How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life

Published on: 06 September 2018 Last Updated on: 29 September 2018

It has been established that marijuana has an overall positive effect on human body and more and more people are starting to experience it and discover how cannabis can be used in many different forms to help treat certain conditions or it can be consumed recreationally for relaxation and fun.

More and more countries are starting to open their eyes towards the idea of making the green plant legal and accessible. California legalized it in 2016 for both medical and recreational use, opening many new dispensaries like People’s OC.

Now it is much easier for people from all walks of life to enjoy this wonderful plant, share experiences, and further test marijuana thus filling some gaps in practice which science tries to explain in theory.

The topic for today will be the effect of marijuana on your sex life. We are sharing our thoughts and experiences on how cannabis you get from legal marijuana shops in California and other states where recreational marijuana is legal can make sexual experiences different and better.

All in your head?

You can say that this literally is true because marijuana directly affects receptors in the brain with its active component THC which stimulates the release of hormones of happiness and peacefulness (dopamine and anandamide).

If you combine the high THC-rich recreational marijuana achieves with a regular sexual arousal, the results both of these conditions provide only complement each other and enhance the intercourse in terms of quality, duration and amount of pleasure.

It is worth noting that not all people have the same experience when consuming cannabis, some feel like they grasp the whole cosmos with their mind, others claim that they feel nothing or just sleepy, and a similar comparison can be made for sexual experience and orgasms.

Science can’t draw a definitive line and pinpoint precisely what type of experience a person is going to have, but it sure can answer many hows and whys of marijuana’s effect on human body.

Benefits of mixing marijuana and sex

We are well aware of the positive effect marijuana has on us, but here are some benefits which directly affect the quality of your sexual life and improve it on so many levels. It helps fight off anxiety, relieve tension, relax and gain confidence in your performance, it also reduces the accumulated stress.

Increased libido and sharpened senses boost both mental and physical experience, meaning the feelings of joy and pleasure sex provides are raised on a new level. People have also experienced a stronger emotional connection with their partner during the intercourse in a sense that they can truly relax and shift all of their focus on the partner and sex, which means that the brain does not allow any other distraction to reduce the amount of joy even the slightest.

This strong focus translates well to your physical performance as well, you feel more energized, and you can extend the duration of the intercourse and thus intensify and prolong your and your partner’s pleasure. This state of heightened concentration allows you to savor every single moment of sex until you reach the climax.

Try to balance things out

As in every other aspect of life, balance is the key. This is especially important for marijuana because it hasn’t been scientifically determined how much weed one should take to reach the optimal experience.

Effect of marijuana are individual and the best way to determine how much weed you need is to test on yourself and see what works and not. What you ideally want is a moderate consumption in order to reach the level of joy we’ve mentioned before.

Many factors influence how things are going to play out, but too much marijuana intake can lead to some undesired effects such as reduced motor skills functionality, lack of sexual drive and fatigue.

Men and women are affected differently as well, and current circumstances and mood also play a big role, but if you are able to balance things out and find the amount that works for you, then pleasure and fun are the only side-effects you’d ever have.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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A pioneering approach has emerged in the quest for enhanced mental well-being, bringing fresh hope to those grappling with mental health challenges. This innovative avenue, known as Neurofeedback Therapy, is rapidly reshaping the landscape of mental healthcare. Through the integration of technology and neuroscience, this therapy is paving the way for a future where mental well-being can be nurtured remotely. Navigating The Neurofeedback Therapy Process: Remote Connectivity: This remote neurofeedback therapy revolves around an intriguing process that hinges on the connection between technology and the human brain. In this therapeutic journey, individuals are seamlessly linked to specialized equipment capable of capturing their brainwave activity. Skilled professionals then meticulously analyse this real-time data, allowing for a deep understanding of individual brain patterns. Observing these patterns remotely will enable individuals to engage in brain exercises to regulate their brain waves toward healthier patterns. This iterative process of self-regulation is at the core of this therapy's transformative potential. Unveiling The Benefits Of The Therapy: The benefits of this healing procedure are manifold, offering a glimpse into a future where mental health support can be accessed from a distance. Anxiety, a prevalent mental health concern, finds a potential remedy remotely. Individuals grappling with anxious feelings can embark on a journey of self-regulation as they learn to modulate brainwave patterns associated with anxiety, fostering resilience in the face of stressors. This also holds promise in managing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This common neurodevelopmental disorder often disrupts focus and impulse control. However, with the guidance of professionals, individuals, particularly children, can remotely engage in brain exercises that contribute to improved concentration and impulse management. The impact of this therapy extends to the realm of sleep disorders as well. Insomnia, a prevalent concern in today's fast-paced world, can be addressed through targeted brainwave training. Individuals may find relief from sleepless nights by remotely engaging in exercises that encourage the brain to enter states conducive to restful sleep. Furthermore, this therapy's potential for remote assistance shines brightly for those on the autism spectrum. It can facilitate the development of emotional regulation and communication skills, enriching social interactions and fostering a sense of connection. Embracing The Future: The Therapy's Promise: As technology continues its rapid evolution, the prospects for this therapy become even more promising. The fusion of technology, neuroscience, and remote accessibility could lead to an era where individuals can actively participate in their mental well-being journeys from the comfort of their own spaces. The potential for remote therapy applications, accessible through digital platforms, could democratize mental health support, making it available to a broader range of individuals regardless of geographical constraints. Summing It Up: A Future Redefined: The emergence of remote neurofeedback therapy underscores the evolution of mental health support. Individuals can embark on a transformative journey toward enhanced mental well-being through the synergy of technology and neuroscience. The process, rooted in remote connectivity, offers a means to self-regulate brainwave patterns and attain a more balanced mental state. With benefits spanning anxiety management, ADHD support, sleep disorder alleviation, and autism assistance, the therapy paves the way for a future where mental well-being can be nurtured remotely. As technology paves the way, a new era dawns, redefining the possibilities of mental health enhancement and accessibility. Read Also: 10 healthy Habits to improve your health How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health Living Healthily | Six Crucial Lifestyle Tips for College Freshmen


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As you grow older, getting diagnosed with osteoporosis might blow your mind at first. However, there are lots of things that you can do in order to ensure that the destruction of bones due to this ailment is minimal. One of the best and easiest ways to manage your life with the disease is to adopt healthy habits of eating and living a balanced life. If you boost your overall health, you can easily prevent osteoporosis to render you any damage. Below is a list of some very good habits that can be adopted as you age with this disease of bones destruction. Here're a Few Habits for Osteoporosis Management: 1. Increase the intake of essential minerals: In order to fight any type of disease; we must try to bring changes to our diet. No matter you are a young person or an older one, your bones are prone to destruction if your diet is not adequate especially when you enter into adulthood. There are many nutrients that you must add to your diet such as vitamin D, calcium, etc. that you can obtain from the food you eat. For instance, lean meat can be the biggest source for providing energy and health to your bones. 2. Start taking supplements: As we grow older, it is a basic requirement of our body to bring changes to our body and cut back on many such foods that can be a good source of essential nutrients. If this is the case with you, you must visit the doctor and ask him to prescribe you some supplements as per requirements. Even if you don’t have osteoporosis and there is a sort of bone injury, it can disturb you in your old age. So, meet the orthopaedic surgeon in Melbourne and know about the importance of essential minerals 3. Watch out on alcohol use: Vitamin D is very important for the health of your bones especially when you have become a patient of osteoporosis. When you intake alcohol excessively, you end up decreasing the ability of your body to assimilate vitamin D for giving strength to your bones. Due to excessive alcohol consumption, you can expect to face the problem of calcium deficiency which not be so apparent unless you go through fierce pain in your bones. 4. Don’t let your body put on weight: Not just for the health of bones, you need to maintain weight in order to ensure that your body’s overall health is good. When you are overweight, you put more strain on the bones of your body due to which, the chances of bone fracture increase. If you are suffering from any sort of eating disorder, you will eventually put on more weight and become unable to manage osteoporosis. You must see the nutritionist if you feel any problem managing your weight especially when you are living with a bone disease. Bone health is extremely important especially when you want to live a healthy life of high quality. Don’t compromise your health for anything. Read Also: Quarantine Weight Gain is Real: What Should You Do About It? Drink Matcha green tea to Lose Weight The Healthy Effects Of Shrooms On Your Mind 8 Healthy Ways to Improve Your Sex Life Overnight


Get an idea about infections during the tenure of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful phase in a woman’s life but it comes with various complications as well. Thus, dealing with pregnancy is surely not a bed of roses. Many women complain about infections during the tenure of pregnancy and if such infections would remain untreated then the health condition may deteriorate. If you are expecting a baby then you should know what kinds of infections one can encounter during pregnancy. It is always better to be informed. So, stay tuned as you will get genuine information in the coming paragraphs. What kinds of infections women can encounter while being pregnant? One of the most common infections that women face during pregnancy is a skin infection. But in most cases, it is not that severe, for example, one may experience the problem of rashes, swelling, acne, etc. Chances of getting a common cold are also really high in case of pregnancy. These are minor types of infections and would not prove to be a threat to the mother or the baby. But there are lots of infections in pregnancy that may prove to be quite dangerous. Some of the infections that must not be ignored at all are urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections, hepatitis, bacterial vaginosis, GBS, viral infection, etc. These infections can be termed as dangerous and can prove to be a serious threat for the mother and the baby. The symptoms of all infections would be different. For example, in case of yeast infection, you may feel severe itching around the vagina, in case of urinary tract infection there can be a burning pain while urinating, in case of sexually transmitted infection, there can be symptoms like swelling, fever, pain, etc. Thus the symptoms associated with different infections would be different. What should be done in order to avoid infections during pregnancy? You can avoid infections during pregnancy in the following ways – Make it a habit to wash your hands frequently. It can help in avoiding a lot of infections. Don’t eat the food already consumed by some other person and also avoid sharing drinks. In many cases, it is seen that women face trouble when they consume undercooked or raw meat. So, simply avoid this habit. Learn about the ways to maintain vaginal hygiene. Don’t get involved in unsafe sexual activities. Avoid meeting with people who are already having contagious infections. Get flu shots after consulting your doctor. These are some of the simple ways by which you can avoid infections during pregnancy. Some genuine tips for your guidance If you have got a minor infection then it may go away on its own within a few days. But if the problem is persistent and severe then you should not hesitate to consult a medical practitioner. The doctor would diagnose your condition and you will come to know which kind of infection is creating the trouble. Presently there are advanced level infection treatments during pregnancy and such treatments can ensure the absolute safety of the mother as well as the unborn baby. Read Also: Is Polyester Stretchy? – Its Materials & Properties [Detailed Explanation] Top 6 Different Types Of Scarves Names And Its Benefits How to Thicken Chili – Tried and Tested