Love Who You Are: How to Prevent Eating Disorders

Published on: 05 March 2019 Last Updated on: 16 November 2019
how to prevent eating disorders

Sixty-two minutes – that’s how often a person dies from an eating disorder. That’s almost one person per hour.

There are many resources discussing how to treat these conditions, but discussing how to prevent eating disorders is just as important. Not only to prevent them from occurring the first time but to prevent relapse.

Around the world, millions of people suffer from some type of eating disorder. Although the numbers are alarming, it also means they don’t have to suffer alone.

If you’re seeking help for yourself of a loved one, read more about how to prevent eating disorders below.

What Is an Eating Disorder:

Eating Disorder

Before you can recognize the signs of an eating disorder, or eating disorder relapse, it’s necessary to understand the disease.

This condition is a mental disorder that affects eating habits, but it can take a variety of methods. The well-known ones include binge eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa. However, there is also pica, rumination disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, and other specific conditions.

It can be difficult talking to parents about eating disorders, or anyone in your support group because the disease is so complex.

How to Prevent Eating Disorders:

As a mental disorder, it takes a large amount of mental power to recognize the signs of an eating disorder. Maintaining awareness of your mental health is crucial to the task.

Social Media Control:

Social media

Bringing people together is one of the benefits of social media. However, persuasive language and depictions of what is beautiful can harm our mental health.

One way to prevent eating disorders is to control your social media consumption. Weed through your social media accounts and eliminate anything that triggers eating disorder symptoms. You can replace these negative influences with positive ones like cute and funny animal accounts or inspirational content.

Recognizing Size Discrimination:

Unfortunately, size discrimination exists and is a huge part of the prevalence of eating disorders. To take control of your condition, learn to recognize this harmful influence and work to fight it.

It can feel empowering to fight against weight-based jokes, be inclusive of all sizes in your environment, and disconnect the association between weight and wellness.

Practicing Body Positivity:

Cultivating body positivity is a lifelong practice for many people – even those without eating disorders. It often involves controlling your negative thoughts about yourself and replacing them with healthy mantras.

Make a list of your best attributes and post them where you can see it regularly. Instead of focusing on how your body looks, focus on what it can do. Your body is an amazing work of science and evolution that deserves respect.

Health Advice and More:

Recognizing the problem is the hardest step to healing. The next step, reaching out for help, can feel just as hard.

Making it to this article means that you’re halfway there. Don’t forget to take it easy on yourself and celebrate your accomplishments along your journey learning how to prevent eating disorders. There is no achievement too small to praise.

For more health and lifestyle advice, make sure to stop by our page.

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Eyebrows Thicker

Top Simple but Effective Ways To Get Your Eyebrows Thicker

Both women and girls always dream of having thicker, darker eyebrows. You can totally achieve your dream by growing your eyebrows through natural ways. Well-shaped eyebrows affect your appearance. A lot of people were treating their eyebrows in wrong ways due to threading, over plucking even waxing. Sometimes, eyebrow hair loss is the result of nutritional deficiencies, aging process as well as poor cosmetic application or even poor medical conditions such as eczema, alopecia areata or hypothyroidism. Such medical treatments as radiation, chemotherapy also trigger hair loss, including your eyebrow line. So basically thin eyebrows are just a result of hair loss. Fortunately, nowadays we invent a load of natural ways to thicker eyebrows. Let’s start with 5 amazing, natural ways to thicker eyebrows. Read also: Top 4 Natural Combination For You To Eliminate Blackheads (Infographics) How To Remove Acne Scars Naturally Tips To Lose Weight Naturally Castor oil grows thicker eyebrows: As we all know, the oil contains a load of rich nutrients for growing thicker eyebrows. Protein, fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants, all of these compounds help foster the hair and nourish hair growth. Moreover, they are helpful in fighting any microorganisms, which hamper the eyebrow hair growing process. How to apply: Steep a cotton cloth in 100% pure castor oil and massage it gently on your eyebrows for 2 – 3 minutes. Let them absorb the oil for at least 30 minutes or leave it overnight. After 30 minutes or in the next morning, rinse it off with warm water and a mild cleanser. Keep doing this process daily, after a couple of weeks you will see the amazing results. Note: Do not use castor oil if it causes any burning or irritation. Coconut oil increases eyebrows hair’s density: Coconut oil is famous for its various proteins and nutrients such as vitamin E, iron. In order to grow more sensitive and more impressive eyebrows, coconut oil is the most preferable choice. On the other hand, coconut oil helps your eyebrows have a darker color. How to apply: Drop a little bit on your palm or your fingertips, apply the oil on your eyebrows. Gently massage it your eyebrows in order to increase blood circulation and help the hair to absorb the oil. Let it steep overnight. In the following morning, wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat the process regularly in a few months and notice the changes of your eyebrows. Olive oil serves as a natural way: Similar to coconut oil, olive oil has become well known so far. Famous for being rich in vitamins, especially vitamin E, it can aid your eyebrow hair to grow thicker and faster. Furthermore, olive oil keeps your eyebrows dark-hued. How to apply: Put a few drops of olive oil on your palm, heat the oil by rubbing your hand together. Massage the warm oil on your eyebrows for about 5 minutes before going to sleep. Leave the oil overnight, in the next morning, wash it off with lukewarm water. On the other hand, if you don’t feel like directly applying the oil on your eyebrow hair, you can do it differently. Grab ½ teaspoon of olive oil and mix it with a little bit of honey. Heat the mixture with your hand by rubbing it then massage thoroughly on your eyebrow hair for a couple of minutes. Repeat the process by leaving it for 30 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water. You can choose either of these two remedies once per day until you achieve the required results. Onion juice – a strong fighter: It may sound strange but it actually turns out very efficient. Onion juice provides sulfur, which boosts the making of collagen tissues. It is proved that collagen tissues are required for growing thicker eyebrows because it strengthens your eyebrow hair’s follicles. How to apply: Grind or smash an onion to extract the juice. Massage the juicy liquid on your eyebrows within 5 minutes. Permit it to dry itself then rinse off by using a mild cleanser along with cold water. Obey this treatment daily in a few weeks for the best result. Aloe vera sometimes presents as preferable choice: In addition to black eyes treatment, to grow thicker eyebrows, aloe vera is a good option. Aloe vera provides moisturizing properties as well as enzymes, both of which nourish the hair loss and help your hair to grow thicker and faster. Not only nourishing the hair, but aloe vera also soften the skin parts where you applied it. How to apply: - First, extract the gel and the flesh from an aloe vera leaf. Apply the gel on your eyebrows, let it absorb for 15 to 30 minutes till it dry. After that, rinse off the gel with lukewarm water. - Another choice is to buy the extracted gel in local drugs store. Mix the gel with coconut oil or use a few drops of honey to get the best result. After mixing, apply the mixture on your eyebrows then leave it for 30 minutes before washing off with warm water. Note: Strictly follow each one of these remedies every day in a couple of weeks. Read also: Top 5 Foods For Healthier And Thicker Hair

Prevent Burnout As A Travel Nurse

How To Prevent Burnout As A Travel Nurse With These Simple Self-care Strategies

We all know what stress is. We all cope with it every day; we look for creative new ways of handling it but prolonged exposure to stress can lead to burnout which could have some long-term consequences. Travel nursing, like any other health care field, falls into the category of highly stressful jobs. The stress became even more emphasized since the pandemic had started. In the last few years, jobs for travel nurses have not only grown in scope, but also in terms of remuneration. The global pandemic has necessitated the biggest movement of trained nursing professionals across the world. While there are stressful moments involved, the salaries and compensations are the perks that are leading the nursing industry. With the chance to see the world, a lot of young professionals are encouraged to pursue short term travel nursing jobs. Travel nursing can be both stressful and rewarding: There has been an increasing demand from medical staffing companies for healthcare workers in the past year. And yes, while it also meant higher pay for travel nurses, more job openings, and travel opportunities it also came with exponential exposure to everyday stress. Now, as a healthcare professional you are already used to coping with situations that would upset and throw out of tracks every average person, but COVID-19 is still quite new to everyone, and just like with everything that’s new it takes some time getting used to it. We know how tough you are but you are still prone to feeling effects of accumulated stress over time and as a health care staffing agency that puts its employees first, we are saying that you should take some measures of precaution to avoid burnout and to increase or maintain the quality of your life. Things you can do outside work: We know it can be hard to put work aside and go back to your normal life once you take off your uniform. But if you think about it, in a long run, doing so you are doing yourself and your patients a favor. By focusing on your wellbeing, you are refueling, reenergizing, and investing in your career too. You will be more concentrated, more rested, and more efficient if you had enough time for yourself. Focus on your physical and mental health: This can be, for example, a walk in a park, going for a run, or just wandering around the city exploring new cafes, restaurants, parks, buildings and enjoying the pulse of a new place. You could start off by exploring your new residential area and discovering places according to your taste. You could go on a hunt for a beautiful sunset or sunrise and get the perfect postcard for your friends back at home. Invest in your own health - find a farmer’s market and enjoy organic or unique specialties that locals could tell you about. Yoga is great for both physical and mental health: Find a gym or a park to do yoga every day. If you are not a fan of exercising indoors, you could find a park or a nice and quiet place to do your stretches or yoga, for example. It's very beneficial to practice yoga outdoors with other people. Why not try that out? Maintain social relationships and contacts: Stay in touch with your friends from home or hang out with some new people you’ll definitely meet. It would be nice if you could avoid talking about work and instead focus on experiencing new tastes, learning new things, and hearing different points of view. Make the most of your stay. Things you can do at work: It can be very busy and sometimes overwhelming at work, and we understand that being a travel nurse you sometimes can’t just decide when to take a break. But if you have the chance, take that little break. As they say, one can be surrounded by people and still feel alone. That’s why you should try to bond with your colleagues or/and patients that you like. It will make your workplace a much more pleasant place to be at and you will look forward to your next day at the hospital. The social component of our overall wellbeing must not be disregarded. We are social beings, right? Everyone’s threshold of stress tolerance is different. And if you start feeling overwhelmed by your everyday tasks, if you find yourself unable to stay focused for a longer period of time, or if you start getting easily frustrated, don’t wait. Seek professional help, take care of yourself and put yourself in the first place just like your medical staffing agency does. You are important to us. And we take care of what’s important. Don’t push yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself like you treat your patients. Let us take care of you. Read Also: Effects of Anxiety on Heart Disease How To Live Stress-Free 6 Steps for Choosing the Best Workout Gear 8 Motivations to Start Up Health & Fitness

Opiate Addiction

9 Signs You Have a Prescription Opiate Addiction

It is no longer a secret that the abuse of opioids is growing and becoming a significant problem in America. It is estimated that more than 2.4 million people in America are abusing prescription painkillers and around half a million individuals are suffering from the abuse of heroin. However, individuals who are abusing opioids often face an extra burden of depression. When left unattended to, depression can make it hard for one to achieve total recovery. Opioid or opiate painkillers are medications that are narcotic and generally prescribed by a doctor. Opioids are used to control pain in many people. Opioid narcotics involve such medicines like morphine, codeine, methadone, heroin, hydrocodone, hydrocodone, and Oxycontin. Opioid abuse and depression : According to studies, the relationship between depression and opioid abuse is bi-directional. This only means that the addition of opioids can lead to recession and depression can lead to opiate addiction. Opioid abuse takes place when a prescription opioid is used for other reasons other than medical or using it for a longer duration than expected. Additionally, taking vast amounts than prescribed leads to opioid abuse. The abuse of opioid has a close associated with higher rates of: Anxiety Depression Bipolar disorders Antisocial personality disorder Schizophrenia Borderline personality disorder Conduct disorders Signs and symptoms of prescription opioid addiction : Several symptoms and signs indicate opiate addiction. It is important to note that not all people experiencing an opiate addiction will show all the following signs. In addition to this, there are some of the symptoms that are common to almost everybody who has a prescription opiate addiction. The symptoms involve: Usage increase: one will be seen increasing their doses more than expected by the doctor. Usage increase eventually results in a growing tolerance to the said drug and finding means of getting the drug to achieve the same effect. Change in personality: shifts in mood, concentration, and energy as a result of making everyday accountabilities a secondary priority to the want for the drug. Social withdrawal: in most cases, the addicted person will distant themselves from friends and family due to that fact that they would want their close members to know about what they are doing or experiencing. On-going use: one will continue using the prescription opioids even after the condition to which the drug was prescribed is over. Increased sensitivity: this involves hallucinations. Normal emotions, sounds, and sights start becoming exaggeratedly stimulating to the individual. Forgetfulness and blackouts: addicted individuals are more likely to forget what just took place as well as experiencing blackouts. Change in appearance and daily habits: the individual will experience a change in eating and sleeping habits and a decline in personal hygiene, constant cough and glazed eyes. Neglects responsibilities: the addicted person will ignore bills and the household chore, as well as calling in sick more often to the workplace or school. Defensiveness: one becomes more defensive as well as lashing out to simple questions to try and hide the dependency on drugs if they feel like somebody will discover them. Causes of prescription opioids addiction :   There is no precise cause of why one person will develop an addiction while the other will not when using opioids. According to studies, it is believed that addiction occurs after some factors work interchangeably. The factors include: Genetic: addiction could be hereditary such that if there is a member of the family that has suffered addiction before, it will be passed on to the next generation. While this is not an accurate indicator, it is believed to contribute to addiction. Biological: some studies indicate that there are few chances whereby one is born without the neurotransmitter “endorphins.” In such cases, individuals may turn to outside sources like opium narcotics to fill this inborn deficit. Environmental: people who grow up or find themselves in environments that are chaotic and full of people addicted to drugs, are more probable to experience an addiction at some point in their lives. Psychological: while some addictions are brought up by people trying to self-medicate the signs of an undiagnosed mental disorder, mental illness is a reliable gauge of addiction potential. The prescription opioid addiction is on the rise in America. With people trying to ease pains through painkillers, these painkillers come with their adverse side effects. However, behavioral therapies and medications can help change the situation and restore one to good health.