5 Types of Cancer Prominent in Women

Published on: 07 September 2018 Last Updated on: 25 November 2021
Cancer Prominent

Lifestyle, family, eating habits, surroundings – everything contributes to cancer possibilities in a person. Sometimes, late detection can be cured with substantial radiation and yet, sometimes early detection cannot be controlled. AMRI Hospital, a Kolkata-based hospital chain, suggests 5 types of cancer that have a higher possibility of manifestation in women than men. There are certain cancer prominent among the woman that can result in the substantial loss of life and body organs.

Different Types of Cancer Prominent In Woman 

There are several types of cancer that are prominent in women while you want to get the best treatment in AMRI hospital.

Lung Cancer :

It is a pre-conceived notion that only regular smokers suffer from Lung Cancer. However, this is a false assumption. An oncology expert at the best hospital in Kolkata, AMRI Hospital, said “It is true that long-term smokers are more susceptible to Lung Cancer, but that’s not the usual case with women. In more than half of the cases we have come across, the patient does not have a smoking habit.” Some of the factors responsible for lung cancer are:

  • Passive Smoking
  • Air pollution
  • Exposure to toxic gases
  • Heredity

Statistics reveal that Lung Cancer is responsible for one of the highest number of deaths. A few precautionary measures that can be employed to fight against this deadly disease are:

  • Avoid passive smoking. Meet your friends later or just excuse yourself from the environment.
  • Pollution masks are readily available with pharmacists. If your city’s air is in the red zone of air pollution, make sure you wear the mask, especially while traveling.
  • Studies have revealed that reduced alcohol consumption decreases the risk of having lung cancer.
  • Exercise regularly and improve your diet. Physical activity helps to recover your body from the exposure to smoke, and diet maintains the smooth the functioning of the systems.

Breast Cancer :

According to the National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR), one out of every two women, newly diagnosed with breast cancer, dies in India. Generally, family history is one of the premier causes of breast cancer. If a person’s siblings, mother or daughter have the disease, the chances of suffering from the condition increase. There are a few factors that need to be considered in case of any suspicion about breast cancer:-

  • Genetic Mutation of BRCA1 and BRCA2
  • Menopause after 55 or menstrual periods before the age of 11
  • No pregnancies or late first pregnancy (after the age of 30)
  • Radiation treatment of chest for another cancer

Medical studies have advanced to a level where controlling breast cancer is highly possible. However, there are some precautions to reduce the overall chances of the disease:

  • Estrogen fuels breast cancer cells and it has been observed that loss of weight, especially if you are not aligned with BMI helps to fight the disease
  • Avoid eating red meat. It is still under speculation but it’s better to be safe than sorry
  • Quit drinking alcoholic beverages. Or at least minimize it to one drink per day.

Thyroid Cancer :

Although the chances of developing thyroid cancer are reasonably low, there are not many ways to prevent it either. Since potential tumors revealed via scans can be treated in early stages, it is pivotal to analyze the risk factors and focus on their control:

  • Usually, this cancer develops in the 40s and 50s
  • Family history
  • RET gene mutation

There are no such control measures for thyroid cancer, but some precautionary steps can be taken:

  • Avoid radiation exposure
  • Reduce the iodine content in your diet
  • If there are any cases in family history, have regular check-ups for early diagnosis

Uterine/Endometrial Cancer :

Female reproductive organs are more prone to endometrial cancer. As the name suggests, it is cancer in the uterus lining. Similar to breast cancer, high estrogen feeds the cancer cells in this case. Never being pregnant, overweight and birth control pills are some of the premier causes of increased risk. Other factors include:

  • Around the age of 60
  • Diabetes
  • Family History

Nutritionists at AMRI Hospital, Kolkata suggest, “Diet control is the best way to prevent uterine cancer. Since fat cells secrete estrogen, the level of the hormone increases and make a person more prone to the condition.” There are several facts that prove cancer is prominent among women.

Colon Cancer :

Women around the age of 70 are more susceptible to colon cancer. The abnormal cancer cells take almost 15 years to grow, so regular check-ups are an easy way for early diagnosis. Colonoscopy, blood tests or Cologuard (DNA stool test) are the best ways to diagnose colon cancer. Oncologist in Kolkata experts advises taking diets rich in calcium and fiber as precautionary measures.

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Home Workout

What Are Virtual Reality Workouts And How Will They Affect Exercise?

When pondering on whether or not to workout, your mind will usually think of the hassle of getting to the gym or the stench of sweat surrounding the rowing machines. But, technology is making advances that could render these uncomfortable associations null and void. There is no denying the leaps and bounds technology has made, and the ways in which it is impacting our lives. One of the most prominent pieces of technology to date is Virtual Reality (VR). While variations of practical applications have been in development for many years, devices that are capable of displaying VR experiences are more reliable now than ever before. One of the more recent applications is its role in recreating the workout experience. The following article will outline how, through the use of devices like the Oculus Rift, VR is changing the exercise landscape for the better. While VR may prove beneficial for an individual’s workout, supplements can further increase your ability to achieve your health goals. For example, CLA supports weight loss and Moringa boosts energy. These are just a few products that may promote slimming down or enhance your performance. But, finding the right supplement is not always an easy endeavor. If you wish to make your search as painless and efficient as possible then check out Research and You. Their in-depth reviews on all the latest products will guide you towards a wiser purchase decision. And with your health supplements in check, is it time to start investing in the VR revolution? Read on to find out how it could improve your workouts: From the Comfort of Your Home: As we have already mentioned, it is often more strenuous to get to the gym than it is to actually work out. After all, the decision to leave your home doesn’t solely rely on your productivity. While laziness plays a big part in steering people away from their gym’s front doors, being uncomfortable can cause major workout neglect. Quite simply, many people are not happy with their bodies. You may feel disheartened when seeing the macho and slim figures sprawl themselves across the exercise machines. Or, you may not feel so lively when you catch a whiff of the trainer on the machine next to you. These are all ways in which going to the gym can seem a terrifying and daunting challenge in itself. VR can change that. Learn more about it here. VR allows individuals to transport themselves to another ‘location’ without having to leave their homes. It caters to the individuals that do not wish to make the trek to the gym or simply do not have time. Strap on the headset and you’re off for your workout. Anywhere Goes: Beyond conducting your exercise within your own home, you can do it just about anywhere around the world without having to step into a gym. Taking a much-needed vacation? Take your headset along with you for a quick morning session. Visiting family for the weekend? Avoid the family politics and step outside for a quick yoga practice on the beach. These are all ways in which you can use VR to workout anywhere. This is because all you need is the headset and decent internet connection. Saving on Memberships: Gym memberships can take a lump sum out of your pocket every month. In fact, signing up to a gym is one of the most expensive ways to workout. Click here to read the truth about the costs. While VR is not exactly cheap, it can prove more cost-effective than memberships. The initial cost of purchasing a headset is likely your biggest expense. After that, there are many workout apps that offer free trials and you can even download some for free. The fact that you can use these experiences just about anywhere is another appealing and sustainable reason to invest in it. If you wish to relocate or visit another country for a few months, you will not need to purchase a new membership or increase the cost of your existing one. Gamifying the Experience: Another extremely appealing factor is VR’s ability to gamify your workout experience. Rather than the mundane environment, you can transport yourself to an isolated beach and conduct your routine there. For the more adventurous, certain apps will encourage you to beat your best bench press by scoring you and offering rewards. The satisfaction of earning a new badge or bragging right is what will bring individuals back to this gamified experience. The potential to create inspiring and invigorating new ways of exercising is limitless. Here are a few games to get you started. For those that want a more classic workout, then the VR headset will offer that to. While the implementations are relatively new and glitches may be present, the future of workouts is positively changing through the introduction of tools like VR. You can harness the power of technology to re-inspire your love of exercise and efficiently achieve your health goals. Read Also: Eating Versus Exercise With Your No Contract London Gym Membership What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym?

eat affects

What You Eat Affects Your Productivity

You must have heard someone say “you are what you eat” at some point in your life but have you ever wondered what exactly does it mean? We’re all aware that the food we consume fuels our body, yet we tend to focus only on the long-term effects of our eating habits instead of the short term consequences of the decisions we make during lunchtime. Perhaps, our eating choices have a profound effect on our mental performance and productivity levels throughout the day. But how exactly does FOOD have the power to do that? And how can you control your productivity by watching what you eat? If you want to find the answers to all such question, keep on reading this article and we guarantee a lot of things will become clear to you. The Link Between Food And Productivity Our diets have a much greater impact on our productivity than we realize. In fact, eating the wrong foods at the wrong times can turn your day upside down. Essentially, whatever you eat has a way of making its way to your bloodstream and eventually reaching your brain. This is because almost every food item that we eat is broken down into glucose in our bodies. Glucose is a simple carbohydrate that can easily cross into the bloodstream to fuel our entire body and keep our brain awake. So when our body is short on glucose, like on an empty stomach, our brain finds it hard to concentrate, focus and perform. But since everything we eat is eventually broken down into glucose, what difference does it make if we eat a bowl of vegetable salad or two scoops of ice cream? Well, here’s the thing: the ability of a certain food to fuel our body and brain depends on the rate at which it can release glucose into our blood, also called the glycemic index (GI). Foods with a low glycemic index like oats or healthy salads release glucose slowly yet sustainably in the blood, regulating blood sugar levels and optimizing brain activity. On the other hand, foods with a high GI such as white rice an ice cream rapidly release glucose in the bloodstream, providing a burst of energy which the body can use immediately. However, the downside is that you’ll be left unfocused and distracted only after a few hours of eating. Moreover, starchy and sugary foods with high GI can impact sleep cycles and actually kill productivity. A sudden spike in blood sugar level increases insulin production in the pancreases which, in turn, floods the brain with hormones like serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that also acts as a precursor for the sleep hormone melatonin and regulates circadian rhythms which manage the internal clock of the body and the sleep-wake cycles. Thus, aligning your diet with the circadian rhythms allows you to harness your full potential and make the most of the day. How To Improve Cognitive Performance With Food Now that we have established the link between food and productivity, let’s learn how you can attain a greater mental efficiency by watching your diet and tweaking your lifestyle. Here are some research-based strategies worth giving a try. Watch What You Eat Perhaps, the most important thing you need to do is to keep a check on what you eat. Processed and junk foods spike blood sugars and have a negative relationship with productivity. Instead, make such healthier foods readily available and stack them in plain sight since you’re more likely to eat the first thing you see when you’re hungry. Here are some brain fueling foods you should consider: Fish: A classic brain-food, fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids that are known to optimize brain function and development and maintain overall energy levels. Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate has a high content of caffeine that is a well-known concentration booster. Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds rich in Vitamin E and other antioxidants reduce cell inflammation and prevent cognitive decline. Fruits and vegetables: Most fruits and vegetables have a low glycemic index and hence are excellent brain power foods. Carrots, avocados, and blueberries are some choices you can opt for to increase your brain activity. Don’t Skip Breakfast In a study published by Roy Baumeister in his book, all children in a class were asked to skip breakfast before coming to school. Then, half of them were fed with a healthy breakfast after coming to school and it was observed that these children displayed better learning patterns and behavior than the other lot. When the unfed children were given a healthy snack during mid-day, their performance also improved. This study perfectly depicts the significance of eating proper breakfast every morning so make sure not to skip on this important meal even if you’re running low on time. Have Small Meals Throughout The Day Since unregulated blood sugar levels can suppress productivity, it’s wise not to let your glucose levels hit the bottom throughout the day. Thus, feast on small and frequent meals during the course of the day to maintain consistent blood sugar levels. You can have small portions of meals during lunch and dinner time and supplement them with 2 healthy snacks at mid-day and evening to fuel your brain more efficiently. Plan Your Meals Beforehand Last-minute eating decisions are not always the best ones since you’re more likely to cave in on unhealthy food cravings that are quite an inefficient source of energy. Hence, it’s good to plan your meals before you get hungry so that you don’t make unhealthy food choices later on. You can prepare your weekly meals over the weekend to save time on weekdays and stay away from ordering unhealthy food out of sheer laziness. Or you can order weekly meal sets from healthy food delivery services like ActivEats if you don’t have the time to cook for yourself. Perhaps, the key to productivity is in your own hands and making subtle changes in your lifestyle and eating habits like those mentioned above can be a step closer to achieving maximum productivity. Read Also: Eating Good Quality Foods For Diet Love Who You Are: How To Prevent Eating Disorders


Go Trampolining to have Fun and Maintain your Fitness

Many researchers have proved how trampolining has a variety of benefits to the body. Study after study has long proved how rebounding or jumping on trampolines brings peak fitness and keeps one healthy. Even a NASA study testified all these things in a way back 70’s. Given so many benefits, it’s important to take a peek into rebounding and understand what makes it one of best workouts around. In fact, it becomes important to understand what makes jumping on a trampoline one of best workouts invented ever. Beneficial than jogging or running Yes, it’s true that jumping brings three times more rewards than what your regular jogging or running activities do. What’s more, it’s easier and more fun at the same time. Jogging or running causes a great deal of physical stress on lower feet and limbs which are not the case with jumping. A 10-minute bouncing is equal to 30-minute running Yes, it’s true that a 10-minute bouncing is equal to 30-minute of running on a regular basis. You can see the difference and can also gauge why more people now take to trampolining than ever before. So, you should do it more often to save time and gain more benefits. Boost to metabolism Studies have proved that trampolining has a big impact on metabolism. A lot has to do with the involvement of muscles and their contraction and relaxation. In a way, you can jump on a regular basis and have a superior metabolism than you do have currently. More oxygen to the body Try jumping on trampolines for a few minutes and see the results. What did you see? You will experience a surge of energy into the body and you will feel like energized. How did that happen? It happens as more oxygen reaches to the body when one jumps. More oxygen means more supply of blood to the cells, which makes us feel energetic on an immediate basis. Immune system Studies have proved that trampoline has a big impact on the immune system. It means, your regular jumping can keep you away from diseases and illnesses. This happens because the circulation of the lymph gets a boost. Which means more lymph flow into the body which takes toxins out and boosting the immune system. Muscles and bones The best thing about rebounding is that it involves almost all the body muscles and bones. It means, when we do jump on a trampoline, muscles come into play and they also get some well-deserved workouts. In a way, firming and toning of the muscles takes place and bones too get strengthened to keep the body healthy. Mental Health Rebounding on a trampoline helps in the release of mood-enhancing chemicals – endorphins. This is a major reason for one feeling happy and alert while jumping. More so, this increased level of alertness means superior grasping of things and events. This also helps with learning. In all, rebounding has a positive impact on your mental health. Simplicity and convenience Rebounding has to one of the easiest and simplest exercises around. You can do it anywhere and anywhere. All you need is to put a small trampoline at some corner of the home, or out in the open, there you go. In terms of fun, simplicity, and convenience, you won’t find any other exercise coming close to jumping ever. In a nutshell, you should visit a trampoline park quite often in the hope of joining best fitness classes Leeds. There, you can mix fun and fitness together and have a great time. So, plan your weekend and take your kids and family where they all find something Fitness Classes Leeds to have fun with. Read More: The Relationship Between Oral Health And General Health Top 5 Life Hacks Of Dealing With The Symptoms Of Menopause Top 4 Natural Combination For You To Eliminate Blackheads (Infographics)