Free Student Guide to Help You Achieve Exam Success

Published on: 04 October 2016 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021
Student Guide

Exams horrify almost every student, no matter how good they are. Maybe it’s the fear of failure that paralyzes us, making us unable to prepare beforehand, maybe it’s our insecurities, maybe it’s our inability to concentrate or something else – in each and every case the reason is different. No matter what this reason is, it still exists, complicating your preparation process greatly.

However, it’s not the end of the world (even if it might seem so). Preparation is the only thing that can help you overcome this fear of the upcoming exam: there’s nothing to be afraid of if you are well prepared. And I’m going to help you to do so. Here’s your free guide that hopefully will help you to prepare for the exams well.

Student Guide

1. Keep your place clean and organized:

Imagine you’ve finally found some time to study (or it simply cannot wait anymore). You go to your desk… and spend the next fifteen minutes at least searching for the things you need: your textbooks, your pens and so on.

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Devil is in the details, they say. You might think that a messy room won’t affect your studying process, but actually, it can. If you don’t keep your college things in one place, you’ll waste a lot of precious time searching for them, and if you get distracted easily, a mess can become your worst enemy. Imagine rumbling through your papers in order to find something, finding a flyer and then spending some time daydreaming about visiting this event.

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To avoid this, spend 15-30 minutes every day cleaning your room. It won’t take much time (assuming the general cleaning is already done), but it will do you so many goods. First, you will remember where you keep anything: this will help you to save time on preparation. Second, a clean table can hardly be a distraction.

2. Plan things well:

Most of the students are afraid of exams because they have so many things to do and learn. They probably wouldn’t dread the upcoming exams so much if they already had something done.

Putting things off is one of the worst things we can do to ourselves, yet many students keep repeating this mistake over and over. If you are tired of seeing how your homework piles up on your desk, change it: buy a planner and divide all your assignments into small parts. An hour of reading every day can save you two or three nights of sleep and even a huge essay is easier to write when you have to spend only 20 minutes a day on it.

Not all of us know how to plan things well, yes. However, it’s a skill that can be mastered. The important thing here is to find out how much time it takes for you to write an essay or to complete another assignment: you can do that if you track your time and make notes.

Use all this knowledge to make a preparation plan: set priorities, study the most complicated topics first and divide the work well.

3. Attitude matters:

It can be hard to focus on studying if you are too nervous, too afraid and so on. Your thoughts can wander and your feelings can distract you. Accept the fact that this is completely normal, but try to distract yourself from such thoughts at the same time. Set a time limit during which you’ll be focusing on studying only and promise yourself that you’ll truly concentrate on studying during this time, not allowing yourself to be distracted by your emotions. Remember: your goal is not to spend a certain amount of time studying, but to do it well. Quality is as important as the time spent.

4. Take care of your health:

This might seem strange, as at first look health doesn’t seem to be related to exams at all. However, it is important too: it would be hard for you to concentrate on studying if you hadn’t had much sleep, if you feel exhausted or if your brain just doesn’t seem to work well enough. That’s why to try rest and sleep enough before the final preparation time comes, eat well, avoid sweets and junk food as they don’t give you much energy. While working out is good in general, try to avoid intensive workouts before exams as they tire you a lot too. And don’t forget to take care of your mental health as well: find some motivation  and inspiration in your daily life.

As you see, successful preparation depends on some many things, and your ability to organize yourself as well as to build the right attitude often matters more than the time you spend on studying. I hope that you’ll use this advice and ace your exams! Good luck!

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Academic Performance

Tips To Enhance Your Academic Performance From An Expert Writer Tutor John W From DoMyEssay

Are you worried about your grades? Or have you been unable to match your previous academic performance? The question ‘or’ is prevalent among students and has bothered every learner at least once in their lifetime. When you are experiencing a level of failure, it is essential to take responsibility for this performance and start thinking about a plan to change your situation. Whether you are failing your class, have experienced a drop in your grades, or have a tough time achieving set goals, it is never too late to change. Experts like Tutor Hunt are everywhere to help you out with your grades. Fortunately, there are strategies to help you improve your academic performance. At the same time, there are some things that you are currently doing that are adversely impacting your academics that you might benefit from not doing. Here are some Dos and Don’ts to help you improve your academic performance and grades shared by a professional academic writer from the top writing service DoMyEssay specializing in the write my research paper for me requests. Things to Do To Boost Academic Performance 1. Have an Optimistic Attitude When you are getting low grades, it is natural to feel disappointed with yourself. If it happens over a more extended period, you might start feeling defeated or depressed and are more likely to give up. However, the first step towards enhancing your grades is turning off negative self-thoughts. A positive mindset goes a long way, and being optimistic about your current position, gives you better prospects. First, acknowledge that your grades are sub-par and believe that you can do something to improve them. Taking mental control over your situation is the difference between remaining stuck and progressing. Usually, poor performance in school also indicates that your classwork and homework aren’t up to standard either. Before you get your footing, consider getting help from a reputable paper writing platform PaperWritingService. 2. Identify Where You Are Struggling After transforming your mindset, the next step is to identify the areas where you are struggling. It is best to do this before drawing up your action plan. Find out where you are lagging behind and why. For instance, are you having poor results in just one class or across all your classes? Is there a particular topic within a subject that you are struggling with? Analyze your performance over the last few weeks or months to look for patterns. You might discover that your performance has been declining steadily or that you’ve had issues with a subject for an extended period. After clarifying this matter, the next step is to brainstorm why you’re underperforming.  The factors could be external such as family issues that affect your performance in school. They could also be internal such as difficulty understanding some topics. 3. Communicate with Your Teachers Your teacher is an excellent authority to look up to on academic matters. Consulting them about coming up with an action plan to boost your grades is a good idea. Ask them what they think you need to change or improve. They’ll always have some advice that you can use.  Coupled with the other tips mentioned in this article, you will be on your way toward better grades. 4. Make the Learning Process Exciting Sometimes you might underperform because you are simply unmotivated to learn. This is more common than you think, usually because of the pressure to do well and exams. Such things take the fun out of the learning process. But when the learning process is more exciting, it also becomes easier. If studying feels much like a chore, try coming up with ways to incorporate fun back into the process. One way to do this is by gamifying your studies. Related: Academic Writing for UK Students – Why It’s Important? Things to Avoid To Boost Academic Performance 1. Too Much Caffeine Many people have a lower attention span nowadays, which affects their concentration. Cases of students drinking too much coffee or caffeine-induced beverages to stay up very late and improve their concentration are not uncommon. However, unless recommended by your physician, this is dangerous and unsustainable.  There are other methods to improve your focus and have adequate study time. For the former, you can use exercises like solving crossword puzzles or creating your own using a crossword puzzle maker. For adequate study time, you just need to develop a plan for better time management. 2. Throwing in the Towel Remember that it is always possible to improve your grades, so failure shouldn’t be at the top of your mind. If you are really struggling, get help instead of giving up. It is okay to feel disappointed sometimes but focus on progress. 3. Stay Up the Entire Night Staying up all night to cram for the next test is exhausting and adverse. Your body needs sleep, and a lack of it affects your immunity. Adequate sleep also enhances your concentration and decision-making ability. Exhaustion does the exact opposite. Proper time management will remove the need to stay up all night. Take Away With the right attitude, perseverance, and level of hard work, every student is capable of improving their grades and academic performance. It is okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them. The more you try, the better you become. Additionals: Workload Survival Guide for Academics 10 Best Sports Scholarship Programs In The World What Is An Essay? Definition And What Are Its Parts Features To Look For When Investing In Teacher Desks For Your Institution

Critical Thinking Help

How Can Critical Thinking Help In Your Daily Life?

The word critical can be described in other terms such as evaluating something or analysis of something. Technically what is critical to help thinking? – it is one's ability to or evaluate or to think clearly and rationally of certain logical ideas and to establish connections between them. It is kind of engaging yourself in reflective and independent thinking. Critical thinking helps you to empower yourself to do more and succeed. Practicing critical thinking means to step away from certain beliefs to indulge or to accommodate new ideas and knowledge into yourself. This skill is a versatile process. Critical thinking also had been a great subject of debate since the early period and still, it exists in the modern period.  Basically, Critical thinking requires your ability to find a solution or some reason for some problem. It is all about being an active learner than being a passive recipient of information. The problems are to be solved systematically not by instincts. BENEFITS OF BEING A CRITICAL THINKER Can establish logical connections. Recognize build, appraise arguments. Can easily recognize the errors in reasoning. Have the ability to approach systematically towards any problem Can provide Valid reasons. Tries to maintain consistency throughout. In all the arenas whether its a business or an essay writing, research, finance, and management, education or legal profession .we need to think outside the box. One needs to have a different perception or different ideas. One need to think in such a way that we can arrive at a solution efficiently. IMPORTANCE OF CRITICAL THINKING IN ECONOMY : The global knowledge economy is driven by information and technology and it changes quite rapidly. To cope up with the changes and that too efficiently one has to be quick to arrive at a conclusion. CRITICAL THINKING IMPROVES CREATIVE SKILLS TO A GREAT EXTENT : Sometimes critical thinking is not just about furnishing new ideas but how you are representing it to solve the given problem. CRITICAL THINKING IN SELF EVALUATION : For leading a proper and meaningful life we have to structure our lives accordingly. We need to understand, justify and reflect on our own ideas, values, and decided that we make or take. We all can think and can come to some conclusion but what if it is a fuzzy or full of flaws kind of thought? As a result, the conclusion or your answer for the given problem is not a correct one to apply. WAYS TO DEVELOP CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS Value objective reality – Thoughts can only be effective when it is based on reality. Broadminded – Being narrow and fickle-minded restricts one from being creative. Restricted in just a few ideas can lead nowhere in this field. So one has to be open-minded as well as bold. Cultivate intellectual curiosity – The world has so much to offer us that one’s curiosity can never end rather it can just increase. Curiosity is the broad thought of a mind to indulge yourself in reality and you are not afraid to face the unknown to grasp new knowledge. Learning is an adventure which you must set yourself in. Thoughtful consistency is a hallmark of careful and thorough thinking of certain conditions or situations. Practice empathy – until and unless you are aware of the situation or ever had not been in such a condition one should not pass any sort of judgment. A little empathy can facilitate a deeper insight into other’s behavior. The deeper you insight into yourself and others the final decision will be wiser. Critical thinking thus helps you analyze certain situations out of your comfort zone sometimes. Read Also : Online Services To Help Student

BPSC 2020

Excellent strategies to outshine in BPSC 2020 examination!

BPSC 2020 is the most awaited state civil service exam in the state of Bihar. Lakhs of candidates from across the state are waiting to appear in the examination and excel with high scores. Every exam has its own superlative and fixed set of methodologies to achieve high scores. Follow this useful approach system to help in your preparation and make the most of your available time: Strategies: The syllabus forms the most important part of the exam. Read and understand the syllabus in detail. Cover every topic of the syllabus in detail. After completely understanding the syllabus part, take up previous year question papers. Understand the pattern in which questions are framed on topics. See and analyze how topics are framed into different questions. Look for repeated and most important questions you find in these papers. List them down. At the end of this stage, you should have identified the type of questions, direct/indirect questions ratio, and difficulty level of questions, pattern of easy/difficult questions, and other related factors. The next important task is to keep the best collection of books possible for your studies. Keep standard books for reference. Recommended books and reference books both should be kept handy while studying. Prepare an effective time table that will allow you to finish the syllabus in the period you have. Stick to the time table every day without fail. Allot equal distribution of time for every section and paper of the BPSC 2020 exam. Now begin with actual preparation. Prepare notes while reading. Highlight the most important facts and key points while studying in your notes. Revise these notes regularly. For the section involving current affairs and general knowledge, following the three thumb rule will fetch excellent results. Reading at least two newspapers – one national and one local newspaper should do well. Refer to the commonly recommended yearly book of current affairs. Attempt general knowledge mock tests available plenty on the internet. Set aside at least one hour every day to update yourself on current affairs section without fail. Candidates are naturally expected to know in-depth about each aspect of the state of Bihar. Be it history/ geography/ politics/ administration/ language/ culture/ statistics/ festivals/ literacy/ demographical data etc – be sure you do not miss out on any important information about the state. Answer mock test series at regular intervals. Practice answering manually in OMR sheets. Identify good and speedy practices to help you achieve a good pace in your performance. For the subjective part of the mains exam, candidates are highly recommended to practice writing answers. Just studying through the topics will not help them in specifically framing good answers in the right moment of the exam. This aspect of good answer writing practice should be followed right from the beginning. Study Indian and world maps in general. Analyze the Bihar map in greater detail. Locate important natural resource distribution, crops and vegetation distribution, weather and rainfall parameters, other important information on maps. Locate these on separate maps for better clarity in grasping the distribution. Questions related to maps are commonly asked in the BPSC Exam over the years. Group studies for reviewing topics and constructive debates on various interesting parameters will support BPSC 2020 exam preparation. Candidates can also benefit from the interview round from doing peer discussions. Maintain a good fact sheet of information and data and revise it regularly. Pictorial aids and visual representation tools like charts and graphs will help candidates in the long run. Choose optional subjects wisely. Candidates have to select two optional subjects from the set of two optional groups. Select subjects based on your aptitude and interest in the chosen field and not based on popularity or common liking for the subject. Among the options given for questions, start by eliminating the possible wrong answers. In recent years, the number of options per question has been increased from 4 to 5. So candidates have to choose the right solution with caution. The more the number of choices more is the more confusion for candidates. Follow the right strategy to clear the wrong options and arrive at the correct one. General studies for prelims and mains can go hand in hand. It is a general misconception among many candidates that general studies preparation for prelims is relatively different from that of mains. This is mistaken and incorrect. Both the papers can be prepared simultaneously, at the same time giving focus to the pattern of questions asked. The most recommended books for preparation include Spectrum series for History subject, Bihar Samagra newspaper for updates on local events in the state, Economic survey of the government of Bihar, Indian Polity by Laxmikanth, Lucent publications for general science subjects. Apart from this, candidates can also refer to the encyclopedia of general science for general competitions, by Arihant Publications. For economics, candidates can refer to “Indian economy: Performance and policies” written by Uma Kapila. On a general note, candidates cannot complete studying geography without giving referring to a good school atlas. The general break up of subjects in the BPSC 2020 exam is followed in this pattern. Though this is not the standard pattern, and analysis of the trend over the years yields the following details. Candidates can follow this simple analysis to understand subject distribution: History – 30% Geography – 15% Indian Polity – 15% Indian economy – 5% Science – 15% Current affairs and General knowledge on Bihar – 15% Quantitative aptitude section – 5%. In general, apart from the main syllabus, recommended a set of standard books and reference books, candidates can have a brief overview of newspaper editorial sections and science magazines. They can utilize their breaks to glance through these materials, which will prove as supplementary sources for the main preparation. Conclusion: Candidates should know their exam dates, center/venue details, and timings well in advance to reach the exam hall in time for the BPSC 2020 exam. Maintain a calm and peaceful state of mind during preparation as well as while writing exams. Focus on what is required to be written and make your answers presentable in an easy to understand language. Focus on the quality of writing and be precise in your explanations. Read Also: How To Crack Civil Service Exam In One Attempt Free Student Guide To Help You Achieve Exam Success MAT Registration For February Session Started; Here Is The Complete Exam Schedule