Are X-Rays Dangerous?

Published on: 16 January 2019 Last Updated on: 21 February 2020

Typically, as a patient who needs an X-ray, you don’t have much say in the matter. It’s a necessary tool to diagnose things like broken bones or other internal issues. And refusing to allow the X-ray could have serious consequences for the state of your care. But it’s still good to know what potential risks you are facing in any procedure.

What is an X-ray?

An X-ray is an imaging procedure that uses electromagnetic energy to produce light rays to produce images visible to the naked eye. Basically, an X-ray allows hard matter like bone tissue to show up white in an image. And it shows softer matter like skin in shades of black or gray. This is why it is an effective tool for checking for broken bones. But this emission of energy is called radiation, and it does come with some potential risks.

What are the risks of X-rays?

Any medical procedure or medication is not without some type of risk, and X-rays are no exception. The potential harm from X-rays comes from the exposure to radiation. And, according to the US Food and Drug Administration, the main risk is the increased possibility of cancer. However, the risk is thought to be very small with normal exposure. In other words, receiving routine X-rays from a procedure will probably never result in any harmful side effects. But the risks, of course, could increase with continued exposure.

What procedures expose you to radiation?

X-rays may be used for various conditions besides just broken bones. Doctors also use them to check for things like breast tumors, blocked blood vessels, lung conditions, arthritis and infections. Dentists use them to check for tooth decay and misalignments. Several other types of procedures produce X-ray images. Radiography, for example, uses the smallest amount of radiation and is common for bones. A Computed tomography, or CT scan, produces a 3D image that can be taken in sections. CT scans are common for brain injuries or suspected tumors. And fluoroscopy is used to get real-time images of internal workings. It’s most commonly used to view heart functions.

What precautions can you take to limit exposure?

Because the risk of side effects for X-rays is so minimal, most patients do not require additional protection. But in some cases, a technician may place some sort of protection over certain areas. This is usually only necessary when a patient has already had cancer or has been identified as someone at risk. For example, an X-ray technician might place a lead thyroid shield over a patient’s neck to keep from exposing a thyroid to radiation. This might be done if the patient has or had thyroid cancer. Or they might place a lead apron over areas such as the ovaries or gonads if they will be conducting numerous X-rays on them.

The real risk of radiation exposure is to the personnel continually performing the procedures. X-ray technicians usually perform a number of X-rays every day and are exposed to the rays for many hours. This is why they wear protective gear. Specially designed lead aprons and lead glasses are examples of some of the gear they might use on a daily basis. The X-ray rooms may also be designed with at least one wall containing lead that a technician may stand behind when he or she activates the machine.

All in all, the benefits associated with X-rays far outweighs any potential risk. After all, a physician may be able to save your life by detecting a tumor. And the risk of a tumor being fatal is much greater than the risk of an adverse radiation effect.


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Polydrug Use: What Happens When You Mix Cocaine with Heroin?

Cocaine and heroin are among the most potent and extensively used illicit drugs in the world with deeply addictive and destructive potential. When we think of these drugs, we usually think of individuals having either cocaine or heroin addiction, whereas in reality the practice of taking more than one substance at the same time - known as polydrug use - is on the rise. Individuals typically start polydrug use by combining substances to enhance the effects of one or both of them. A very common combination of drugs in polydrug use is cocaine and heroin and in fact, the practice has become so widespread that it now has its own street name: "speedballing." When speedballing, polydrug users take heroin to extend and enhance cocaine’s short-term effects to avoid the crashing come down, essentially by replacing it with opiate-induced euphoria. The Health Risks of Speed Balling with Cocaine and Heroin: Although the effects of speedballing are extremely pleasurable and compelling to users, it is incredibly dangerous. Both heroin and cocaine have significant health risks separately but when used in combination and injected at the same time, these risks are heightened considerably. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and depending on the US state studied, around 36.9% to 98.9% of heroin-related deaths involve other substances. There are few activities in life that have the potential to be more deadly than speedballing and yet it is now a significant issue. Young people experimenting with substances are increasingly being encouraged to participate in speedballing without being fully aware of the risks. Let’s take a look at the differences between cocaine and heroin when used on their own: Heroin: Heroin is made from an extract of the opium poppy and it has been used for hundreds of years as pain relief for significant trauma. The way heroin works are by flooding the brain with euphoria-creating dopamine so as to “trick” the mind into ignoring pain signals from other parts of the body. The euphoria created by heroin is considered the reason it is highly addictive, as it immobilizes the body in the most pleasant way so that the only thing a user can do is lay back and enjoy the feeling. One of the most common ways people develop heroin addiction is by becoming tolerant to its effects, which can happen very quickly after they start using the drug. When the euphoria they seek starts to wane when taking their usual amount of the drug, they will simply up the dose. After a very short while of this addictive behavior, the body will start to develop cravings for heroin every time the user comes down from their high. Some of the withdrawal symptoms emerging if cravings for heroin are not satisfied can be extremely unpleasant and so more of the drug is needed to make them go away. Cocaine: The kind of high cocaine creates depends on the way it’s taken, which is generally by snorting or injecting. The effects of cocaine are generally short-term, lasting around 40 minutes and they are quite opposite to those of heroin. Cocaine is a stimulant that makes users feel a rush of energy, often making them the life and soul of the party. Whereas heroin immobilizes, cocaine stimulates and while on a high from the drug, users tend to talk at a fast pace, enjoying everything around them in an animated way. Cocaine is equally as addictive as heroin although it has a very different kind of appeal. Some people become socially dependent on the drug before going on to developing an addiction, using cocaine as a prop to boost confidence. However, as with heroin, cocaine has a negative impact on the brain's function, which can introduce extra challenges for people seeking to overcome cocaine addiction in heroin and cocaine addiction treatment. The risks caused by speedballing with cocaine and heroin include the following: Whereas heroin stimulates the brain’s production of endorphins, cocaine prevents them from being reabsorbed naturally. This eventually erodes an individual’s ability to enjoy the simplest pleasures in life unless substance abuse is involved. Cocaine is the only drug with the potential to hyper-stimulate the body to the point where the user suffers a stroke. When used in combination in heroin, it is not possible to detect that this is happening and there is a risk of suffering a stroke without any warning and possible death. The effects of cocaine do not last for as long as heroin and so speedballers tend to use more cocaine to prolong their high. This is incredibly dangerous and places the individual at risk of a fatal heart attack. Heroin has a powerful effect on the central nervous system, slowing down its functions when a person is under influence including the heartbeat and breathing. If there is not enough oxygen reaching the brain because a person’s breathing has become shallow after taking heroin, there is a high risk of brain damage or death. Because cocaine is a stimulant, it reduces some of the effects of heroin if taken at the same time. This can mask the warning signs of heroin overdose which include: confusion, dizziness, slurred speech, body limpness, and unconsciousness. Cocaine and Heroin Addiction Treatment for Speed Balling: Addiction is an illness that can be treated so that individuals can move on from substance abuse and enjoy a life in sobriety. Although challenging, the path through detox, rehab, and recovery on a cocaine or heroin addiction treatment program introduces individuals to a world outside of substance use, motivating them to make the necessary changes to overcome their illness. Because of the potency of heroin and cocaine independently, people speedballing face significantly more risks from substance abuse than those abusing one type of drug. The effects on a person's personality, behavior, and psychological state can be extended with both substances which is why holistic therapies such as those offered at the best heroin and cocaine addiction treatment centers are now commonly available as a cocaine and heroin addiction treatment approach. Through learning skills such as meditation and yoga or becoming physically fit through a structured exercise regime, individuals can move on from the difficulties in their lives cause by heroin and cocaine addiction. 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Vein Specialist

7 Signs Which Indicate That You Need To See a Vein Specialist Right Now

Vein health is imperative for keeping your circulatory system in a good condition because veins are responsible for pumping the blood from the body organs back to the heart. However, a majority of people are averse to vein health as they think that pain and discomfort in the veins are minor issues. No wonder, problems such as spider veins and varicose veins are becoming so common. People seldom seek medical guidance right from the initial stages and suffer in silence while the disease aggravates. Lack of timely treatment sometimes even results in serious complications such as Deep Vein Thrombosis. If you are struggling with even minor vein issues, you should not ignore them and take medical guidance. 7 Signs Which Indicate That You Need To See a Vein Specialist Right Now Here are 7 signs that indicate that you need to see a vein specialist right now: 1. Your experience leg weakness after standing for long intervals You may think that it is normal to feel weakness in the legs after standing for a while even if you do not have any other medical problem. This could, however, be an early indication of poor vein health. Varicose veins make your legs feel heavy and weak, particularly after standing or sitting in the same position for hours. See a specialist immediately if you experience this issue regularly. 2. Your leg pain is hampering physical activity Leg pain could be a symptom of varicose veins though there could be some other factors at play. If you experience aching and throbbing in your legs for a prolonged period and are unable to do your daily activities due to the pain, it is time to seek vein clinic help. The specialists here can evaluate whether the pain is due to vein damage and chalk out a treatment plan for you. 3. You have rashes or dryness near your ankle Another telltale sign that you may be suffering from vein problems is a rash or dryness of the skin near your ankles. This could be an indication that your veins are damaged and are not doing their job properly. The condition may get worse if not treated in time as the itch or rash may lead to a venous ulcer at a later stage. So it is better to see a doctor and address the problem before it is too late. 4. You have developed leg ulcers Ignoring rashes and itchiness can cause leg ulcers, which are commonly seen in the calf and ankle areas. Diabetic patients are at high risk of having them. This is one problem that you should not ignore because it points out the presence of vein disease and diabetes (if not diagnosed yet). A vein specialist can offer the right treatment for ulcers before they get worse. 5. You have swelling in one of your legs and it goes after resting Swelling in your legs could be caused by a number of health issues but if it happens it one of the legs, it is probably because of venous insufficiency. Diagnosis is even more likely if the swelling goes after resting for a while or after waking up in the morning. If you experience such symptoms, you should see a specialist at the earliest. 6. Your veins have turned blue and are bulging The most noticeable signs of vein issues are discoloration and bulging of the veins. If you find your veins turning purple or blue in color along with visible bulging, a medical consultation is warranted. These are the symptoms of varicose veins and should be addressed at the earliest to prevent the formation of blood clots. 7. You have a tender lump in your leg Another concern that you should not ignore is the presence of a tender lump in your leg. This may not always mean that you have a vein-related issue but it could probably be caused by a blood clot in the vein. If you spot anything like this, do not delay an appointment with a vein specialist. These signs are the danger signals that your body sends and you should never ignore them. Pregnant women should be particularly vigilant as hormonal changes and increase in weight and vascular volume can aggravate varicose veins during pregnancy. Those who have suffered from vein issues during their first pregnancy should be extra careful during the subsequent ones. Timely consultation and proper treatment from an expert specialist can help to resolve vein-related issues effectively. Your veins play an important role in keeping you healthy and they deserve all the attention and care that you can give. Read Also : 5 Mental Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy That You Must Know How Can Stress During Studies Affect The Health Of Your Children? 7 Health Benefits Of Black Seed Oil


Morayfield Fitness Unleashed: A Journey Into A Unique Fitness Experience

From sunrise to sunset, an energetic pulse in the Morayfield region keeps its community moving forward. A significant component of this vitality is attributed to the high-energy fitness culture that thrives here. Among these, one standout facility offers many fitness services that are nothing short of a revolution. Let's delve into this journey of a transformative fitness culture that incorporates the best of Les Mills, Yoga, Pilates, HIIT training, and more, all facilitated by top-notch instructors. Unveiling The Unique Fitness Services In Morayfield, fitness is not merely a pastime or a hobby; it permeates every facet of life, creating a lifestyle where health and well-being are not just aspirations but a daily reality. This community has wholeheartedly embraced fitness as an integral part of their day-to-day routine, ingraining it into the fabric of their existence. This deep-rooted passion for fitness is fuelled by the region's commitment to variety, innovation, and achieving tangible results. The fitness services that have blossomed here are a testament to this commitment. The Les Mills Extravaganza Nothing quite like the Les Mills experience when discussing fitness classes that pack a punch. These classes have a global reputation for delivering engaging, fun, and effective workouts. In Morayfield, enthusiasts can enjoy an impressive selection of these classes, including favourites like BODYPUMP, CXWORX, SPRINT, RPM and more. Let's explore them in detail: BODYPUMP: A Full-Body Workout A typical BODYPUMP class involves using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition for a total body workout. The result? You'll burn calories, tone muscles, increase strength and endurance, and boost your metabolism. CXWORX: Core Training Like No Other Are you looking to work on your core strength? Then, CXWORX is for you. This class will challenge your torso and sling muscles that connect your upper body to your lower body, thus improving functional strength and assisting in injury prevention. SPRINT: High-Intensity Cycling SPRINT is a short, intense style of training that returns rapid results with minimum joint impact. The workout is based on the science of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which is proven to produce immediate results. RPM: Indoor Cycling At Its Finest RPM is an indoor cycling class set to the rhythm of motivating music. It burns a lot of calories and gets you fit. This class caters to all fitness levels, from the beginner to the elite athlete. Going Beyond Les Mills: Yoga, Pilates And HIIT Training While Les Mills classes have their unique charm and effectiveness, the fitness world of Morayfield goes way beyond that. Yoga, Pilates, and HIIT training sessions are also offered here, each bringing unique benefits and variety to the fitness landscape. Yoga: Uniting Mind, Body, And Spirit Yoga classes in Morayfield are perfect for those looking for a holistic approach to fitness. The courses are designed to improve flexibility, build strength, promote better breathing, reduce stress, and improve heart health. Pilates: Strength, Flexibility, And Balance The Pilates classes here are suitable for all fitness levels. They focus on core strength, flexibility, balance, and overall body strength. Pilates is an excellent way to shape your body, reduce stress levels, and develop an understanding of how your body works. HIIT Training: Maximize Your Results In Minimum Time High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a fantastic way to maximise your workout if you're short on time but want effective results. These sessions involve brief, intense bursts of physical activity followed by short recovery periods. The result is a super-efficient workout that boosts metabolism and burns fat. The Very Best Instructors In The Area What sets the Fitness cartel in Morayfield apart isn't just the variety of classes available and the quality of the instructors leading them. Passionate, experienced, and dedicated to helping clients reach their fitness goals, these instructors make every class exciting, challenging, and fun. They're trained to provide expert guidance, allowing beginners to seasoned athletes to improve their performance and achieve their fitness goals. Conclusion The world of fitness in Morayfield is diverse, challenging, and immensely rewarding. There's something for everyone, from Les Mills classes to Yoga, Pilates, and HIIT training. Paired with the best instructors in the area, it's no wonder this region is buzzing with energy and enthusiasm for fitness. Embark on this unique fitness journey in Morayfield, and experience how transformative and fun staying in shape can genuinely be. The promise is not just of a healthier body but a revitalised spirit and an exhilarating sense of achievement. Read Also: Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out 8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate Different Types Of Blood Circulation Exercise