Most Common Bitcoin Trading Blunders – You Must Avoid


05 February 2020


Bitcoin Trading

The bitcoin market is easily accessible to anyone who has a computer with an internet connection or a smartphone or tab and some starting capital. Many beginners are fascinated by the process and want to be a part of this trade but often fail to do well in this trade. It is very sad that many of the beginners do start with the trade but end up being broke due to tack of the knowledge of bitcoin trading. Here we have mentioned some of the most common bitcoin trading blunders that one must avoid while dealing with bitcoins.

Bitcoin Trading Blunders


If you are new to the business of bitcoin trading, then you must surely avoid making some mistakes. Here we will discuss the pointers of which one must avoid while doing bitcoin trading.


The beginners will not have to use real money when there is already innumerable availability of paper money on different platforms. A beginner who is actually passionate about being a professional trader must first step in with a system that sets guidelines for their entries, exits and risk management.


Freshers usually tend to trade with emotions which makes them fail to accept the loss that is created to them. The most important capability of the trader must be the fact that he/she must be able to take the loss or accept the loss to run healthily in the future. You must set a stop loss guideline and do not move if all the guidelines are violated already.


Experienced traders tend to balance their trade which the freshers might fail at. Balancing and rebalancing of your bitcoin are important to keep a balanced portfolio for yourself. Balancing will also help you to make less loss in your bitcoin trading.

Trading Journal:

Investment and trade are very different from each other, one must first be aware of this. If you have a plan for your trade then you would consider yourself responsible for your action and the result of your action. Keep a journal to follow and make a note of all the changes that you make in your trade and you can also follow it back for future references.


Many young ones believe that they can earn life-changing money through bitcoin trading and by the bar of which it takes a lot of risks targetting to earn that amount.


You must know that money is the mantra. You need money to make more money. Many think that through bitcoin trading one can make money sitting in the comfort of the couch but that is a sheer lie. If making money would have been so easy then no one would have worked day and night to earn money. A trader who wants to run his entire life earning money through bitcoin must also have enough money for investment. Being undercapitalized can ruin their dream and career of earing through bitcoin trading.


It is a hard job to earn money and especially if it bitcoin money. Even if you know all the hacks, you must be aware of the risk management in bitcoin trading because that would be majorly the factor in this trade.

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Out Of Debt

Eight Essential Tips For Getting Out Of Debt

Do you feel like debt is slowly ruining your life? If so, you should know you're not alone. Although the road to getting out of debt is a long one, it's not impossible to do so. We've put together a list of 8 tips for you to get started and live a debt-free life. Let's get started. 1. Find Out How Much You Owe : This is a step that you probably have avoided for some time because you fear to know the number. But if you are serious about getting out of debt, you must know exactly what you owe. Start by making a spreadsheet listing every single debt you have. It might also be helpful to specify if those debts are outstanding, so you know which ones need attention. Once you know exactly what you owe, you'll be able to see the bigger picture and not be blindsided by unknown debts. The spreadsheet will help you keep track of your progress, and you will feel more motivated watching the numbers go down. 2. Stop Adding More Debt : This might sound like an obvious step, but if you're trying to get out of debt, you shouldn't create new ones. While it might be difficult to avoid temptation, you must do so in order to pay off your debts. If you pay off your debts, only to use them again, you will never finish. Start paying for large purchases using cash, and not buy anything you cannot afford. This will keep you on track to paying off your debts faster. If having your credit cards around is too much temptation, try cutting them up or freezing them. That way you won't feel tempted to walk into a department store when you see a sale. 3. Try to Negotiate Lower Interests Rates : It's no secret credit cards come with really high interests rates, which makes it so difficult for people to pay them off. If you signed up to enjoy the introductory 0% APR and now you have to pay more interest than you can handle, it's time to renegotiate. It's possible to talk to your credit card company and try to negotiate a lower interest rate. You can start by calling and simply asking them to lower your interest rates. But before you call, you might want to have a strategy. Begin by calling your oldest credit card and using your loyalty to open up negotiations. Being a loyal card member might provide you with some extra benefits. Don't forget to always be polite. 4. Find Ways to Make More Money : We understand it might be difficult to pay off your debts when you're living paycheck to paycheck. In fact, this might be one of the reasons why you got into debt in the first place. In order to help speed up the process, it might be a good idea to start making more money. Try to get creative and find ways to earn more cash. Why not get a part-time job, talk to your boss about getting a raise, or find a side hustle. Then you can put that extra money into paying off your debt. 5. Focus on Building an Emergency Fund : You might want to put all of your efforts into paying all your debt, but it's also important to have a little saved up for a rainy day. Even though you need to pay off your debt, you also need to build your emergency fund, both are just as important. The reason is if an unexpected expense comes up, you will have enough saved up to cover it without needing to use your credit cards. Having money saved up will help with the process along so you stay on track. 6. Sell Items You Don't Need : If you want to look for other ways to make a dent in your debt, then look around your house. Sometimes we accumulate things of value without even knowing it. You might be able to get some extra cash by selling items you have laying around the house. You might be able to sell old broken gold jewelry and get some money out of it. You might also be able to also sell electronics, art, and furniture. There are many ways to sell your old stuff. You can have a garage sale, post on Craig's list, or even sell on eBay. 7. Create a Budget and Stick With It : If you want to have enough money to pay your bills and pay off your debt, you should make a budget. Creating a budget will help you allocate where all of your money goes, so you don't have to wonder where your money goes each month. If you stick to your budget, you'd be surprised how much you could have leftover at the end of the month. Any money left over will be used to put towards your debt. Having a budget will also be good practice for life after all your debts are paid off. Sticking to a budget will secure your financial future. 8. Decide which Debts to Start Paying First : Even if you want to pay off your debt, you might not know where to start. This could be a confusing process for many people. If you have student loans, car loans, mortgages, and credit card debt, you might want to start tackling your credit card debt. Credit cards have the highest interest rates out of all your other lenders. Once you're done paying off your credit cards, you can put that money towards paying off your other debts. You can start paying off the credit card with the highest interest rate and highest balance. Once you do, you can move on to the next. If you want to learn more about which debt to prioritize, request more info here. Getting out of Debt is Possible : Getting out of debt might seem like an impossible thing to do. However, it's not as difficult as you think. Get started by making a list of all your debts, create a budget, and even try to find ways to make more money. If you want to learn more finance tips, visit our blog. Read Also : Are Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended For Credit Card Consolidation Dealing With A Debt Relief Officer For A Better Assistance Proper Management Of Tech Debt Is Necessary For Successful Business


Dealing With A Debt Relief Officer For A Better Assistance

Dealing with corporate dignitaries is something that is a hassle taking. It is more hassle taking when you have to deal with the debt repaying structure. It is important to understand a few important aspects before you start handling the debts of the company. Debt can be taken on a varied aspect. In fact, they will also help in catering to some important aspect that will make your way to deal with eth investors easily. The corporate investors are experienced people who can make you more confused when you have to deal with this entire concept of debt. Following up with the debt relief experts There are various debt relief experts, who can help you in dealing with these corporate investors. They are primarily on the note to advise you with the initial steps that have to be taken when you are in business debt. This is an essential aspect as that helps in preventing you from messing up with the debt amount. They have strategies that will help in regulating the entire debt amount. In fact on certain aspects, there are certain conditions that too have to be critically handled. Hence, unless you have an important coordinator in this respect, it becomes excessively hassling. Cutting the cost and contacting the customers  These coordinators are actually working as a complete setup manager. They help in cutting the cost of the firm. In fact, they are also experts in reducing the investment strategies at least when you are drenched in debt. They assist you with the investment plans and also on the figuration of the aspects when you have to finish the repayment within a stipulated time. They help in collecting cash from the customers. They also help in regulating or rather balancing the income structure. This is excessively helpful as nothing comes out from your personal pocket. You can repay the debt with the business money with the help of these calculative experts. Looking for reliable proficient It is very much needed to understand that when you get featured with such help, there need to be certain conditions behind it. The foremost condition is to have a good term with the debt relief administrator. You need to be absolutely clear with them about all your details of the business. In fact, you also need to share your business strategies with them. Hence, it is very important to understand that the person you are choosing has to be a reliable one. You can scroll your mouse to the visit here option to know more about him. Contact the agencies There are various agencies that help the firms to choose their private debt relief officers. They have their fixed rates and you can at least have a note on the professional life of the person you are choosing as your personal experts. You can also look for some acquaintance. But it has to be made sure that you choose the right one in this aspect. Ensure to look at the primary aspect of checking the certification in this respect. This will help you to have an idea about his authenticity.

Chapter 7

What Is The Difference Between Chapter 7 & Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

The businesses that fell into financial trouble consider Bankruptcy as their only legal way of solution. This particular legal process is often initiated by the debtors and is imposed through court orders. If you find that bankruptcy is your only way to seek relief from the creditor, then you can go for it. But you also need to keep in mind that Bankruptcy has various chapters, for instance, chapter 7, chapter 11, and chapter13 as well. If you are willing to file bankruptcy, you must consider the difference between these chapters in it. What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? The liquidation of assets takes place to repay the debt. In that case, a company or an individual can file for this particular chapter, and that will be the shutdown of their whole operations and management processes. You will be able to understand everything from Chapter 7 Bankruptcy about the chapter 7 bankruptcy before you file for it. The debtors need to liquidate their personal assets, according to this chapter. To fill the debt, the debtor tries to focus on secured loans such as home equity loans, car loans, mortgage loans, et cetera. After that, if there is still money left for the debtor, they will pay through unsecured loans like credit cards or personal loans. The main benefit of chapter 7 is that they will not get any further repayment plan, and thus they can start anew. What Is Chapter 11 Bankruptcy? It is a new process of returning the money to the creditor. The debtors file this chapter to save their assets. But anyone cannot go for this bankruptcy unless they have sufficient proof to run their business regularly. Chapter 7 bankruptcy in GA works in a different way from chapter 11 bankruptcy. If you have the ability to run your own business but are facing trouble repaying your debt, then only you will be able to file chapter 11. In this case, you will need to submit a restructured payment method that you want to initiate for your repayment. After that, the court will analyze and restructure it again through its trustee to give you the best negotiation possible. Key Differences Still, finding the key differences? Through this discussion, you will be able to understand the differences between these two chapters. And understanding these differences will let you go through the legal process carefully and properly. 1. Type If you consider understanding the chapter 7 bankruptcy in GA, you will be able to assess that this chapter deals with the liquidation of assets in terms of paying the debt. On the other hand, chapter 11 deals with the negotiation process of your loans. It helps you to restructure your repayment method and bares you some extra time in a possible way. 2. Advantages With chapter 7, you cannot start your own repayment plan without having any limitations of debt. If you give a closer look into chapter 7 bankruptcy in GA, you get the idea that you will not have the chance to start from the beginning. On the other hand, with chapter 11, your company will get the chance to continue processing its operations to stand again. 3. Closure Are you willing to close all your operations? With chapter 7, you will be able to do that to pay your debts. Closing all your operations will help you to liquidate your money by selling your assets. Do you want to continue your current operations? You can do that if you file for chapter 11 only. 4. Processing Time In chapter 7, the debt payment through liquidation takes up to 6 months. On the other hand, chapter 11 processing takes a much longer time. Chapter 11 does not have any particular time period as the restructuring process takes time to be fixed, and there are also chances of payment extension. To Wrap Up If you want to file for bankruptcy, you must know the process and details of it. If you do not consider this article on your reading list, you will not be able to file a suitable chapter for you. Always try to be advanced while considering law cases. It is your responsibility to take down the debt from your head and thus be sure to advance your knowledge of bankruptcy and its different chapters. Read Also: Does Bankruptcy Ruin Your Credit?Can I File Bankruptcy Without an Attorney?What are the types of debt that can be discharged in bankruptcy?