Important Habits to Protect Your Ear Health and Hearing

Published on: 12 June 2018 Last Updated on: 03 March 2021
Ear Health

Hearing loss isn’t always something that can be prevented. Sometimes loss of hearing is just something that happens as you get older.

But in an increasingly loud and busy world, hearing loss might be caused early or worsened by the environment around you.

And once you’re hearing is gone, it can be gone for good.

Can you imagine life without being able to hear? It’s a scary thought for many and should be. And yet, very few of us take the proper precautions in protecting our ears and our hearing.

That changes now. If you’re committed to the concept of ear health and protecting your hearing, read on. We’ll discuss several ways to help ensure that your hearing stays strong and true for many years to come.

The Case For Earplugs :

The Case For Earplugs

You likely rolled your eyes back in your youth when your parents advised you to wear earplugs to that rock and roll concert. But they were on to something.

Approximately 15% of Americans lose hearing as a result of too-loud work or leisure environments. If you work or spend lots of time in an environment where the sound level forces you to shout to be able to communicate, it’s likely that the sound levels there are dangerously high. This loudness could be due to a concert or club, or even more often, due to some form of loud and consistent machinery.

If you know that you spend many hours around this kind of noise level, you should absolutely invest in a good pair of earplugs. Earplugs are easy to obtain, generally affordable, and can even be made individualized for your ears upon request. They can dampen the level of sound coming in from your environment by a significant margin, helping to curb the possible loss of hearing.

Keep The Volume Low :

According to the World Health Organization, over a billion people each year are at risk of hearing loss due to the unsafe use of audio devices. Earbuds, like the popular headphones designed by Apple, are especially dangerous for ear health as they fit directly into the eardrum.

If you’re a music lover, you probably spend a lot of time listening to music on headphones. If you care about the health of your ears, though, you should make an effort to keep the volume at a lower level. Doctors recommend a philosophy they’ve dubbed the 60/60 rule. The rule is a recommendation that you listen to music through headphones at 60% volume for less than 60 minutes a day for the benefit of your hearing.

Even when not listening to headphones, you should aim to keep music played at a normal level to ensure long-lasting ear health.

Avoid Cotton Swabs :

Avoid Cotton Swabs

One of the most common items in any household bathroom cabinet is a jar of cotton swabs. These little tools have been used by people to clean out ear wax for years and years, but it’s only more recently that their nefarious reputation has begun to reach the public.

It actually turns out that a little wax in the ears is both healthy and normal. Ears are self-cleaning organs and the wax in your ears actually serves to prevent dust and other particles from entering your eardrum.

If you do have excess wax, it is not advisable that you use a cotton swab. You can very easily damage your eardrum by using a cotton swab. Instead, considering using a damp towel to gently clean around the canal.

There are also various ear wax solutions that are available in stores. These are applied to the ears overnight and can help to dissolve and soften ear wax so that it can flow out of the inner ear on its own.

Keep Your Ears Dry :

Another frequent cause of ear damage is extra moisture. Excess moisture can allow bacteria to enter the ear canal and cause serious problems, such as a swimmer’s ear or other infections.

Following swims at the pool or beach, showers or baths, or any other water-related activity, you should be sure to gently towel-dry your ears. If you can feel the moisture in your ear following swimming or bathing, tilt your head to the side and tug lightly on your eardrum to help water drain out.

There are also specially designed swimmer’s earplugs available on the market, which can help prevent water from entering your eardrum during a swim. They work great for any age, kids or adults, and can be individually fitted for your ear by a licensed physician.

Consider Getting Regular Check-Ups :

Especially as you get older, you should ask your physician to incorporate hearing screenings into your regular checkups. Hearing loss doesn’t happen in a flash of light, it is a very gradual process. It’s recommended, then, that you have yearly consultations with a hearing healthcare professional, who can recognize the signs of hearing loss while it is still in the early stages.

Taking action against hearing loss is important, as is discussing it with your doctor. Loss of hearing has been linked to other health concerns such as depression, dementia, and heart disease. Establishing a relationship with your doctor in regards to ear health early on can contribute to better overall health later on.

If you do find yourself losing hearing, you should ensure to invest in a proper hearing aid. With all the advances in rechargeable hearing aids over the past few years, they now serve people with hearing impairment much better.  A well-designed hearing aid can help improve the quality of life for someone who has lost hearing and can stave off the other health issues previously mentioned. If you’re interested in the best hearing aids on the market, you can learn more here.

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What Is A Good Alternative To Wearing Dentures?

Up until only a few decades ago, there was only one real option for an elderly person who is faced with losing their teeth, and that was full top and bottom dentures. We have long had crown and bridge treatments to replace the odd missing tooth, but when faced with completely replacing one’s teeth, dentures were the only option. Fast-forward to the second decade of the third millennium, and technology has further advanced, making anything that was once concepts to materialize, including some alternatives to dentures. Below is one of the alternatives you can consider if dentures just aren’t your thing. Dental Implants Enter dental implants, a revolutionary treatment that is actually a permanent solution to missing teeth. With the best dental implants in Sydney CBD or in your city only a quick Google search away, you can finally eliminate bulky dentures from your life. The implants are actually titanium screws that are very precisely inserted into the jawbone, and as titanium bonds well with human tissue and bone, after a couple of months, the implants are strong enough to anchor prosthetic teeth. Two-Phase Treatment Prior to having dental implant treatment, the dental specialist needs to take a few X-rays to ensure that your jawbone structure is suitable for the implants. Should he or she decide that you are a suitable candidate for dental implants, a treatment schedule can be set if you are in agreement. If you are wearing dentures, then your gums are already strong and the dentist would take plaster impressions or use a 3D imaging system that is computer-controlled, which gives perfect reproduction of the inside of your mouth. If you require tooth extractions, a longer period of time is needed for the gums to properly heal. Stage One The first stage of the treatment is to fit the titanium screws, and once in place, a temporary set of prosthetic teeth would be fitted. After 6-8 weeks, the titanium pins would be securely in place and the second part of the treatment can be carried out. Fitting The Prosthetic Teeth If you are having a full mouth treatment, the top and bottom set of teeth would be what is called a ‘four in one, which means that the set of upper teeth are anchored into the mouth at four specific points and the same for the lower set. The dentist would use a very strong adhesive to set the prosthetic teeth, which would be made from porcelain or a composite, and once firmly in place, you can brush and floss as normal. Dental implants are not removable, and if looked after, will last a lifetime, and the dentist would wish to see you a few months after the treatment to ensure that all is well. The dentist would ask you about the shade you prefer and the prosthetic teeth would look perfectly natural and no one would ever know they aren’t your original teeth. There are several types of dental implants and if you would like to explore the potential that this treatment offers, talk to a dentist who specializes in cosmetic dentistry. After an initial examination, the dentist can tell you which form of dental implant is most suitable, and should you be in agreement, the treatment can be scheduled and you can look forward to a new set of teeth that will stand the test of time. Read Also: 5 Dental Hygiene Tips for a Healthier Smile Dental Health: 6 Essential Dental Care Tips You Need to Know 5 Ways To Prevent Severe Dental Problems What do you need to know about Dental Implant Surgery?


Bolstering the God-Doctor-Patient Relationship: Expedites Healing

The doctor-patient fiduciary alliance has a considerable healing power. It is an essential ingredient to achieve an accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and restoration of the patient’s health. Mutual trust, knowledge, and respect are vital components in attaining an effective doctor-patient relationship. Patients greatly appreciate the doctor’s willingness to listen to their concerns and the heart to care for them. The patient must have confidence in the expertise of the doctor and must freely confide all information relevant to the injury or illness. In the absence of trust, the patient will not disclose complete information, and this would adversely impair the necessary treatment. On the other hand, doctors should respect the patient’s privacy and uphold the patient’s dignity. Doctors must not divulge information about the patient’s case to others without permission from the patient. Some of the important factors for building a trusting relationship include the doctor’s competency, comforting and caring attitude, the doctor’s initiative in encouraging questions and spending time in explaining the answers, respect and fairness patients felt they received from their doctors, and the frequency of patient-doctor communications. The Importance of Informed Consent Transparent medical practice, one built on trust, is very vital to the medication process. Doctors know best. However, doctors should disclose to the patient the pros and cons of the medication process so that the patient may voluntarily choose to refuse or accept the treatment. Patients should play an active role in the decisions made relative to their health. The Patient-God Relationship We cannot deny the tremendous effect of spirituality on health. Various miraculous cures show the positive relationship between healing and faith. Strong faith in God increases optimism and reduces anxiety.  Consequently, this would result in a quicker recovery from illness. Moreover, scientific studies acceded to the healing effects of prayer. Tom Knox, a former atheist, attests to the overwhelming power of prayer. He is now a believer in God after a thorough research and study of the medical benefits of faith. There are documentations made on miraculous cures, and scientific studies had validated its effectiveness. Many believe in a divine power. Spirituality is a source of comfort and support for a lot of patients. It serves as a source of coping for people with serious illnesses. The Doctor-God Relationship Doctors with deep religious faith have the great opportunity of having Jesus, the Greatest Doctor, as an epitome in caring for the sick. God is love, and God’s great commandment is to manifest His love through loving the patients. Physicians have noticed that the patient’s faith in God has a tremendous effect on the healing process. Current research also supports this notion. Experienced doctors confirmed that unusual healing had taken place after the patient received a prayer for healing. Dr. Koening says that people who are more religious are healthier compared to those who do not believe in God. Moreover, studies show that religious persons live longer than atheists. The survey shows that there are medical schools that offered formal courses in “Spirituality in Medicine” for medical students. An example is the University of Washington School Medicine. Takeaway By bolstering the God-doctor-patient relationship, patients and doctors find themselves empowered by the grace and mercy of God as they join together in delving deeper the mysteries of medicine, resolving the dilemma of disease, and hoping for a genuine healing. God works through anything or anybody in a variety of ways to heal the sick at the appropriate time. He is ready to work on every detail of man's life, bringing about healing in all aspects. Read also: The Relationship Between Oral Health And General Health

Healthy Brain

6 Ways to Promote Healthy Brain

While taking the necessary steps to keep our body toned and in shape, we often neglect the importance of mental health. There are many factors that leave both positive and negative impacts on the mind. Knowing these factors is necessary if you want to promote the health of your brain. Plus, this way you will be able to eradicate those factors from your life that adversely impact the brain and adopt the habits that improve the overall mental health in the long run. Here are some of the effective ways to promote a healthy brain: Keep Your Mind Stimulated : Brain stimulation is necessary for maintaining mental health. You can stimulate your mind by playing games that require mental focus, memory, and activity. Solve mathematical problems, puzzles, and other similar quests. You can also engage in activities that require a lot of focus and imagination like a painting. Develop Relations : Connecting with people is essential for strengthening emotional wellbeing and overall mental health. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with your loved ones and engaging with new people helps you stay composed. Plus, communicating with people with different perspectives help your mind to stimulate and strengthen up. Cut Down on Smoking : As per the latest research, smoking nicotine does not only adversely affect the lungs but also causes a decline in memory. Therefore, if you want to retain your memory in the long run and do not want to end up with dementia, cut down on smoking. Either it is topnotch cannabis or plain cigarettes, avoid their use as much as possible for better mental health. Keep a Positive Approach : Training your mind to be positive and take out a positive stance from every situation helps keep your brain at peace and improves overall physical and mental health. Moreover, staying happy has a very positive impact on the mind itself. When you are happy and positive, the brain releases a hormone called endorphin that promotes mental and physical health and wellbeing. Meditate : Meditation involves steps like breathing techniques that do not only relax the mind but also improve mental focus and memory. It is greatly renowned for its benefits of relieving stress and other mental issues like depression. Learn Something New : If you believe that education is only up to the level of the university, you are probably mistaken. Educating yourself each day is essential for opening up the mind and expanding it. Read a thick book that you have been avoiding lately or learn a language that you think is tough. Test your limits and challenge your mind each day. It will help stimulate your brain and strengthen the nerves inside it. Engage in activities that involve using the brain. Our brain is just like a machine; the more we use it, the better it works without getting rusted. Read More : 1. 5 Mental Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy That You Must Know 2. Health Tips For Hard Working Men 3. Unhealthy And Healthy Solutions For Coping With Stress