Ten Interview Tips that Might Surprise You: The Medical Edition

Published on: 28 September 2016 Last Updated on: 13 September 2024

For many, interviewing for new physician employment or placement is a nerve-wracking experience. However, it doesn’t have to be! Here are ten interview tips for medical professionals that will help smooth the way to your new hospitalist jobs in Ohio, Pennsylvania or any other area around the world.


1. Prepare (Yes, Even More!):

Sure, you’ve read the job description for the position you’re interviewing for, and you’re knowledgeable about your capabilities and your specialty.  That’s not nearly enough.

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First of all, it’s a good idea to prepare yourself for each interview by doing some in-depth research on the practice you’re interviewing with. A quick glance at the website is good, but there’s much more you can do. Plug the practice’s name into a search engine and see what else there is to know. Do they participate in education, charity, or research? How involved in the community is the practice? Not only will this help you ask meaningful questions during your interview, but it will also give you a head’s up about the practice’s organizational culture.

2. Dress the Part:

You’re not going to show up in sweat pants… we hope. But did you know you can be too overdressed as well? Or that the way you dress might suggest a conflict with the practice’s company culture that you wouldn’t intend to advertise?

A three-piece suit might be overkill, especially at practice with younger physicians. A wacky tie might be a bad idea if the practice values a serious demeanor. Or, these things might earn you brownie points with the interviewer. The point is: you really can’t know for sure. Keep it classic and professional with a business suit in traditional color—this goes for men and women alike.

3. Know That It’s Not Just the Interviewer You Need to Impress:

Did you know that some practices send out a survey to everyone you interact with on interview day? Well, even if you know for a fact that this one doesn’t, don’t forget that it’s really the entire office that’s doing the interviewing, not just HR or one other doctor. Maybe the head of the medical practice isn’t going to ask the receptionist her opinion, but you can bet your bottom dollar that if you make a very poor impression on her, she’ll bring it up herself. Be courteous to everyone you encounter.

4. Ask The Right Questions:

For your first interview, you want to spend as much time on questions that tell you more about the practice, its policies, and its culture. And don’t forget about the practical things: the levels of support staff doctors can expect, the staff hierarchy and reporting structure, the technological resources you’ll have at your disposal (or not), the on-call coverage policies, and so forth. Asking about these things presents you in a professional light, and gives you a great deal of information about what actually working for the practice might be like.

5. Write Your Questions Down:

If you’re thinking, “I’ll never remember all of that!” don’t worry, because our next tip will help you out big time: write your questions down and bring them with you. While you may think it makes you look unprepared, the opposite is true: you appear to be a well-organized, detail-oriented person, and that’s just what you want.

6. Practice a Practice-Centric Attitude:

Until you’ve actually received an offer, it’s not a wise idea to ask a lot of questions about benefits and the like during the interview process. Asking about the base salary prior to the interview is fine—there’s no need to waste their time or yours if it’s not suitable.  Everything else can be left alone until the actual negotiating begins. This shows you’re more interested in the practice than your own gain, and that you don’t have a me-me-me attitude.

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7. Don’t Dis Your Last Employer:

No matter how much you dislike your last employer, you absolutely should not say anything negative about them in the interview. You don’t need to lie—just keep your phrasing as neutral as possible. Being a negative Nancy gives you no advantage and can be very detrimental.

8. Project Confidence:

The key to projecting confidence is moderation. Be professional and friendly.  Don’t fidget or slouch. Answer the interviewer’s questions and then ask a few of your own—keep the conversation going.

9. Don’t Forget to Follow Up: 

Actually, start following up before you even leave the premises! A simple “when can we touch base” or asking the interviewer how they’d like to proceed is fine.

10. Silence Your Devices:

Don’t forget to silence your phone or other devices before the interview. It’s distracting (not to mention rude) to be receiving calls or notifications during the interview process.

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introverts college

5 Communication Tips for Introverts in College

Introversion is a sensitive topic of debate in the education sector. Psychologists, educators, and administrators alike go to great lengths to understand introverts in schools. It is also a great subject to give your dissertation expert for your research project. Student life as an introvert is tough. While most of the world around you can’t stop talking, you find energy from silence and solitude. While joining college is an exciting prospect for most students, it is another dreary phase if you are an introvert.  The awkward moments, taunts, and struggles in forming friendships are just a few of the problems you will encounter. One way of dealing with this challenge is to leverage your qualities of introversion and boost them with the best communication skills. This guide highlights a few communication tips you can use as an introvert in college to make your life more comfortable. 1. Leverage Online Communication With the advent of digital technology, it is now easier to reach out and make friends. In college, you can collaborate and bond with other students online. It is more comfortable than face to face interactions, and it will also boost your confidence. By communicating online, you still manage to speak your mind on class subjects and other issues while maintaining your privacy. With time, you will form closer bonds with some of your online collaborators, and you will find it easy to interact. 2. Use your Listening Power Extroverts like speaking out, and it is terrifying to introverts. In college, you will have to interact with all kinds of people, and they expect you to chip into arguments. However, you can use your intense listening skills to your advantage. You need to show your acknowledgment of the speaker for them to leave you at peace. You can also defuse tense and awkward moments by nodding in agreement to move on the discussion. 3. Trust Yourself In college, you have to cope with pressure from different angles. Everyone wants you to join into whatever they like. As an introvert, this is one of the most daunting phases of your life, but you have to trust yourself. This is the only way to make the right decisions. You have always thought through decisions, and this should not change due to peer pressure. Stick to your guns and take your time when making decisions. Always consider your needs and wellbeing before making a decision. As the other students discover your introverted nature, they might want to exploit you. You have to use your personality as a strength to always make the right decisions. 4. Learn from a model Extrovert You have to prepare yourself for several years of life amidst hundreds of extroverts. It is good to prepare yourself and learn how to communicate with everyone around you. You should consider learning from an extrovert with whom you share some interests. Create a solid foundation for this relationship. As you gain their trust, speak out your mind, and seek their help to communicate more freely. It is a tough decision to make, but it will help you go through college more comfortably. 5. Learn To Speak Up If You Feel Ignored This is the toughest communication tip for an extrovert but also the most important.  Extroverts will readily speak up whenever they want, but for you, this will not happen. However, your input is still important in class discussions and other important forums. You should practice to speak up at the most appropriate moments.  Look for an opportunity to put across your thought when no one else has the floor to avoid awkward moments. Wrapping Up Life as an introvert in college can get tough, but if you work on your communication skills, things will get better. Use these tips to boost your interactions in college and enjoy more comfortable school life. Read Also: Online Schools The Only Source For Personalized Education 7 Reasons Why Online Education Is Very Popular How Contents On Web Influence Students

online schools

Online Schools the Only Source for Personalized Education

Online education offers students access to licensed professors and materials from online schools. It is a technique that can be used to personalize the learning experience of a student.  The online schooling enables students to flourish in such ways that traditional brick-and-mortar public school systems may not be able to achieve and it also provides high-quality education. For several students, traditional, brick-and-mortar schools are working well. But maintaining a balance between college and their interests can be challenging for those who are strongly engaged in extracurricular activities. In online education, online courses are more suitable and economical than their counterparts. Above described are some key benefits of online learning which lead many learners, when they want to get a degree or certificate, to opt for online platforms. Some students who have learning deficits can succeed in online learning as it is the only source for personalized education. Personalized learning is an instruction that deals teaching, program and training environments to meet the individual students’ demands. It is a scholastic method designed to tailor learning programs according to each student’s strengths, desires, abilities, and concerns. It delivers the students with flexible schedules that suits them and they can concentrate on their own interests and personal objectives. The flexible schedule also makes it possible for each student to progress at their own pace and also help them to get the precise curriculum and attention they need. Students are not bound by their school walls in terms of access to data, skills, and specialties in an online teaching system that incorporates the latest technology. A teaching environment that is digitally rich, offers students with the form and the credibility they want to learn. At the present modern age, online learning offers students assistance and enthusiasm to be autonomous learners and thinkers. Online high schools are getting popularity day by day because of the flexibility offered to learners. Students can complete their work while avoiding the stressful components of the customary high school experience. Due to all these reasons, It's no surprise why millions of students worldwide opt for online learning programs, as it is the principal revolution in modern education. It has generated an enormous system change and has opened outstanding opportunities for anyone who wishes to learn something. An online learning environment permits the children to attain consideration and participation from parents usually found in homeschooling while providing more learning opportunities. Homeschooling in Dubai is appealing due to the flexibility it offers for most families. You can enjoy a high degree of flexibility with virtual schools deprived of sacrificing the advantages of knowledge and liability in professional learning. Even though Dubai does not have particular legal demands of homeschooling but it is suggested that you must pursue an accredited program. Considering online support, while you are in homeschooling in Dubai, you may still be able to access teacher assistance from around the globe. There are plenty of trustworthy and accredited online tutors that can be contacted to provide additional assistance and to Provide families with an online choice to experience high-quality, personalized schooling. Through these, students can flourish in such ways that encourage to find their own pace, realize their enthusiasm, and learn in a better way. These online schools develop a flexible and excellent learning environment that incorporates technology with an efficient core curriculum, supporting individualized education from a worldwide vision and offers alternatives tailored to the requirements of your child. These online schools also encourage them to get the greatest academic and personal development norms in order to attain their ideas and maximize their potential. Their vision is that all students should be educated in accordance with their capabilities, requirements, and interests. A number of distinct kinds of schools provide learners with online learning choices. They offer a high-quality secondary school program from 9th to 12th grade. Whether you are joining full-time or taking a few classes, with simple access to teacher assistance, you can operate at your own pace. Students learn through collaboration, multimedia-rich online lessons or from their corresponding classes in the set up that suits their distinctive desires and teaching styles. Most of today's online high schools have a specific curriculum that permits students to compensate for some credits lost. In short, Online schools are the only source for personalized education due to a number of reasons; The Flexibility to take classes at any available time, enabling students to continue their tasks Enable each student to realize their real potential. Each student gets an education to prepare him or her for and beyond the next stage. Provide outstanding learning alternatives for learners and teachers to maximize their academic and lifelong achievements, regardless of environmental, financial or demographic situations. Enhanced family, friends and teacher relationships. Opportunity for the success of learners More flexibility to satisfy individual requirements Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Online Education Is Very Popular Children Are Citizens: What Are The Civil Rights Of Children In Public Schools? Tips On Writing A Winning Reflection Paper In College

Online Colleges

Why are More People Heading to Online Colleges?

Over the last ten years, online courses have become incredibly popular. With over 6.3 million students taking an online course each year in the US, it has the potential to become the most popular education method in the world. Why is that though? What does online education offer over a more traditional method of education? Online colleges can make things easier for you in a short time span. Different Ways You Can Make More People Heading To Online Colleges       There are multiple ways you can more people heading towards online colleges in this article you will get the complete details of it. Earn while you learn: One of the biggest barriers for people wanting to go to college is the cost. A full-time college course makes it almost impossible to earn a livable wage while also being able to dedicate the time required to pass the course. Online education changes this. Because it offers a greater deal of flexibility, you can choose to complete lessons and work around your work schedule. It means that while it would be very hard work, you can hold down a full-time job while completing your online education. This ensures that your bills will be paid on time while you advance yourself. Another bonus of carrying out an online education while working is that if the course is related to the job you do, then there may be the possibility that they will contribute some or all of the costs towards it. This will also mean that they will be more lenient if you need time off for study-related reasons. This is not guaranteed, of course, but if you are adding value to the company, then there is always a chance that they will be accommodating to your needs. Learning at home: Some people find social situations difficult. Being in large groups of people or having to interact with people face to face can bring out moments of anxiety. By being able to learn at home, this issue is instantly removed. You are able to follow everything that is going on at the college online – you can even get live updates from certain institutions, such as Bryant and Stratton College (see live updates from Bryant and Stratton College) – which makes it far easier to keep up to date with everything you need in relation to your course, without having to put yourself in a stressful social situation. It is not just being removed from stressful situations that learning at home helps with though. By being at home, you are instantly able to make yourself as comfortable as possible. If you want to work in sweatpants, then you can. This is not an option at many brick-and-mortar colleges. If you want to pause a lecture to make a coffee, then you can. You can cater to how a lesson is delivered to your own requirements. This means that you will be able to learn in an environment where you feel most ready to learn. This is not an option with any other form of education. Online Colleges can make things easier for you. By offering a different experience from more traditional education, online education has opened the door to millions of people who would not have had access to it in the past. Select the best online colleges that can work well for you. This has created an almost completely new market for education that huge swathes of people are taking advantage of. Read Also: Effective Contribution Of Educational Apps 3 Reasons Why Online Degrees Are Better Tips On Writing A Winning Reflection Paper In College How India Is Transformed After The Success Of Ed-Tech Startups? Best MBA Colleges In India Attracting The Best Of Best Among Students