Best Crypto Trading Bots of 2020: You are Unaware

Published on: 05 February 2020 Last Updated on: 12 May 2021
Crypto Trading Bots

If you want to know how to make money from Cryptocurrency then you must know what is cryptocurrency. The cryptocurrency market is much stronger than any stock market which is beneficial to the traders and the casual investors in the industry. Cryptocurrency trading provides the perfect opportunity for making money in the market. The innovations and market of cryptocurrency have steeped the zenith in the market and very soon will be taken over by the bots. So it becomes important for you to know how to choose a correct Crypto Trading Bots and which are the best crypto trading bots of 2020.

Parameters of Choosing the Correct Crypto Trading Bot

Choosing the correct crypto trading bot is the most important aspect. Since now bots will be taken over the cryptocurrency trading, hence one must wisely choose the correct bot.

  • The first parameter which must be considered while choosing a crypto trading bot is the reliability of the bot.
  • The second factor that must be checked in the bot is the security of the bot.
  • The third factor must be the profitability of using a particular cryptocurrency bot.
  • Transparency of the bot is another major factor that must be checked before finalizing any.
  • Last but not the least, the bot must be easy to use. The user must be friendly with the usage of the bot.

Top 3 Best Crypto Trading Bots

There are many bots available that are associated with cryptocurrency trading but one must know which are the best Crypto trading bots. Choosing the correct bot is very important hence the top 3 best crypto trading bots have been introduced here.


Cryptohopper is relatively a newer bot in the crypto trading market. But this new bot has caught the attention of many users with the new technical features that it comes with. One of the major drawbacks of most of the trading bots is that they might only run on the local machine which means that they will run when your PC is turned on by you. This bot uses cloud technology to keep the bot running 24*7.


Another interesting crypto trading bot is 3Commas which has gained popularity in very little time as it provided a lot of users with a lot of gains. This bot has a unique feature that separates it from other bots that are this bot has the ability to trail any crypto market. This feature helps the bot to close the trade at the most profitable position. This bot also allows users to trade with multiple cryptocurrencies at the same time.

Innovation is their weapon and they have utilized their capability to the ultimate level to make people realize that the best way to crypto is trading. They have redefined the definition of cryptocurrency. The core feature of this bot is you can create your own strategy here and not blindly follow any automated strategy.


Apart from all the advantages and benefits brought in by crypto trading bots, it also brings in some disadvantages. We can say that this is not very suited for new traders. It also requires constant monitoring, and not all the bots would be equally secured. Kow you may choose the correct bot for yourself.

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Metal Bank

Metal Bank: Let’s Clarify Your Ideas

Probably, you have heard many times about metal banks and have asked yourself what it is all about? In recent years, this term has become increasingly familiar, despite the fact that metal banks were already present in the past. But what is a metal bank really, and what is its activity? A metal bank is, in essence, a company that operates in the sale of precious metals, such as gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and so on, but unlike what is often mistakenly thought, it is regulated by different norms, with respect to normal stores. The main difference between these two types of activity consists in the fact that a metal bank is a company that has received authorization to trade precious goods directly from the government and the public institutions and that, therefore, has the legal requirements to be recognized as a professional operator in the precious metals sector. There are some doubts that people have regarding the authenticity of metal banks. I would like to state that metal banks are totally compliant and regulated institutions that can operate only after securing a license from the government. This makes them genuine, credible and lawful. If you have any doubts regarding their operations or workings, you can ask your local government body to help you understand their operations. This means, specifically, that a metal bank is a company that operates in compliance with the law, making use of the work of highly qualified and competent personnel, like in the case of Faggi company. A metal bank also buys used precious metals, but, before reselling them, it melts and reworks them, so that it can also handle investment gold in the form of ingots, gold coins, and plates. What distinguishes a metal bank from a normal Gold Store is the authorization to buy and sell: Investment gold, I.e. gold shaped like ingots or small plates. This needs to be of a dimension and weight that is generally accepted in the gold market but in any case greater than 1 gram. Gold coins of purity which are equal to or greater than a small percentage or fraction (900 thousandths), that have been minted later than 1800, which have or had legal tender status in the nation in which they have first originated, Gold material mainly for industrial use, both in the form of semi-finished products of purity equal to or greater than 325 thousandths and in any other form and purity. Knowing specifically the work of a metal bank, characterized by transparency and clarity due to its juridical and corporate nature, a potential customer will already know that this is a reliable investment. The customer can also be certain of obtaining a service that stands out for experience and professionalism. And this is exactly the case of Conclusion: Investing in a metal bank is a new and upcoming model of making sound investments and securing high returns. This means that there is a certain peace of mind that can be attached to working with a metal bank. You need not worry about your investments experiencing a downturn. This will never happen, as the institution works with 100% governmental compliance at all times. In the past couple of years, people have started investing heavily in metal banks. This is because the market for precious metals keeps increasing in terms of value and dividends. As more and more precious metals are found to be useful for science and tech, the demand for the same keeps rising quite steadily. Read Also: Investing In Property Is Investing In Your Future Substantial Tips On How To Invest Your Money Responsibly

Health Insurance

Self-employed Health Insurance: Best Types for Every Freelancer

Working as a freelancer can be a rewarding experience, but you can’t ignore the importance of health insurance. Some people consider it a drawback because they have to manage their health insurance plan. There is no need to worry because you can get some good plans. Fortunately, some online platforms like help you to pick a suitable self-employed health plan. Here are some good options that may work for you: Federal/State Marketplace: The marketplace for health insurance provides you with excellent coverage option. If you are working as a freelancer, you can enroll through an appropriate plan. A freelancer, consultant, independent workers, and other contractors can get several options. Fortunately, several categories are available with low premiums. Your savings may depend on the projected net income. Plans with Higher Deductible and Lower Premiums: These types of plans can be an excellent option for people who need something affordable. While paying a lower premium, you can get the advantage of higher deductibles. It can be beneficial to work with this type of plan in your good health. If you are not prone to traumas or unexpected accidents, these plans are great for you. Medicaid: Millions of Americans can get the advantage of free coverage and low cost through Medicaid. These options are suitable for families with low income, seniors and people with disabilities. You can get suitable Medicaid as per your income. Make sure to consider the regulations of your state to pick appropriate insurance. This program is free from open enrollment periods so that you can apply without any restriction. Plan for Family Coverage: A few states allow you to get the advantage of a domestic partnership without a legal marriage. If you are sharing a room or house with your partner, you can get the benefit of family coverage. You will be eligible for this plan until you or your partner is not married to anyone else. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA): COBRA guarantees you stipend to remain under the health insurance plan of your employer provisionally. Some plans are associated with a decrease in your employment. As per the U.S. Labor Department, you have to follow some eligibility requirements. COBRA couldn’t be a wise option if a person were not formally employed. Private Insurance: Some people need special healthcare coverage for chronic illness and other problems. If you need a particular insurance plan, make sure to check the details of a policy to find a suitable cover. A private insurance company can help you in the selection of a strong cover. Make sure to figure out important details before finalizing health coverage. Interest Groups: The national association for self-employed may provide excellent support to freelancers. You can access life insurance policies and health saving accounts after getting your membership. The fee for annual membership may vary between $25 and $120 for students and general members. Freelancers can save money at famous stores, such as QuickBooks and Office Depot. Moreover, the health association for underwriters represents more than 100,000 insurance agents. They can help you in the selection of an affordable healthcare plan. Read Also: Everything You Need To Know About Term Insurance Plan Premium A Little On The Side…Or Not? Your Guide To Supplemental Insurance Ready To Take The Leap Into Self-Employment? Here’s How To Set Up An Awesome Home Office Have You Paid Enough Attention To Liability Insurance When Launching Your HHA Business?

Licensed Moneylender

6 Ways to Get the Best Deal from Your Licensed Moneylender

One thing you need to know is that a moneylender can refuse to lend you money. This happens due to various reasons. In most cases, people's financial requests are denied due to the fact that they don’t qualify. Every Licensed Moneylender has its own requirements. So it will only make sense if you assess yourself in relation to the moneylender's requirements. You need to make sure you know where you stand as a borrower. However, this is not all. Sometimes, you need to prove to your moneylender that you deserve a better deal. This might be hard if it your first time. There are many ways you can make your borrowing experience better and get a good deal. Some of these ways include: Different Ways You Can Get The Best Deal From The Licensed Moneylender Are As Follows:-  Different Ways you can get the best deal from licensed money lenders are as follows. Some of the core factors are as follows:- 1. Relationship In life, people have different relationships. However, for any relationship to exist, there must be something common that brings the two of you together. This is the same when it comes to you and your moneylender. How do you expect to get a good deal from a licensed moneylender you haven’t been having a financial relationship with? The most important thing you need to know is that you need to build a good relationship with your moneylender. If it is a bank or any financial institution, try and bank with them. In short, for you to get a better deal, you might have to prove that there exists a relationship between you and the moneylender. The relationship has to do with your financial records. Sometimes these relationships will get you a better deal. 2. Occupation or plan Lending money isn’t as easy as you think. It is a situation where the licensed moneylender chooses to work with you with a lot of trusts that you will pay. They have to trust you to pay back what you owe them on time. Have you ever lent money to your friend and they failed to pay you back on time? How did you feel? That’s why in most financial institutions, they have come up with a rule whereby the borrower needs to prove that he or she has a payment plan. If you expect to get the best deal, then you better come up with a payment plan. If you have a fulltime job, then it will even be easier for you. At least this will prove that you have a payment plan. Sometimes, you might not be employed but you have your own business. In such cases, you should also provide a payment plan that will win your moneylender’s heart. 3. Self-evaluation Do you know yourself when it comes to the personal character? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Every borrower should know their strengths. This is because you might need them so that you get a better deal. Basically, you will have to prove that you are a person of integrity. A person of integrity is honest and trustworthy. You need to prove this so that your licensed moneylender can give you the best deal. The only way you can prove this is by providing them with your repayment history papers. Have you borrowed money before? How long did you take to pay? Have you ever defaulted any payment? Such questions will help you know whether you stand a chance at getting a better deal or not. Any moneylender will hesitate to help a person who has defaulted on payment before. So the stronger your credit score, the better your chances of getting a good deal. 4. Purpose Any money lending institution such as Lending Bee licensed money lender that provides personal loans will be very happy if you walked into their offices knowing what you wanted. Some financial institutions will see that as a sign of someone who is serious. Remember, you want to paint a good image so that you get the best deal possible. This means that you provide the bank with all the information about why you need the money. If you intend to invest the money somewhere, the moneylender would be more than glad to give you a good deal. You can come with investment papers to show the financial institution. 5. Negotiation The other thing that can convince your moneylender to give you a good deal is your ability to negotiate for it. Don't be afraid to negotiate. Negotiating is good because you put your interests as a priority. Basically, all you need to do while negotiating is to make sure your moneylender understands where you are coming from. This doesn't mean that you should lie. Just be honest and you will be amazed at the type of deal honesty will get you. 6. Loyalty You might not be aware, but one thing that can get you the best deal is how loyal you are to your moneylender. You can show your loyalty in many ways. The most obvious way is by telling your money lender how many years you have been using the institution. If you have been around for long, the better for you. The many years can prove your commitment and loyalty to the moneylender. This way, you will be able to get a better deal. Read Also: Ways That You Are Wasting Money On Marketing How To Make Money With Your Smartphone Don’t Get A Second Job: 10 Unconventional Ways To Make Money