5 Reasons Why It’s Not Too Late to Get Help

Published on: 05 June 2018 Last Updated on: 24 July 2024
drugs alcohol

There are points in our life where we feel nothing can get better, that we’ve exhausted our options, and we’re just stuck. But the truth is, the only way we stay stuck is if we believe that’s all we can be. Getting help may seem impossible or not even worth our time, but seeking it out is taking a step forward and actually taking the initiative to live a life we deserve.

Many addicts exist in an eternal state of hopeless and despair. You’ve been under the influence of drugs and alcohol for so long – what makes you think there’s the possibility of change? Honestly, we are the ones who prevent ourselves from changing or seeking help, no matter who many times we try to make excuses or convince ourselves otherwise.

No matter who you are, where you come from, how old you are, or what your circumstances are, these are five reasons to convince you why it’s not too late to get help:

1. You control your actions – not substances, a person, or even anything in the outside world:

Outside elements can definitely influence your choices, but at the end of the day, you ultimately make the choice itself. Think of it this way: you have the power to do anything you want in life – anything. That’s an incredible concept. Trust yourself to make the best choices even if they scare and embarrass you, or even trigger self-consciousness and insecurity.

2. Resources are always readily available:

Resources, such as helplines, rehab centers, and support groups, are always readily available to help you; what’s more, new treatments are expanding and being utilized constantly! There are even organizations specifically created to guide you towards achieving goals and living a fulfilling life. Subsequently, your friends and family are also people who can support you. They’re a genuine support system who believes in you and will encourage you to keep moving forward – especially, in those moments of weakness.

3. You can always start over if things don’t work out the first time:

Don’t focus on feeling your adversities need to be overcome within a certain amount of time. There are no perfect moments to start helping yourself. You decide when that moment will happen. There have been so many instances where an addict suffered relapses after long periods of sobriety and felt like a failure who took one hundred steps back. But despite the fact, they realized that giving up was always worse than the actual failure itself. Drugs and alcohol are the only substances. Your personal situation is only a situation. It doesn’t define who you are – your actions do. Lastly, lessons are never painless because they equip you with better emotional tools and strategies to handle the same events in a more mature and understanding way.

4. Life does get better:

Tomorrow, the next day, and the future, in general, is always uncertain. While that may sound like an intimidating concept at first, it can actually be a catalyst for taking the initiative to help yourself. The world is full of possibilities, some of which you will never experience unless you have the courage to discover them. You can expect the world to open up when you allow yourself to stop being dictated by fear and doubt.

5. You have more strength than you think:

We are always stronger than we give ourselves credit for. Strength comes from our will to be strong in the first place. You always end up surprising yourself when you take the leap to surpass mental and emotional boundaries. The moment you overcome one obstacle, it turns into two, then three, and so on. Emotional resilience becomes a never-ending domino effect when we face fears despite being afraid over and over again.

All may seem hopeless in the world, but that doesn’t mean that’s the truth. You always have the ability to change your life and get the help you need. Turning your life around will take hard work, and the path may not always be clear, but remember – you get to choose how this life will be lived. You have the power to make it whatever you want it to be, and you can do it.

You really can.

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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allergists deal

9 Ways Allergists Deal with their Own Allergies

Our bodies are fascinating and can do incredible things; however, small things like allergies can get in the way. Things like dust, animal fur, and pollen are some of the common allergy triggers. Allergies happen when our immune systems are hyperactive to substances and end up releasing antibodies to fight this effect. Many residents in the UAE suffer from allergies prevalent during the summer. People can get indoor and outdoor allergies as they inhale fine mites, fungal spores, and dust. Patients experience itchy eyes or palates, runny or blocked nose, and sneezing. These reactions are prevalent during summer because dust from this region has fine silica particles.  These particles cover your nasal passages and can travel to your lungs. When you inhale this mixture with pollen, you end up with an allergic reaction. Understanding Allergies Allergies happen when your body reacts to substances which are not harmful.  Allergies are different and can range from mild to chronic. Nobody knows why people get allergies; however, it is believed that your genes play a role. Your immune system protects you from antigens by producing antibodies to fight. An allergic reaction happens when the system attacks harmless substances like it would harmful ones. Your body produces histamine, which causes some of the symptoms associated with allergies. How Allergists Deal with Allergies Although allergists are experts with what they do, they too can get allergies. Here are ways they deal with allergies: 1. For Spring/Fall Allergies Most of us take our medication when our seasonal allergies kick in, but you can have the upper hand if you start earlier. The best thing to do is to search for an allergist near me and visit as soon as possible for advice, and medication. You can start the medication a week earlier to reduce the symptoms or avoid them. 2. Corticosteroid Nasal Spray is Useful When you get congestion, you can use a nasal spray with corticosteroids together with an antihistamine. When you search for a doctor near me Dubai, your physician will tell you that corticosteroids relieve irritation, nasal congestion, and allergy discomfort. 3. Be Prepared Whenever you plan to visit somebody, ask if he has pets or animals that could trigger your allergy. If they do, remember to take an antihistamine and a nasal spray to protect yourself. If you have allergy-induced asthma triggered by pets, start your antihistamines a week before exposure. 4. Avoid Carpeting and Choose Hardwood/Tiles When choosing a new place, avoid carpets as they attract dust mites, which make your allergies to recur. Hardwood, tiles, and linoleum are good alternatives to carpets. If you already have carpets, vacuum them regularly. 5. Use Dust Mite Cases When looking for an allergist near me, remember to go for a professional because this is where you get useful information. For instance, you can use special cases over your pillows to avoid dust mites. This helps to keep your allergies at bay. 6. Air Filters are Great An air filter can help to filter dust and other allergens floating around your home. You can also get different types of filters, such as disposable ones and place them over your conditioner. The reason why you ought to look for an allergist near me is that she can advise you on the best filter for you. 7. Cleanliness Allergies are not caused by dirt; however, you need to clean your house thoroughly to get rid of dust mites and other harmful particles. Dust mites love AC vents and heating that is why you need to clean those too. If you cannot do this regularly, focus on areas that trigger your allergies. For instance, curtains, cat fur, and the sofa. 8. Make a DIY Nasal Rinse You can use sinus rinses when you experience congestion. His helps to get rid of allergens which enter your body and start to cause stuffiness. You can easily get a rinse from your local pharmacy. Remember to use a soft rubber ear bulb syringe to shoot the nasal rinse in your nostrils. 9. Consider Allergy Shots If you feel like your allergies are too much, you might want to consider an alternative to medication. Allergen Immunotherapy is great because it helps to relieve itchy eyes and sinuses. Allergy shots (allergen immunotherapy) use allergen injections to reduce your sensitivity to allergy triggers. This long-term treatment gives you a lasting effect even after you stop the shots. This treatment works like a vaccine; your body develops immunity and better tolerance to the allergies. Allergies can be disturbing because they stop us from working and enjoying our lives. However, this does not have to be the case, since there are several tricks we can use to keep allergies at bay. The first step is searching for an allergist near me who you can consult whenever you have a problem. The other thing is to try what works for you. Read Also: Food Allergies In Dog And How You Can Prevent It?  

Sleep Well

Ways to Sleep Well at Night as You Age

You might realize that as you age, it’s not easy going to sleep anymore. Even if you try hard to sleep, it takes time, and it might be worse if you had sleeping problems even when you were young. Age will only compound the problem, but don’t blame everything on age, since your lifestyle might also have something to do with experiencing sleeping problems. Sleep Experts contributed a Sleep Habits Survey among different age groups to better understand sleep habits and their impact on everyday life. Try these tips to make it easy to fall asleep. Have a warm bath Before you hit the bed, take a warm bath since bathing in warm water will make you feel sleepy. If you soak your body in a tub for a while, your body temperature will drop, and it helps you easily fall asleep. It’s recommended that you do this an hour or more before bed, to give time for your body temperature to fall. Calm down before you sleep Regardless of the problems you might have faced during the day, you need to stay calm. Let go of everything that causes stress and read a book or listen to soothing music; try anything that helps you unwind. A significant reason why you might be having a hard time sleeping is that several things are still bothering you. Do not eat or work in your bed When you see your bed, you need to send a signal to your brain that it is time to sleep - the problem is when you eat or work in your bed. Train yourself to use the bed only for sleeping and if you try hard to sleep, but after 20 minutes you are still awake, get out of bed for a while. Wait until you start feeling tired before you go back to bed. Do not sleep in the afternoon It is easy for you to feel tired when you age. When you are exhausted, your first instinct is to find a place to sleep. Sometimes, it is easy to sleep in the afternoon because the environment seems conducive for sleeping.It’s okay to nap if you want to, as naps of only 30 or so minutes won’t bother your night’s sleep. Try not to nap too close to your normal bedtime, as these naps can affect your ability to fall asleep at night. Schedule your exercise well You need to exercise and hit the gym if possible. You do not need rigorous exercise to stay healthy; you can benefit from a moderate exercise like jogging and brisk walking. Make sure that your workout schedule is set for earlier than three hours before bedtime. Exercising keeps your heart rate up and makes it difficult for you to calm down, and sleep. Take supplements You need to select the right kind of food that will help you sleep well. If you cannot get all the nutrients you need from the food you eat, you can try food supplements. There are many different types available, so look for something that will meet your needs. For example, if you are aged 40 or over and hitting the gym regularly, then building muscle over 40 supplements will help you with your fitness goals and also help you fall asleep easily. See your doctor and ask which food supplement would be suitable for your needs. You need to be consistent in your intake to see results. With these tips, you can look forward to a better night’s sleep. It’s okay to start slowly and build up your new routine. Make gradual changes at first and build an exercise, nutrition and anti-stress program that contributes to restful sleep. Read Also: 3 Health Advantages Of Good Night’s Sleep Things To Do Before Bed For A Perfect Night’s Sleep Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Your Skin & Good Sleeping Habits


Navigating Depression Treatment In Brooklyn: Your Options

In the diverse and bustling borough of Brooklyn, NY, countless individuals silently wrestle with the pervasive tendrils of depression. However, the journey towards mental wellness can often seem like an insurmountable challenge, particularly when faced alone. Yet, recognizing that you, or someone close to you, needs depression treatment is a pivotal first step towards healing.  Within the vibrant communities of Brooklyn, an array of options for depression therapy is accessible, each tailored to meet distinct needs and preferences. From traditional therapeutic approaches to modern, innovative strategies, let's navigate through the myriad of depression treatment options available in Brooklyn, NY. Understanding Depression: A Prelude to Treatment Before diving into the various alternatives for depression treatment in Brooklyn, comprehending the multifaceted nature of depression is paramount.  Moreover, depression is more than mere sadness; it encapsulates a spectrum of emotional, physical, and cognitive symptoms that impair daily functioning and diminish quality of life. Seeking professional depression treatment is crucial in managing these symptoms and facilitating recovery. Therapy and Counseling Services in Brooklyn One of the most common and highly recommended forms of treatment for depression is therapy or counseling. Brooklyn offers a diverse array of mental health professionals who can provide various therapeutic approaches, including: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) CBT is a widely practiced therapy. At the same time, it assists the individuals and, at the same time, pinpoints the negative thought patterns and behaviors contributing to their depression. Many therapists in Brooklyn trained themselves in CBT techniques. Psychodynamic Therapy This form of therapy focuses on exploring the root causes of depression by delving into unconscious emotions and thoughts. Psychodynamic therapists in Brooklyn can assist you in uncovering and addressing deep-seated issues. Mindfulness-Based Therapy Mindfulness techniques can assist individuals in managing depressive symptoms by teaching them to stay present and non-judgmentally observe their thoughts and emotions. Several therapists in Brooklyn incorporate mindfulness into their practice. Group Therapy Participating in group therapy sessions with individuals facing similar challenges can provide a sense of community and support. Brooklyn hosts numerous group therapy sessions focused on depression management. Related: Some Famous People Who Have Battled with Depression Medication Management in Brooklyn In some cases, medication may be a necessary component of depression treatment. Psychiatrists in Brooklyn can assess your condition and prescribe appropriate antidepressant medications if deemed necessary. It's important to remember that one uses medication in conjunction with therapy to provide a comprehensive approach to treatment. Working closely with a psychiatrist can help ensure that the medication prescribed is tailored to your specific needs. Regular follow-up appointments will allow for adjustments as needed to manage side effects and optimize effectiveness. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy TMS, or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, is a non-invasive treatment that has gained recognition for its potential in treating depression, especially when other methods have proven less effective. During TMS therapy, magnetic pulses are delivered to specific regions of the brain associated with mood regulation. This stimulation can lead to improvements in depressive symptoms. Many TMS clinics in Brooklyn offer this treatment, and it's often used for individuals who have not responded well to medication or therapy alone. TMS can be a valuable addition to your depression treatment plan, and it's worth discussing with your mental health provider. Holistic Approaches to Depression Treatment Brooklyn's holistic wellness scene offers various alternative and complementary approaches to managing depression. These can be used alongside traditional therapies or as standalone treatments, depending on your preferences and needs: Yoga and Meditation Many yoga studios and meditation centers in Brooklyn offer classes and workshops designed to promote mental well-being. At te same time, these practices can help reduce stress, increase self-awareness, and alleviate depressive symptoms. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture is gaining popularity as a complementary treatment for depression. Notably, some practitioners in Brooklyn specialize in acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine to address physical and emotional imbalances. Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching Nutrition plays a significant role in mental health. Working with a nutritionist or lifestyle coach in Brooklyn can help you make dietary and lifestyle changes that support your emotional well-being. Support Groups in Brooklyn Finding a community of people who understand what you're going through can be immensely helpful when dealing with depression. Also Brooklyn hosts a variety of support groups where individuals can share their experiences, exchange coping strategies, and receive emotional support. Whether you're looking for in-person or online support, you can find a group that suits your needs. Integrated Treatment Approaches Acknowledging and respecting the complexity of each individual's experience with depression, integrating multiple treatment modalities can often provide the most comprehensive and effective approach to care. This includes combining pharmacotherapy, talk therapies, and alternative treatments to holistically address the myriad symptoms and challenges posed by depression. Finding Your Fit: Selecting the Right Depression Therapy in Brooklyn Embarking on a therapeutic journey demands consideration and selection from amongst the wealth of depression therapy options in Brooklyn. Here’s a primer on how to select a therapy type and therapist that aligns with your or your loved one’s unique needs: Credentials and Specializations: Ensure therapists are licensed and explore their areas of specialization to ensure they are equipped to guide your therapeutic journey. Therapy Style: Consider the therapeutic approach and style that resonates most with you, whether it be a structured, directive approach or a more explorative, supportive style. Logistics: Factor in location, availability, and insurance coverage to ensure sustainability and accessibility of treatment. Final Thoughts Navigating depression treatment in Brooklyn may feel overwhelming amidst the sea of available options. Yet, armed with information and support, taking those initial steps toward healing and recovery becomes a journey of empowerment and hope. Engage with the rich tapestry of treatment modalities, therapists, and support available in Brooklyn, NY, to carve out a personalized path toward mental wellness. Read Also: Are You Wondering About The Risk Factors For Depression? No More Filters: How To Delete Instagram Account Permanently