Free Student Guide to Help You Achieve Exam Success

Published on: 04 October 2016 Last Updated on: 11 September 2024
Student Guide

Exams horrify almost every student, no matter how good they are. Maybe it’s the fear of failure that paralyzes us, making us unable to prepare beforehand, maybe it’s our insecurities, maybe it’s our inability to concentrate or something else – in each and every case the reason is different. No matter what this reason is, it still exists, complicating your preparation process greatly.

However, it’s not the end of the world (even if it might seem so). Preparation is the only thing that can help you overcome this fear of the upcoming exam: there’s nothing to be afraid of if you are well prepared. And I’m going to help you to do so. Here’s your free guide that hopefully will help you to prepare for the exams well.

Student Guide

1. Keep your place clean and organized:

Imagine you’ve finally found some time to study (or it simply cannot wait anymore). You go to your desk… and spend the next fifteen minutes at least searching for the things you need: your textbooks, your pens and so on.

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Devil is in the details, they say. You might think that a messy room won’t affect your studying process, but actually, it can. If you don’t keep your college things in one place, you’ll waste a lot of precious time searching for them, and if you get distracted easily, a mess can become your worst enemy. Imagine rumbling through your papers in order to find something, finding a flyer and then spending some time daydreaming about visiting this event.

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To avoid this, spend 15-30 minutes every day cleaning your room. It won’t take much time (assuming the general cleaning is already done), but it will do you so many goods. First, you will remember where you keep anything: this will help you to save time on preparation. Second, a clean table can hardly be a distraction.

2. Plan things well:

Most of the students are afraid of exams because they have so many things to do and learn. They probably wouldn’t dread the upcoming exams so much if they already had something done.

Putting things off is one of the worst things we can do to ourselves, yet many students keep repeating this mistake over and over. If you are tired of seeing how your homework piles up on your desk, change it: buy a planner and divide all your assignments into small parts. An hour of reading every day can save you two or three nights of sleep and even a huge essay is easier to write when you have to spend only 20 minutes a day on it.

Not all of us know how to plan things well, yes. However, it’s a skill that can be mastered. The important thing here is to find out how much time it takes for you to write an essay or to complete another assignment: you can do that if you track your time and make notes.

Use all this knowledge to make a preparation plan: set priorities, study the most complicated topics first and divide the work well.

3. Attitude matters:

It can be hard to focus on studying if you are too nervous, too afraid and so on. Your thoughts can wander and your feelings can distract you. Accept the fact that this is completely normal, but try to distract yourself from such thoughts at the same time. Set a time limit during which you’ll be focusing on studying only and promise yourself that you’ll truly concentrate on studying during this time, not allowing yourself to be distracted by your emotions. Remember: your goal is not to spend a certain amount of time studying, but to do it well. Quality is as important as the time spent.

4. Take care of your health:

This might seem strange, as at first look health doesn’t seem to be related to exams at all. However, it is important too: it would be hard for you to concentrate on studying if you hadn’t had much sleep, if you feel exhausted or if your brain just doesn’t seem to work well enough. That’s why to try rest and sleep enough before the final preparation time comes, eat well, avoid sweets and junk food as they don’t give you much energy. While working out is good in general, try to avoid intensive workouts before exams as they tire you a lot too. And don’t forget to take care of your mental health as well: find some motivation  and inspiration in your daily life.

As you see, successful preparation depends on some many things, and your ability to organize yourself as well as to build the right attitude often matters more than the time you spend on studying. I hope that you’ll use this advice and ace your exams! Good luck!

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Online Learning in Germany

5 Advantages of Online Learning in Germany

Most students aspire of pursuing their higher education goals abroad in some globally renowned university. However, they are unable to realize their ambition due to financial or other obligations. They may take a variety of online courses from their country and be at par with global educational standards. Some people feel that online classes aren't as productive as in-person classes, workshops, and seminars, while others are concerned that taking classes at home may drive them to lose interest. These critics are ignorant as there are various advantages to attending online classes. We'll look at some of the benefits of pursuing online learning in Germany as it will help you to explore a plethora of opportunities globally: Flexibility in schedule:  Online training makes it much simpler to incorporate classes into your hectic schedule. , For instance, if you wish to learn early in the morning or later at night, you may find an instructor who is available at those times or someone that is stationed in a remote location. You can arrange your lessons around your work, college, or other hobbies, no matter what your routine is like. Furthermore, there is no need to account for commuting time since there is no obligation for driving to lessons. Access to a wide variety of resources:  Accessibility to digital resources is not only a cost-cutting measure, but it is also an excellent approach to supplement your classes. You'll be able to examine clips, listen to recordings, comprehend text or journals in English, and participate in group activities. Your instructor will assist you in making the best possible use of technology by providing you with the most relevant content for your ability and advising you on what to pick out for additional training or to complement sessions. Digital skills: Online courses will allow you to discover the most recent online developments while also providing you with sophisticated technological abilities. Organizations prioritize such capabilities as every part of our commercial industry is transitioning to digital platforms in order to improve overall productivity. One of the greatest hurdles for recruitment agencies, as per a research study is a shortage of qualified prospects. According to 67% of employers, the largest recruitment challenge in today's employment market is a shortage of competent and technically qualified candidates. Affordability: Among the most compelling arguments for taking online classes is the low cost. Online classes are less expensive than traditional courses, yet the content and syllabus of that given subject are not compromised. Although most students choose to learn at their leisure from the convenience of their homes or are already engaged with other responsibilities. Renowned schools and institutions throughout the world are now delivering online courses in Germany. They have the option to allocate their workload evenly between their interests and online courses. Duration:  For individuals who wouldn't want to be trapped in a course for too long, timelines and durations are some of the most appealing features. You may also browse for online courses that fit your routine and won't disrupt it. Online courses are easy to execute since they allow you to submit work within your timetable, watch video classes at your convenience, and practice at your preferred rate. So, if you're thinking of enrolling in an online course in Germany, you must research all of your resources and budget for the course to get the most out of it. Online courses are also valued much like traditional programs. Read Also: Guide To The Legal Education In The United States Counselor’s Guide To Choosing The Best Education Majors 5 Things You Should Look For When Applying To A Higher Educational Institution 8 Surprising Ways Cloud Computing is Changing Education


If You Are Interested in Studying Histology This Article is for You

The universe as it is is filled with an immeasurable amount of mysteries, and although the world itself is a part of this universe, it is also the house of an incredible amount of mysteries, some of which we have managed to solve along the course of our history. Back in the day rain used to be one mystery that we could predict to a certain extent thanks to the visual clues we could get from clouds and temperature. However, as time went by, we accumulated knowledge, technologies, and of course, theories, eventually solving the mystery of rain and how it actually worked. Just like this, we have been capable of resolving several mysteries related to many things in the world. But there’s a particular type of study that has focused on a very mysterious yet necessary area of our society, and that is biology, since thanks to it, we were capable of understanding even the tiniest of things: Microorganisms. In this article, we will talk about one particular area of biology known as histology, and showcase histology basics for bioscientists that might be interested in studying as a biology career. Biology and Its Many Branches Biology can be described as the scientific study of life. Considering the incredible amount of organisms and species that enter this category as well as the many things that can influence them, it is normal for biology to have a broad scope, covering several different types of studies with all of them focusing on one particular aspect of life. The practice of focusing on said specific studies are often considered as branches, since each branch of biology focuses on one particular thing, varying in complexity and objectives. Good examples of this include: Agriculture focuses on the study of the reproduction and maintenance of livestock and crops for our consumption. Anatomy, focuses on the study of the physique of the animal form, more specifically, the human physique. Zoology is considered the study of animals, their physical structure, development, reproduction, behavior, and classification. Among some branches, you can find sub-branches like: Entomology, the study of insects Herpetology, the study of reptiles Virology, the study of viruses Primatology, the study of primates. You can get to know all of them over at in case you are interested, now… Where does histology enter the play? The Microscopic Study of Tissue Unperceived by the human eye, we can find a wide range of microscopic entities in the world, some of them belonging to the physical structure of different biological organisms, including animals, plants, and humans. Believe it or not, many aspects of the body of animals and plants are actually created through the combination of several of these microscopic entities combined to form a larger group of microorganisms, capable of then forming something known as a tissue. These microorganisms are frequently referred to as cells, and histology is the study of said cells, and the tissue they form when grouped together. The tissue then enters different categories depending on the organism being studied. With animals and humans, they are categorized as: Nervous tissue is in charge of managing and coordinating several physiological functions of the body. Muscular tissue, expand and contract to allow movement Epithelial tissue is found throughout the body, creating components like skin, organs, glands, and many more components. Connective tissue, which, as the name implies, is found between the other tissues and works as the connection between them to work properly. In plants, as shown over here, you can find vascular, dermal, meristematic, and ground tissue. Why Histology Matters Histology played an important role in the understanding of several aspects of our society that are nowadays considered essential. Several types of diseases and viruses were only understood once we were capable of studying microorganisms since most of them influence the body on a microscopic level. Of course, the same can be said for archeology, which is described as the study of remains of past activities involved in our history and development. Many aspects of archeology are only possible thanks to histology since it allows a much deeper comprehension of animal and human life back in the day. Read Also: Career Options after 12th Science Preparing for an English Literature Degree? Follow These Tips How To Install Artificial Grass In Your Garden – Installation Guide Step By Step 3 Tips to Help You Perform Better at College

School Hardening

School Hardening: 5 Products to Keep Teachers and Students Safe

In 2021, schools in the United States experienced 23 school shootings. This equates to a school shooting every 8 days. Unfortunately, because of the shootings, parents have started to become more concerned about the safety of their children in schools. It’s important to know that academic institutions, among others, can be considered an essential environment as children usually spend more time every day with their teachers and peers. But with the recent school shootings in the country, it’s about time that the schools address the security threats to ensure the safety of all students. This is where school hardening comes into play. However, in school hardening you have to understand several aspects. After the Parkland shooting in Florida, the concept of school hardening came into the spotlight. School hardening aims to make it difficult for a potential assailant to enter the school and injure children or staff. The process looks different based on the school. It can include solely physical barriers and metal detectors or even arming children with weapons such as mini bats and rocks to use against an assailant. Keep reading to learn about 5 school hardening products that can help keep teachers and students safe. Florida School Hardening: In February 2018, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School suffered a school shooting where 17 students and staff were killed and 17 others were injured. After the shooting, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act was passed to allocate $400 million to schools to promote school hardening. Many states and Congress have also allocated money to help protect schools. School Hardening Products: Children have the right to feel safe in school. Although school hardening cannot guarantee your child’s safety, it has become essential in this day and age.  With more parents becoming worried about their kids’ safety, schools should boost their security efforts during the opening of classes. For example, they should add advanced security systems along with security signages and other related back to school images around the premises. That way, the parents will have peace of mind knowing the schools take their children’s safety and security seriously.  But aside from these items, here are 5 school hardening products that can help protect schools from active shooters. These are often great products to keep teachers safe, as well. 1. Bulletproof Backpacks: Bulletproof backpacks are a form of gun defense for children. It can only be the best safety element that parents can have control of. Once their children leave for school, they no longer know what happens to them. But with these backpacks, you can rest knowing your kids have something that can protect them against potential security threats. Just teach them how to use the bags properly to obtain a more favorable outcome.  However, it’s important to know that most only work to block the bullets of a handgun, and would not work against rifles or large caliber bullets. But despite the limitation, requiring students to use bulletproof backpacks can still provide an added layer of protection while they’re in school. Lastly, bulletproof backpacks are convenient as they work just like any other bag but with certain safety features. 2. Auto-Lock Doors: In many active shooter situations, locked doors are enough to deter a shooter. They often continue onward to another area rather than attempting to break into the door. Auto-lock doors can be manually activated by teachers when all students enter the classroom. An electronic system can also automatically lock doors, especially in the case of an emergency. 3. Bulletproof Doors and Windows: During the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the assailant shot through the glass of locked doors. Manufacturing doors and windows with bulletproof glass would make it more difficult. However, the glass is not completely bulletproof, so the right weapons may penetrate the glass. 4. Barricades: There is a myriad of products that can help teachers barricade their doors in the case of an emergency. These items prevent someone from entering a classroom. However, these items should comply with fire safety standards and allow staff and students to quickly exit in the case of a fire. 5. Security Cameras: Security cameras, when actively monitored by staff, are a great way to view potential security threats. Spotting a strange individual or car can allow staff to act quickly and get law enforcement involved. Final Thoughts: With the increase of school shootings across the United States, school hardening has become more important than ever. We covered 5 amazing products that can help staff and students stay safe in the case of a crisis. For more articles the newest products that can keep you safe, visit our blog today. Read Also: How To Choose The Right Rock Climbing School Can A School Be Legally Responsible For A Student’s Suicide? The Disturbing Trend Of Multiple Chronic Medical Conditions CBD: The Understanding Of Its Benefits Evolution Of The U.S. Patent System 5 Ways College Students Can Minimize Back To School Stress 5 Strategies For Parents To Help Kids With ADHD Perform Better At School 3 Tips On How To Prepare For Transferring To An American High School What You Should Know About Solar Energy For Schools: Benefits, Expectations, And More