Important Habits to Protect Your Ear Health and Hearing

Published on: 12 June 2018 Last Updated on: 03 March 2021
Ear Health

Hearing loss isn’t always something that can be prevented. Sometimes loss of hearing is just something that happens as you get older.

But in an increasingly loud and busy world, hearing loss might be caused early or worsened by the environment around you.

And once you’re hearing is gone, it can be gone for good.

Can you imagine life without being able to hear? It’s a scary thought for many and should be. And yet, very few of us take the proper precautions in protecting our ears and our hearing.

That changes now. If you’re committed to the concept of ear health and protecting your hearing, read on. We’ll discuss several ways to help ensure that your hearing stays strong and true for many years to come.

The Case For Earplugs :

The Case For Earplugs

You likely rolled your eyes back in your youth when your parents advised you to wear earplugs to that rock and roll concert. But they were on to something.

Approximately 15% of Americans lose hearing as a result of too-loud work or leisure environments. If you work or spend lots of time in an environment where the sound level forces you to shout to be able to communicate, it’s likely that the sound levels there are dangerously high. This loudness could be due to a concert or club, or even more often, due to some form of loud and consistent machinery.

If you know that you spend many hours around this kind of noise level, you should absolutely invest in a good pair of earplugs. Earplugs are easy to obtain, generally affordable, and can even be made individualized for your ears upon request. They can dampen the level of sound coming in from your environment by a significant margin, helping to curb the possible loss of hearing.

Keep The Volume Low :

According to the World Health Organization, over a billion people each year are at risk of hearing loss due to the unsafe use of audio devices. Earbuds, like the popular headphones designed by Apple, are especially dangerous for ear health as they fit directly into the eardrum.

If you’re a music lover, you probably spend a lot of time listening to music on headphones. If you care about the health of your ears, though, you should make an effort to keep the volume at a lower level. Doctors recommend a philosophy they’ve dubbed the 60/60 rule. The rule is a recommendation that you listen to music through headphones at 60% volume for less than 60 minutes a day for the benefit of your hearing.

Even when not listening to headphones, you should aim to keep music played at a normal level to ensure long-lasting ear health.

Avoid Cotton Swabs :

Avoid Cotton Swabs

One of the most common items in any household bathroom cabinet is a jar of cotton swabs. These little tools have been used by people to clean out ear wax for years and years, but it’s only more recently that their nefarious reputation has begun to reach the public.

It actually turns out that a little wax in the ears is both healthy and normal. Ears are self-cleaning organs and the wax in your ears actually serves to prevent dust and other particles from entering your eardrum.

If you do have excess wax, it is not advisable that you use a cotton swab. You can very easily damage your eardrum by using a cotton swab. Instead, considering using a damp towel to gently clean around the canal.

There are also various ear wax solutions that are available in stores. These are applied to the ears overnight and can help to dissolve and soften ear wax so that it can flow out of the inner ear on its own.

Keep Your Ears Dry :

Another frequent cause of ear damage is extra moisture. Excess moisture can allow bacteria to enter the ear canal and cause serious problems, such as a swimmer’s ear or other infections.

Following swims at the pool or beach, showers or baths, or any other water-related activity, you should be sure to gently towel-dry your ears. If you can feel the moisture in your ear following swimming or bathing, tilt your head to the side and tug lightly on your eardrum to help water drain out.

There are also specially designed swimmer’s earplugs available on the market, which can help prevent water from entering your eardrum during a swim. They work great for any age, kids or adults, and can be individually fitted for your ear by a licensed physician.

Consider Getting Regular Check-Ups :

Especially as you get older, you should ask your physician to incorporate hearing screenings into your regular checkups. Hearing loss doesn’t happen in a flash of light, it is a very gradual process. It’s recommended, then, that you have yearly consultations with a hearing healthcare professional, who can recognize the signs of hearing loss while it is still in the early stages.

Taking action against hearing loss is important, as is discussing it with your doctor. Loss of hearing has been linked to other health concerns such as depression, dementia, and heart disease. Establishing a relationship with your doctor in regards to ear health early on can contribute to better overall health later on.

If you do find yourself losing hearing, you should ensure to invest in a proper hearing aid. With all the advances in rechargeable hearing aids over the past few years, they now serve people with hearing impairment much better.  A well-designed hearing aid can help improve the quality of life for someone who has lost hearing and can stave off the other health issues previously mentioned. If you’re interested in the best hearing aids on the market, you can learn more here.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Simple Assault

What is a Simple Assault in Texas?

In Texas, there are several types of assault. According to state laws, a simple assault involves an intentional act that causes bodily injury against someone. But the law isn’t limited to bodily injury. Simple assault can also involve a threat of bodily injury or offensive physical contact. Learn more about the laws regarding a simple assault in Texas. Examples of Simple Assault: To better understand simple assault, you should consider some examples. When most people think of assault, they think of hitting or kicking an individual. But assault can include other violent acts. For example, it can include pinching, poking, or grabbing another individual. Assault can also include threatening to hurt someone. If someone uses words that make another individual fear their safety, they are guilty of assault. For instance, telling someone you are going to punch them is a form of assault. You make the other person fear that they will be harmed. If an assault involves some minor injuries, you could face charges of simple assault. However, actions that result in more serious injuries are often aggravated assault. You could face more severe penalties for such a charge. In fact, the severity of the injuries could be the difference between a misdemeanor crime and a felony. Simple Assault or a Felony? If your assault involves certain circumstances, you could be guilty of a felony assault. Felony assault comes in three degrees. A simple assault could be a third-degree felony if it involves one of the following situations: The assault is against a government official or public servant The incident is against an emergency worker or a security guard The assault is against someone in your house or a family member If your simple assault is a third-degree felony, you could so as many as ten years in state prison. You could also be responsible for paying a fine as high as $10,000. Penalties for Simple Assault: The term simple assault refers to misdemeanor assault. If you are guilty of a misdemeanor assault, you face one of three charges. The charge that you face depends on the circumstances of the assault. For example, a Class A misdemeanor is an assault that results in minor injuries only. However, a Class C offense only involves threatening or touching an individual. Class B offenses are more specific in that it involves a threat against someone participating in a sporting event. If you are guilty of a Class A misdemeanor, you could spend as much as one year in jail and be required to pay up to $4,000 in fines. Meanwhile, a Class B misdemeanor is less serious. The maximum jail time is 180 days and the maximum fine is $2,000. Finally, a Class C misdemeanor comes with the least consequences. There is no potential for jail time and the fine is as much as $500. In certain situations, the court could make you pay the victim for their damages. For instance, you might need to pay for their medical care, counseling, or property damage. Charges of simple assault don’t need to ruin your life. If you work with a Fort Worth criminal defense attorney, you improve your chances at a positive outcome. By working with a lawyer, you can fight the charges. Your lawyer can craft a legal strategy that minimizes the consequences or results in a dismissal of charges. Read Also: Keep In Shape More Easily During 2019 Using Glo! What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym?


Top 5 foods for healthier and thicker hair

Healthy hair is closely related to your diet. We all know that dying and curling your hair can make you more attractive, but those are not the best things for your hair in the long term. What it really needs is essential nutrition. We listed the top 5 foods that will keep making sure it’s as healthy as possible. Spinach Spinach is rich in iron and also contains high amounts of vitamin A, vitamin K, and folate. One of the main causes for hair loss or breakage is a lack of iron. Iron helps in producing red blood cells called hemoglobin, which carry oxygen to different parts of the body and distribute essential minerals and nutrition for our cells to function properly. When iron levels are low, the number of red blood cells is decreased. As a result, our body experiences fatigue and weakness. A decrease in red blood cells means that oxygen is unable to reach derma papilla cells, which are the main source for nourishing hair follicles. Spinach also contains the highest amount of Vitamin K of any other vegetable. Vitamin K helps blood circulation by preventing blood from getting clogged in the body. One cup of spinach provides about 200% of the daily recommendation of vitamin K. Salmon Salmon is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids. According to, our bodies are not capable of producing Omega 3 fatty acids alone, so it is important to eat foods or hair growth vitamins that include this source.            Read Also: 6 stunning long hairstyles for oval faces Omega 3 fatty acids have a direct link to the health of hair follicles and keep our hair growing stronger by regulating sebum production. More hair care manufacturers are introducing new products that contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is a vital part of Omega 3 fatty acids. Eggs Our hair is largely made of protein but also contains a small number of lipids (a key source of moisture for hair). In order to keep hair in an optimal condition, providing enough protein is essential. Eggs, especially the egg yolks, are loaded with protein and vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 is another important component to nourish follicles and maintain normal hair growth cycles. Egg yolks are also often used for hair mask treatments as one of the many hair growth natural home remedies. Mixed with a couple of teaspoons of honey or olive oil, the mixture should be applied to your hair (including your scalp) for 20-30 minutes. Cleanse by rinsing it with warm water. This egg hair mask is another great way to strengthen hair and add moisture. Bell Peppers Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) plays a protective role in the health of our skin and hair. Its antioxidant properties help by preventing harmful free radicals from damaging our body parts. One of the early signs of a lack of Vitamin C is dry skin and breakage of hair according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Bell peppers contain high amounts of Vitamin C and Vitamin B-6. One medium-size red bell pepper provides 292% of the suggested daily value of Vitamin C. Oysters Oysters are packed with Zinc (about 30 mg per serving), which plays a vital role in overall human health. Considering the daily intake recommendation for Zinc is 8 to 11 mg, it’s obvious that oysters can be very beneficial. Zinc helps by contributing to a healthy immune system, cell growth, and renewal of cells for skin, hair, and nails. By regulating appropriate hormone levels, Zinc-rich foods such as oysters can prevent premature hair fallout.


As the Years Go By: Top 3 Challenges Faced by the Aging Population

The baby boomers were born in an era of wealth and opportunity. The embers of the Second World War were cooling, the national employment rate was high as Europe set about rebuilding, driving demand through the roof. But those days have gone. Now, as the baby boomers are retiring, they face tough challenges, caused by a fluttering economy and deteriorating health. These are the fiercest challenges currently facing the aging population. Long-Term Care As the aging population comes up against age-related illnesses and diseases, many are entering long-term care facilities. This long-term care throws up a host of financial and logistical challenges. Firstly, the aging population are having to consider this care in their saving plans for their retirement. The average couple now has to spend around $275,000 on healthcare. This will have to come from somewhere, be it insurance plans, retirement funds, or personal savings. Additionally, the number of baby boomers requiring long term care will slowly overtake the supply of care facilities. On a macro-level, the government will need to take measures to ensure there are adequate long-term care facilities with trained staff to offer a high-level of round-the-clock care. Asset Protection As we approach old age, one of the single biggest concerns is how to protect our assets. As mentioned, healthcare can be a real drain on finances. Couple this with the cost of probate and inheritance tax, and a sizeable portion of our assets will be taken away from our children. Baby boomers can take steps to protect their assets at any stage of their life. It doesn’t have to happen in retirement. offers information on how you can protect your assets in the probate courts and ensure you best interests are protected. Being Able to Afford Retirement Although baby boomers were the most prosperous generation in history, rising living costs and inflation has left many with insufficient savings to maintain their standard of living into retirement. Nearly 50% of all Americans over the age of 50 have $25,000 or less saved for retirement. This means many will be forced to work past the age of 65. Only 23% of baby boomers believed they had enough saved for their retirement. With social security falling and federal safety nets being dismantled, many Americans now face the difficult question of how they will support themselves when they are no longer able to work. Working longer is one option, but many jobs are unsuitable for someone entering their 70s. They may be physically demanding or, as automation increases, require new technical skills that may not be easily learnt in aging citizens. These challenges will drastically alter the way Americans think about aging in the next generations. As millennials grow up watching their parents grapple with these challenges, perhaps they will develop solutions. Either way, the national workforce and healthcare industries are on the cusp of major changes as the population ages. These woes and problems are not going away. We are just going to have to learn to deal with them as a nation.