5 Tips to Kick Start Your Fitness Routine

Published on: 05 March 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Fitness Routine

No matter the kind of workout that you would like to engage in, you can use the new season as an opportunity of starting over again. Life always gives people of all walks of life a chance to open a new page. Therefore, it is possible to begin a daily fitness routine even if you have a proven track record of failure. The most important thing is to set yourself up for great success. In such a case, the small changes that you make will mean a lot to you. Do not allow the lofty end goals to intimidate you in any way. The guiding principle is to remain highly focused on your goals. This may call for some level of discipline but you will make it as long as you stay highly motivated. You may have to deny yourself some of the pleasures that the world presents your way. Here are some 5 tips to kick start your fitness routine. Use them to make sure that nothing deters you from the main objective.

1. Don’t Think About Being Bad

The fact that you did not engage in any physical activity during the last vacation is reason enough to make you feel bad. You may also be discouraged by the fact that you eat a dessert every single night while on that vacation. You could be struggling to create some time for your fitness routine within your schedule that is seemingly busy. You have to go to work, school, and take care of your young ones. It is like there is completely no time for a workout in your timetable.

Whatever the prevailing circumstances for your workout blues, you should always learn to let it go. The fact that you took a break from physical activities does not make you a bad person. Do not allow the little voices of shame and guilt to make the past to paralyze you. You may end up procrastinating everything in the present.  As human beings, we can only learn from the past and not change it. The good thing is that we can pick the lessons we learn from our past to shape our future. Know that every day gives you a brand-new opportunity to invest in your health and feel good. Therefore, you don’t have to dwell in the past in any way. Overcome such feelings and focus on your fitness routine so that you can move forward. This is an excellent starting point if you want to kickstart your fitness routine.

2. Set Realistic and Specific Goals

We have all been in a place when we give ourselves unrealistic targets in life. The truth of the matter is that you cannot achieve most of these targets and you will end up as a frustrated person. For example, after not exercising for one month, you want to compensate for the lost time by spending the whole week under an intensive exercise in the gym. Remember your body runs on blood and hence it needs time to adapt. You will strain, become tired, and most likely not achieve the desired results. The best that such an incidence can do for your is making you’re frustrated to a point of giving up.

Therefore, you should not be so overambitious in the way you set your goals. You need to set for yourself targets that you know are attainable. It is good to be reasonable as you set your workout goals.  Remember you are human and not a machine that runs on fuel. At some point, your body will wear out during the session. Begin with short term yoga workouts so that your body can adapt. As you continue with your fitness routine, you can increase the intensity slowly. You will be able to give your body the best experience that will encourage it to pursue the fitness routine. The most important thing is to do something and not nothing. Just know that you will eventually get in shape them move through the whole process progressively. You can even begin by taking a walk and then introduce running to your fitness routine later on. Some of these things may seem to be simple but they will make your body to feel good. You can even motivate your body by jogging before you can run. The step by step approach is the best way to adapt to a new fitness routine.

3. Hold a Plank for One Minute

Let me inform that holding a plank for one minute is harder than you may think. Planks are simple but highly effective exercises that will work the whole body from the top to the bottom.  If your intention is to nudge your body from shifting from a long break of workout, you can throw a few plank holdings every day. It will help you to tune back in with your glutes, shoulders, arms, and core. You will discover that your body will begin to adapt to exercising within a few days.

4. Tying a HIIT Workout

HIIT Workout

The full mane for this abbreviation is ‘high-intensity interval training.’ HIIT exercises determination rev your energy levels and blast your body like nothing else. It gives you one of the best feelings that come with challenging your body muscles. It will also give you excellent soreness and a good sweat. You should not miss this in your fitness routine if you have not been exercising for some time.

5. Eat Health Meals

Health Meals

Eating unhealthy meals while exercising makes the whole process to be counterproductive. You have to make nutritious meals as soon as you begin to get back to your fitness routine. Include things like green smoothies in your diet and you will be good to go. However, this does not mean that you have to do this for all the meals. Once you make a small implementation of healthy eating, you will get the motivation to desire to eat healthy foods every time. It will give you energy and a clear mindset to move on with life. These tips will make sure that you kickstart your fitness routine and adapt within a short period.

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Chronic Illness

Ways to Emotionally Deal with Chronic Illness

Getting a diagnosis that you have a chronic illness can be devastating. You start blaming yourself for your actions, but you also worry about what could happen to the people you love if you do not get well soon. Apart from the physical pain, you might also have to deal with the emotional trauma that comes with it. These are some techniques to help you cope with the emotional burden of having a chronic illness. Allow yourself to slow down: We now live in an age and time where everything seems to be moving quickly. When you know that you have a chronic illness, permit yourself to slow everything down. You might feel the need to rush because everyone around you is quick, and you might feel guilty if you are unable to cope. However, since you already have an illness, you cannot let yourself suffer from undue stress when you can control the situation. Give yourself more time to sleep if possible, and when you have time to relax, you need to drop everything else that you are doing. Write everything you feel grateful for: When you are ill, it might be easy for you to forget the good things happening around you. Therefore, it helps if you start writing everything that you want to be grateful for, even the smallest things. You can also set a day when you treat yourself or go out with your family because you are thankful for the gift of life. Take the opportunity to do other things: When the pain is too much for you to bear, and you end up staying at home, you might feel terrible. You might think that you are useless as you are unable to provide for your family. Instead of looking at things that way, you can use it as an opportunity to do the things you failed to do before because you were too busy. Use your free time to read books or watch TV series, or ask your friends to come over if they have time and catch up. Be with people who make you feel well: It also helps to be around people who love and understand you, as they will be there by your side during the most challenging situations. Let go of your toxic relationships since you could end up feeling more terrible than you already do. Face your illness: You do not feel well right now because you keep worrying about your health. Instead of being too anxious, you can face the problem head-on. If you do not have enough funds to pay the medical bills, you can start raising funds online. If you do not think your medicines work you can look for alternative options, so, for instance, you could try CBD vape oil UK retailers if you want to attempt something new. The CBD oil may or may not work for you, but there is no harm in trying it; you can ask your doctor if it is safe for you. The point is that you should not allow your illness to defeat you. Sometimes, the emotional pain that comes with being physically sick is more painful. You need to manage how you feel and come out a better person. Read Also: The Disturbing Trend Of Multiple Chronic Medical Conditions Need To Get Something Done? Here Are 10 Tips On How To Get Motivated For Anything


Ways to Improve Your Optimism

Even if you are someone that has optimism in certain aspects of your life, it can be difficult to keep this type of attitude all the time. However, there are ways to improve your optimism, so you can look on the bright side in a multitude of situations. Here’s a look at a few of these ways. 5 Ways to Improve Your Optimism- 1. Think About What You Are Grateful For When you are trying to improve your optimism, one of the first things you should do is remember the positive things in your life. If there are people and events that you are grateful for, take note of them. You may even want to write these things down, so you can look at your notes when you are feeling negative or think that there isn’t much to be thankful for. 2. Reframe Negative Thoughts Something else you can do is reframe negative thoughts. When you are thinking negative thoughts, and there is no reason to, you should change what you are thinking. For instance, if you are trying to get a task accomplished and it happens to be a lot of work, instead of feeling like you will never be able to finish, consider breaking down this large task into more manageable parts. This will make it easier to complete and you won’t have to defeat yourself with pessimistic thinking either. There is research that explains that it isn’t detrimental to health to be optimistic, so you should at least consider thinking in a positive manner whenever you are able to. 3. Don’t Spend Too Much Time on Social Media Another thing that can hinder your optimism is looking at social media pages for many hours a day. When you are looking at people you know and what they are doing, who they are hanging out with, what they are eating, as well as everything else that they post daily, this may cause you to feel bad about yourself. Instead, you can limit your time on social media, which can help you stay more optimistic, especially in terms of your life and what you have accomplished. When you aren’t looking at these social media posts, you will be less likely to compare yourself to others. 4. Understand that Some Things Are Out of Your Control In some instances, it will be hard to stay optimistic about what is going on. This is to be expected. You should remember to stay positive when you can, and if it isn’t possible, you don’t have to feel bad about it. There are times when you may not be able to feel good about a situation. If you want to learn more about how to think optimistically, check out this page: https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/optimism. It should explain how to stay optimistic even in difficult situations. 5. Work With a Therapist You can also choose to work with a therapist when you want to think more optimistically. A counselor will be able to advise you on additional ways to increase your optimism. They can also lend a hand when it comes to learning how to change the way you are thinking, in specific situations. Moreover, you may want to meet with a therapist if you would like to talk to them about the problems that you are facing in your life, as well as what may be triggering your pessimism. Conclusion When you want to be more optimistic, this is something that you can address in a few different ways. You can remember the things you are grateful for, change the way you are thinking when you find yourself being negative, and stay off of social media if it causes you to feel bad about yourself. Besides that, you should work with a therapist if you wish to, considering they might be able to provide further advice on how to become more optimistic. Read Also: Smoking and Other Negative Lifestyle Habits You Need to Kick to the Curb This Year Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle


All That You Need To Know About Dandy-Walker Syndrome

Dandy-Walker Syndrome (DWS), also known as Dandy-Walker Malformation (DWM), is a rare disorder of the human brain. This disorder or malformation impacts the development of the cerebellum, a part of the brain responsible for muscle coordination, balance, posture, and speech. Due to this disorder, the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be affected. This can result in the accumulation of too much CSF in the brain, causing a condition called hydrocephalus. The impact of the Dandy-Walker Syndrome typically lasts lifelong for a patient. Who can get affected by Dandy-Walker Syndrome? This disorder is a congenital condition that exists at birth. Infants belonging to both sexes can be affected by Dandy-Walker Syndrome. It is a genetic disorder that can occur sporadically. This syndrome impacts one in every 30,000 infants born alive. What are the causes of this syndrome? Dandy-Walker Syndrome is caused due to the partial or total failure of development of the cerebellar vermis that leads to the blockage of the CSF circulation. It is thought that various genetic and environmental factors can be responsible for someone to develop this rare congenital condition. What are the symptoms of DWS? The symptoms generally appear within one year after birth. Among the common symptoms of the syndrome are the following: Delay in development of language and motor skills such as talking, crawling, walking, and sitting up Poor muscle tone and muscle stiffness Difficulty in balance and coordination Unsteady eye movement, including jerky eye movement Hearing and vision impairment The occurrence of seizures or convulsions Breathing difficulties or irregular patterns of breathing Widened and flat veins visible in the skull The increasing size of the skull leading to the abnormal growth of the head How and when is Dandy-Walker Syndrome diagnosed? The diagnosis of Dandy-Walker Syndrome can be done even before an infant is born. Tests to detect the syndrome before and after birth include the following: High-resolution ultrasound screening is carried out during the second or third trimester of pregnancy to diagnose the syndrome Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is done to confirm the diagnosis of the condition and to rule out other conditions that may appear to be similar to Dandy-Walker Syndrome in ultrasound screening MRI after birth is done to confirm the syndrome and determine if any other complications are impacting the baby Further imaging studies are done after birth, such as X-rays of the skull to determine its enlargement, MRI, and CT scan to check the shape and measure the size of the fourth ventricle, and ultrasound screening to determine hydrocephalus development. In most cases, this syndrome is diagnosed in children in the early stages of their life. Some babies are born with normal ventricles but the signs of the syndrome start to appear when they reach about one year of age. In many cases, the syndrome is diagnosed in children when they are between three to four years of age. However, this syndrome has been known to be diagnosed in children as old as twelve years as well. How can the condition be treated? Treatment for Dandy-Walker Syndrome is aimed towards resolving the underlying symptoms and managing the complications that may arise due to the condition. Among the treatment options are: Medications provided to check seizures Physical therapy to help develop muscle tone and coordination Speech therapy to improve language and speech Occupational therapy to improve mobility skills such as walking, eating, managing simple daily chores, etc. A surgical procedure called shunt may be carried out if severe hydrocephalus is observed in the patient. This procedure is done to reduce the intracranial pressure inside the skull by draining off the excess fluid gathered within the brain. It can bring relief to the patient from inflammation and some other problems that may occur due to intracranial pressure. Since this is a rare condition, treatment needs to be done by knowledgeable doctors who are experienced in dealing with patients suffering from this syndrome. If you are looking for an expert doctor to consult about this syndrome, you can get expert advice and professional help at https://www.xpertdox.com/. How can Dandy-Walker Syndrome be prevented? This syndrome is a genetic condition. As such, there is no specific method that can be applied to ensure prevention from it. Expecting parents can undergo genetic testing. Prenatal diagnosis can also be helpful to understand the risks associated with the condition. In case of a family history of the syndrome, genetic counseling can be helpful to evaluate the risks before planning to have a baby. Read Also : 6 Ways To Promote Healthy Brain How To Stay Healthy And Fit Despite A Hectic Schedule Unhealthy And Healthy Solutions For Coping With Stress