Essential Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Published on: 02 May 2018 Last Updated on: 01 August 2024
Coconut Oil

The advantages of coconut oil are on everyone’s tongue. It is a special blessing from God as it has many benefits. It has uncountable uses, some people use coconut for better hair growth, few people apply it on the skin for moisturizing purpose, some of them add them in scented candles for aromatherapy and last but not least few people add coconut oil in their smoothies and diet to enjoy its magnificent health benefits.

Coconut Oil Kills Bacteria :

Coconut oil is anti-microbial oil that fights against bacteria, viruses or micro-organisms. Coconut oil has saturated fat that contains lauric acid as fatty acids which are known for their ability to fight against bacteria. If you add coconut oil to your diet, it combines with enzymes to form monoglyceride which enhances the property of coconut oil to kill bacteria such as Candida Albicans or Staphylococcus Aureus.

Coconut oil Promotes Heart Health :

The saturated fat in coconut oil increases the number of High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) is good cholesterol responsible to carry fat lipids to the liver so that they can be removed. These fat lipids are low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol that can build in your arteries and can lead you to experience high blood pressure issues. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol fights against low-density lipoproteins cholesterol which reduces your chances of experiencing cardiovascular diseases.

Coconut oil Improves digestive system :

Do you know that coconut oil can help you improve your digestive system? Coconut oil makes your gut flora healthy by fighting against bad bacteria and maintains a healthy environment. Coconut oil also fights against bacteria that cause a decrease in stomach acids which helps indigestion.

Tip: By adding omega fatty acids while taking coconut oil in your diet will enhance the result.

Coconut Oil and Weight loss:

Eating coconut oil can play an effective role in helping you to lose weight. Coconut oil improves your immune system because the chain of lauric acid in the coconut oil fights against bacteria and creates a hostile environment. Coconut oil also contains energy creating abilities and it naturally reduces your appetite that further aids in maintaining blood sugar level. In addition to this, the caprylic acid in coconut oil also helps in improving thyroid function, contributes to burning fat and controls heart rate. Due to its antimicrobial properties, it also helps in avoiding or treating stomach ulcer.

Type ii Diabetes :

As discussed prior that coconut oil helps in regulating blood sugar level. Similarly, coconut oil reduces the risk of diabetes type two. When your body stops accepting insulin and energy from glucose. Coconut oil promotes the production of insulin in cells which provides continuous energy by preventing insulin resistance.

Coconut Oil Helps In Preventing Alzheimer Disease :

Our liver is responsible to produce ketones which provide energy to our brain. The energy source for brain cells is derived from glucose by the help of insulin that is produced by the brain itself. People experiencing form Alzheimer brain loses their ability to produce insulin. However, the Medium-chain triglycerides MCT’s in coconut oil increases the production of ketones by the liver which provides energy to the brain to improve its function. In addition to this, if you have a weak memory, the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil will also improve your recalling power as the brain cells get stronger.

Coconut Oil for Anti-aging :

Coconut oil is antimicrobial oil that promotes the level of antioxidants in the body which further aids into the slower aging process as it reduces oxidative stress on the liver and promotes better liver function. Healthier liver leads to a healthier body and skin.

Prevent Osteoporosis By Using Coconut Oil :

Free radicals and oxidative stress are two causes of osteoporosis. Many people use coconut oil as a natural remedy for osteoporosis because it promotes absorption of calcium by gut flora which saves them from loss of bone structure and increases bone volume.

Coconut Oil for Hormone Imbalance :

To balance hormones, one should reduce the intake of sugar and grain and load up on healthy fats. Therefore, the saturated fats in coconut oil have a positive effect on estrogen levels. It can be one of the best fats that can be taken during menopause.

Hope this evidence would help you to make a wise decision of taking coconut oil in your diet.

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signs of addiction

Spot It Early: 9 Common Signs of Addiction You Need to Look out For

Almost ten percent of Americans have used some sort of illicit drug in the past month. Many of those people won't develop any signs of addiction. Typically, people start to use drugs on a recreational basis and over time move from only using in a social setting to using on their own. As time goes on and the disease of addiction progresses, they will begin to exhibit more signs and engage in riskier behavior. Fortunately, there are ways to catch addictions while they are forming. You can approach a loved one before their habit becomes a real problem, but only if you know what to look for. Learn more here. 1. An Increase of Stress and Feelings of Paranoia: Most people turn to drugs and alcohol at stressful times in their life. If you know someone who has a history of turning to substances when they are upset and you find out they are going through a stressful period, you may want to reach out to lend them support. If you reach out and you notice your friend responds with feelings of paranoia, they may be already headed towards developing an addiction. Talk to them about their recent drug and alcohol use. 2. Changes in Behavior: Depending on how often you are able to see your loved one, you will be able to notice changes in their behavior developing. They may start to miss work more, have problems in school, and not care about showing up at social engagements. They may also start to isolate themselves more so that they are able to make more time for using. Their conversations will become dominated by talk of drug and alcohol use. And, they will most likely fall on hard financial times and constantly need more money. 3. Cold or Flu-Like Symptoms: Cold or flu-like symptoms can develop due to long term use of many drugs including meth and opioids. For those who inject the drugs, they will often develop a cough and a runny nose as well as puffy eyes. If you notice that your loved one has some of these symptoms but they don't want to go to the doctor, it could be because they have something to hide. 4. Manipulative Behavior: Drug and alcohol addictions are expensive. Depending on how much access a drug user has to cash, they may frequently be in need of more money to feed their habit. When combined with the threat of withdrawal symptoms, many addicts will choose to steal or manipulate their loved ones in order to get the money they need. They will come up with lies and tell stories in order to borrow more cash. They may also steal valuables from their loved ones that they can sell later for cash. 5. Unexplained Disappearances: Unexplained disappearances are a common indicator of addiction. In order to become an addict, you have to dedicate a lot of time to it. The more time an addict spends high, the less comfortable they tend to feel around friends and family members that don't use. Over time, they may start disappearing for a few hours. After a while, it could become more frequent with disappearances that last for days or even weeks. 6. Dishonesty: If you are using drugs and alcohol frequently, there are very few people in the world who will allow you to openly continue to your behavior. Many addicts feel they have to lie in order to support their habit. If you notice that you keep catching your loved one in lies but aren't sure what's at the root of it all, you should consider whether they might be using drugs or alcohol. 7. The frequency of Use: As mentioned earlier, many people who abuse substances start off by having more control over their use. Over time, they begin to develop a tolerance that causes their body to feel like it needs more just to get high. The more you ingest, the higher your chance of getting addicted. Many addicts feel like they can quit any time they want. This should be a red flag about someone's use since if the problem is being talked about, they probably should have already stopped. 8. Discovery of Drug Paraphernalia: If someone is using drugs, you may not always find their stash. But, you can usually find some evidence of their use, such as drug paraphernalia. Make sure if you confront a loved one about what you have found, that you have all your facts straight before you make the accusation. Most addicts will deny any evidence they are confronted with. 9. Development of a Tolerance: If you have been using drugs and alcohol yourself and you're concerned that you may be pushing it too far, you should consider whether or not you have developed a tolerance to the substances. Tolerance is your body's way of telling you that it has made a permanent adjustment to craving that substance. It's a dangerous indicator of addiction. Other Signs of Addiction: If you have any of the signs of addiction on this list, then it may be time for you to consider a recovery facility. But there is one more major sign left to mention - continuing despite negative consequences. If using substances has been leading to problems in your relationships or finances, then you need to take the problem seriously and get help today. Learn more about rehab here. More Helpful Advice: Now that you know the signs of addiction, you can keep an eye on your loved ones to make sure they stay safe and healthy. For more health and fitness advice, check out our other posts today. Read Also: Famous Alcoholics And The Symptoms Of Their Addiction How To Know If You Have An Addiction: 7 Common Signs Not On The Straight And Narrow: 4 Telltale Signs Of Drug Use In Teens

skin care

How To Safely And Effectively Clear Your Complexion

One of the most common things we notice with people aside from their smile is their skin. They say that the skin says a lot about a person's health--and that is true. When our complexion is not clear as we'd like it to be, there may be other underlying problems such as hormonal imbalances, poor hygiene, or lifestyle changes we need to address. According to dermatologists, the complexion is an important part of not just our physical well-being, but it also gives us a gauge of how we perceive ourselves. Having a clear complexion helps us to: Feel confident about ourselves - we don't have to feel embarrassed about our skin condition. When our skin is clear, we feel more confident about ourselves and are less self-conscious about our appearance. Helps us in career and other lifestyle choices - when we make big decisions in life, we want to be as presentable as possible. Having clear skin also helps us to achieve well as we make big choices in our career. Gives us an overall sense of well-being - poor skin complexion is a gateway to more infections in the body. Since acne and psoriasis can also be sites of open wounds, it might be an entry point for infection. Having clear skin steers us away from this risk. As we understand the benefits of having clear skin, this article gives us additional ways to help clear our complexion in simple and effective ways. How To Safely And Effectively Clear Your Complexion 1. Drink plenty of water : As with any health problem, drinking enough water can work wonders for your skin. Most of the problems with psoriasis and acne stem from the skin lacking moisture. As a result, it can be more prone to irritation due to dryness. The dryness may create extra sebum, which in turn causes infection in people who are suffering from acne. Additionally, those who suffer from psoriasis may have difficulties curbing the skin problem when they are in dry weather conditions. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day can help supplement your skin with moisture that it needs to prevent further flare-ups. 2. Have a good skin regimen : There are some instances where soap and water on your face and body won't do the trick. You have to adopt a regimen that works for your skin. The most common step to do this is to identify a gentle wash, a toner, and a moisturizer for your skin. You can also add treatment for blemishes or flare-up spots. To help you decide better, you can ask the help of a dermatologist to give you advice on what products you can include in your regimen. The skin regimen should be consistently followed, or else you'll run the risk of having further infections. 3. Take skin medications : Aside from having a usual regimen, your dermatologist may also give your prescriptions for skin medications such as Tazorac. Tazorac is a vitamin A derivative drug which can help cure symptoms of psoriasis and acne. Additionally, you can also find Tazorac price discounts online on websites such as Singletary. You may use the Tazorac price discount voucher at participating drug stores in your area. These medications may be given if you have moderate to severe types of skin conditions. Just like your normal skincare regimen, you need to apply them consistently and as recommended. 4. Eat wholesome foods : There's a saying that goes "you are what you eat", however, the saying "your skin shows what you eat", is also true as well. Cut out junk food in your diet, as oils and other chemicals found in burgers, fries, pizza, and chips may cause you to break out with more blemishes. Too much milk and sugar can also cause skin problems as well, as they have the tendency to block out skin pores. Eat wholesome foods such as lean fish, green tea, and other healthy types of smoothies instead. These foods have skin-clearing properties that are even used as the main ingredient in some skin products. Read Also : 10 Foods For Vibrant, Glowing And Younger Skin Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Your Skin & Good Sleeping Habits 7 Tips For People With Hypersensitive Skin


Cannabis can Help in the Fight Against Drug Addiction

The substances contained in cannabis can help those who are addicted to hard drugs to quit their addiction. The first signals about the effects of cannabis on addiction to one form of cocaine appeared relatively early, more than 30 years ago. Dealers smoked it along with cannabis to avoid addiction. Although cannabis is also can be addictive, addiction to rapid-acting crack is much faster and much more serious in effect. Just a dozen or so minutes after firing one dose there is an irresistible desire for another... and another... and the next one... pushing the smoker crack to behave dangerously for himself and others, Risky sexual behavior, the tendency to violence and breaking the law are typical. Tolerance is developing rapidly: crack cocaine addiction requires more and more doses. In addition to acute symptoms such as high blood pressure, heart rate and temperature, nausea, seizures, hallucinations, panic and paranoia, the body can also be destroyed over time, cognitive decline, persistent psychotic conditions, depression, destruction of teeth, lips and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, myocardial infarction or stroke. Research indicates that of the 122 identified cocaine users who want to throw cocaine in this form, they started to take cannabis. In an average of 30 months, these people had 89% more chance to reduce their crack intake compared to the time they did not take cannabis. It also seemed that cannabis made it easier for them to stop using this form of cocaine altogether or to maintain this decision. Without cannabis, only 11% of people managed to stop without cocaine. However, when they used it, crack was not needed by 28%. Although the experiment did not meet the conditions for a clinical trial, its results were considered by specialists to be very intriguing. Animal studies suggest that Cannabidiol (CBD) that’s in the cannabis flowers in various concentrations is the most promising. You can buy it even in countries where Cannabis is still completely illegal, like Poland. It’s sold in form of oils, liquids, chewing gums etc. It has a lot of medical potentials, it can help in depression and many other medical conditions. But most importantly, It is likely to have an impact on the reward system in the brain, reducing the pleasant sensations associated with certain drugs. In rats, this has been proven to be possible. Animal tests show that THC also reduces opiate dependence. THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, injected into the blood of heroin and morphine-dependent rats, restores the chemical balance in their brains. As a result, rats treated with THC when they were young were deprived of the consequences of using much stronger and more harmful drugs in adulthood. Young rats, taken away from their mothers just after birth, were given powerful doses of THC. Deprived of maternal care, they have undeveloped brains. Neural nets are less developed and rats become more addicted. The effectiveness of THC injections has been proven in such animals. Although in theory, they should become more addicted, the "treatment" with THC resulted in the fact that although they were given morphine and heroin, the addiction did not occur. Scientists hope that this unusual discovery will help create an alternative drug addiction treatment for drug addicts. It is difficult to predict whether, in the future, the social priorities so far regarded as priorities, or whether medical considerations will prevail, and cannabis-based preparations will go to pharmacies. This discovery can be extremely helpful with the recent opioid epidemic in the United States, where doctors prescribed opiates (powerful and very addictive painkillers) to almost everyone, and as a result, Donald Trump had to call it a state of a national emergency. Read Also: Why Cannabis Is Good For Health? Is Outpatient Treatment For Drug And Alcohol Addiction Effective?