Comic Relief for College Students


14 June 2016


College student

Far from being a distraction to the overall learning process, the simple act of laughing is a great way to relieve the tension and stress that comes along with the whole college experience. A recent phenomenon has seen very popular comedians refuse to perform on college campuses due to the “safe space” culture that has taken hold, so where can students go to have a laugh? The internet, of course, and this short guide will discuss a few of the more popular college humor websites to visit and waste countless hours on.

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Let’s just get this one out of the way fairly quickly. You probably already know about it, and it is almost certain that a bunch of your Facebook friends has sent you links to it, but it needs to be mentioned in this list anyway.

This website has been around for a while and has stood the test of time by continuing to produce funny and original articles from a variety or contributors. For example, while you are taking a break from studying or trying to get past a hangover, you could learn from pieces of wisdom such as “Why the laws of robotics would defeat Robocop”, and other gems including “Why we’ll definitely insult aliens when we meet them”. Okay, so you may not be getting any smarter by reading this website, but you will probably find something to laugh about.

Weird things can be funny, and that is what Oddee is all about. Have you ever been involved in a heated debate among friends over which Wikipedia page is the sexiest of all? Then have no fear, as you now have an answer in the form of “8 Sexiest Wikipedia Entries”. All of this and more of the mysteries of life come under the microscope in what usually ends up being a fun way to waste a bit of time while you wait for a bus or what have you.

Another giant in the fields of comedy and satire, The Onion brings you news stories that aren’t really real… but you could have sworn what you just read could have actually happened. Of course, you don’t need to be a college student to enjoy things like this, but the intelligence that goes into crafting these satirical news stories is something that you will surely appreciate.

If you’re really tired, stressed out, and you just want to sit back and have a laugh then perhaps the idea of reading funny articles does not appeal to you. That’s where the Funny Or Die website comes in, with plenty of videos that often feature famous celebrities. The topics are generally taken from current events, TV shows, and movies.

This is really just scratching the surface when it comes to the number of funny websites online that cater to the college-age crowd. If you’re still looking for another option after checking out these websites then just ask around in your circle of friends, or pay attention to what they’re posting on social media to see the newest funny stuff.

Read More: 

  1. Free Student Guide To Help You Achieve Exam Success
  2. Comic Relief For College Students
  3. Can A School Be Legally Responsible For A Student’s Suicide?
  4. Best MBA Colleges In India Attracting The Best Of Best Among Students

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Triangles And their Area Formula

What Are The Different Types Of Triangles And their Area Formula?

Using the three straight lines, the geometric figure that can be created is a 'triangle,' and it has three sides and three vertices. In a triangle, the sum of all three interior angles is equal to 180 degrees. Based on the relative size of the sides and the angle they make with adjacent sides, different triangles are categorized, and each type of triangle follows the same fundamentals to calculate the area of a triangle through the area of triangle formula and perimeter of the triangle but the formula for each triangle differs because of their properties. What are the Different Types of Triangles? If all the sides of a triangle are equal, which implies that all the triangle angles are equal, then such a triangle is called an equilateral triangle. Since in an equilateral triangle, all the angles and all the sides are equal, it is a very symmetrical triangle. It is worth knowing that the angles of a triangle are proportional to the length of the sides of the triangles. Against the biggest angle present in the triangle is the side that has the longest length, and the side opposite to the smallest angle in the triangle is the side with the smallest length. How can you Calculate the Area of a Triangle? To know how large a triangle is to know how long the boundary of a triangle is or how large its surface is. The measures used are the area of a triangle and the perimeter of a triangle. When calculating the area of any triangle. The formula is one by two (1/2) multiplied by the length of the triangle, multiplied by the base of the triangle. The length of the triangle is the length of the perpendicular drawn from the opposite vertex of the triangle to the triangle's base. In the case of triangles like an equilateral triangle. Since all the lengths of the sides are equal. Hence, the formula can be compressed to a square root of three, upon four multiplied by the square of the triangle's side that is ¾ a2. In the case of a right-angled triangle, which means that one angle of the triangle is 90 degrees, one by two multiplied by perpendicular into the base. It is important to know the area and perimeter of a triangle to do things in day-to-day life. The Shape of a Triangle can be used to create many things: As the triangle shape is used in many things that we use, like, triangular paper cuttings, triangular pieces of land, triangular tiles, etc. Often to know how much material would be required to create X number of triangular things we would need to know how to calculate the area and the perimeter of the triangle. It is also worth knowing that the Pythagoras theorem can often be used in more than one way like to learn more about triangle properties also, to derive the formula to determine the area and the perimeter of a triangle. The perimeter of a Triangle: How you can measure it? The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of the length of its three sides, which is easy to determine in an equilateral triangle. As all the sides are equal in length, the perimeter of a triangle with the length of a side as value, x, the perimeter would be 3x. In the case of a right-angled triangle. We know that the square of base, plus the square of perpendicular, is equal to the hypotenuse square; thus, we can simplify the formula by replacing the value of the hypotenuse. And thus, we will have the perimeter of a right-angled triangle be defined in terms of two variables. In the isosceles triangle, which means that the length of the two sides is equal. If the length of the equal side is x and the third side's length is y, then the perimeter of the triangle would be 2x plus y. Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Online Education is Very Popular Effective Contribution of Educational Apps

Vocational Education

Benefits of Vocational Education

The world today mostly focuses on white-collar jobs and businesses. Due to this, it’s significant for learners to prepare for such tasks. With vocational education, a learner will be ready to showcase his/her skills in the job market. You have to brush your skills properly due to the high competition in the job market, requiring expertise as a top-notch requirement. The following shows the benefits of vocational education. Benefits of Vocational Education: Flexible Class Schedule: Vocational training assists students to attend the institutions as well as taking care of their jobs and families. Also, the training is flexible as it offers evening, online, and weekend classes. The good thing is that you can work full time as you develop your new career through online or part-time classes. Vocational programs are mostly unique and focus on expanding one’s skills. Most academic educational programs lack a flexible class schedule, therefore, making it difficult for students to find time to focus on their abilities. Gaining efficient skills: Vocational education offers you practical skills to put into usage immediately. The training enables you to get the skills in your area of interest, be it carpentry, locksmith, or another vocation. This is why college-educated counterparts do not get jobs as fast as the vocationally trained ones. When you have the practical skills, you will undoubtedly absorb what your trade entails. For example, Scott published the list here of different fields of vocational education to improve career productivity. This included locksmiths and how they can deal with various brands of locks and keys. Without proper training, you cannot apply your technical skills at work. Talent and passion: Deciding to go for vocational education depends on your hands-on capabilities. You will enjoy learning because technical training will be focusing on a specific area of interest. This will help you grasp the skills you have always desired to learn. Having an interest in knowing specific skills is the first step to unmask your talent during the training. Increased chances of getting hired: All programs offered by technical schools align with the economy’s demands. Vocational institutions courses focus on what most employers need to the benefit of their companies. Therefore, students who concentrate on specific fields are on high demand when it comes to employment. Affordability: Vocational courses are usually cheap than college-based programs. This is because you will get the financial freedom that comes with the affordability of professional courses. Unlike academic educational programs, vocational ones do not require studying and working at a go, which only leads to exhaustion. Instead, you will need the skills to begin working immediately and earn. Conclusion: Vocational education courses are usually short, and you can join the workforce faster than students taking academic programs. Getting the right job at the right time will enable you to make early savings. Scott published the list here indicating the benefits of vocational education and how it uplifts the business sectors. Also, the training offers the right technical skills to compete in the job sector professionally. Read Also: Benefits Of Internship Programs The Many Benefits Of Online Education 8 Useful Tips For Personal Career Development

Professional Qualification Courses

Top 6 Reasons Why Professional Qualification Courses Are The Best Way To Learn

With the numerous ways available currently to further your learning it can be quite overwhelming to find the right qualification that matches your personality and aspirations. Professional qualifications offered in London are packed with unique benefits that can enable students to gain a competitive edge over the candidate pool. If you are looking for professional qualification courses, then read the following points to learn why London is the best place to consider continuing with your education and the wide array of professional roles that it can offer you. 1. Affordability Professional qualifications are a great way to top up your university degree in a more affordable manner or even lay a solid foundation of a particular subject or topic that you are planning on doing as your undergraduate or postgraduate program. Moreover, a majority of business employers worldwide consider professional qualifications as a benchmark of competence and are more eager to recruit individuals who have the commitment and dedication towards learning. 2. Flexibility Besides saving you from stress and money loss, professional qualifications offered in London are designed to help students fit their learning around their work and personal life, as well as complete their assignments at a pace that you are comfortable with. When it comes to professional qualifications you can on your certification from the comfort of your home via virtual learning platforms where you can take up classes a few times a week, in the evening or during the weekends, allowing you to delve into your studies at a time that you're able to attend. 3. Accessibility Professional programs allow you to pick up learning related to a specific area of interest and at your level on individual topics, covering a range of subjects. It is the best way to proper in a direction that you want your career to move towards and can be quite a boost to your aspirational or existing professional role, without even the need to possess any prior knowledge or experience. 4. Hands-on training  Professional courses taught in London are delegated by industry experts and highly experienced tutors who are more than happy to share their knowledge and decades of experience but students across the globe. Throughout the course curriculum, you will not only get to deal with realized scenarios but also obtain an in-depth understanding of the industry that you are currently engaged in and apply the professional skills gained in your day-to-day work. 5. Career progression and employability Completing a professional course from London can help you win a new role or increase your chances of promotion, opening doors for you to step up within the industry that you want to establish yourself in. 6. Upskill or reskill Opting for a professional course can help you drive in a changing work environment by relearning certain essential abilities of a professional role and expanding your existing knowledge about a brand. To learn more about professional programs and the dedication and platform that we have to offer visit our website today! Apply to a professional course of your choice and make a difference in your everyday professional life by choosing a career path that you are best suited for. Read Also: 4 Factors to Consider When Making a Great eLearning Course Topic 3 – Transform your Career with Online Certification Courses Should you Study a Business Course Online? Types of Fashion Designing Courses You Should Know