you can use to get healthier in the new year and become that person you’ve always wanted to be. 5 Ways To Get Healthier In The New Year: #1- Eat The Right Foods The very first thing you have probably noticed about your New Year’s Resolution in being more healthy is that the foods you used to eat no longer apply to you. When you begin to understand that the majority of your health and how you feel originates from the foods you eat, you begin to realize that there are a lot of options you have been including that shouldn’t be there. First and foremost, you need to do an account of your cupboard and refrigerator. Throw out all of the processed foods, foods with high sugar and high-fat content. Throw out the sodas and minimalize your caffeine intake. Remember, everything you put into your body is going to be converted into something. It will either be converted to fat or metabolized into energy and picking the right fuel for your body is essential. Make sure to include foods that have leafy greens and other vegetables, legumes, nuts, and foods that are high in protein and still lean. Some of the best foods that fit these criteria are fish like salmon. Each of these options is going to help your body get back on track and allow you to get the most out of every meal you eat. One of the biggest failures in a diet plan is that plenty of people know they need to diet, but they fail to plan it out. Don’t forget about planning. This is where you consider all of your meal options for the week. Eventually, time will get away from you at some point during the week and you will be tempted to drive through a fast-food restaurant. Proper planning can help you avoid this catastrophe. Get the right foods by thinking smartly. #2 - Do A Detox Some people have learned that one of the best ways to get your body back on track to being more healthy is by doing a detox regime. If you have eaten processed foods, high fat, plenty of sugar, or anything negative like this, a detox will help your body flush out all of these unwanted materials so you can start fresh. There are many kinds of detox programs that you can try. Take some time to learn about each one so you can be educated enough to pick the one that is correct for your body. Look at the testimonies of every customer to determine which program would be the most beneficial for you. When you’re looking for a detox, try to stay as organic and natural as you can. Don’t consume anything that has chemicals or harsh substances in it because the purpose is to get these unwanted materials out of your body, not put more in. #3 - Try Herbal Health For Once When you begin to realize that organic and natural solutions are the best route to take for brand new health this year you start to understand that plants can provide the most benefit for your body. When you think of health and wellness, you should think of wholeness. If your body looks great but your mental state is suffering, you’re not healthier. Since your mind is part of your body, don’t forget to include this important muscle in your routine. Herbal remedies are the best option for your mind as it responds better to botanical solutions. For instance, pure natural CBD oils are some of the best remedies you can use to provide homeostasis for both your mind and your body. It has been said that CBD oil can help with cognitive function, provide a feeling of balance, helps with pain and inflammation, aids in PTSD and depression, and much more. Your mind is an important aspect of your health and many people disregard this aspect of their wellness. Herbal health is an important aspect of overall wholeness because it includes every aspect of your life - your mind and your body and that’s important. #4 - Get A Healthy Gut Did you know that the gut microbiome plays a very important role in your overall health? That is why you must always consider gut health when you are adopting new routines in your daily diet. The gut is a crucial system of the body because it helps your system break down food and metabolize energy. This is only a small portion of what the gut is responsible for, however, at times people can have problems with their gut which can lead to bigger issues later. Issues like yeast overgrowth are a common problem that occurs. It is imperative to manage issues like yeast overgrowth and maintain harmony within the digestive system. When it comes to gastrointestinal health in the twenty-first century, many people are becoming more educated about how to use preventive measures to keep a healthy gut. They understand the symptoms of GI conditions and can monitor these changes periodically. However, one of the most important parts of this process is to include a functional medicine doctor like a chiropractor into your monthly routine to ensure gut health. Symptoms of poor gut health could be constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and much more. If you feel like you have one or more of these conditions in your gut, it is important to consult your primary functional medicine practitioner to develop an ongoing process to keep these symptoms at bay. Just because you have some or all of these ailments doesn’t mean your body cannot be healthier in the new year. It just means you need to be more proactive with your body in order to ensure better gut health. When your gut is happy, your entire body functions properly and the way it should. #5 - Drink More Water One of the most commonly known facts about health is how we should all be drinking more water. Make sure you’re getting your eight cups every day. Everyone already knows this, however, it is one of the easiest things to forget about. You can become consumed by exercise and diet and forget some of the simplest things for your health. Essentially, water is needed to carry oxygen throughout the body. It helps with a massive amount of wellness-related items in your body and when you decline your body of this much-needed asset, you suffer the consequences. Make sure you are getting your daily amount of water every day, and make sure this water is filtered goodness, not that town stuff that is full of fluoride. Be Who You Know You Can Be If you are considering a healthier in the new year, then you probably already know how difficult it can be to make these changes happen. The one thing you should focus on is small goals and meeting those goals every week in order to be healthier in the new year. So many people push themselves to lose 100 pounds in the first month, and then they fail so they give up. Aim small, miss small and that is the key to changing your lifestyle so you can be who you know you can be in your life. You must get healthier in the new year with the above tips. Read Also: Why City Living is the Healthiest it’s Ever Been How to Stay Healthy and Fit Despite a Hectic Schedule

Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory

Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory In Adult Gerontology Nursing

Any Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner (AGNP), or individual considering moving into this booming area, will probably be aware that it involves more than supporting patients through short term illnesses or meeting their needs in a hospital or nursing home. As a rule, the older a patient gets, the more likely they are to experience chronic health complications which interfere with their day-to-day tasks. For much of history, such patients were written off, encouraged to take to their beds and be supported entirely by others, doing very little. They often didn’t live very long. But all that changed on account of one remarkable nurse, Dorothea Orem, whose legacy continues to shape the nursing profession today. This article examines her groundbreaking self-care deficit theory and looks at how AGNPs might use it for their nursing career. Dorothea Orem Dorothea Orem was born in Baltimore in 1914 and studied nursing in the late 1930s. This was a time when nursing schools were still a new phenomenon and there was a lot of experimental thinking in the nascent profession. Though she spent time on the wards as a staff nurse, she also worked as an administrator and consultant over the course of her career, spending her later years focusing on theory. A naturally focused and attentive person, she soon began recording observations about the patients she worked with, leading to her self-care deficit theory of nursing, for which she strongly advocated for her entire life. It was theory which, in its early years, transformed the way nurses thought about patients and their duties. It laid the foundations for nursing today. Universal Self-Care Requisites Orem’s theory recognizes eight universal self-care requisites, or SCRs. Here, universal refers to things every human needs, regardless of circumstance. Air is needed for respiration. Water is needed to maintain a healthy level of hydration. Food is needed to maintain healthy energy levels and prevent starvation. Elimination or toileting, a polite way of referring to the expulsion of urine and feces from the body, is required too. In addition to these four things, Orem posits that every patient needs a balance of physical activity and rest. Everyone needs social interaction, but also some alone time. People need to manage their lives to avoid or remove hazards, and, finally, they need to promote normality. This means that they need to achieve and maintain a way of living and relating to the world which is normal for them as individuals and does not involve psychosis. Health Deviation Self-Care Requisites When patients are recovering from injury or illness, or living with a chronic illness or disability, they can be described as experiencing a health deviation. This is not pejorative – it simply establishes that they differ from the norm. Health deviations are more common in older demographics, as they have additional self-care requisites. These requisites include following doctors’ instructions (taking medicine on time), identifying problems caused by their conditions and attending to them effectively (sitting down until a dizzy spell passes), and knowing when and how to seek help from a caregiver or healthcare professional. It is also important that these patients can understand and accept that their bodies have changed and can adjust psychologically to cope with it. What Is A Self-Care Deficit? A self-care deficit occurs when people are no longer able to carry out basic tasks. This can be because a disability makes them physically impossible to perform, or a number of other reasons. For example, some people get so overwhelmed by the way their bodies have changed that they stop trying to live. This doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve sympathy – it is an understandable response to an extreme situation – but it might mean that there is potential for improvement. For some people, self-care deficits are permanent or are likely to worsen due to progressive illnesses. For others, however, they can be temporary, even in extreme old age. Self-care deficits stemming from a broken arm, for example, will normally dissipate after the arm heals, but this is less likely if the patient has learned to feel helpless in the meantime. Assessment, Diagnosis, And Implementation When using Orem’s theory, nurses have three steps to work through. The first is undertaken during the initial assessment of a new patient and involves identifying any self-care deficits. These are not always obvious from looking at a patient and the process may require gentle but persistent questioning. Some people may be embarrassed and hesitant to talk if they are unable to care for themselves. The second involves full diagnosis of the deficits, including establishing causes. The third step is to draw up a treatment plan based on these diagnoses. In her work, Orem stressed the importance of recognizing that every patient is a unique individual, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach to this type of planning. In each case, AGNPs will need to work with the patient to establish the most effective way forward. Five Ways Nurses Can Help There are five strategies nurses can use to address self-care deficits when establishing patient care plans: For the most severely incapacitated patients, it may be necessary to perform actions on their behalf, such as washing or dressing them. Patients struggling mentally or who lack confidence can be guided through actions, ideally to the point of independence. Patients can be taught new ways of approaching day to day tasks which make them easier to accomplish, such as taking a break to have a shower in the afternoon if it is too hard to find the energy at other times. AGNPs can focus on the patient’s environment, making it easier for them to carry out self-care activities, such as suggesting kitchen gadgets to reduce the physical effort involved in preparing meals. Finally, AGNPs can train a family caregiver to provide appropriate support. These five strategies involve numerous actions, skills, and tools that nurses can use. Patients may need particular assistance with the following tasks. Helping With Eating Patients should always be encouraged to do as much for themselves as is reasonably possible. When it comes to eating, nurses should start with encouragement. Many older people lose their appetite and don’t feel motivated to eat, especially when it requires effort. So, an AGNP can point out that they have more energy when they manage to eat regular meals. If the patient can get food to their mouth by themselves, nurses should resist the temptation to assist, even if they sometimes drop the food. Instead, nurses can reassure them that this is not uncommon and all they need to do is take a little more time. Nurses should also be alert to the possibility of choking issues and arrange X-rays if concerned. If some food proves difficult to eat, they can discuss the possibility of dietary adjustments. Helping With Toileting Nurses should reassure patients that, awkward as they may feel, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. The nurse must ensure they can transfer on and off the toilet safely and consider options like raising the height of the seat or installing grab. If there is a risk of falling, AGNPs may suggest bedpans for use when no caregiver is present. If adult diapers are needed, nurses should ensure that patients know how and when to change them (even if they are not soiled) and how to protect their skin against rashes or bruises caused by wearing them. Finally, nurses can also discuss medical options for softening stools or speeding up or slowing down digestive transit. Helping With Dressing And Grooming A balance must be struck between helping patients be more independent in dressing and grooming themselves and enabling them to maintain a style or standard of appearance that is natural for them. Some older men prefer to be clean shaven but end up growing beards because it is easier to trim a beard than it is to shave safely and neatly, for example. Some clothing options can be easier to get into than others, depending on a patient’s particular mobility difficulties. Simple devices such as a stick with a hook on the end can make adjusting the back of a garment or doing up a zip much easier. Nurses should pay particular attention to footwear to make sure patients can stand or walk safely. Reducing Hazards Whether a nurse is helping a patient to move around and complete self-care tasks in a hospital ward, a care home, or their own home, they must always pay attention to hazard prevention. Hazards can include mess, a layout created without regard for disability, or other people or pets moving around. Nurses can start by ensuring that the patient is aware of the risks and can recognize dangerous situations. They should discuss simple measures like installing handrails or changing routines to make it easier to keep the area tidy. Nurses can also ensure that the patient can summon help if something goes wrong, by persuading them to install an alarm system or carry a charged mobile phone at all times, for example. Care With Communication Often, older patients who have self-care deficits also have difficulty with communication, whether due to physical or cognitive disability. Depending on their lifestyle in recent years, they may also be unfamiliar with modern technologies, but shy about admitting this. It is important for nurses to make sure that when they are addressing issues around essential needs, the patient understand them properly and vice versa. It can be helpful to use pictures in communication, which are often available in support materials. When meeting a patient in the place they are going to be living, the nurse and patient can explore it together (in stages, if necessary) so both parties can directly identify issues. Seeing Each Patient As An Individual An essential tenet of Orem’s theory is that patients must be treated as individuals. This increases the chance that they will stick to treatment plans, as well as directly improving their psychological wellbeing. Any nurse that’s interested in Orem’s theory and is considering joining this field will be looking into gerontology nurse practitioner programs online. The best courses place a lot of emphasis on adaptability and on learning how to manage different types of patients in different environments. The program at the University of Indianapolis, for example, encourages students to develop the patience and listening skills essential to getting to know patients and making them a part of the process. This communication and relationship building is essential to developing plans which will really benefit patients over the long term. The course at the University of Indianapolis is an eight-semester program designed for working nurses, involving part-time study and an intensive clinical placement. The Nursing Profession Continues To Benefit Thanks to Orem and her self-care deficit theory, patients are no longer left to waste away as they begin to struggle with old age. Generations of nurses who have practiced this theory have observed that, even in later life, patients can often improve and regain their self- care abilities with the right support. Advances in assistive technologies continue to make this even easier. The right support, focused on facilitating and encouraging independence, enables seniors to go on living satisfying lives on their own terms for much longer. Even when they need extensive practical support, giving them more control helps to maintain their morale and ability to navigate the final chapter of their lives. In the process of providing this support, AGNPs also get what they really want; to see their patients thrive, no matter what they must overcome to achieve it. Additionals: 8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate Psychedelic Therapy for Mental Health Conditions How Does Children’s Health Impact Parental Lifestyle?