Insure Your Health, Ensure Your Wealth: How To Dodge Common Insurance Blunders


12 April 2024



Healthcare costs are skyrocketing, and this era is also witness to relentless medical inflation contributing to increasing concern.

Concern regarding what? You may ask. The concerns regarding the finances and ourselves are taking the wheel. Each year, people and their families struggle to navigate the complex health insurance structure. They are often face-to-face with pitfalls that drain their finances. This, in turn, compromises their health and well-being. 

The only fitting way to combat this is through proper knowledge and foresight, which can help avoid common insurance mistakes. Financial and health stability should also be kept in check. 

The following article will explore practical ways to avoid these pitfalls and secure a healthier, brighter future. 

Common Mistakes When Buying A Health Insurance Plan

When you think of buying health insurance, there are high stakes you may miss. Overlooking key details or inadequate coverage can cause significant financial strain compromising healthcare. Unfortunately, several individuals often find themselves in traps, which may be due to an oversight or a misunderstanding.

Common Mistakes When Buying A Health Insurance Plan

The following section will dissect some of the most prevalent health insurance mistakes. It also provides insight into each of these mistakes, guiding ways to avoid them: 

Insufficient Coverage

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is choosing health insurance with insufficient coverage. It is common for the desire to save on premiums to drive our decisions; however, as an individual, you may choose plans that provide limited protection. There have also been cases where individuals have unexpected medical expenses, leaving them vulnerable. 

Thus, it is important to carefully assess the healthcare needs, including future scenarios, before selecting a plan that provides adequate coverage. These should include surgeries, hospitalization, specialist consultations, and medications.

Avoiding A Comprehensive Cover 

This is another common mistake that has been seen in recent times. Not choosing a comprehensive health insurance plan can make you miss out on coverage of potential medical emergencies. Some health insurance plans with basic coverage will not even consider chronic conditions that can have significant effects.

Comprehensive plans, if the name did not suggest so, offer broad coverage such as preventive care, maternity benefits, and mental health services, among others. Choosing a broad coverage plan gives us peace of mind that we’ll be protected against unforeseen health circumstances.

Not Disclosing All Medical Conditions. 

Failing to disclose or hide pre-existing medical conditions during the application process can lead to serious consequences. The insurers depend on specific information that allows them to evaluate the risks, thus determining premiums. 

Some of the dire consequences of obscuring medical information include: 

  • Denial of claim 
  •  Policy cancellation 

So, being transparent while applying for health insurance will only help you reap the benefits in the long run. This is helpful when you want to ensure complete coverage while also avoiding any complications when the time comes to claim the policy. 

Overlooking Terms And Conditions 

Shockingly, a significant number of policyholders make the mistake of ignoring the fine print on their health insurance policy. The fine print contains terms and conditions that lead to misunderstandings about crucial information such as the coverage limit. This can also include waiting periods, exclusions, and claim procedures. 

Thus, it is very important to review the policy document, seeking clarity on any ambiguous terms and understanding the coverage scope and limitations. You will also learn about your obligations as a policyholder. 


Not Comparing Plans 

One of the most critical errors you can make while purchasing a health insurance plan is choosing the first one you see. When buying anything, it is best to compare before you finalize your decision.

Why should something as important as a health insurance plan be neglected? An insurer offers different coverage options, deductibles, and premiums, along with network providers. Missing out on comparing different health insurance plans can cause you to lose benefits that would suit you better. 

You must take appropriate time to research and compare the different policies available. This way, you will be able to compare important factors such as coverage limits, cost, network size, and customer reviews. Lastly, comparing plans can prevent you from overpaying for coverage. 

Insufficient Research 

This continues on the point of missing benefits as one of the results you want to avoid. If you rush to buy a health insurance plan without sufficient research, you can have serious FOMO later. You must research different insurance providers and learn more about their reputations through reviews and financial stability. You should also look into their customer service track record. 

Research also helps you learn about the types of plans available, such as PPOs, HMOs, and high-deductible plans. This way, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your budget and preferences. 

Missing Cashless Hospital Networks

The availability of cashless hospitals should be missed as it will be a huge oversight on your part. Missing this during a health insurance plan purchase can seem like a huge loss later. Choosing a policy without verifying the network of hospitals with cashless treatment as an option can prove to be inconvenient for you. This can put pressure on you during an emergency as it will push out-of-pocket expenses. 

Thus, you must check for the availability of cashless hospitals in its network. Having reputed hospitals in or near your area will be a bonus. This allows you smooth access to quality healthcare that does not pose the problem of upfront payment. Additionally, reimbursement claims too. 

Therefore, you must check if your insurer has a network that also boasts of cashless hospitals. This will help you avoid strain on your finances, reducing your worries. 

Purchasing Only In Old Age 

Despite being a common practice, health insurance purchases should not be postponed to old age. Aging is a natural process that brings about many changes in the human body. Several health issues pose a challenge in acquiring good health insurance. 

Waiting until health problems arise will result in higher premiums because of pre-existing conditions, and it may also introduce exclusions. 

Thus, you are advised to invest in a health insurance plan as early as possible to enjoy lower premiums and more accessible coverage. This further ensures comprehensive protection for life. 

Purchasing Only In Old Age 


Health insurance plans can be complex, and you must make informed decisions to find peace of mind and financial security. This article highlights all the key areas you must take care of, prioritizing comprehensive coverage, thorough research, and transparency. 

Buying a health insurance plan? Remember that the right choice will help you live a wealthier and healthier tomorrow. 

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With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing profound thoughts and opinions on lifestyle, beauty, fashion, pets, and parenting.

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Procurement management

What is The Procurement Management Process?

Procurement contracts can often be very overwhelming to create and manage. It involves a lot of different moving parts, from negotiating to price, setting out milestones, defining the scope of work and so much more. You want to ensure the top quality of work for your company without incurring too many extra costs. Learning about the procurement management process can help you navigate this journey with a bit more ease and confidence. What is the procurement contract management process? Having a procurement contract management process involves managing the ordering, receipt, and approval of materials from suppliers. It also deals with managing relations with suppliers and sellers. By having an established procurement contract management process, you can ensure that the materials and services provided meet your needs. What does the procurement management process look like? The process of procurement management will look different from any project, but loosely follows the following workflow:   Before you even think of procuring anything, your company will realize it needs a certain product or service. Maybe it is something as simple as new computer monitors for one department, or a much bigger project like the construction of a new building as your company expands. Planning In this stage, your team will smooth out the details related to the project, determine the budget, and start to draft out a contract. You will begin to write SOW (statements of work) to serve as a document outlining the work being contracted, for all outsider contractors you work with. Check out a sample statement of work here. Depending on the size of your company and who is in charge of purchasing, you may need to request approval from a higher-up at this point in the procurement management process. A senior manager may need to approve budgets and make amendments to the statement of work. Requesting quotes After approval is given, whether that is from a manager or from yourself, you can send out a request for quotations (RFQ) to various sellers. This is when different companies bid for your project. Depending on the risk involved, whether that be physical or financial, there may be more or fewer bidders. Reviewing and finalizing proposals This is the stage where your team selects the vendor you want to work with. Usually, teams will have a set of criteria that will use to determine which seller to go with. The reputation of the company and prior experience working with them may also come into play during decision-making. Negotiation and signing Once you’ve finalized your selection, your team will have to negotiate with them. After both the buyer and seller are happy with the procurement contract, they will sign the contract and purchase order (PO) will be sent to the seller to purchase materials. At this stage, the contract is active and the project is underway. Managing and overseeing contractors The procurement management process doesn’t quite end there. Having someone request frequent status updates and oversee the project will help you keep up-to-date. The progress can be tracked down and in this way you can prevent your company from getting blind-sided by huge issues late on. Monitoring and tracking their work will help you understand if the project is going as planned. If things aren’t going well, at least you can take action earlier in the project than react to it at the end. Having a records management system in place will make things much easier at the end of the contract as you move closer to payment. End of procurement contract Once the contractor completes the work set out in the contract, the procurement management process has ended. This is when the contract formally releases liability and payment is processed. At this stage, invoices, records and other documents from both parties are matched and compared against to ensure that the fees are correct, this is usually achieved with the help of a purchase requisition platform like Coupa's system. Knowing what the procurement process is like is integral to any business. You may be on either end of the process, either buying or selling to someone. Governmental bodies often undergo procurement to take on projects like marketing or auditing. Read also: 5 Important Considerations to Get Supply Chain Management on Cloud

personal finances

Getting your personal finances in order with a proper budget strategy

In the event that you find yourself in a situation where you are beginning to learn how you can deal with your personal finances then you must start with the proper definition of what personal financing is. Once you have done that you will easily find that the key to proper personal financing lies with a proper strategy of budgeting. This article will help you outline how you can create a good strategy for budgeting as that is what is entailed by a proper strategy for managing personal finances. It will help you directly in contributing success to save your money for better use. What is personal financing? Personal financing is the act of managing your financial resources effectively and efficiently in order to save up enough money for yourself during emergency situations in the future when you may need some hard cash. This can be an acuter in its requirement when you run a business enterprise and find yourself in a situation where you require immediate funds to help you develop your business. You may require the money to buy important office equipment, or you require it to pay off your outstanding credit bills, or you may require it for an immediate marketing campaigning. There are various such situations when you may require having cold hard cash at your immediate disposal. If you are not good at saving money, then such a situation will be dangerous for you as your business plans and aims and goals can stand to get affected if you are unable to get the money from other sources. You must always have some money with you to fall back on in times of emergencies. Always try to ensure that what you are spending is less than what you are earning, you need to multiply your profits and get your revenues to soar higher if you want to be able to save up on more money. Budgeting is one of the key techniques for managing personal finances; you need to cut out all extra costs so that your business has the extra cash to fall back on in times of need. Thus, a proper budget strategy is a key to mastering your personal finances and controlling them. What is the importance of budgeting in managing personal finances and how can it be done? You are not required to look any further than a proper strategy for budgeting when you are trying to embark on a journey for mastering your personal finances and managing them. It can seem quite overwhelming and scary for a lot of people to think about budgeting, and this is especially true if you are someone who has not ever indulged in doing proper budgeting ever or for some time now. The money that you are spending and compared to what your income often seems terrifying to a lot of people. However, it does not matter if you happen to be a millionaire who has major investments, and a number of loans, with mortgages and also stock holdings, or if you are a humble and honest person who is hardworking and is just starting out on a financial journey, budgeting will be essential for your continued success with the money that you have. The importance of maintaining a budget is that it will help you to understand and account for the money that is coming in and the money that you are spending from your account. If you want to master your finances, then it does not matter how much income you are getting if the amount of money which you are spending is more or close to that amount. With proper budgeting, you will be able to increase your savings every month, and this will decrease the amount of cash that you are spending every month. In case you are choosing to achieve this by other types of investments than reducing the interest rates with a debt consolidation loan or by getting a promotion in your job, but the central principles of budgeting to manage your personal finances will still remain the same. The importance of managing your debt properly : It is essential to manage your debts properly alongside your incomes and your expenses. It is the basic principle by which you will be able to manage your money, and this is the reason why personal financing can only be properly done via budgeting. There will not be any requirement to get further complications, you will have to deal with the credit cards, the loans that you had taken for your business funding, your investments, your stock options, but you shall still find yourself on a proper financial footing when you have a good budget plan. You must try and follow the money you have, and you need to ensure that you are spending less than what you are earning every month. In order to properly budget and maintain your finances, you must simply add all your sources from which you get an income and then account for all the pennies which you have flowing into your account every month, once you are done with that you must start to track all the expenses which you are making. You can employ any system you want to but all you must ensure is that the procedure is detailed and this will help to keep your money flow in more easily. Track all the loans you have and the interest amounts that you are paying, track all the credit card bills also. This will help you to understand your finances better. You can find a lot of debt consolidation reviews online to help you with your budgeting and maintain your personal finances so that you do not default on your loans and credits. Conclusion : Budgeting is the secret to maintaining good personal finances. Hopefully, the information mentioned in this article will have helped you to understand how you can maintain your finances as well. Read Also : These Small Changes Will Change Your Finances For The Better

UAN Login

UAN Login and its facilities with Registration process

UAN or Unique Account Number is a Unique ID Number provided by the Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) for each of those individuals who have opted for provident fund account. This is an Online Portal, so you can keep track of all your provisional funds and deposit your provisional funds in that account. EPFO presented UAN which goes about like a cloud service for the numerous Member Ids assigned to a person by various managers. The UAN program was propelled in October 2014 as a component of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Shramev Jayate Karyakaram. It is maybe the most remarkable advance taken by EPFO in the ongoing past. UAN is a one of a kind 12 digit number doled out to a worker by EPFO. UAN empowers connecting of various EPF Accounts (Member Id) dispensed to a solitary part. It offers a bunch of administrations like progressively refreshed UAN card, refreshed PF passbook incorporating all transfer-in points of interest, facility to interface past individuals' ID with present ID, month to month SMS in regards to the credit of commitment in PF record. Employees are required to initiate their UAN at UAN portal and to profit an extensive variety of online administrations offered by EPFO. When UAN is initiated, employees can sign in utilizing UAN and password and access different online administrations and in addition to refreshing KYC details and so forth, for more details on how it works you can head over to Finance Nize. Various Facilities provided in UAN is as follows: Before going to attend the complete the registration process, it is essential for you to know some of the facilities offered in UAN. Hope the mentioned facilities will be helpful for all the seekers that who want to complete the registration process. Also, it helps to gather some idea about the facilities available in UAN. Let’s have a look at some of the facilities allotted in UAN. UAN Account Status: This portal has made it easy for you to check your UAN status just by few clicks. This Facility will also let you get all your funds in a single account. Online EPF transfer: Earlier we were able to transfer PF funds, under the Online Transfer Claim Portal. Things have changed with the introduction of UAN. Under this Single Portal, you will be able to do it from one account to another without much paperwork and hassle-free. Online PF withdrawal: UAN allows Employees to withdraw the funds. However, he/she is not employed prior to 60 days of pst resignation. The Process is easy and convenient but UAN must be attached with Aadhar Card. Online Registration of Establishments: Online Registration Process for completely web-based now. PF payments online: EPFO has made it mandatory for the organizations to pay online. EPFO also tied up with almost all major banks for collecting PF Dues. Passbook and Claim Status: All members can view their Passbook online and even check the claim status too along with updating KYC. SMS/Miss Call Service: Once you have activated your UAN. You can access your account by sending SMS in a certain format as per guidelines suggested by EPFO. You can take actions like Enquiry for Transfer, KYC status, Balance inquiry and lot more. UAN LOGIN: When it comes to complete the registration process, make sure to follow the official website of the organization. In order to log in, first of all, visit: UAN Registration Process: For information, people who are employed or unemployed can register for UAN account without skipping any instruction. Even students or the one who has not enrolled for EPFO can join UAN Easily. Read Alos: 8 Reasons To Have A Pre-Employment Background Check Facility In Your Organization 5 Counseling Specializations Undergraduate Students Should Understand