Why is sleeping well so important for job performance?

Published on: 28 November 2017 Last Updated on: 17 August 2019
between memory and sleep

You probably do not need anyone to tell you how important sleep is. If you have ever been kept awake by a crying baby, night after night; or you have crammed for exams until the early hours, for days on end, you know about the effects lack of sleep can have. If you do not get enough good quality sleep, you can end up looking pale and wrinkled. You can also be irritable and lacking in patience.

Obviously, this is not an ideal situation to be in. But, it gets worse when you consider the detrimental effect that sleep deprivation can have on your performance in work.

The basic effects of being over tired

The basic effects of not sleeping as much as you should, or of having your sleep interrupted, are obvious. You lose the ability to focus properly and surroundings and events become fuzzy. You may fall asleep behind your desk or at a meeting. You are also more likely to struggle to concentrate, making mistakes more likely.

The link between memory and sleep

Although there is some dispute in the matter, many experts believe that your memory is set when you sleep. You learn information one day, it sets in your memory overnight, and you are able to recall it the following day. There is some evidence that if this process is interrupted by lack of sleep, your memory can be adversely affected. This is not something you want to happen if you are learning a new job, or you need to make an important speech at a business conference.

How to improve your sleep pattern

The good news is that there are ways in which you can start to increase the amount of good quality sleep that you get.

  • Do not work or watch TV in bed; stick to sleeping.
  • Make sure you sleep on the right mattress, such as a Lull mattress; read an in-depth review here.
  • Try to go to sleep, and wake-up, at the same time each day.
  • Switch off electrical devices when you are in bed so that you are not adversely affected by blue light.
  • Sleep in a room which is as dark as possible.
  • Relax for a couple of hours before you go to bed.

Adopting any, or all, of these ideas, can help you get the sleep you need in order to perform well at your job.

The benefits you get from sleeping well

We have shown you how to improve the quantity and quality of sleep. But, how does doing so help improve the way you perform at work? Here are some improvements which are likely to happen.

  • Full awareness and participation at meetings.
  • Less chance of errors occurring.
  • Improved productivity because you are able to concentrate.
  • Better working relationships as you are less likely to be irritable.

All of these improvements are likely to lead to an overall improvement in your job performance.

If you are continuously tired, you are not going to perform as well as you can, at work. This is why it’s so important to consider the tips we have given you, and make changes to your daily routine that enable you to get the right amount of good quality sleep each night.

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How to Become a Speech Language Pathologist

How To Become A Speech Language Pathologist? Get To Know Here!

Speech Pathologists can easily identify speech and swallowing issues, which would help find several impactful treatment methods. A speech pathologist can specialize in several domains, such as helping adults or children. Or else they can focus on the specific speech-language disorder. Many candidates like you want to know how to become a speech language pathologist. Well, their intentions are always to achieve goals.     Besides, you also must be passionate about your career, especially in health care. In this case, you must also improve your communication skills, which might help you become a speech pathologist.      Recently, a speech pathologist received intensive education and training to diagnose and treat patients with speech impediments. It means you can easily afford to complete your education for this career, like a nurse anesthetist. Even more, it would help if you learned how to pursue your career to decide whether it is right for you easily.     How to Become a Speech Language Pathologist? Becoming a speech pathologist means you are going through the practice of appraising, evaluating, and treating children and other adult patients. Below, I will discuss how to become a speech language pathologist.     1) Earn A Bachelor's Degree The first step in beginning your career path is to earn a bachelor's degree. In this case, an ardent speech pathologist can get a bachelor's degree in communication disorders and communication sciences. This kind of program degree includes research methodology, statistics, linguistics, language disorders, and so on in the child and the anatomy of hearing and speech mechanism issues. Apart from that, you might earn your undergraduate degree in a subject such as English, psychology education, or linguistics like you must need to earn for pursuing the data scientist career. 2) Obtain A Master's Degree In Speech Language Pathology Once you earn a bachelor's degree, you can pursue your master's degree in speech language pathology. By selecting the graduate degree program, you must ensure its accreditation from the American Speech Hearing Association.  This type of master's degree involves practical clinical hours under the administration of a licensed speech pathologist. In this case, you would be getting experience working with patients. The requirements for these practical hours vary from state to state, ranging from 300 to 375. 3) Complete The Post-Graduate Fellowship You can apply for the post-graduate fellowship once you hold your graduate and undergraduate degrees. In this case, licensure is necessary for pursuing your career as a speech language pathologist likewise you must be required to get the license to pursue your career as an artificial intelligence architect. This fellowship program is the phase of practical training a candidate can complete under the mentorship and supervision of an ASHA-certified and licensed speech pathologist. Your state requires you to acquire a temporary one-year license to finish your fellowship. You can also apply for this license, and then you can easily garner a copy of your master's degree and submit the clinical fellowship plan.     4) Take The National Exam in Speech-language Pathology Once you complete your undergraduate and graduate fellowship programs, you can apply for the post-graduate fellowship. This is necessary for licensure. This fellowship is the phase of several other practical trainings that a candidate can complete under the mentorship and supervision of an ASHA-certified.      There are other requirements which vary from state to state. However, most other states need a fellowship duration of 36 weeks (about 8 and a half months) or 1260 hours (about one month, three weeks), with 80% of this time.      In this case, your state might require that you obtain a temporary one-year license to finish your fellowship. If you are interested in applying for this license, you can garner a copy of your master's degree and then submit the clinical fellowship with your supervisor's signature.     5) Apply For the Certification Multiple states require speech pathologists. In this case, you must gain a certificate of clinical competency in speech-language pathology. You can also apply for this certificate. It happens after you finish your master's degree successfully.     Once you receive the certificate, then, you must expect to take at least 30 hours to continue these education courses, which happens every three years to maintain this.     6) Obtain The License to Practice in Your State Once you are done with the certificate, you obtain the license to practice in your state. Eventually, it involves submitting your exam results, a criminal background check, and an application fee.     Other states have the exact requirements, such as passing the jurisprudence exam on the state's laws and rules. In this case, you must keep your license as a speech pathologist. After that, you can complete the necessary renewal requirements your state outlines.     7) Prepare Your Resume and Cover Letter You must apply for the speech pathologist job once you can obtain the necessary education, license, and qualifications. You must begin seeking a job by writing a cover letter and resume. In this case, it includes education and an outline of the clinical experience you gained through your education.     What Are the Reasons for Becoming a Speech Pathologist? If you want to become a speech pathologist, it often requires several years of education. However, there are still multiple benefits to working as a pathologist. Below, I will discuss the reasons for becoming a speech pathologist.     1) Gain Options for Employment Did you know that speech pathologists can work in several environments? On the other hand, this can enhance your employment options. For example, some speech pathologists work in hospitals, others work independently with clients, or you can start their practices.     There are some locations where a speech pathologist can work, such as:    Rehabilitation locations Hospitals Residential Healthcare locations Universities and Colleges Elementary Schools Preschools Private Facilities State Government Agencies Corporate research facilities, and so on. 2) Earn the Competitive Salary Another significant factor in becoming a speech pathologist is your salary. In this case, a speech pathologist's earnings depend on their experiences, education, and performance.     The average national salary for a speech pathologist is around $111,685 per year. Other factors include the speech pathologist's location, training, etc.     3) Help Others Multiple speech pathologists can work closely with children and help them overcome speech disorders. Somehow, it would become difficult to communicate with others.     Aside from that, in this position, you could help others develop their social skills, and you can quickly improve the quality of your life. Speech pathologists can significantly affect their clients and promptly enhance their lives by developing speech and swallowing challenges.      4) Specialize In Several Years It depends on your interests, and here, you can specialize in a particular area of speech pathology. Some pathologists can choose to work exclusively with adults and children. In this case, they can focus on several areas of speech pathology, such as language disorders or other mechanical issues.     There are other specialties and areas of speech pathologists who might consider such things as:    Travel Speech Adult Speech Cognition Communication Pathology Management Pediatric speech and so many others.  5) Develop Your Professional Skills Speech pathologists can work with multiple individuals, which allows them to learn more about other disorders. Moreover, it will also help you to develop your professional skill sets and help you understand other potential treatments and disorders.    As the field continues to grow, you can learn about other improving techniques for treatment. In this way, you can improve your research skills.     6) Work With Unique Patients Being a speech pathologist, you can get the opportunity to work with other clients for several years of life. This includes learning English for the first time—especially for those facing several communication challenges and seeking treatments for lifelong conditions.     It makes this easier for pathologists who want to meet new people and interact with those with exciting backgrounds. If you enjoy learning more about new people, ensure you have built a diversified network. In particular, it is one of the most significant career choices for those pursuing careers in a healthcare center.     7) Research In the Laboratory If you want to become a speech pathologist, you will get an excellent opportunity to work with clients throughout your career. On the other hand, it will make it easier for other pathologists who want to meet new people and interact with people from a diverse and exciting background.     If you want to enjoy learning more about new people and if you want to build your network, then pursuing your career as a speech pathologist is a viable choice.    8) Consider Self-employment   There are several types of speech pathologists. In this case, one kind of speech pathologist wants to work in hospitals, and another wants to work independently.     Speech pathologists can enjoy controlling their schedules and other workloads and enjoy working independently as speech pathologists. Being a speech pathologist, you might open your private practice and maintain your clients and other professionals.     In Conclusion I have discussed everything about how to become a speech language pathologist above in this article. As a speech pathologist, you can quickly identify speech and swallowing issues and help them find effective methods. Aside from that, being a speech pathologist, you must have some significant regular responsibilities to help you pursue your career.     I hope you find this article helpful. If you have queries, then comment below! Learn More About: What Soft Skills Do You Need As A Live-in Carer? Speech Therapists Unlocking The Power Of Communication The Road To Psychiatry: A Timeline Of Education And Training

Bad Boss

9 Signs You Work For A Bad Boss

At one point or another, we have all complained about our bosses. It seems to go with the territory, the usual water cooler chit-chat. But there's a difference between getting upset over the overtime your boss made you work to actually working for a bad boss. How can you tell the difference? Is there a way to know if you're just being picky or if your boss is crossing the line? The answer is yes. There are several things you can watch out for to determine if you are indeed working for a bad boss. Let's discuss 9 signs to be on the lookout for, to help you learn more about the behavior you shouldn't have to put up within the workplace. 1. They Don't Motivate You : A good boss is a leader that loves to motivate their team. To see everyone succeed and enjoy what they do. And they'll show this by continually being there to give you feedback, support you, and motivate you to do your job well. If this doesn't sound like your boss, you and your team may have a problem. Their priorities are elsewhere and not in providing good leadership. 2. They Are Unreliable : A bad boss will tell you she'll get back to you on your report, but you never receive any feedback. She'll give her word that she'll attend a particular meeting but never shows up. She will promise to call you back, but your phone never rings. If you can't rely on your boss for even the littlest things, how in the world can you rely on them for the bigger, important things? You don't want to work for a boss who can't keep their word. Trust is so important, especially when it comes to leadership. 3. They Have Unrealistic Expectations : It's one thing to set high goals for you and your co-workers to strive towards when it comes to working performance. It's quite another when those goals are far too out of reach and downright unrealistic to achieve. When your boss sets unrealistic expectations, it shows they have their own agenda, and not what's best for the team at heart. This can bring the morale of the workplace way down and make you dread going to work. And life's too short to work for someone like that. 4. They Avoid All Conflict : Another sign of a bad boss is one who can't stand up and face a difficult situation. Whether they avoid having to fire a lazy co-worker, unwilling to deal with an angry client, or refusing to confront another associate who is breaking company policy. It's a major weakness that can't be ignored. A good boss will be able to stand up and deal with any situation that comes their way. They will lead by example. And that is who you want to work for. 5. They Get Defensive : Have you ever seen your boss get defensive in a meeting when confronted about one of their ideas? Or lash out when they are questioned about something they did? This is a bad sign that they can't take criticism. You want a boss who is able to take the good with the bad. To be able to thoroughly listen to other ideas and be open-minded to other possibilities and ways of doing things. And you want them to foster open communication throughout the workplace, instead of having people be scared of being honest. 6. The Rule by Fear : If you've ever seen the movie The Devil Wears Prada, you're familiar with the mass panic that breaks out when the boss walks into the office. Everyone runs to hide or cleans up before they get yelled at, or are afraid to even be in the same elevator with her. No one should have to work in that kind of environment. That's a dictator, not a boss. And it makes for a toxic workplace. That's a situation you need to run from. Immediately. 7. They Don't Communicate Clearly : Having a boss who doesn't communicate clearly can make for a very frustrating work environment! You'll think you're on the right path in a project, then be told by your boss that he actually wanted it done another way. Or they are so vague with instructions or feedback, you're not sure what you just listened to. A good boss will effectively lead their team down a clear path with clear goals. A bad boss will leave everyone floundering around in the dark. 8. They Always Seem to Disappear : Does your boss seem to disappear for hours at a time, without telling anyone where they're going? When you need them, are you able to get ahold of them no matter where they might be? While at first, it may seem like a fun idea to have a boss that's always gone, in reality, it can cause a lot of issues in the workplace. When something comes up that needs immediate attention and it's a situation that only your boss can handle, you need to be able to count on them to be there for your team. 9. Your Gut Instinct Tells You So : That little voice inside your head is there for a reason. If it keeps warning you that something isn't right, you may want to pay attention. Don't ignore that sense of dread you have every time you go into the office. Don't brush off the feeling that something is off. If you feel like you're working for a bad boss, you likely are... and it's time to get out. Life Is Too Short To Work for a Bad Boss : If any of these warning signs apply to your work situation, it may be time to look for a new job. You spend a majority of your time working, so don't waste another minute of it working for a bad boss. You deserve better than that. Ready to kick that job search into high gear? Be sure to read our tips on how to get your resume noticed! Read Also : Go For A Better Legal Job In 2018! Ten Interview Tips That Might Surprise You: The Medical Edition The Significance Of Face-To-Face Networking For Freelancers  

welding as a career

Welding As A Career Choice

Professional choices are the hardest to make. As soon as a person completes his education, he starts a new journey. There are many professions that a person can choose depending upon his educational background and interests. If you have a passion for creating something unique from heavy metals, welding as a career is the best choice for you. Welding as a career choice or a profession doesn't require any specific degree. It is a profession that helps you learn a skill and earn parallel. Moreover, it is a thrilling and daring profession. Every profession has some pros and cons, so does welding. This article will highlight the pros and cons that a person will face after choosing welding as a profession.  4 Reason The Welding Profession In Demand Welding is a profession that is always in demand. Living in whichever state, a welder will never be out of a job. He will always find a job opportunity. For instance, during World War II, people were forced to change their professions. More soldiers were trained. However, the welder continued welding. Here are four reasons why you should choose welding as a career. 1. Easy To Climb Ladders Welding as a profession is very easy in its promotion terms. The more you weld, the more you gain experience and the more valuable your work becomes. It’s all in hand. So, it's easy to grow in the welding industry. The more you get experience, the more you get work.  Moreover, your price as a welder might be small at the start, but its chances to grow are wide. It allows you to earn a handsome amount of money. The heavy metal industry is growing, and welding as a career option is a good choice for passionate metal crafters. You may go through Things to Consider When Sourcing Employees for Manufacturing Plants 2. International Profession Welding work and techniques are the same in all the countries. You can travel from one country to another and still weld there. Thus giving you chances to live in multiple cultures and enjoy the beauty of diverse nations. From the international perspective, welding as a career is a good option among all the job options. 3. Enjoyable Profession This profession is quite fun to do. Witnessing the whole phenomenon of converting metal into a complete project makes this profession enjoyable. Moreover, people who like to accept challenges also find this profession fulfilling. The challenge of weaving a weld to a beautiful-looking sheet never lets you feel bored. After you choose welding as a career option every day, you can enjoy your creative day. 4. A Tough Job To Do Where a profession has its pros, it also has its cons. There is no denying that welding is a dangerous job to do. Not everyone can handle this hazardous job. However, the way the new welding tools are being designed like TIG Welders at Sydney Tools is making this job less dangerous. Taking help of face shields and gloves, etc., makes it less dangerous and safer to do. But welding as a career is entirely a safe career option. You only have to follow some special safety rules while working in the plant. It May Be Looked Down Upon By The Machinists Welding is a valuable profession but certain machinists/fitter and turners night look down upon the welders. A reason behind this might be the division between the welders and the machinists in larger firms. That's why most machinists who know welding prefer sticking to their machines. According to them, it is a more sophisticated job to do, and welding as a career is adventurous. This kind of discrimination has been witnessed by many welders. Conclusion: On The whole, welding is a noble profession earning you a handsome amount of money, especially if you are a thrill-loving person. While choosing welding as a career option, you always have to keep your energy level high, and your creative mind is always helping you to grow. Read Also: 5 Reasons Why a Marketing Degree Makes Sense in 2020 What are the Different Consulting Jobs?