Eight Essential Tips For Getting Out Of Debt

Published on: 12 May 2018 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Out Of Debt

Do you feel like debt is slowly ruining your life? If so, you should know you’re not alone.

Although the road to getting out of debt is a long one, it’s not impossible to do so. We’ve put together a list of 8 tips for you to get started and live a debt-free life.

Let’s get started.

1. Find Out How Much You Owe :

This is a step that you probably have avoided for some time because you fear to know the number. But if you are serious about getting out of debt, you must know exactly what you owe.

Start by making a spreadsheet listing every single debt you have. It might also be helpful to specify if those debts are outstanding, so you know which ones need attention.

Once you know exactly what you owe, you’ll be able to see the bigger picture and not be blindsided by unknown debts.

The spreadsheet will help you keep track of your progress, and you will feel more motivated watching the numbers go down.

2. Stop Adding More Debt :

This might sound like an obvious step, but if you’re trying to get out of debt, you shouldn’t create new ones.

While it might be difficult to avoid temptation, you must do so in order to pay off your debts. If you pay off your debts, only to use them again, you will never finish.

Start paying for large purchases using cash, and not buy anything you cannot afford. This will keep you on track to paying off your debts faster.

If having your credit cards around is too much temptation, try cutting them up or freezing them. That way you won’t feel tempted to walk into a department store when you see a sale.

3. Try to Negotiate Lower Interests Rates :

It’s no secret credit cards come with really high interests rates, which makes it so difficult for people to pay them off.

If you signed up to enjoy the introductory 0% APR and now you have to pay more interest than you can handle, it’s time to renegotiate.

It’s possible to talk to your credit card company and try to negotiate a lower interest rate.

You can start by calling and simply asking them to lower your interest rates. But before you call, you might want to have a strategy.

Begin by calling your oldest credit card and using your loyalty to open up negotiations. Being a loyal card member might provide you with some extra benefits.

Don’t forget to always be polite.

4. Find Ways to Make More Money :

We understand it might be difficult to pay off your debts when you’re living paycheck to paycheck. In fact, this might be one of the reasons why you got into debt in the first place.

In order to help speed up the process, it might be a good idea to start making more money. Try to get creative and find ways to earn more cash.

Why not get a part-time job, talk to your boss about getting a raise, or find a side hustle. Then you can put that extra money into paying off your debt.

5. Focus on Building an Emergency Fund :

You might want to put all of your efforts into paying all your debt, but it’s also important to have a little saved up for a rainy day.

Even though you need to pay off your debt, you also need to build your emergency fund, both are just as important. The reason is if an unexpected expense comes up, you will have enough saved up to cover it without needing to use your credit cards.

Having money saved up will help with the process along so you stay on track.

6. Sell Items You Don’t Need :

If you want to look for other ways to make a dent in your debt, then look around your house. Sometimes we accumulate things of value without even knowing it.

You might be able to get some extra cash by selling items you have laying around the house. You might be able to sell old broken gold jewelry and get some money out of it.

You might also be able to also sell electronics, art, and furniture. There are many ways to sell your old stuff. You can have a garage sale, post on Craig’s list, or even sell on eBay.

7. Create a Budget and Stick With It :

If you want to have enough money to pay your bills and pay off your debt, you should make a budget.

Creating a budget will help you allocate where all of your money goes, so you don’t have to wonder where your money goes each month.

If you stick to your budget, you’d be surprised how much you could have leftover at the end of the month. Any money left over will be used to put towards your debt.

Having a budget will also be good practice for life after all your debts are paid off. Sticking to a budget will secure your financial future.

8. Decide which Debts to Start Paying First :

Even if you want to pay off your debt, you might not know where to start. This could be a confusing process for many people.

If you have student loans, car loans, mortgages, and credit card debt, you might want to start tackling your credit card debt. Credit cards have the highest interest rates out of all your other lenders.

Once you’re done paying off your credit cards, you can put that money towards paying off your other debts.

You can start paying off the credit card with the highest interest rate and highest balance. Once you do, you can move on to the next.

If you want to learn more about which debt to prioritize, request more info here.

Getting out of Debt is Possible :

Getting out of debt might seem like an impossible thing to do. However, it’s not as difficult as you think. Get started by making a list of all your debts, create a budget, and even try to find ways to make more money.

If you want to learn more finance tips, visit our blog.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Introduction to StockEdge

Introduction to StockEdge – Overview and important Feature

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Likewise, there are many other scans available in the StockEdge application like price scans, volume and delivery scans, futures scans and options scans etc. The user can select the scan that he/she finds suitable and make scans accordingly. For more detailed knowledge about each of the section of the StockEdge application, click here 3. Learn Section :   There is even a “Learn Section” on the StockEdge homepage. In this section, many useful materials for your reference are available as shown in the image below. These materials are free to use by anyone who is using the StockEdge application. This section is a combination of different content that has been developed to know the concepts of financial markets. What does it include? It includes basic and advanced levels of capital market and financial market. It includes both written material and videos by an expert. 4. Tracking FII/DII activity : Who are FIIs/DIIs? Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) refers to people from other countries who are investing in Indian companies and Direct Institutional Investors (DIIs) are Indian Institutional Investors who invest in Indian Companies like banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, mutual funds etc. What do they signify? These traders trade in huge quantities so they have the capability to influence the movement of the market. This data helps in tracking the inflow and outflow of the money in the Indian market. With the help of this data, one can track in which segment of the market, these investors are investing their money in whether cash market, futures market, stock options or stock futures. 5. Tracking what big investors are doing : This section gives you a list of all the investors that purchase shares of a company for long-term because they believe that the company has strong growth prospects in the future. Tracking these big investors helps in getting an idea of where should one invest their money in only after proper study and “doing your homework”. Suppose, you want to track the big bull of India, i.e. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, all you need to do is type his name in the search box and you will get a list of people or institutions that are in any way related to Rakesh Jhunjhunwala. You can add all of them in your “investor group” and keep a track of them just by clicking on the group. 6. Search by Sector : One can even search a stock by sector wise. For example, if you want to study how the automobile sector is performing, he/she can just click on the “sector” section and go to the automobile part. All the stocks are classified on the basis of the different sector which makes it easy for anyone to study a particular sector. Bottom Line : Stock Edge is best for anyone who does not have much time to invest in the stock market and still wants to earn returns higher than the bank deposit. StockEdge helps you to be your own analyst by providing with all the data that you need to analyze a company. How to download the StockEdge application? For Android (Google Play Store)  users, you can click here to download the app. For iOS users, you can click here to download the app. You can also check out the video below for a better understanding of the application. Link:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8ooI9Fo7Dg Stock Edge provides you with all the analysis you required for self-research. However, if you still feel that you need a more customized learning environment, we present StockEdge club for you. This is India's first virtual club for stock market enthusiasts. This club will have the following features - Access to 12 paid webinars that we conduct on a monthly basis. Invitation to become part of one workshop in your city or in the nearby city. 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How to Get Low Cost Life Insurance for Seniors

One can clearly understand the requirements of a senior citizen who is willing to buy a life insurance policy even at this late stage of life. They have their own reasons of security, family burden, and responsibilities such as debts, burial expenses, etc. Most of the life insurance companies very well understand these requirements. Due to the rising demand for life insurance by the elderly people they have come up with several policy options for senior citizens at several stages of life even after 80 years. Life insurance companies will never try to risk their own business. This is one of the prime reasons that insurance policies for elders are often very expensive. However, there are a few methods that can help our senior citizens in lowering the cost of life insurance. Consider Group Investment Plans Seriously Depending on your age, if you are still in a job, then consider every group investment plan that is offered by the companies to their employees. Most of such plans come along with some retirement benefits. So, if you haven’t availed any of these plans yet, consider them seriously now. If you are expecting your retirement anytime sooner, these plans can be one of the best investments that will go along with you as your retirement gift. Such plans can be easy to avail because the company itself becomes the guarantor for its employees and the insurance companies do not mind getting bulk of customers on a regular basis. What Are You Risking? Insurance policies for senior citizens are often very risky especially when they try to gain too much of it. The reason for being their own life expectancy and medical condition are not at their best. This matter puts them on the risk side for the insurance companies. Therefore, they should buy a policy that doesn’t cover too many aspects. For example, some people want “good returns” as well as “lower premiums”. It is always better to expect less and cover less too. Lesser is the risk covered, lower will be the cost of insurance. The best way is to priorities your needs for insurance. Opt for policies with a medical examination and full check-up: If you are a healthy senior citizen (as per the parameters of your age) then try to opt for policies that include a complete medical examination. Some people often try to run away from the hassles of running around for medical examination certificates that are demanded by the insurance companies. It urges them to opt for “no medical exam policies”. Although such options provide you with the comfort you have to pay some price for it. Instead, if you opt for a regular insurance plan, you will have two benefits- The cost of insurance policy will be reduced You will have a free medical check-up and consultation as most of these medical exams are conducted by the insurance companies on their own. Cooperate with the companies for the waiting period: Often it has been noticed that elderly people want things to happen quickly especially after a certain age. This makes them impatient and they do not want to wait for the time that is taken by the companies in the process of documentation and filing. When they urge the companies to provide them with some faster policy option, the company agents suggest them to buy “no waiting period” policy. This is again not going to give any other premium or policy benefit except that it will cost you higher at the time of purchase and fasten up your process of documentation. If one can afford, then they should let the companies take their time as they take care of hundreds of cases at the same time. The clients can save on the extra cost here and show some patience towards the whole process of the insurance application. Last Words The best way to avoid any such chaos is to take the decision of buying the insurance much before then you actually need it. If you have ample time in hand, you will be able to save on a lot of extra cost as a senior citizen.

Online Transactions

Why Are Online Transactions Convenient?

Looking for the most favorable and convenient ways to make transactions is the right thing to do. Now it is possible to use many payment systems and make financial transactions for different amounts. You can do it as quickly and easily as possible, and it is not difficult to understand, given the modern interface of websites and mobile applications that provide such services. If you want to transfer money to Nepal, then do it in a few clicks and from the comfort of your home. It's not difficult, though some users may form such an opinion after seeing such features. If you are doing this for the first time, take your time and read all the important information carefully. By the way, continue reading this article to get to know the online payment method better. Why use online money transfer services? Within one site, you can find a wide range of options. For example, each user can quickly transfer money to a certain currency, make a transaction in 2 minutes, and get all the necessary information regarding the use of the platform. Since the service works in different countries of the world, users can customize the site and mobile application to suit themselves. This applies to language selection, currency, and other details. If you decide to go through the registration process, it doesn't take much time either. It all starts with filling in your cell phone. After that, you need to fill in accurate information about yourself. Then you can quickly log in to your account both through the website and through the downloadable app. You can get the app through the App Store, Google Play, or by scanning the QR code on the official website. Online services that are popular have a high rating and provide a reliable level of protection of personal data and funds. They are guided by licenses and up-to-date laws. The site must meet all security standards and utilize several modern technologies. This applies to authorization procedures, identification, data encryption, and so on.  Popular online transaction platforms handle a high volume of financial transactions. Regular users confirm payments, so the site is very much thought out by qualified people. To prevent unpleasant situations, constant monitoring is carried out to prevent fraudulent attacks. If any issues arise, they can be easily resolved. For this purpose, there is a support service, which is run on behalf of trained managers. They regularly answer questions they receive from users and do so in a convenient format without unnecessary waiting. Especially in today's world, time management and saving time play an important role. Why did these sites come into existence? Not everyone is comfortable with long waits and having to leave home to confirm a transaction. Users needed a modern approach to payments, and this opportunity was provided. Now, it is possible to transfer money within the country or abroad in a few clicks without any special knowledge.  It's not just sites that help you make a transaction that is popular. There are also mobile applications that can be downloaded to any device. The demand is there, so platforms like these are looking for solutions that will improve the user experience. It's convenient because you don't have to visit a bank or wait a long time for a transaction to be confirmed. Similar speed can still be seen in cryptocurrency, so it is also being considered as an option for human-to-human transactions. But still, this method requires certain knowledge, which will take a lot of time to learn. Where do you start to get acquainted with such online resources? Before you confirm a transaction at all, you need to familiarize yourself with the service. Go to our different sections and read the information provided. You will learn everything about the terms, guarantees, privacy, and tariffs. Even if you are going to send small amounts to another country for the time being, information about larger tariffs will never be superfluous. It does not exclude the option that you are going to us and there will be a need to manage more significant sums. In such cases, you will already know which service you can turn to for secure online transactions. It is much easier to send money from card to card in modern conditions. You do not have to go to the bank or do unnecessary actions that only take time. Take the opportunity to experience comfort, security, and modernity within the framework of one trusted site. Read Also: How To Become A Successful Cryptocurrency Trader In 5 Easy Steps How To Make Your Online Business More Humble By Managing Your Reputation Why Are Online Transactions Convenient?