What is a Simple Assault in Texas?

Published on: 27 February 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Simple Assault

In Texas, there are several types of assault. According to state laws, a simple assault involves an intentional act that causes bodily injury against someone. But the law isn’t limited to bodily injury. Simple assault can also involve a threat of bodily injury or offensive physical contact. Learn more about the laws regarding a simple assault in Texas.

Examples of Simple Assault:

To better understand simple assault, you should consider some examples. When most people think of assault, they think of hitting or kicking an individual. But assault can include other violent acts. For example, it can include pinching, poking, or grabbing another individual.

Assault can also include threatening to hurt someone. If someone uses words that make another individual fear their safety, they are guilty of assault. For instance, telling someone you are going to punch them is a form of assault. You make the other person fear that they will be harmed.

If an assault involves some minor injuries, you could face charges of simple assault. However, actions that result in more serious injuries are often aggravated assault. You could face more severe penalties for such a charge. In fact, the severity of the injuries could be the difference between a misdemeanor crime and a felony.

Simple Assault or a Felony?

If your assault involves certain circumstances, you could be guilty of a felony assault. Felony assault comes in three degrees. A simple assault could be a third-degree felony if it involves one of the following situations:

  1. The assault is against a government official or public servant
  2. The incident is against an emergency worker or a security guard
  3. The assault is against someone in your house or a family member

If your simple assault is a third-degree felony, you could so as many as ten years in state prison. You could also be responsible for paying a fine as high as $10,000.

Penalties for Simple Assault:

The term simple assault refers to misdemeanor assault. If you are guilty of a misdemeanor assault, you face one of three charges. The charge that you face depends on the circumstances of the assault.

For example, a Class A misdemeanor is an assault that results in minor injuries only. However, a Class C offense only involves threatening or touching an individual. Class B offenses are more specific in that it involves a threat against someone participating in a sporting event.

If you are guilty of a Class A misdemeanor, you could spend as much as one year in jail and be required to pay up to $4,000 in fines. Meanwhile, a Class B misdemeanor is less serious. The maximum jail time is 180 days and the maximum fine is $2,000. Finally, a Class C misdemeanor comes with the least consequences. There is no potential for jail time and the fine is as much as $500.

In certain situations, the court could make you pay the victim for their damages. For instance, you might need to pay for their medical care, counseling, or property damage.

Charges of simple assault don’t need to ruin your life. If you work with a Fort Worth criminal defense attorney, you improve your chances at a positive outcome. By working with a lawyer, you can fight the charges. Your lawyer can craft a legal strategy that minimizes the consequences or results in a dismissal of charges.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Longer Life

Forever Young: Natural Ways to Live a Longer Life

There's nothing like a health scare or an accident to make you realize the value of your life. Whether it was your accident or a friend barely escaped death, you realized you need to live healthier. Or maybe you need to start nagging your elderly family member to stop smoking again. There are so many ways how to live a longer life, that it can get overwhelming. We've structured this post so you have one thing to do every month that'll improve your life and your health. It doesn't have to wait until January either - start this list right now! You're only one habit away from how to live a longer life. Month #1 Task: Drink More Water: There's a problem in the US where we drink too much soda and alcohol. While that's fine once in a while, neither should be a daily occurrence. If you drink more than one soda a day or more than one beer, make yourself add in one glass of water. If you want to go the extra step, then replace one of your beverages with water instead. If you don't drink either, then drink a glass of water when you wake up every day. It'll give your body a boost of hydration to start the day and help you wake up! Month #2: Stop Popping Pills: There's nothing wrong with taking the occasional Tylenol or ibuprofen when you're in pain - but people take them all the time. Before you pop them at the first sign of a headache, drink a glass of water, and rub your temples. You can buy pre-mixed essential oil headache sticks that will stop the pain in its tracks. Taking these pills too often can increase your risk of heart attack and even stroke by 10%. They're also hard on your kidney and your liver since that's where they process. If you do have to take one, try to take a lower dose and only take more if you need it. Month #3: Go to Sleep, Please!   Just an extra half hour of sleep a night can do wonders for your life. 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You drive to work as the sun is just coming up and when you get out, it's already going down. But humans are low on vitamin D, which we get from sun exposure. Not enough vitamin D can lead to depression and general fatigue. Try to take a quick walk outside during a break or eat lunch outside. If it's too cold - find a room with a lot of sunlight in your building. You can take it in a supplement or even buy sunlight if you're really struggling with your Vitamin D levels. But, try to get the real thing if you can - it's always better than faking it. Month #5: Take Time Off: Do you know those vacation days that are adding up? Or those weekends that just feel like work part two with all the things you try to stuff in? It could be hurting your longevity. The body needs a break from work and not taking one can lead to a heart attack. Even if you don't have the money to take time off work or have a real vacation, leave your Saturday unplanned for once. Laze around the house in your PJs and do nothing. Play with the kids and make a late breakfast. Go work in your garden - only if you enjoy it. Your body deserves a break. Month #6: Challenge Your Brain: Not only can this tip help you live a longer life, but it can also help you live a longer, better life. Is there a card game you love playing but never have time for? Do you like doing crosswords or playing sudoku? Keep doing it! Activating your brain in challenging ways keeps it working. Think of it as muscle (which it is), you need to work it out. Keeping your brain active longer can prevent or put off the development of dementia by a few years. That means you'll have more time you can be present with family and friends. If your loved one lives in a nursing home or works with an organization like Families Choice Home Care, ask their nurses if they'll play challenging games with them. Invest in some good mechanical pencils and an extra eraser or a new deck of cards. It's time to play! 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Top 5 foods for healthier and thicker hair

Healthy hair is closely related to your diet. We all know that dying and curling your hair can make you more attractive, but those are not the best things for your hair in the long term. What it really needs is essential nutrition. We listed the top 5 foods that will keep making sure it’s as healthy as possible. Spinach Spinach is rich in iron and also contains high amounts of vitamin A, vitamin K, and folate. One of the main causes for hair loss or breakage is a lack of iron. Iron helps in producing red blood cells called hemoglobin, which carry oxygen to different parts of the body and distribute essential minerals and nutrition for our cells to function properly. When iron levels are low, the number of red blood cells is decreased. As a result, our body experiences fatigue and weakness. A decrease in red blood cells means that oxygen is unable to reach derma papilla cells, which are the main source for nourishing hair follicles. Spinach also contains the highest amount of Vitamin K of any other vegetable. Vitamin K helps blood circulation by preventing blood from getting clogged in the body. One cup of spinach provides about 200% of the daily recommendation of vitamin K. Salmon Salmon is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids. According to Foxnews.com, our bodies are not capable of producing Omega 3 fatty acids alone, so it is important to eat foods or hair growth vitamins that include this source.            Read Also: 6 stunning long hairstyles for oval faces Omega 3 fatty acids have a direct link to the health of hair follicles and keep our hair growing stronger by regulating sebum production. More hair care manufacturers are introducing new products that contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is a vital part of Omega 3 fatty acids. Eggs Our hair is largely made of protein but also contains a small number of lipids (a key source of moisture for hair). In order to keep hair in an optimal condition, providing enough protein is essential. Eggs, especially the egg yolks, are loaded with protein and vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 is another important component to nourish follicles and maintain normal hair growth cycles. Egg yolks are also often used for hair mask treatments as one of the many hair growth natural home remedies. Mixed with a couple of teaspoons of honey or olive oil, the mixture should be applied to your hair (including your scalp) for 20-30 minutes. Cleanse by rinsing it with warm water. This egg hair mask is another great way to strengthen hair and add moisture. Bell Peppers Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) plays a protective role in the health of our skin and hair. Its antioxidant properties help by preventing harmful free radicals from damaging our body parts. One of the early signs of a lack of Vitamin C is dry skin and breakage of hair according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Bell peppers contain high amounts of Vitamin C and Vitamin B-6. One medium-size red bell pepper provides 292% of the suggested daily value of Vitamin C. Oysters Oysters are packed with Zinc (about 30 mg per serving), which plays a vital role in overall human health. Considering the daily intake recommendation for Zinc is 8 to 11 mg, it’s obvious that oysters can be very beneficial. Zinc helps by contributing to a healthy immune system, cell growth, and renewal of cells for skin, hair, and nails. By regulating appropriate hormone levels, Zinc-rich foods such as oysters can prevent premature hair fallout.

Benefits Of Using Bhringraj Oil

Benefits Of Using Bhringraj Oil And Supplements

Bhringaraj is an ayurvedic plant that has been in use for ages due to its immense health benefits. Bhringraj is also known as  Eclipta alba or Eclipta prostrata and comes in four different species. The plant can be found bearing beautiful and colorful flowers. The plants bearing yellow and white flowers are used extensively to make ayurvedic medicines and supplements. The products formed using this herbal plant contain various bioactive compounds like ursolic acid, luteolin, etc. which are extremely beneficial for our health and beauty. Most of us know bhringraj as a herb that is only good for your hair, but apart from being a beauty enhancer, this plant can also help the body in numerous ways. You can use bhringraj supplements to make your skin beautiful, avoid respiratory problems and more. There are a lot of fitness myths and many believe that supplements aren’t good for your health when used for a long time. However, if you choose the right product that is clinically proven and have them in the right dosage, then these supplements can do wonders for your body. Here are some of the benefits of using bhringraj that you should never miss out on: 1. It is excellent for your hair: It is a known fact that bhringraj is amazing for your hair as this hair-vitalizing herb can deal with hair loss and prevent greying of hair. It is also known to speed up the process of hair growth. 2. It is amazing for your skin: The usage of bhringraj powder can help to fight fungal infections that can otherwise affect your skin very badly. Bhrigraj leaves and powders can help to deal with skin problems like eczema and skin boils. 3. It is great for your liver: Dimethyl-wedelolactone and wedelolactone compounds present in bhringraj supplements can perform like antitoxin agents that can help in the process of liver cell regeneration. Regular usage of this herb can protect your liver from harmful chemicals that are responsible for damaging it. 4. It can deal with dysentery: Dysentery can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and high fever. Usage of bhringraj supplements can help to fight the bacteria which is responsible for causing dysentery. One can also have the juice of bhringraj leaves with honey to ease dysentery symptoms. 5. It can help to relieve pain: Yes, you read that right! Having fresh extracts of bhringraj leaves or supplements can be used to relieve pain, reduce swelling and inflammation. 6. It can help to deal with gastric ulcers: Stomach ulcers can lead to nausea, burning sensation in the heart, and pain. Bhringraj supplements can help to deal with stomach ulcers which are usually caused because of regular consumption of aspirins and anti-inflammatory drugs. The extract of bhringraj can help to reduce gastric ulcers induced that are caused due to aspirins and alcohol. Conclusion: Bhringraj is a blessing that mother nature gave us to nurture ourselves. However, while using supplements make sure you do not overdose with any herb. Talk to an ayurvedic practitioner before using the edible form of any herbal supplement. You must know the right dosage amount that your body needs and have supplements according to your body’s requirements to avoid any problem. Read Also: CBD for Pain Relief: Dosage Guidelines and Safety Hair Loss Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Treating Open Wounds – Types, Treatments, and Complications