What is The Procurement Management Process?

Published on: 10 February 2020 Last Updated on: 02 December 2023
Procurement management

Procurement contracts can often be very overwhelming to create and manage. It involves a lot of different moving parts, from negotiating to price, setting out milestones, defining the scope of work and so much more. You want to ensure the top quality of work for your company without incurring too many extra costs. Learning about the procurement management process can help you navigate this journey with a bit more ease and confidence.

What is the procurement contract management process?

Having a procurement contract management process involves managing the ordering, receipt, and approval of materials from suppliers. It also deals with managing relations with suppliers and sellers. By having an established procurement contract management process, you can ensure that the materials and services provided meet your needs.

What does the procurement management process look like?

The process of procurement management will look different from any project, but loosely follows the following workflow:

Recognizing the need


Before you even think of procuring anything, your company will realize it needs a certain product or service. Maybe it is something as simple as new computer monitors for one department, or a much bigger project like the construction of a new building as your company expands.



In this stage, your team will smooth out the details related to the project, determine the budget, and start to draft out a contract. You will begin to write SOW (statements of work) to serve as a document outlining the work being contracted, for all outsider contractors you work with. Check out a sample statement of work here.

Depending on the size of your company and who is in charge of purchasing, you may need to request approval from a higher-up at this point in the procurement management process. A senior manager may need to approve budgets and make amendments to the statement of work.

Requesting quotes

After approval is given, whether that is from a manager or from yourself, you can send out a request for quotations (RFQ) to various sellers. This is when different companies bid for your project. Depending on the risk involved, whether that be physical or financial, there may be more or fewer bidders.

Reviewing and finalizing proposals

This is the stage where your team selects the vendor you want to work with. Usually, teams will have a set of criteria that will use to determine which seller to go with. The reputation of the company and prior experience working with them may also come into play during decision-making.

Negotiation and signing


Once you’ve finalized your selection, your team will have to negotiate with them. After both the buyer and seller are happy with the procurement contract, they will sign the contract and purchase order (PO) will be sent to the seller to purchase materials. At this stage, the contract is active and the project is underway.

Managing and overseeing contractors

The procurement management process doesn’t quite end there. Having someone request frequent status updates and oversee the project will help you keep up-to-date. The progress can be tracked down and in this way you can prevent your company from getting blind-sided by huge issues late on. Monitoring and tracking their work will help you understand if the project is going as planned. If things aren’t going well, at least you can take action earlier in the project than react to it at the end.

Having a records management system in place will make things much easier at the end of the contract as you move closer to payment.

End of procurement contract

procurement contract

Once the contractor completes the work set out in the contract, the procurement management process has ended. This is when the contract formally releases liability and payment is processed. At this stage, invoices, records and other documents from both parties are matched and compared against to ensure that the fees are correct, this is usually achieved with the help of a purchase requisition platform like Coupa’s system.

Knowing what the procurement process is like is integral to any business. You may be on either end of the process, either buying or selling to someone. Governmental bodies often undergo procurement to take on projects like marketing or auditing.

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Understanding Funeral Insurance

Understanding Funeral Insurance: Protecting Loved Ones

Insurance for funerals is a specialized form of coverage that addresses the inevitable event of one's passing. It's crucial in financial planning to offer financial security during emotionally challenging times. This article explores the significance of funeral insurance and how it operates, shedding light on various essential aspects for individuals and families. Importance Of Funeral Insurance Insurance is pivotal in financial planning due to its ability to address a fundamental aspect of life - preparing for the expenses associated with end-of-life arrangements. Funeral costs can be substantial, encompassing fees related to caskets, burials, memorial services, and legal matters. These financial burdens can compound the emotional challenges that families face during a difficult period. This insurance serves as a solution to this predicament. Thus offering a safety net that ensures that no loved one has to face the burden of funeral arrangement expenses How The Insurance Operates? Understanding the mechanics of this insurance is vital for making informed decisions. Here's a breakdown of how it operates: Choosing Coverage Level: Insurance policies provide policyholders with the flexibility to select a coverage amount that aligns with their anticipated funeral expenses. These policies typically offer various coverage options to cater to individual needs. Hence, it allows individuals to tailor their coverage based on their preferences and financial circumstances. Premium Payments: To maintain the insurance policy, policyholders must make regular premium payments. The specific premium amount can vary based on age as well as the chosen coverage amount. These premium payments ensure the policy remains in force, ready to provide financial assistance. Beneficiary Designation: A crucial aspect of this insurance is the designation of beneficiaries. Policyholders specify individuals who will receive the policy's payout upon their passing. These designated beneficiaries are often family members or trusted individuals responsible for final expenses. Moreover, this designation ensures that the funds are disbursed to the intended recipients efficiently. Lump-Sum Payout: In the event of the policyholder's death, the insurance company disburses a lump-sum payment to the designated beneficiaries. This payout can be utilized to cover various expenses, including funeral costs, outstanding bills, or any other financial obligations that may arise. The flexibility of the payout allows beneficiaries to address the immediate financial needs that arise during this challenging time. No Medical Exams: This insurance is known for its accessibility. Unlike many other insurance policies, it typically requires no medical examination or extensive underwriting for approval. This accessibility means that individuals of varying health conditions and ages can secure coverage without the hassle of medical assessments. Levels Of Coverage The policies offer several levels of coverage, ensuring that people can find a suitable option that aligns with their needs and financial capacities: Basic Coverage: Basic coverage is an entry-level option, offering a minimal payout. While it can cover essential funeral expenses, it may not extend to additional costs or outstanding debts. This level of coverage is ideal for individuals seeking to alleviate the financial burden of a basic funeral. Intermediate Coverage: Intermediate coverage increases financial support by providing a more substantial payout. Policyholders with intermediate coverage receive a higher sum, offering greater assistance in covering funeral expenses and potential outstanding bills. Comprehensive Coverage: Comprehensive coverage represents the highest level of protection. It offers a substantial payout, accommodating elaborate funeral services and providing financial security for various expenses. Policyholders with comprehensive coverage have the peace of mind that even complex funeral arrangements are well-supported financially. Customized Coverage: Some policies allow for customization, allowing policyholders to tailor the coverage amount to their specific needs. This customization ensures that the policy aligns precisely with the anticipated funeral expenses, eliminating unnecessary costs. Benefits Of Funeral Insurance The insurance offers numerous benefits that extend beyond financial support: Financial Protection: The primary benefit of this insurance is the assurance that loved ones do not bear the financial burden of funeral and final expenses. By providing a lump-sum payment, this insurance ensures that the immediate costs associated with end-of-life arrangements are covered. Thereby offering peace of mind to both policyholders and their families. No Medical Exams: Its accessibility is a significant advantage. Policy approval typically does not hinge on the results of medical examinations or extensive underwriting. This feature makes it a viable option for individuals with varying health conditions and ages, ensuring that coverage is accessible when needed. Quick Payouts: The policies are designed to offer timely financial assistance to beneficiaries. Claims are processed promptly, often within days of submission. This expeditious processing ensures that beneficiaries receive the necessary funds without delay, allowing them to address immediate financial obligations. Peace of Mind: Knowing that final expenses are covered provides a significant source of peace of mind to both policyholders and their families. It eliminates the stress of managing these financial obligations during an emotionally challenging period. It allows loved ones to focus on grieving and honoring the memory of the deceased without the added worry of financial burdens. Support for Loved Ones: It is a practical way to support loved ones during a challenging time. It ensures the proper management of your finances. Thereby allowing family members to concentrate on processing their grief and commemorating the individual. By alleviating financial concerns, it enables a smoother transition during this emotionally charged period. Customizable: Many policies offer customization options, enabling policyholders to choose coverage amounts. Most of them precisely match their expected expenses. This customization ensures that your policy is exactly what you want. Thereby providing the necessary financial support without excess coverage or unanticipated costs. Considerations When Choosing Funeral Insurance While it offers many advantages, several vital considerations are essential for individuals contemplating this coverage: Premium Costs: The policies come with varying premium costs. Individuals should select a policy that aligns with their budget, considering age, coverage amount, as well as the insurance provider. Evaluating premium costs ensures that the chosen policy remains sustainable in the long term. Coverage Limits: Understanding coverage limits is crucial to ensure the selected policy adequately covers anticipated expenses. Some insurance policies may have a maximum payout amount. Individuals should verify that the policy's limits align with their financial expectations for funeral and final expenses. Waiting Periods: It's essential to be aware of waiting periods associated with these insurance policies. Many policies have waiting periods before full coverage takes effect. Policyholders should understand the duration of these waiting periods and how they may affect potential claims. Beneficiary Designation: Effective communication with designated beneficiaries is vital. Policyholders should ensure that their chosen beneficiaries know their roles and responsibilities in the claims process. Clear communication helps expedite the disbursement of funds to the intended recipients. Exclusions: Reviewing policy exclusions is a critical step in understanding coverage. These insurance policies may exclude specific circumstances or pre-existing conditions. Individuals should know these exclusions to avoid surprises when filing a claim. Conclusion Funeral insurance is a vital component of financial planning, offering peace of mind and financial protection for policyholders and their loved ones. Providing a safety net for funeral and final expenses ensures that the financial burden is free from the shoulders of grieving families.  Understanding how this insurance operates and carefully considering coverage options empowers individuals to make informed decisions that benefit themselves and their families during challenging times. 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Crypto Trader

How To Become A Successful Crypto Trader In 7 Easy Steps

Have you found a sudden interest in Crypto trading? Is the Crypto boom getting you? The path of becoming a successful Crypto trader is not that easy. But it is not impossible as well. You just need to look after some major things. When it comes to investments, and Especially Crypto investments, there is no one-strategy-fit for all. You do not have the chance here to follow an already decided path and become a successful Crypto trader. You need to prepare your own path. However, we are here to help you with some basic steps you must take from the initial stage. Become A Successful Crypto Trader In 7 Easy Steps As we have mentioned earlier, we are here to guide you with some of the golden steps you need to take in order to be a successful crypto investor. So, now, let’s have a look at them. Step 1: Learn As Much As You Can About The Crypto Trading Learning about the thing you are getting into is the best way to get success. Always remember there is no shortcut to success, so you have to learn and gather information as much as you can about Crypto trading. From the basics of Crypto trading to the tools you might need to use, you should have a proper understanding of each and everything. For starters, Quantumai is a great option. Step 2: Get A Secure Wallet You always need a Crypto wallet where you will store your Cryptos. Without it, you can not trade with Cryptocurrencies. Whether you are opting for an online or an offline wallet, you always have to ensure that you are choosing a secure one. After all, you can not take any type of risk with your Cryptos. Successful Crypto traders never compromise with the safety and security of their money and Cryptocurrencies. Step 3: Start Small And Get A Little Experience First For the initial stage, we will always advise you to take smaller steps and get some experience first. When you are putting your money in Cryptocurrency for the first time, you have to be really careful and invest a small amount, which you can afford to lose. Gradually, you will learn a lot from your mistakes, and you will get more experience. You will be using your experience to ride up the ladder of success. Step 4: Determine What Your Actual Goals Are As we have stated earlier that when it comes to Crypto investment and Crypto trading, there is no one-strategy-fit-for-all thing. It is because everyone has totally different goals and intentions with Crypto trading and investment. Thus, you have to be really clear about what you are actually expecting from your Crypto trading. You also need to find out all the goals and ambitions you have regarding this space. Only then will you be able to plan your Crypto trading as surrounding those things. Step 5: Learn About Market Analysis The market analysis holds a lot of importance in the Crypto space. If you have been into the investment market, you might know that no investors put their money into anything without analyzing the market opportunity it has. The same goes for Crypto trading. When you do not know about the market potential of the product, there is no point in putting your money into it because you do not even assume what is going to happen. In order to be successful, you must judge the market potential of different Cryptos. Step 6: Know More Trading Methods, Styles, And Strategies Trading and investment are all about methods, strategies, and styles. Everyone has their own style of investing. Still here, we would like to tell you that never put all your eggs in a single basket. Try to diversify your money with different Cryptocurrencies. This way, in case one or two Cryptocurrency fail to get you the desired return, you will have other Cryptos to perform for you. The risk of overall loss automatically gets eliminated here. Step 7: Keep Yourself Updated With The Latest News Last but not least, always keep yourself updated with the latest news. We have already emphasized the learning and gathering knowledge thing. The Crypto space is still growing and also evolving on a regular basis. That is why keeping yourself current with the latest news, updates, and changes is mandatory. Apart from that, trading is also all about staying current and keeping track of whatever is changing how the graph is actually performing. Read Also: Can Blockchain Help In Other Ways Apart From Cryptocurrencies? Best Crypto Trading Bots of 2020: You are Unaware HybridBlock: Why Binance Is Investing In Crypto-Fiat Trading Why Are VC Firms Interested In Cryptocurrencies: An Analysis

Merchant Account Issues

Most Common Merchant Account Issues Explained

Whether you are just considering the prospect of setting up an online store or looking for ways to enhance your efficiency as an existing business on the web, knowing what problems you are likely to come across as a merchant account owner will help your decision-making on the way. This article will be useful for anyone daunted by the possibility of creating and running a high-risk merchant account. Here, we explore four frequently occurring problems with bank accounts for credit card payment and how to avoid and/or fix them. What Is Considered High-Risk? The degree of risk associated with your merchant account is largely determined by what kind of goods and services you offer. This is part of a common classification used by banks and other financial institutions to work out the most fitting approach for their corporate customers. Traditionally, businesses in agriculture and gardening, education, drop shipping, SMM, babysitting, and other similar areas are labeled relatively safe and enjoy favorable treatment by banks. However, this doesn’t mean they won’t suffer from fraudulent transactions, chargebacks, and more documentation that they can manage when they go online. Contrary to these activities, the following areas are believed to be high-risk: betting forex brokerage booking online dating adult goods and services food sales pharmaceutical sales. If your prospective or existing business belongs to one of the categories on the above list, it means you have a greater than average chance of facing fraudulent activity and other risks that are typical of online payments. Fortunately, though, there are solutions to relieve the hazards for both you and your customers. High Fees and Restrictions on the Part of the Bank As mentioned above, financial institutions seem reluctant to partner with companies in high-risk sectors such as forex brokers. This is not to say that such a partnership is impossible. Instead, you are more likely than not to be charged high fees for the cooperation, which might drain your revenue and are often combined with further restrictive practices. For instance, banks often limit the total transaction amount per unit of time, causing many startup owners to either switch to costlier plans or start multiple accounts. Credit Card Fraud One of the merchant’s biggest fears, fraudsters have many opportunities to rob your business of its honest earnings. Payment card fraud comes in numerous forms, with new practices being developed every moment. This applies to low- and high-risk businesses, although the latter might need more serious measures to protect themselves and their clients from online scams. Common solutions include layered user authentication and payment verification systems as well as dynamic restrictions to exclude certain countries, banks, or partner companies from potential transactions. Overwhelming Documentation Financial institutions will most probably ask you for extensive reports to prove your credibility as a partner. This is especially true if your business has been classified as high-risk. In this case, it is vital to keep a clear and complete record of your activities under the specific requirements of the banks and/or payment providers that you are willing to work with. Too Many Chargebacks Frequent requests for chargebacks, or refunds, can damage your reputation as a business, undermining customer trust and the banks’ willingness to cooperate. The disputes that often arise in such cases tend to be costly to process, too. One way to minimize chargebacks is to provide accurate and clear descriptions of your goods and services, always meet your delivery deadlines, and ensure your overall customer service is decent. However, it is also advisable to incorporate automatic chargeback prevention tools that will identify high-risk transactions and deal with the problem before a dispute is initiated. An All-Round Solution to Manage All the Risks at Once While navigating the difficult landscape can be confusing, especially with little experience in the field, business owners do have a choice. Intelligent payment gateways such as Maxpay offer automation as well as flexibility. Consider investing in an online payment product that will enhance your payment security and prevent overwhelming chargeback numbers without taking too much time to set up and manage. What you are likely to get is a smooth, trouble-free merchant account. Read Also: How New POS Technology is Advancing Merchant Processing How To Know If Your Health Insurance Covers Visits To The Chiropractor