5 Golden Rules of Children Language Learning

Published on: 21 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Children Language Learning

God has blessed every child with an innate skill as well as a curiosity to learn new things in a speedy manner. The brain of your child observes new things very quickly; that is why he starts understanding your language at the earlier stage of life. According to the statement of an expert, young children have a high intellectual level to learn a second language. If you want to teach your child any language, the following simplest yet useful rules are going to help you a lot.

Active Adult Participation in The Language Learning Process:

In the initial six years of life, the brain of the child increasingly changes to absorb more and more knowledge. For that reason, it is necessary that the adults take an active part in helping their child learn a new language. To serve that purpose, talking to your child matters the most in the first place. Both the parents can contribute to this learning process by listening to the fractured yet cute stories of their kids.

Furthermore, the teacher should also act patiently when dealing with young children to make them easily understand some new words. For example, in the case of the Spanish language, the teacher has to repeat the Spanish alphabet sounds again and again for the child’s clear understanding.

Ensure a Child-Friendly Learning Environment:

Creating a child-friendly environment of learning is essential for your child’s smooth learning of a new language. It matters because children are sensitive little heads that whole-heartedly learn only when they feel listened to, valued and cared for. In order to ensure a child-friendly environment, adults are advised to organize fun-filled activities e.g., dance, sing, and rhyme etc. You can also take help from numerous online videos as well as audios that can make the learning process more appealing. Above all, every effort you make to teach your child a language will only work when you put yourself in your child’s shoe. You have to think and act like them to ensure effective learning.

Involve the Children in Listening Activities:

In addition to being receptive, language is expressive too. Therefore, it is vital to engage children in listening activities. In this way, they will be able to effectively process what they hear. Such listening activities can ask the child to repeat after the speaker whatever he/she has listened. To serve this purpose, parents can turn on a radio or TV where perhaps a fairy tale is being told. Teachers can also contribute to this type of activity by telling them a story or even a short real-life interesting incident just to introduce them to new words and sentences. Adding to it, many interesting rhyming audios with attractive sounds can add to the responsiveness of children to a great extent. They can also enhance the listening power of the children.

Let Them “Maked the Made”

Teaching a language to children requires patience and considerable time. When it comes to children, they certainly make too many mistakes in the beginning. They may be too little to understand the reasons behind all the forms of verbs, parts of speech, degrees that a particular language has. For instance, they may say ‘made’ rather than made, ‘eated’ instead of ate, ‘sleeped’ instead of slept and this list goes. In fact, making mistakes is good and perhaps the only way of letting children learn something new. Every mistake that they make tells that they tried a new thing. Now, it is the duty of the teacher to correct it with love and kindness.

Take Baby Steps:

Do not rush the learning process since it might confuse your child. In contrast, it is essential to take baby steps while teaching your child a new language. In the beginning, talk to them and tell them stories in the new language so they start understanding and recognizing different sounds. It will also make them able to pronounce the words in the right way later on. Subsequently, start enhancing their vocabulary by introducing a new word every day. Repeating it all day long and asking your child to do the same is effective for better memorization. In order to make this whole process effective, ask children to recall the previous words before introducing a new word. Afterward, start off with the phrases and then to sentences. In the end, patience and effort would be worth it.

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college study habits

5 Top College Study Habits That Guarantee Success

The main reason for attending college is to study and graduate with skills and knowledge that will be essential for your future life. Your mastery of the knowledge will be tested in numerous assignments, tests, and exams. So you need to study well to score highly. Good college study habits are bringing your success to your doorsteps. What types of success tips do you need to follow? 5 Best Successful College Study Habits: Good study habits for college students are an asset. There are multiple benefits to having these kinds of learning practices. Here are some vital college study habits that will help you improve your grades. 1. Always Motivate Yourself To Study You may not have someone to keep you on your toes when in college. You're the one to determine when to wake up, the classes to attend, and the number of hours to study.  The downside of the freedom to choose what to do and when to do it is that it postpones important activities like studying. So you need to find ways to motivate yourself to learn to counter procrastination. Motivating yourself starts with creating a plan for college study habits. Make a good study schedule to factor in your most productive hours and ensure you follow it. When studying, take short breaks to give your brain time to rejuvenate. It will help you focus more and grasp more content. Another way to motivate yourself is to have good study habits for college. Ensure your goals are realistic, measurable, and timely so they can steer you in the right direction. Have daily, weekly, and even monthly study goals. Once you accomplish one goal, you can swiftly move to the next. Also, don't be too hard on yourself, as that may negatively interfere with your level of motivation. If you need a day off from your studies, take it. Forcing to do something when you are not mentally engaged in it won't bear any fruits. Related Resource: Counselor’s Guide To Choosing The Best Education Majors 2. Have A Long-Term College Study Vision When in college, the professors want to ascertain that you understand your course concepts. You have tests and assignments which are graded to determine your overall academic performance. It means your first-semester grade influences your final year GPA. Therefore, you should develop study skills with long-term results in mind. Do not wait until the exams are too close to start studying. If you do, the tension of studying a large volume of content may negatively affect your ability to read and understand the concepts.  It is common to hear students asking questions like, "who will write my college paper so I can study for my test?" Such individuals start preparing for tests late and then find themselves overwhelmed due to other school projects that need their attention. Develop college study habits of working on your assignments early. It will help ease academic pressure and give you ample time for studying. 3. Master Study Time-Management Skills When you're in college, you may feel like time is flying. It is because of having many activities to attend to with limited time at your disposal. If you're not careful, you may not find time to study and college study habits. The specific activities that may consume your time in college include: Compulsory class attendances The time you spend in traffic Socializing with friends and family members Extracurricular activities  Playing leadership roles Fortunately, these activities do not have to eat into your study time. You should have a robust study plan that prioritizes the most important academic tasks. Complete the most urgent work before you proceed to the others. Organize your study time just like you would when designing a platform like us.masterpapers.com. 4. Find Effective College Study Strategies Many students do not know the college study habits and techniques that work for them. Therefore, they emulate what their friends use. They later notice that the copied techniques do not give the results they are looking for. In most cases, such students give up. You shouldn't just adopt a given study technique. For instance, do not assume that reading loudly or in a group will work for you if it is working for someone else. Instead, you should try different study techniques and record the results you obtain. Settle for a method you're sure will work for you, just like how you would pick the best essay writing services. 5. Teach Others And Improve Yourself Some individuals take college study habits as competition between them and their friends. Therefore, they do everything possible to stay ahead of their peers. For instance, they may decide to study alone and even keep information to themselves. Such a habit may not work to your advantage. When you understand concepts, you should teach your friends. It helps you to retain the information for a long time. Besides, your friends can also teach you things you never knew before, which will help you improve yourself. Final Thoughts The college takes a short period to complete, and therefore, you should make the most of it. You should stay motivated, adopt excellent college study habits and techniques, set goals, and understand how to manage your time. Besides, you should teach others as that helps you to improve yourself. Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Online Education is Very Popular Guide To The Legal Education In The United States 8 Surprising Ways Cloud Computing is Changing Education


What can RESP be used for

Registered Education Saving Plan: A Registered Education Savings Plan also popular as RESP is a type of children education saving plan which is sponsored by the Canadian Government. This plan encourages the parents to invest in their educational future post their secondary education. It is a great initiation by the Government. And there is a provision of a contribution of a certain amount by the Government for children under age 18. The subscribers to this RESP don’t really get a tax deduction for their investment. It is completely free from taxes until the funds are taken out of paying for their child’s education. An RESP, allows Canadian parents to save their money for their university education since their birth. By getting into a bank, or other financial institutions they can open the RESP saving account by keeping their child as beneficiary. The ironic thing about this saving plan is in this apart from parents, their relatives and friends also make some contribution. How to use RESP? And, once your child completes the school education are opting for higher education, he receives the educational assistance payments known as EAPs. And this is one type of income for the child. The RESP fund can be withdrawn when the beneficiary or the concerned child is about to start a study program at a college, trade school, CEGEP or in specific institutes abroad. The RESP fund is valid for full time and part time studies. But the thing is, all those universities or institutions have to be in the list on the website of the Canadian Government. As a student or parents, you can also pay the RESP funds for expenses related to tuition, and books. You can also provide them with computers, laptops as and when needed for their higher studies. The Educational Assistance Payments can be used for all those education-related costs. But the thing is you have to provide some valid proof for that educational-related costs. Only with that, you can opt for the RESP fund and qualify for your chosen program. You don’t have to share the details of the money required for your education, but you have to show the enrollment proof. You can also go for buying a car for your child if he needs the same for going to classes. You can include the insurance, gas, maintenance and parking fees as well in the RESP fund. There are other eligible expenses for an RESP are like living expenses, rent, meals, electronic appliances related to study and other required fees. There is not an eligible list by the Canadian Government, but you have to show the list of expenses that how you are going to spend the RESP money for your child. On the other hand, if you have more than one child, then you can also transfer the RESP saving, grants from the Government into your other children’s RESP account until 21 years without any tax. And your other child is above 21 years, then you have to pay the tax and return CESGs as well. You can also think about donating the RESP investment to your school and institute. It can be a great benefit to your old school and its students. Your child can decide to use their money for a wide range of education and service, but that should be a valid one. Read Also: The Benefits Of An Online Adult Education 5 Must-Have Long-Term Goals For A Secure Future

Content Rally

A Guaranteed Approach to Raising a Little Genius

There are many forms of success: social happiness, financial success, work success, being loved, and satisfied with life, but one thing is certain – all parents want their kids to achieve success. In order for our children to achieve this bliss in life, they need to be smart. And like many children, there are, there as many ways of being smart, but parents can be the essential factor in raising a little genius. So, if you are seeking ways of ensuring a great life for your child, you need to seek ways of challenging their brain. Raising an Open Mind In order to become smart children need to learn and experience new things. Keeping an open mind about the world allows them to intake new knowledge which increases their intelligence and overall capacities. From an early age, allow your kids to discover the world around them, and take in everything. Raising an open-minded and tolerant child will ultimately result in familiarity with learning, where children are not afraid to experience new and interesting things. Catering to Your Child’s Unique Learning Style Each child also learns its own way, and there are three main learning methods: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Each targets a different sensory system and finding your child’s main preference, as well as refining all three ensures a smart and individualized approach to learning. Creative arts and crafts projects, pictures, and coloring all tend to the needs of a visual learner. image source: unsplash.com Reading out loud, repetition, speaking out information out loud, or learning through song can be a sure-fire way to satisfy the auditory preferences. On the other hand, dancing, learning through movement, or as part of a game can improve their kinesthetic learning. A Fun Approach to Learning Using play as a way to teach kids has enormous potential of developing a healthy attitude towards learning. Young kids use playing games and toys as a way to make sense of the world and is therefore only natural to use it to improve their intellect. Toys play a major impact on skill development and problem-solving games like puzzles and Lego’s target logical thinking, problem-solving skills, but also improves creativity. On the other hand, kids adore their video games, and incorporating math, language, and science by providing free video games to kids, such as Poptropica, can improve their skills, and overall cognitive stage development. The Value of Reading Incorporating reading into your child’s upbringing, not only expands existing mental abilities but also teaches them to make it part of their lives. During the early years, reading to children stimulates their language acquisition, and positively affect their imagination and creativity. Later, when kids learn to read, and reading becomes a habit, and providing them the best children’s books is a must.                                                    image source: pixabay.com By reading people are able to use their senses and emotions, in order to understand the material. This, in turn, sparks imagination, inspiring and motivating children to create stories, as a way to resolve problems and accept any challenge that comes their way. Increasing a Brain’s Physical Properties Since a healthy mind requires a healthy body and brain food to grow and expand, kids need exercise and diet that can make them smarter. Eating regularly and incorporating Omega-3 essential fats into their diet, helps increase brain mass, improving synaptic connections. This is seen through heightened concentration and ability to intake information. On the other hand, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can increase lung capacity and regulate healthy sleep patterns. That also allows brain matter to store data and increase thinking rate. In the end, it is important to remember that all kids have the ability to become smart, but in order to create a little genius, kids need a little nudge. By providing them with a healthy environment in which they can grow, you, the parent, are helping them raise their intellect, and ultimately paving their path to success.