Ten Interview Tips that Might Surprise You: The Medical Edition

Published on: 28 September 2016 Last Updated on: 13 September 2024

For many, interviewing for new physician employment or placement is a nerve-wracking experience. However, it doesn’t have to be! Here are ten interview tips for medical professionals that will help smooth the way to your new hospitalist jobs in Ohio, Pennsylvania or any other area around the world.


1. Prepare (Yes, Even More!):

Sure, you’ve read the job description for the position you’re interviewing for, and you’re knowledgeable about your capabilities and your specialty.  That’s not nearly enough.

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First of all, it’s a good idea to prepare yourself for each interview by doing some in-depth research on the practice you’re interviewing with. A quick glance at the website is good, but there’s much more you can do. Plug the practice’s name into a search engine and see what else there is to know. Do they participate in education, charity, or research? How involved in the community is the practice? Not only will this help you ask meaningful questions during your interview, but it will also give you a head’s up about the practice’s organizational culture.

2. Dress the Part:

You’re not going to show up in sweat pants… we hope. But did you know you can be too overdressed as well? Or that the way you dress might suggest a conflict with the practice’s company culture that you wouldn’t intend to advertise?

A three-piece suit might be overkill, especially at practice with younger physicians. A wacky tie might be a bad idea if the practice values a serious demeanor. Or, these things might earn you brownie points with the interviewer. The point is: you really can’t know for sure. Keep it classic and professional with a business suit in traditional color—this goes for men and women alike.

3. Know That It’s Not Just the Interviewer You Need to Impress:

Did you know that some practices send out a survey to everyone you interact with on interview day? Well, even if you know for a fact that this one doesn’t, don’t forget that it’s really the entire office that’s doing the interviewing, not just HR or one other doctor. Maybe the head of the medical practice isn’t going to ask the receptionist her opinion, but you can bet your bottom dollar that if you make a very poor impression on her, she’ll bring it up herself. Be courteous to everyone you encounter.

4. Ask The Right Questions:

For your first interview, you want to spend as much time on questions that tell you more about the practice, its policies, and its culture. And don’t forget about the practical things: the levels of support staff doctors can expect, the staff hierarchy and reporting structure, the technological resources you’ll have at your disposal (or not), the on-call coverage policies, and so forth. Asking about these things presents you in a professional light, and gives you a great deal of information about what actually working for the practice might be like.

5. Write Your Questions Down:

If you’re thinking, “I’ll never remember all of that!” don’t worry, because our next tip will help you out big time: write your questions down and bring them with you. While you may think it makes you look unprepared, the opposite is true: you appear to be a well-organized, detail-oriented person, and that’s just what you want.

6. Practice a Practice-Centric Attitude:

Until you’ve actually received an offer, it’s not a wise idea to ask a lot of questions about benefits and the like during the interview process. Asking about the base salary prior to the interview is fine—there’s no need to waste their time or yours if it’s not suitable.  Everything else can be left alone until the actual negotiating begins. This shows you’re more interested in the practice than your own gain, and that you don’t have a me-me-me attitude.

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7. Don’t Dis Your Last Employer:

No matter how much you dislike your last employer, you absolutely should not say anything negative about them in the interview. You don’t need to lie—just keep your phrasing as neutral as possible. Being a negative Nancy gives you no advantage and can be very detrimental.

8. Project Confidence:

The key to projecting confidence is moderation. Be professional and friendly.  Don’t fidget or slouch. Answer the interviewer’s questions and then ask a few of your own—keep the conversation going.

9. Don’t Forget to Follow Up: 

Actually, start following up before you even leave the premises! A simple “when can we touch base” or asking the interviewer how they’d like to proceed is fine.

10. Silence Your Devices:

Don’t forget to silence your phone or other devices before the interview. It’s distracting (not to mention rude) to be receiving calls or notifications during the interview process.

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HBCU facts

15 Historical HBCU Facts You Didn’t Know

Historically Black Colleges and Universities, or anything related to the HBCU facts, are exciting news. Not only are they a huge part of U.S. history, but they also provide excellent opportunities for today’s students to thrive and succeed. While most people know, or can guess, that HBCUs were formed around the time of the Civil War as places for formerly enslaved people to earn an education. This is true, but there is so much more to the history and historical figures behind HBCUs. In fact, there is quite a lot about the history of HBCUs that most Americans don’t know. 15 Historical HBCU Facts You Didn't Know Let’s take a look at 15 HBCU facts that you may not know but will appreciate learning more about. Across the United States, there are more than 100 HBCUs. Alabama has the highest concentration of HBCUs, with 15 schools in the state. Atlanta is the city with the highest concentration of HBCU facts, with nine schools in the city. The Cheyney University of Pennsylvania and Lincoln University are the oldest HBCUs in the U.S. Chyeney was founded in 1837. Lincoln was established in 1854. 75% of Black Americans with doctorate degrees earned their undergraduate degrees from HBCUs. More than 80% of Black Americans with degrees in dentistry and medicine graduated from Howard University or Meharry Medical College – two HBCUs. 5% of Black officers in the U.S. Armed Forces earned an undergraduate degree from an HBCU. 80% of Black U.S. federal judges earned undergraduate degrees from HBCUs. HBCUs are leading institutions in STEM fields, including science, engineering, mathematics, and physical sciences. In fact, HBCU facts, are responsible for one-quarter of all Black STEM graduates. Students who graduate from HBCUs are more likely to complete graduate school or professional training. Around half of the Black faculty members at White research universities earned undergraduate degrees from HBCUs. A Gallup-Purdue University study reveals that Black students report more meaningful educational experiences at HBCUs than their peers at other colleges and universities. Black HBCU students reported in a survey that they are more likely to recall instances of feeling supported by faculty members. Notable Graduates 8 Impressive Black Americans In The History In addition to these HBCU facts, we must mention just how notable HBCU alumni are. Some of the most impressive Black Americans in history attended HBCUs. Some examples: Booker T. Washington – educator and advisor to several presidents – attended the Tuskegee Institute, later called Tuskegee University, in Tuskegee, Alabama. Martin Luther King, Jr. attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. Joycelyn Elders, the first Black American Surgeon General of the United States, attended Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Arkansas. Katherine Johnson, a NASA employee, credited with critical calculations that made the first (and subsequent) space flights successful, attended West Virginia State University, located in Charleston, West Virginia. Lonnie Johnson, a NASA engineer, and creator of the Super Soaker toy graduated from Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama. Nobel Laureate and author Toni Morrison attended Howard University in Washington, DC. Starbucks Chief Operating Officer Rosalind Brewer attended Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. Reverend Jesse Jackson attended North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, North Carolina. The first female Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, attended Howard University in Washington, DC. As you can see, there is a lot to learn and learn about HBCU facts in the U.S. Not only are they deeply rooted in history, but they continue to produce incredible graduates that are changing the world. If you are considering colleges or universities for undergraduate or graduate studies, now is a great time to consider HBCUs. At a time when diversity and equality are at the forefront of Civil Rights, HBCUs continue to support variety within the educational system. Conclusion: These all of the HBCU facts give you an excellent idea about the future perspectives of the US. Even after the black freedom, there were separate schooling systems for blacks and whites. When you want to develop a unique race, you have to mix up the children from different races. As the students and youths, they are always making a historic symbolic movement for the rest of society. And these facts are proof of these historical movements. Read Also: 4 Emerging Trends in the Education Sector Top 6 Reasons Why Professional Qualification Courses Are The Best Way To Learn

NLP Certification

NLP Certification: What Is It? And Is It Right For You?

Do you like the idea of tackling phobias and anxiety disorders among people? Gaining an NLP certification could be a possible career path if you are thrilled about helping others transform their lives through their thoughts and actions. It is challenging to acquire the necessary skills via traditional methods, so if you want to unleash the power of your mind, NLP is the key. What Is NLP? The acronym NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It is often used by therapists for personal development, enhancing communication skills, and psychotherapy. Richard Bandler and John Grinder invented it to help examine the relationship between your thoughts, words, and behavioral patterns. Moreover, this approach aims to make people understand the thought processes that lead to their behavior. Using NLP can also help change negative behavior and thinking patterns. Other applications of NLP include the following: NLP is used to address issues like addiction, fear, and stress, among other mental health issues You can use NLP for team building, negotiation strategies, and communication skills in business NLP is used in an education setting to enhance students’ confidence NLP is used in healthcare for pain management and stress reduction Leadership - to help leaders communicate more effectively with their team members Is NLP Certification Right For You When you take NLP training, you learn how mindset impacts a person’s behavior. In addition to helping others, NLP tools can assist you in developing new attitudes and methods. At best, you do not require any prerequisites or qualifications to enroll in NLP training. So, if you are interested in becoming an NLP practitioner, the only thing that can limit you is the cost of training. Either way, the cost of training should not deter you if you are serious about it. What To Expect During The NLP Certification Process In truth, the journey to acquiring an NLP certification is not a walk in the park as one might think. On the contrary, it requires a lot of effort and commitment. Even so, the benefits of earning an NLP certification are countless. Here is a rundown of what to expect: First off, it is a requirement that you must complete a training program that meets the requirements of the relevant regulatory agencies. The program must also have certified trainers for approval. You can choose to take the course offline or online. The choice is yours. However, consider your unique situation before deciding which option to take. After the training period, to get certified, you will need to pass an examination. The exam covers NLP theory and practice; you must answer 125 multiple-choice questions. The final step involves submitting an application form and paying the required fees to receive your NLP certificate. Enroll In A Reliable NLP Institution And Attain An NLP Certificate You have probably done much research and are now seeking the right place to sign up and learn NLP. There are numerous NLP certification programs, but remember to choose one that is ranked based on its reputation, costs, and commitment to delivering the highest quality program. Read Also: What Are The Most Important Considerations You Should Have About Joining An MBA In Ireland? 4 Reasons Why Food Handling Training is Important You Can Now Print Your Own MOT Certificate

Education Transformation

COVID-19 And Education Transformation

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic required big changes to the way we live our lives. From going to work to send our children to school, our daily lives changed overnight. One of the biggest changes was the disruption of the typical learning experience for children around the world. Instead of attending on-site classes every day, billions of students found themselves instead amid a rapidly changing online learning environment. And while this has been a process with its ups and downs, the impact of this period of transition and change on the future of learning is poised to be a positive one overall. What do you think about online learning? This blog will look at the ways in which responding to the pandemic has improved the e-learning experience and changed the way we think about education. Why Did The Pandemic Change Education? Much attention has been paid to the way that COVID-19 affected the business landscape, with record numbers of employees working from home all around the world. The impact the pandemic has had upon the field of education has been a bit less discussed by many, but the long-term effects are even more pronounced. The beginning of 2020 heralded the start of the COVID-19 pandemic for much of the world. This is perhaps especially true in the western world, with many people experiencing a seemingly sudden shift in their daily lives. It was no longer safe to meet in person, for example, and appropriate safety measures were still uncertain in the early days of the world event. This led to partial or full lockdowns around the world, with people no longer able to attend school in person. Instead, the focus shifted to online education. Online learning was not a new concept prior to the pandemic, but it was not a daily part of most people’s lives. That changed quickly, with children and adults alike relying on technology to keep them connected and maintain their coursework. And, because online learning was still a relatively underutilized tool in the pre-pandemic world, the shift from in-person to online instruction was jarring for many. Today, years after the start of the pandemic, education both online and in-person has settled into a type of ‘new normal’. Let’s look at some of the ways in which this new reality is different from before. Access To Education Online learning is both a boon and a challenge for access to education. On one hand, the rise of technology-based learning makes it easier than ever to find the right class for almost any topic under the sun. More specifically, it is now easier than ever to find classes that fit in with your schedule. Do you prefer to study at night? There is likely a class for you. Perhaps early morning courses better fit with your busy workload? That is probably an option too. Technology-based learning makes it easy to learn on the go as long as you have access to a compatible device. The caveat, of course, is that you must have access to a compatible device to participate in online learning. And while many people have something that will work, be it a smartphone, an old tablet, or a computer, not everyone does. This has led to the way we view education shifting in an unexpected way. Instead of looking at notebooks and pens as back-to-school essentials, many schools are instead looking at ways to make online Versatile Learning Experiences There is no ‘one size fits all’ teaching style that works for everyone. Some people do better with visual learning methods, for example, while others prefer to read from a book and take plenty of notes to study outside of class. Just as with access to education, internet learning can be a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to personalized learning, however, it can be more productive when technology is wielded smartly. Instead of sticking to one type of multimedia when conducting an online learning-based lesson, instructors who make it a point to include different types of engagement opportunities in their classes create diverse learning opportunities for their students. Short lectures paired with group discussions, videos, and pop-up quizzes, for example, can appeal to a variety of learners without overwhelming any of them. Online learning can make this kind of blend easier than ever, allowing teachers to really reach students of different learning levels. Enhanced Remote Learning The rise of internet-based learning during the height of the pandemic has also made it easier to create ‘enhancements’ to more traditional in-person learning. Instead of requiring students to take handwritten notes or do their own outside research if they want more information about the topic in question, the increased use of online learning makes it easier to share a wealth of resources with students. From additional text to videos and other media files, students can now easily access more factually accurate resources than ever before with the click of a button. Teachers can use this connectivity to curate a collection of assets designed to reinforce in-person lessons. In fact, online learning can truly revolutionize education for good. Technology can support classroom learning even outside of the classroom, be it digital or physical. As online learning became the norm in 2020, students and teachers alike were forced to redefine what ‘engagement’ means in the pandemic era. This resulted in an explosion of creativity, with students not only finding new ways to express themselves but also excelling at creative exam structures. Technology serves not solely to disrupt ‘normal’ education, in other words, but rather as an addition to a modern learning experience that places more emphasis on students rather than teachers. The Rise Of Hybrid Education As the pandemic raged across the globe, in-person interaction of any kind became hotly debated. This led to the all-online learning approach. There was no choice but to interact solely digitally for many people, in other words, which did not afford students and teachers much flexibility to craft classrooms that work for everyone – both the in-person learners and those who appreciate online options. Today, as the pandemic slowly grows more manageable and vaccines are available which makes in-person interaction safer, the same urgency is not present. Teachers are more able to experiment with their online and in-person classes to create a hybrid approach that combines the benefits of technology-enhanced education with the advantages of fostering direct communication and collaboration among students both online and off. The future is bound to strike a balance between online learning and traditional classroom structure which makes it easy to utilize the internet and technology’s potential without forcing everyone to take part in virtual-only lessons, which are less-than-ideal for many people. Perhaps more interestingly, however, is that hybrid education which features AI and data technology presents the opportunity to monitor students' learning trends and outcomes in real-time, making it easier to identify potential problem areas along with learning strengths and weaknesses. This information can then be used, sometimes to create tailored learning experiences, sometimes autonomously using software, so that students have the best chance possible to thrive. While not all the above has been fully realized and implemented, the COVID-19 pandemic took education to a place where online learning and the benefits it presents can be included in an everyday learning environment. This change is a permanent one, and although the extent to which it alters student life moving forward will be determined by individual school systems, education is poised to benefit greatly from the shift to technology-enhanced learning. Tips To Get The Most Out Of Online Learning Online learning is here to stay, but that does not mean that it is an easy process for everyone. In fact, even students who otherwise enjoy learning can find it difficult to focus in online classes. Without effective engagement strategies to maintain interest, it is easy to fall behind. Let’s look at some tips to make online classes a successful experience! 1. Recognize your online course as a ‘real’ class Some students view online learning as a break from ‘real’ learning – their in-person work. This is a mistake, however, as taking such a dim view of the class in question can result in students who are focused more on getting through an inconvenient appointment than sitting down and learning from their instructor. Online classes require having enough self-discipline to schedule time out of every day to sit down and pay attention to the class. Whether the course is focused on real-time learning or features recorded lessons students can work through on their own time, it is critical to view online learning as having the same importance as more traditional classes. One way to take online courses more seriously is to treat the class just like you would an in-person course. Create a schedule for yourself, get up on time, get dressed, and make a big deal out of settling down in front of your computer. When you are dressed for success and create the mental expectation of something out of the ordinary happening (rather than just lounging on your bed, listening to the lesson while flipping through Facebook), you are setting yourself up for success. 2. Create a study space This goes hand-in-hand with the point above. In addition to setting a specific time each day to sit down for your course, create a study space to utilize. This should be an area separate from your bed or couch which you set up as you would a classroom. Collect your school supplies, stock the space with healthy snacks, and consider taking your backpack with you when you head to the space to get started. Whether this is a place on the floor of your living room or a private home office room, create a study space that is consistent. While you can change venues if you find one area too distracting, of course, part of the effectiveness of this tip is the structure it provides. While it might be tempting to wake up late and haphazardly roll over and start your course while still in bed, doing this is setting yourself up to fail. 3. Be active Whether your class has real-time discussions or instead features community forums where you interact with your fellow students, take an active part in the conversation! Interact with other students as well as your instructor, as needed and possible, to associate the class with people rather than a computer screen. This makes it easier for some students to focus during the class itself. What The Pandemic Did Not Change The role of teachers in education is more important than ever. This might seem somewhat counterintuitive – after all, if technology is doing the ‘heavy lifting, are teachers truly that critical to the process? The answer, of course, is a resounding yes. As technology plays an increased role in online learning, instructors who understand not only their area of expertise but also the technology in question are vital to an experience conducive to learning. With that in mind, choosing quality institutions with instructors well-versed with e-learning is critical to success. This is true not only for students in grade school but also for those who are looking into higher education. It is perhaps especially important with higher education, in fact, as the courses can be quite detailed and complex as you progress towards your degree. Note that even courses that have traditionally required primarily in-person education can be accessed online through accredited universities. Picking an online nursing program, for example, is an increasingly easy decision to make. Elmhurst University is a trusted leader in the industry with all the resources necessary to craft a truly incredible online learning experience, especially for those seeking a brand new challenge as their aforementioned nursing course is tailor-made for those yet to study it before. What do you think about online learning? COVID-19 has made the process more common than ever before, and while there are still challenges to work through, the impact this will have on education in the future could prove to be incredibly beneficial. Additionals: How to Get Great Masks during COVID-19Part-Time Job To Consider In Singapore During Covid-195 Ways Marketing Strategies Will Change Post COVID-19Commercial Construction After COVID-19: How Developers Can Adapt