Eight Essential Tips For Getting Out Of Debt

Published on: 12 May 2018 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Out Of Debt

Do you feel like debt is slowly ruining your life? If so, you should know you’re not alone.

Although the road to getting out of debt is a long one, it’s not impossible to do so. We’ve put together a list of 8 tips for you to get started and live a debt-free life.

Let’s get started.

1. Find Out How Much You Owe :

This is a step that you probably have avoided for some time because you fear to know the number. But if you are serious about getting out of debt, you must know exactly what you owe.

Start by making a spreadsheet listing every single debt you have. It might also be helpful to specify if those debts are outstanding, so you know which ones need attention.

Once you know exactly what you owe, you’ll be able to see the bigger picture and not be blindsided by unknown debts.

The spreadsheet will help you keep track of your progress, and you will feel more motivated watching the numbers go down.

2. Stop Adding More Debt :

This might sound like an obvious step, but if you’re trying to get out of debt, you shouldn’t create new ones.

While it might be difficult to avoid temptation, you must do so in order to pay off your debts. If you pay off your debts, only to use them again, you will never finish.

Start paying for large purchases using cash, and not buy anything you cannot afford. This will keep you on track to paying off your debts faster.

If having your credit cards around is too much temptation, try cutting them up or freezing them. That way you won’t feel tempted to walk into a department store when you see a sale.

3. Try to Negotiate Lower Interests Rates :

It’s no secret credit cards come with really high interests rates, which makes it so difficult for people to pay them off.

If you signed up to enjoy the introductory 0% APR and now you have to pay more interest than you can handle, it’s time to renegotiate.

It’s possible to talk to your credit card company and try to negotiate a lower interest rate.

You can start by calling and simply asking them to lower your interest rates. But before you call, you might want to have a strategy.

Begin by calling your oldest credit card and using your loyalty to open up negotiations. Being a loyal card member might provide you with some extra benefits.

Don’t forget to always be polite.

4. Find Ways to Make More Money :

We understand it might be difficult to pay off your debts when you’re living paycheck to paycheck. In fact, this might be one of the reasons why you got into debt in the first place.

In order to help speed up the process, it might be a good idea to start making more money. Try to get creative and find ways to earn more cash.

Why not get a part-time job, talk to your boss about getting a raise, or find a side hustle. Then you can put that extra money into paying off your debt.

5. Focus on Building an Emergency Fund :

You might want to put all of your efforts into paying all your debt, but it’s also important to have a little saved up for a rainy day.

Even though you need to pay off your debt, you also need to build your emergency fund, both are just as important. The reason is if an unexpected expense comes up, you will have enough saved up to cover it without needing to use your credit cards.

Having money saved up will help with the process along so you stay on track.

6. Sell Items You Don’t Need :

If you want to look for other ways to make a dent in your debt, then look around your house. Sometimes we accumulate things of value without even knowing it.

You might be able to get some extra cash by selling items you have laying around the house. You might be able to sell old broken gold jewelry and get some money out of it.

You might also be able to also sell electronics, art, and furniture. There are many ways to sell your old stuff. You can have a garage sale, post on Craig’s list, or even sell on eBay.

7. Create a Budget and Stick With It :

If you want to have enough money to pay your bills and pay off your debt, you should make a budget.

Creating a budget will help you allocate where all of your money goes, so you don’t have to wonder where your money goes each month.

If you stick to your budget, you’d be surprised how much you could have leftover at the end of the month. Any money left over will be used to put towards your debt.

Having a budget will also be good practice for life after all your debts are paid off. Sticking to a budget will secure your financial future.

8. Decide which Debts to Start Paying First :

Even if you want to pay off your debt, you might not know where to start. This could be a confusing process for many people.

If you have student loans, car loans, mortgages, and credit card debt, you might want to start tackling your credit card debt. Credit cards have the highest interest rates out of all your other lenders.

Once you’re done paying off your credit cards, you can put that money towards paying off your other debts.

You can start paying off the credit card with the highest interest rate and highest balance. Once you do, you can move on to the next.

If you want to learn more about which debt to prioritize, request more info here.

Getting out of Debt is Possible :

Getting out of debt might seem like an impossible thing to do. However, it’s not as difficult as you think. Get started by making a list of all your debts, create a budget, and even try to find ways to make more money.

If you want to learn more finance tips, visit our blog.

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HybridBlock: Why Binance Is Investing In Crypto-Fiat Trading

Binance is currently known as one of the largest cryptocurrency exchange firms in the world. Changpeng Zhao heads the company, and he recently unveiled that the company will be focusing on a shift to trade cryptocurrencies for fiat money. According to Zhao, this move would make it possible for investors to perform an increased number in trading volume, an increased number of participants in the market, higher liquidity, and more speculators. He said that it would also boost the trading industry, and more people will be drawn to the world of cryptocurrency which will bring positive effects to the industry. Changpeng Zhao’s idea was lauded by financial experts around the world, saying that his plans for the future of cryptocurrency exchange are one of the most plausible given the factors that affect the market today. Zhao has been a veteran in the financial industry, and he previously established several companies; one of them is Fusion Systems which was founded in 2005 and presently headquartered in Shanghai. It became his stepping stone to know more about trading and how the financial world works. As cryptocurrency started to develop and to draw in more investors, Zhao decided to learn more about this new mechanism in the financial industry. He chose to join Blockchain.info in 2013 to develop his skills in dealing with cryptocurrencies, and he successfully learned new tips and tricks on how to become successful by trading cryptocurrencies. He, later on, founded several other companies that relied on blockchain technology, and in 2017, he decided to establish Binance. Initially establishing the company’s headquarters in China, Changpeng Zhao decided to move it in Japan after the government started pressuring him. He later opened offices in Taiwan, while at the same time looking at how his company grew tremendously. In 2018, Zhao expressed his idea of moving his company to Malta after he received several warning letters from the government of Japan and Taiwan. They are telling him that his company is not registered, and there can be legal consequences if he did not abide by the country’s financial rules and regulations. Despite these warnings, Binance continues to grow, and in 2018, it managed to gain a market capitalization worth more than $1.3 billion. It is more successful than traditional banks, and Zhao stated that the future is bright for their company as he sees that cryptocurrency will further increase in value. Changpeng Zhao stated that after his company completed its transfer to Malta, he will enable their users to convert the digital tokens that they have in their wallets into various fiat currencies. He also added that Malta is one of the few countries on Earth that are supportive of cryptocurrency traders, just like him. He wanted to transfer his operations in Malta because he said that there would be fewer legal problems in the small European island state. The government of Malta is working hard to persuade cryptocurrency giants to transfer their operations to the tiny Mediterranean Island. Malta wants to become known as the Blockchain Island, and they are developing new legislation that would encourage cryptocurrency traders to transfer their operations. One of the most important advantages of the idea proposed by Zhao would be the generation of new cryptocurrency traders and the balance to the world economy that it would bring. If the participants in the market increased, it would signal a rise in the demand for more cryptocurrencies, and it would transform the whole industry into one that could easily surpass traditional companies that are not keeping up with technology. Zhao wants to change how the world looks at the global economy, and he stated that his idea could become a reality. According to Zhao, fiat money is one of the best materials to be traded for cryptocurrency because it has a designated value given by the government. He is optimistic about the effects of his decision on the future of trading, and he believes that more people will become aware of its advantages. He continues to inspire a lot of people because of his perseverance to create new mechanisms that would innovate the financial sector. The experts who are working with the largest financial companies are saying that Binance have really shaken up the competition in the industry, and they are hoping for more people like Changpeng Zhao to come out and increase the competition in the sector. Read more about Changpeng Zhao and Binance at the HybridBlock Blog. Read Also :  Hiring A Blockchain Developer 5 Awesome Facts About CryptoCurrency What Should Be There In An ICO Whitepaper? Expert Take

Credit Report

How to Dispute an Error on Your Credit Report

Your credit score is one of the most important numbers as far as your finances go. It dictates the rates you get when borrowing a personal loan or line of credit. But it doesn’t stop there; it may have sway over your next job, apartment, or auto insurance policy. When it has so much power over your life, finding an error on your credit report is scary. Something outside your control could impact your score and stand in the way of getting a loan or a new job. With this in mind, it’s prudent you act fast as soon as you spot something wrong. Here’s what to do if you find an error on your credit report: Start a Dispute Each of the three major credit reporting agencies makes it easy to file a dispute. You can go online to start, or you may send a letter in the mail. In either case, you must tell them (in writing) what information is inaccurate. Equifax: Submit a dispute online Experian: Disputes online TransUnion: Start a new dispute Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) you have a right to contest any entry in your report. This means a major credit reporting agency must accept and investigate any complaints filed over inaccurate information. What Do You Need to Send? Before submitting your online dispute or letter, you need to make sure you can prove that inaccurate information doesn’t belong to your file. Check-in with this list to make sure you have everything you need. Personal Information: You’ll need to share identifying information like your name, address, date of birth, and Social Security Number (SSN) to create an inquiry. Disputed Information: You’ll need to explain clearly what items are inaccurate. The Federal Trade Commission recommends enclosing a copy of your report with the wrongful items highlighted. Proof: Perhaps the most important part of your dispute is proof. It can make or break your investigation. Make sure you send anything that supports your case. This may include emails from financial institutions acknowledging payments or a personal loan or line of credit report statement. Just make sure you send copies only, so you can keep the originals for your files. Send a Copy of Your Dispute to Your Furnisher A furnisher is a company that supplied your reporting agency with the faulty information. One example is your personal loan or line of credit report financial institution. Or it could be a utility provider or cell phone carrier. Be Patient It may take a reporting agency between 30 and 45 days to complete their investigation. After this, they’ll let you know their verdict within another five days. If they don’t agree with you, they’ll explain why. If it’s because your dispute is frivolous, it means you didn’t send enough proof to show the items are inaccurate. If they agree that the items are inaccurate, they’ll reach out to the financial institution that furnished them with the information in the first place. This may take another month or so before you see changes in your report. All in all, it can take a while before your report goes back to normal. With this in mind, it’s key to send your dispute off as quickly as possible. Follow these tips above and visit IdentityTheft.gov. These resources will help you handle your error to the best of your ability. Read Also: Are Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended for Credit Card Consolidation Panini Spa: The Importance of Secure Transactions and Identity

home improvement loans

Home Sweet Home Improvement: How to Find the Best Home Improvement Loans

It's estimated that in 2018, Americans spent nearly $340 billion on home remodeling projects. Home improvement loans are one of the best ways to sort out the problem of home renovation. If you're planning to make some changes to your home, you may find that a home improvement loan is the only way you can get the job done. But finding a home improvement loans isn't easy, and sometimes it can be difficult to figure out how you can find the right loan, at the right price. Below you'll discover how you can find the best home improvement loans for your renovation project. Read on, and you'll discover how you can give your home a fresh look, without having to wreak havoc on your finances. Decide What You Want to Use the Loan For: Before taking out the loan, it's a good idea to think about how you're going to spend the money associated with the loan. In doing so, it becomes easy to work out how much you'll need to borrow. This then prevents you from over-borrowing and ending up with more debt than necessary. Now, if you don't know how much a particular home improvement project is going to cost, it's probably worth speaking to some contractors. If you can provide these contractors with an accurate representation of what you want to achieve, they should be able to give you a quote. If you can, try to speak to more than one contractor. This'll help develop a realistic average of what the project is going to cost. How Can You Fund the Home Improvement Project? There's more than one financial 'instrument' you can use to fund your home improvement project. For instance, there's the typical route of obtaining a home improvement loan. Now, home improvement loans can often sound like a good idea, but you'll find that such loans aren't always the best option. This often comes down to the fact home improvement loans tend to be unsecured, and this makes them a risky bet for lenders. This risk can also mean that the interest rates are going to be high. On top of this, you'll find lenders will offer relatively short repayment periods associated with these loans. The other option is to go for a personal loan. Again, this kind of loan is unsecured, and this can make such loans pricey. But, if you have good credit and a steady income, lenders might be willing to offer you a personal loan at a reasonable rate. One of the good things about a personal loan is that you may have a favorable payment term that gives you plenty of time to pay the money back. If you'd like to learn how you can find the best personal loans, check this out. There's also the option of funding your project using a credit card. Now, for many people, this should be considered as a last resort. This is because the interest rates on a credit card can be very high. But if you can find a credit card that offers 0% APR, this might be a worthwhile option. Speak to Many Lenders: Once you have a decent sense of how much the project is going to cost you, it's the time to approach some lenders. It's worth noting that some lenders will have different requirements to others. Often, you'll have to fill out an application, and the information you provide will determine whether you receive the loan. If you find your application is successful, you may have to approach another lender. You may also need to think about funding your project, using a different strategy. Manage Your Project Carefully: Once you receive your funds and begin remodeling, it's vital you manage your project carefully so that it doesn't go over budget. If this happens, you'll need to lend more money, and this can increase your debt burden. At the very least you need to keep a close eye on the contractors and ask them about their progress daily. Ask them to provide you with projected deadlines, and then check in with them to ensure they're going to meet these deadlines. It's essential you do this, as contractors often charge you a daily rate. If the project goes over schedule, you may end up needing to spend more than you budgeted for. Can You Reduce the Price of the Project? Before the project begins, you might want to ask your contractors if there's anything you can do to help lower the cost of the project. If you take certain cost-cutting measures, you may find that you don't need to use the entire loan. This then means you can repay the loan faster, thereby reducing the amount of money you spend on interest payments. Taking this step is important, as it can reduce the stress associated with having to find the 'perfect' home improvement loan. For instance, the contractors might say that things will work out cheaper if you source the materials needed for the project. You can then ask them what they need, and you can go to your local hardware store and order these items. You might also want to ask the contractor if there are any simple tasks that you can help them with. So, if you're looking to renovate a bedroom, there may be some closets that are 'built into' the room, of which you no longer want. If you take the time to remove these closets, the contractor doesn't need to spend their time on this task. This then lowers the amount of money they'll charge you as their workload is now reduced. Do You Know How to Find the Best Home Improvement Loans?  If you want to give your home a fresh look, home improvement loans can help you get the job done, without having to spend all your savings. That said, you want to make sure you do everything you can to limit the amount of money you actually need to borrow. You also want to make sure you speak to a broad range of lenders so that you can find an affordably priced loan. Yes, it can be scary to borrow money for a home improvement project. But if you follow the tips in this post, you should be able to minimize your stress levels. Thinking about remodeling your kitchen? Check out this post to learn about the best countertops you can use. Read Also: Lining Up For A Loan – How To Secure A Good Loan 7 Tips To Increase The Value Of Your Home Best Home Buying Tips For First Time Buyers Invest Real Estate In Detroit: 7 Things You Need To Know Before Buying Your First Investment