A Loved One Addicted to Opiates? Here Are Common Signs

Published on: 12 June 2018 Last Updated on: 12 July 2021

If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you already know that the opioid crisis in the United States has reached critical mass. In some areas, opioid overdoses increased by 70 percent in just over a year’s time.

The opioid epidemic now touches the lives of millions of everyday Americans. As a result, the chances that you know someone with opioid addiction have increased astronomically.

For anyone concerned that their loved one might have a problem, it’s important to recognize the early warning signs of opiate use. That’s what this article is for.

Below, you’ll learn a few basic things to look for when trying to determine if a loved one has an opiate problem. With any luck, you won’t need this information, but preparedness and awareness are always important.

Physical Signs of Opiate Use :

When dealing with opioid abuse, there are two major categories symptoms can fall into: physical and behavioral. Let’s tackle the former first.

One major and obvious physical warning sign to look for is needle marks. Often, an addict will start to use drugs intravenously, which means they’re injecting it. This will usually leave clear signs of use at the injection point, which is very often the major artery in the arm.

Beyond the clear physical appearance of abuse, addicts will often suffer from other physical ailments. One prominent side effect is “nodding,” which means that the user falls asleep suddenly and at inappropriate times. If your loved one frequently drifts off mid-conversation, this can be a sign there is a more serious problem under the surface.

Other than the two unmistakable signs above, physical signs of opioid use are hard to spot. Other symptoms like constricted pupils and flushed skin can be attributed to many other things, so it’s best not to worry about them alone. However, if they’re paired with needle marks and nodding, there is cause for concern.

Behavioral Signs of Opiate Use :

The behavioral side effects of opioid abuse can be tough to spot because they closely resemble side effects caused by other common ailments like depression, stress, and anxiety. But since they’re so often paired with physical signs, you’ll most likely be able to tell the difference.

Withdrawing from social activities is a big early warning sign. If your loved one suddenly retreats from social groups or things they once enjoyed doing, it can be a sign of a much bigger problem. Isolation is one of the earliest and most clear indicators that something is up.

Mood swings and drastic behavior are also something to look for. If someone is acting highly out of character, breaking the law, and engaging in unusually high-risk behavior, something is probably wrong.

All in all, behavioral shifts can be hard to hone in on, but drastic changes are almost certainly a sign of something worse. Even if it isn’t an opioid addiction, it’s always worth checking in with a loved one if their behavior changes unexpectedly.

There are treatment centers like SMC Recovery that specialize in opiate addiction rehabilitation. Reaching out to a facility such as this can provide you with the resources and expertise you need to determine if your loved one requires medical follow-up.

What’s Next?

Now that you’re familiar with some basic signs of opiate use, you can stay vigilant when it comes to keeping loved ones safe.

Addiction is a notoriously difficult problem, but there’s always hope. People recover every day. If you or a loved one has an opiate problem, don’t give up.

With the help of professionals, friends, and family, no obstacle is too tall to scale. Stay strong, and with a little help, recovery is well within reach. Follow our blog for more health-related news and updates.

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How Do I Get Back In Shape? Fitness Experts Share Their Tips!

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Shocking Expert Tips on How to Lose Weight Without Exercise

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Proven Ways to Grow Hair Faster and Stronger

Long hair is perhaps the first thing that catches everyone’s attention, and eventually, defines your personality, and growing long hair requires proper care and nurture. Numerous people usually ignore the fact that growing hair faster can take a long time followed by adequate look after of hair. There are several ways by which one can naturally augment the growth and strength of hair. Here we’ll discuss some efficient ways by which one can grow stronger hair faster and without any side-effects. A Gentle Massage with Coconut Milk Coconut milk is one the finest things that significantly augments the growth of hair and eventually makes them stronger and shinier. According to statistics, people who use coconut milk on a regular basis have longer and stronger hair. You need to mix a little lemon juice, and few drops of lavender oil to make a rich hair supplement. You can apply the mixture on your scalp and leave it for 5 minutes, and then wash your hair. For best results, it is recommended that you wash your hair with the best shampoo for hair growth, which is available in the market to avoid any side effects. Nurture with Egg Protein As we all are familiar with the amount of protein available in the eggs, applying a homemade egg mask can be quite helpful in complementing hair growth. The protein helps in hair growth and augments the growth of new hair. You can easily make an egg mask at your home by following a simple procedure. Take an egg, and precisely separate the egg white and put it in a bowl. You can now add a teaspoon of olive oil and mix well till it becomes thick. Apply the paste on your hair and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water by using a little amount of shampoo. Take a Healthy Diet Numerous people focus on the outer beauty of the hair by applying numerous hair care products that can eventually damage the hair and leave them dry and dull. One must consume a healthy protein-rich diet that can easily provide proper nurture to the roots of the hair. You must add eggs, milk, and other protein-rich food items that enhance the overall hair growth. Furthermore, there are certain products available in the market that significantly covers protein deficiency in the body. You can consult a dermatologist regarding the consumption of these products. Read also: Top 5 Foods For Healthier And Thicker Hair Use Natural Hair Care Products The market is flooded with the best hair growth products that can be quite useful in improving your hair growth and strengthening your hair. You can use medicated shampoos and conditioners that can easily cover the essential protein needs of your hair and eventually give you stronger and longer hair in a short time. Apart from this, there are other medications available in the market that is proven to be fruitful in reducing hair fall and increasing their length. Conclusion Caring and maintaining hair are essential things to get stronger and thicker hair. You can try the tips mentioned above that are helpful in growing hair quickly. Read also: Top 7 Superfoods For Healthy Skin And Hair From Flint To Lasers – The Evolving Techniques Of Hair Removal