10 Tips to Memorize All Necessary Information Before Exams

Published on: 02 November 2016 Last Updated on: 06 November 2024
Memorize All Necessary Information Before Exams

We all know that all the information should be learned not on the night before the exam. However, it often happens so when we all get to study. And without going into details on how bad it actually is (yes, we have all been there, my friends), let’s see what tips will help you learn all the information for the exam for several hours.


Get started!

2. Get enough sleep

You will want to stay up all night to study as much as possible. And though you think that this way you will learn more, it is not so. Your brain cannot work 24/7; that is what the whole concept of sleep is for. You will not be able to memorize all the information and will end up going sleepy and exhausted to the exam. Please do not make such a mistake. It will bring no good to your academic performance. You need to be able to think clearly. So, manage your time and the studying process in advance and make sure to go to bed to have at least six hours of sleep.

2. Get your workplace ready

Do not study on a bed or a comfortable couch: you know that you will just fall asleep and no work will be done. So, make sure to study at a table where all the necessary materials are. Make sure to unclutter your workplace and put everything that has nothing to do with the process of studying away. If it sounds weird to you, just try it, and you will be amazed by what an effect this might have on the process of your learning all the material. It is almost as if your brain gets an idea of the necessity of staying focused once you start uncluttering the table!

3. Memorize abbreviations

When I was a student, I used to remember most of the complicated concepts by learning them as an abbreviation. Just take the first letters of work and make up an acronym. It is an easy way of learning things. Then when it comes to you passing the exams, you will only need “to unpack” the word and apply it to real life.

4. Make it rhyme

Some people (apparently creative ones) tend to make words rhyme to memorize them. If something is too complicated to get, organize everything in such a way that it will rhyme and make total sense. I used this method too when trying to learn everything overnight: with the massive amount of knowledge you need to process, new innovative ways of learning are needed. Take this one: it is fun and useful!

5. Read everything out loud

When you read the material, you are using your photographic memory to memorize the concepts. However, once you start reading out loud, you will involve other types of memory in the process. This will make it easier to find whatever you need on one of those shelves in your memory where your wonderfully made brain puts it. It works the same way you memorize a song you heard on the radio: somehow it gets stuck in your head!

6. Rap it!

Yes, it is as fun as it sounds. Try to make your studying process more creative by rapping your material out loud. That is not only fun but also extremely efficient. This way you will find committing the hard information to memory a way simpler thing than you thought it would turn out to be. All you need to do is to find some musical tune to play in the background while you rap the texts with intonation.

7. Invite friends to study together

Studying all by yourself can be not only dull but also inefficient. You can fall asleep or lose track, and there is no one to stop you and get you back on track. Moreover, you will have someone to read and rap the materials to as well as hear them back. Get some snacks in advance to eat while you study, and enjoy every second of the study-hard fun!

8. Prepare a nice reward

After a long night of studying, taking notes, writing new information down, citing the prominent scholars, and trying not to let your brain explode a reward is what will motivate you and will help you get through. However, not just any reward. Think of something you want, and promise that you will get it if you pass an exam. Apart from that, prepare small bonuses for every page read, or each new rule memorized. These can be your favorite sweets or some TV show you can watch during the breaks. Whatever sounds best for you. You can’t have it unless you were magnificent with all the material. Prize can only be taken in case you succeed.

9. Take breaks

It is not true that you will learn more if you don’t take breaks. As time flies, your brain gets overwhelmed with information. So, you need to plan time in such a way that every half an hour or so, you get five minutes off. Try to use this time wisely: you can turn your favorite song on, or do some physical exercises that, by the way, boost your ability to comprehend more information in less time. Switch the focus and let your mind rest for some time before it starts dealing with new material again.

11. Go for a walk before the test

Do not wake up a few minutes before the test. Make sure to leave some space for a morning walk. If you have a park or a forest nearby, go there. Fresh air has this magic power to help you clear your mind and set a tone for the next day. Do not rush to school right away; take a deep breath and stroll a little.

The bottom line is you can do it. All you need is a little bit of determination, lots of creativity and desire to master the subject. Use these tips to make the night before an exam useful and to make the most out of it.

Read More:

  1. Ten Interview Tips that Might Surprise You: The Medical Edition
  2. Free Student Guide to Help You Achieve Exam Success

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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What Is An Essay

What Is An Essay? Definition And What Are Its Parts

Throughout your life as a student, you will probably have to face the preparation of an essay. This type of text is very common in the academic world. However, in order to write it correctly, it is important to understand its purpose and structure. So what is an essay? In order to help you, we bring you this article in which we are going to explain the definition and what are the parts of an essay. First, I am going to start with the definition of the essay. Essay Definition If we take a look at the essay definition, we find that it is "writing in which an author develops his ideas on a given topic with personal character and style." Perhaps this very academic way of explaining what an essay is has left you a bit confused, so we are going to explain it in an understandable way. When we talk about ‘what is an essay, we refer to a text where the person who writes it gives their personal point of view on a specific topic. This opinion is not superficial but goes deeper and gives details and arguments as to why he thinks this way. Apart from giving an opinion, he exposes the reasons that he has to support his way of thinking.  This is because the author aims to convince the reader through the essay. Nowadays, there are a lot of essay writing services online which can complete any essay instead of you, but it is still necessary for you to know what the parts of an essay are. Related Resource: Essay Writing Service Qualities to Look for: How to Choose the Best Paper Writer Parts Of An Essay Having some parts or a well-defined structure helps the text to be better questioned, easier to read, and makes sense. Next, we are going to analyze each and every one of the parts of an essay that cannot be missed. Before starting your essay, you must know ‘what is an essay outline. Know the topics you have to cover in the essay. Then start to write it. Here Are The Easy Writing Structures Which You Need To Follow: 1. Start With an Introduction The first part of ‘what is an essay, is the introduction, which should briefly explain the topic to be discussed in the essay. In a very general way, the reader must understand what is going to be discussed in the article and what point of view is going to be defended.  Also, to arouse interest, it is advisable to end this section with a controversial question. If you find it challenging to write an essay us.grademiners.com would be a great option for you, as you will receive a high-quality essay in a short period of time. 2. Developing The Body Of Essay This is the longest section of the essay. This part delves into everything you want to tell the reader. The author makes known in detail his way of thinking about the subject that is being treated. The recommended thing, so that the reasoning of the essay gains strength, is to start this part with an argument that is irrefutable and which can be contrasted.  Once this is done, you can continue with the exhibition giving great detail. In order for the arguments to be credible and solid, follow the advice that we tell you below. 3. Definitions And Data You know ‘what is an essay, but there may be terms or words that the reader is not familiar with. It is advisable to add the definition of these words to facilitate the reading of the essay.  By the way, if you set a correct goal for any professional writing service, it will create a high-quality essay for you with all the needed definitions. Something that also gives strength to the exposed arguments is the use of an updated and reputable bibliography. If there are other authors with ideas that are in the same line as what is being exposed in the article, it will be easier to convince the public. Also, do not forget that there is another potent tool that can be used in tests: statistics. Giving specific figures transmits realism. 4. Comparisons The resource of comparisons is a good tool that should not be missing in any essay. However, it must be used correctly. For example, similar elements (people, events, objects, etc.) or arguments can be compared.   Many of the students know ‘what is an essay and what its target is. These are the elements that you need to add to your essay. 5. Move Your Reader Here we go from the objective to the subjective. The purpose is to touch the heart of who is reading the essay. Figures of speech can be used to achieve this purpose, but be careful not to abuse them, especially in scientific essays. Conclusion This part summarizes all the above descriptions of ‘what is an essay. It is a kind of recapitulation to which a few final words are added. By regrouping all the arguments above, the author helps the reader to reach a conclusion. This is best achieved by making the last words forceful, which will leave a deep impression on whoever gets their hands on the text. Read Also: Top 5 Benefits of Writing Term Papers 5 Tips on how to Research for an Essay 6 Ways to Achieve an Essay Writing Task Successfully

planned manage

Perfect day: How to manage everything you have planned?

It's time to stop wasting your life. Even spending money for nothing is not so terrible spending time useless. Money comes and goes, and life just goes away. It's time to think about what we are spending our lives on seriously. Everyone can learn how to manage their time correctly. Everybody has 24 hours per day, neither more nor less. Surely you have dreams, plans, goals, and desires that you are continually putting off for tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes. To manage to do everything planned, try to implement the following tips. 1. Managing everything is impossible : Your task is to manage to do only the most important things for you; then your days will be filled with meaning. Take primarily of all those tasks that will bring you more results, that are more meaningful for you. All secondary matters ignore or delegate to other people. If you are a student of the mathematical faculty, and you are asked to write an essay on history, you can safely ask to write my essay online fast and concentrate on the equations. Separate the wheat from the chaff, do not waste yourself on unimportant things. 2. Make a schedule for the coming week : A large number of businesspeople keep a diary, making notes about upcoming business in it. This is a beneficial thing, because, thanks to a clear plan of action, you become a more disciplined person. In the diary, you can write out definite plans for a week, a month, or even a whole year ahead, which is next to impossible to do just in your head. 3. Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today : No matter how hard it is, do what you need to do today, in spite of laziness, lack of desire and mood. Keep discipline, do not go to rest while you still have unfinished business. Find the strength to finish it before the end of this day. Tomorrow you will thank yourself for it. Rest will be much more pleasant if you realize that there is no tail of unfinished business behind you. 4. Read a few books about rational timing : Authors of such books reveal secrets that can increase the productivity of your work and help to save precious hours of life. Learn not only from your own experience but also borrow the wisdom of successful people. Professionals will help you to allocate time, setting the right priorities, and also eliminating unnecessary occupation. You will learn how to manage time and improve productivity without too much expense. 5. Learn to say "No." No matter how polite a person you are, do not take on other people's problems. Do you have a shortage of time, why reduce the productivity of your work even more? To help a friend is a good thing, but not at the expense of your time. If you aim to reach the heights, then sometimes you will also have to say "no" to invitations to drink a beer with friends, to sleep an extra hour in the morning on the day off or temptation to skip training. Refuseeverythingthatpullsyoudown.

web-marketing | Content Rally

Top 5 Tips for Dealing with Web Marketers

Getting along with a web marketer is about as easy as negotiating your client’s settlement over a picnic outside the courthouse. Some people are that easy to work with, but they’re about as common as an 8-1 ruling in the Supreme Court. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"] image credit:localang.com[/caption] For lawyers, web marketing is what the French call a devoir — a “have to.” Most of us would rather wash our hands of it. After all, we went for a JD, not an MBA or a marketing degree. We have a whole desk full of case files and ethical obligations demanding our time. Marketing is hitching for a spot in the backseat, at best. But the Web is where the clients are. Internet marketers are the new rainmakers. We need them to keep the soil moist, so to speak. In today’s marketplace, Google is the ground from which law firms grow. The trick is to find a marketing firm that can get the job done at the right price… while keeping our blood pressure below the call-an-ambulance level. That’s easier said than done, but here’s some advice. Five Commandments for Keeping the Peace with a Web Marketer 1. Slow and Steady You know what they say — it wins the race. SEO is not an impatient person’s game. Top 10 search results are not achieved overnight. Sure, you might see a blip here and there, but if you’re looking for instant gratification, you’re searching in vain. Think of it as the stock market. You’re investing for long-term gain. 2. Micromanagement is a killer: Attempting to micromanage your marketing will put you and your marketer in that blood pressure danger zone. You’re the lawyer. They’re the web gurus. You each have jobs to do, so stick to those. It’ll do wonders for the relationship. 3. Know what you’re paying for:  Legal web marketing isn’t exactly inexpensive. Like most things in life, you get what you pay for. Just know what you’re paying for. A good marketing firm will offer itemized transparency for their services, and that’ll keep you from feeling resentful about any “phantom charges.” 4. Don’t get emotional: This isn’t “Dr. Phil.” Your relationship with your web marketer means everything, but that relationship should be built on performance, dependability, and communication — not personality. Trust is important, and it takes time, but you should assess the firm’s effectiveness in the services they provide, not the extent to which you “like” them as people. Oh, and the Golden Rule applies here too — treat your marketers with the courtesy and respect you expect from them. 5. Work with good people This is especially important in the legal arena. So much of web marketing is content-based; but as attorneys, we have to be careful about whom we allow writing about the law on our behalf. Stick with experienced and highly credentialed marketers, preferably those who are able to have your content written by licensed attorneys. The State Bar will thank you for it (in the form of zero discipline for marketing blunders). Here again, you get what you pay for. Need Web Marketing Advice for Attorneys? Ask. As the old saying goes, you don’t know what you don’t know. If you need web marketing advice for attorneys, ask around. Maybe some of your law school friends practicing in other jurisdictions can share their experiences. A simple conversation can shed real insight. You might be surprised by how much you’ll learn from the web marketers themselves. Ask them to educate you. Most are more than willing to elaborate on their history, their best practices, and their approach to client management. Working with web marketers isn’t always easy, but take these tips to heart and you’ll see long-term success (instead of simply seeing red). Kaplan Lawyers PC is a New York City personal injury law firm that helps victims of personal injury and their families in Bronx, Queens, and Kings Counties, as well as all of New York City.