4 Facts you should Consider in Organic European Formula

Published on: 12 May 2021 Last Updated on: 02 January 2025
Organic European Formula

There are many positive reasons to transition to European baby formula.

For example, unique nutritional opportunities such as goat milk, a trusted system in place to control heavy metal contamination, a close look at how and where nutrients are being extracted, and a mindful approach on their global impact. Let’s examine these reasons a bit closer:

 Goat Milk:

 Goat Milk:

European formulas offer goat milk as an alternative for babies who present a cow milk protein intolerance/allergy. When a cow milk protein allergy presents itself and a mother’s milk is not an option, goat’s milk makes for an excellent alternative.

Oftentimes, a soy-based or plant-based formula will have to be prescribed. However, many of these plant-based prescription formulas lack essential nutrients. Goat milk formulas in European brands are available as a stage 1 formula, making the formula available from birth onward. In contrast, the goat milk found in America is only acceptable for toddlers plus.

Goat formula contains natural vitamins and minerals and does not have the unfavorable properties of soy milk formula: such as phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens have been linked with the interference of hormonal balance.

The A2 protein within goat milk allows it to be easier to digest, as the absence of the A1 protein, which is the protein typically found in cow’s milk, is responsible for intolerances and allergies. Goat milk is naturally A2 milk, making it more favorable for a baby with a sensitive belly.

Heavy Metals:

All product manufacturers must include in the label both naturally occurring minerals as well as added minerals and their quantities to ensure that even naturally occurring compounds are taken into account and kept within the safety margins.

The European Union and the UK have strong regulations that outlaw, and heavily regulate the use and exposure of heavy metals.

European legislation sets a maximum “allowed” in foodstuffs also. EU regulations cover the following heavy metals: cadmium, lead, mercury, inorganic arsenic, and inorganic tin.

Contamination, sometimes found in heavy machinery, generally may imply a risk to human health and has a negative impact on the quality of food. Thankfully the EU has preventative measures in place to negate the chances of this contamination, which isn’t the case in other places.

Artificial Nutrients:

Another characteristic to consider is where the DHA/ARA are coming from. The common process of manufacturing and processing the DHA/ARA in the USA is by using hexane to extract it.

Hexane is a petroleum-based solvent, which could cause this oil to end up in the formula and wreak negative effects on the nervous system. If a formula uses hexane extraction in Europe, there are strict regulations to ensure no remnants of hexane remain. Unfortunately, these same standards are not implemented in other places.

DHA and ARA are good fats, or the naturally produced “omegas” found in breast milk. Some formulas use DHA and ARA that are artificially manufactured.

The concern is that artificial extractions are not gathered from safe natural places, and they are generated in a lab. These extractions are not safe for human consumption. Studies have concluded that artificial DHA/ARA may be responsible for gastrointestinal issues.

Palm Oil:

Palm Oil:

There is no internal health concern from ingesting palm oil, however, many manufacturers are moving away from using palm oil. The use of palm oil has contributed to the exploitation of the Amazon. The extraction of palm oil leads to heavy deforestation in the amazonian rainforest; for this reason, it is more Eco-Friendly to not use palm oil.

Kendal formulas and Loulouka formulas do not use palm oil. By not using palm oil, companies come together to promote ethical environmental practices globally. Holle uses palm oil in some of their products, but they ensure it is ethically sourced from sustainable farms in Colombia. Kendal and Loulouka for example, use coconut oils as their substitute.


Whether your concern is for a higher quality product for a sensitive baby or simply a formula with less “pharmaceutical gunk,” the rise in popularity for European formulas is due to the excellent results. European formula seems to be a growing demand.

It is worth investigating how these alternate options to USA-based formulas compare: how they differ and how to access safely. Hopefully, these many positive reasons to transition to a European baby formula have started your process of considering the change.

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Cancer Patients

How Cold Weather Affects the Cancer Patients

As the weather once again turns colder, most of us are thinking of ways to keep ourselves warm. Whether it is warm clothes, fixing up the furnace in your home, or something entirely else, we all appreciate the warmth and the need to keep warm. Cancer patients are among the most sensitive people, which is why it is natural to wonder whether the cold affects them in any particular way. We reached out to cancer treatment researchers at Odonate Therapeutics to learn a bit more. Why cancer Patients Are Sensitive? In order to understand why people combating cancer may be more susceptible to external influences, cold temperatures included, it is helpful to remember what cancer treatment involves. The standard fare treatment for cancer is chemotherapy which is often complemented with radiation treatment. That means that their immune systems are quite strained as it is and should not be pushed further. Hypothermia Is a Real Risk Cancer treatment can have many side effects, which include anemia and dehydration, among other things. These two conditions in particular make the organism far less capable of combating the cold. In essence, that means that a cancer patient may be less capable of maintaining body heat. Fortunately, there is one simple way to ensure that cancer patients are safe from the negative effects of the colder weather – keeping them warm. This includes making sure they are properly dressed for the weather, as well as that their homes are nice and warm when they return from their treatment sessions. Frostbites Can Also Occur Whereas most people would be aware of the cold because their body will naturally tell them, some cancer patients may be denied that. Certain cancer medications may cause what is known as peripheral neuropathy. This neuropathy affects the digits and can spread to affect hands and feet. Without being able to tell how cold you are, you may not react in time and get yourself to warmth. After prolonged exposure to cold, the skin and the tissue underneath can become damaged, causing frostbite. Neuropathy Can Cause Falls Apart from damaging the cold receptors, neuropathies can also affect a person’s sense of balance. The unsteadiness can quite easily result in a fall if the person is not tended to carefully. Even though falls can affect anyone, and cause quite a lot of pain, they can be particularly nasty to some cancer patients. More specifically, leukemia patients who have low platelet levels in their blood. This component of blood helps the wounds heal by creating clots. Cancer patients whose platelet levels are low cannot heal wounds properly, making even smaller injuries potentially dangerous. Cold Weather Ushers the Flu Season Seasonal illnesses such as the flu and the common cold typically spike with the colder weather. Most people stay indoors, they interact with other people and can easily get ill. Cancer patients can be quite susceptible to those types of illnesses because their immune system is suppressed by the medication and can be completely destroyed by radiation therapy. Keeping cancer patients from contracting these common diseases can be a struggle, but it is vital. COVID 19 Complicates Things No roundup of issues that negatively affect people in 2020 would be complete without the ever-present COVID-19. This illness has affected millions of people across the world and taken quite a few lives. Due to the nature of the illness, it is most damaging to those who are already fighting another illness. Just like with the flu and the cold, COVID-19 can quickly infect a cancer patient and do a lot of damage. Cancer patients need to focus on the most important battle in their lives- defeating cancer. They need all the help and the support they can get from their loved ones. Keeping them safe from the cold weather and everything it brings is just another step in their fight for recovery. Read Also: How to sleep better when you have cancer


5 Common Weightlifting Mistakes Women Should Avoid

When it is time to take a new path with our fitness and healthy lifestyle, we want to look at all the possible options that we can do. It doesn't matter what kind of diet that we do, or the method that we choose; we just want to get there as fast as we can. That is the bit of the problem though; we tend to find shortcuts or cheat our way through it. Depending on the weight loss goal you are trying to achieve, you have to be religious about the factors that you are about to go through. Your daily habits will change, and it takes discipline on yourself. When it comes to weightlifting, it becomes more of a technical issue on the approach or method. There are certain programs out there that everyone can follow, but it might not be right for you. #1.The Weight Is Too Light Ok let us say you want to retain some muscle mass, but want to lose the excess calories off your body, you have to lift heavy to maintain the size that you packed in. In result, you have a leaner muscle which also improves the muscle stamina in the long run. Nowadays it is a common misconception always to lift light just enough to lose some pounds. In case you must know, lifting heavy can boost your testosterone levels which are a key for a faster metabolism. It is, however, true that women don't supply testosterone as much as men do, so take it into consideration to have minimum increments with your lifts. I also know that women are afraid to have a masculine physique after a series of lifting weights. That is not entirely accurate because it will depend on your diet as well if you are going to pack some muscle within the time scheme. You are going to lose weight faster than you thought. Use all precautions if you must (weightlifting belts, lifting shoes, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, etc.) #2.Decreased Intensity Your heart rate has to be on a fast pace for your body to burn the fat. It won't happen if your intensity is only up to par, rather than putting all your best efforts in each of your workouts. Why do you think CrossFitters appear lean all the time? The reason behind is that their movements are time-based and they always move with very minimal rest; which leads me to my next point. Read also: How To Lose Your Weight With Venus Factor If it would help you, some athletes wear waist trimmers to retain or increase their body temperature during their workouts. You might be too tired from work to intensify your gym session. #3.Overextended Rest Periods Having a minimum rest interval improves your cardiovascular conditioning, enable you to increase your performance every week. Unless you are powerlifting that requires more rest times per set, you only need 60 seconds for you to increase your heart rate and burn fat faster. If you notice, HIIT programs have minimal rest intervals, and it is almost perfect for fat and weight loss goals, and it only requires a couple of minutes with your session. Supersets are highly recommended if you are focusing on increasing muscle size and losing pounds. Your blood will continuously run through the muscle group, and burn all the fat surrounding that area. #4.Relying On Certain Equipment Let’s look at it this way, it may be a psychological aspect but there are times that we only focus on individual gym machines, and we get too comfortable with it. It might improve your performance and your mood if you take away some familiarities and habits in the gym. Read also: What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym? Try other equipment and facilities that are available for you to add to your arsenal of workouts. It will uplift your enthusiasm each day knowing that, you have tons of other things to do in the gym. It is fun to mix up your training regimen once in a while, although; don't do it too often. #5.Wrong Supplementation It is critical that you have the right supplements to help you achieve optimal results. Certain thermogenic fat-burners will continually pump your heart and your blood throughout the day that can instantly burn the fat in your body. If it is your goal to stay leaner, then I suggest that you use it. BCAA's are also a great additional supplement for you. It prevents the catabolic process from happening; instead, it regulates the anabolic condition so that you don't overuse your muscles while you are training. That is all that you need to know to remedy the weightlifting problems that you might encounter along the way. Just follow the simple guidelines, so that you will be able to avoid the mistakes that people do most of the time. Weight loss is not to be treated lightly – it is a different approach, and you have to be prepared for anything that can happen.

rishi tea

What You Need to Know About Rishi Tea

Drinking tea can be traced back as early as 2737 BCE when emperors enjoyed their free time sipping the beverage and using it to relax and think. As time passed, drinking tea has become one of the favorite past time not only for royalties but for everyone, especially for people who like to unwind. There have been different varieties of teas that emerged through time, not to mention the different ways of making tea as well. Today, we have milk teas, iced teas, flavored teas, but nothing beats the organic kind of tea– the rishi hot tea. What Is Rishi Hot Tea? Rishi hot tea or rishi tea is tea made from 100% pure tea leaves that are turned into a fine powder. Usually, there are no added colorants, synthetic sweetness, sugars, or flavors in this kind of tea. It is often enjoyed and used as an antioxidant-rich with various vitamins and minerals. What Are the Benefits of Rishi Tea? Like any other beverage, you can enjoy drinking rishi tea in various ways. You can enjoy it hot, cold, with milk, plain, or in any way you prefer. There are also different flavors of rishi tea offered, which doesn’t only make it more enjoyable but also has various benefits. Listed are some of the benefits you can get from rishi teas. Antioxidants and Boosts Immune System Drinking rishi tea can significantly help in destroying harmful agents in cells. It can also free your body from different radicals that can cause illnesses and strengthen the immunity of your nervous system. The immune system helps protect our body, and this tea can be a great help in boosting it as it rich in natural polyphenol antioxidants. Lowers the Risk for Heart Diseases Another health benefit that you can get by drinking tea is it helps you protect yourself from several heart risks. It has catechins that help in oxidizing the bad cholesterol in your body. If there is inflammation in your veins and arteries, catechins in teas contribute to the oxidizing process. This results in a decrease in blood pressure and cholesterol, preventing heart attacks and high blood pressure. Helps Prevent Cancer Cancer has been one of the most critical diseases that no one would want to have. There have been a lot of studies held for cancer prevention and cure. One thing that could help lower the risk of cancer is drinking rishi hot tea. Rishi tea contains epigallocatechin gallate that serves as a crucial defense line against harmful invaders in the body. Besides the presence of epigallocatechin gallate, rishi tea also inhibits the overexpression of different destructive enzymes found in various cancerous cells and tumors. These are some of the benefits of drinking tea. Besides these health benefits, teas can also relieve stress and can help in forming strong bonds with family and relatives as you can talk about anything over a cup of tea. If you haven’t tried drinking rishi hot tea, then now is the perfect time to start a new habit and be healthy. Read Also: Drink Matcha Green Tea To Lose Weight How To Live Healthily Even If You Have A Full-Time Job