How Martial Art Can Help You Stay Fit And Healthy

Published on: 28 August 2018 Last Updated on: 06 November 2024
Martial art

Achieving the fitness goals and getting into a shape of your dream involves no magic. In these days when heart diseases and obesity run rampant, living a healthy lifestyle is certainly not that easy. But there is an interesting and effective way to stay fit and healthy, and that is a martial art.

Martial art is not just all about those kicks and cool moves as we see in movies.  In fact, the benefits of martial arts can be much more extensive than the self-defense skill. Those who are looking for healthier lifestyles in Perth, martial arts Perth can be the perfect catalyst for them to get the most out of life physically and mentally. Wondering how this art of self-defense can be beneficial for your health? Read on to find out.

Martial art

Complete Body Workout

Every muscle group in your body is used while practicing martial arts. Thus doing this high-aerobic workout can improve your balance and strength. It will also tone and strengthen your muscles.

Flexibility and Agility

As agility and flexibility is something that many Perth martial arts disciplines rely on, practicing it can enhance your flexibility to a great extent. It also improves your coordination skills and ability to get across the ground. Those who feel like a bit of slouch, the movement and speed involved in a martial art can get them moving.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Those who are struggling to lose weight can include martial art to their lifestyle to shed some extra pound. Martial arts help to burn out the extra calories while making your body more flexible and fit.

Focus and Stillness

Martial is not just all about the punches, kicks, and knees. In fact, a true martial artist also learns what it is to be still, challenged and focused. The repetitive nature of Perth martial arts goes a long way to refine your focusing ability and mental concentration.

Lowered Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

Some martial arts ask for rigorous fitness training. The agile and repetitive movements involved in a martial art may also help to lower your blood pressure and heart rate. Apart from discipline and valuable skill, martial art offers numerous health benefits.

Increase in Stamina

Since martial arts include full-body workout, it boosts overall stamina and endurance. Some martial art forms like Taekwondo require strength to execute complex kicks and moves. Thus, it improves the musculature of your whole body while increasing your strength.

Mental Health

Behind that tight punches and cool moves that improve your physical strength martial art is also great for your brain or mental health. Learning those self-defense moves can improve mental and emotional health. Moreover, it boosts your self-confidence while helping you to concentrate and focus. Martial art forms like Karate or Tang Soo requires some amount of mental acuity and perseverance.

Stress Relief

Stress Relief

If you are overloaded with mental stress, practicing martial arts can help you out. As the art requires focus and concentration and the control of your breathing, it can help you keep those unnecessary distractions out of your mind. To focus on the task at hand, you need to stay away from those stressful things for a while which is often a great contributing factor to relieving stress.

On That Note

Learning martial arts has many real benefits including better cardiovascular health, mental focus, and discipline. If you want to stay fit and boost your self-confidence, give martial arts a try. With proper martial art training, you can cut out the stress, take off extra weight and enjoy a healthy life while learning effective self-defense. If you live near Perth, many Perth martial arts classes are there to help you train in this art.

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CBD Health Supplements

The CBD Health Supplements Making People Feel Good Again

CBD - the health supplement everyone and their dog is taking. Literally, you can get it for dogs too. People have been swearing by its properties for years now, and it makes sense too. It isn’t a cure-all, but it does have such a wide range of benefits that it is hard to dismiss it as snake oil. You can take it, tea, healthy capsules, water, ice tea, food, and more.  Unlike THC, CBD cannot get you high - which is a thing that many people still think. It is simply an extract from either the hemp plant or a marijuana plant. So those who are looking to improve their lifestyle or reduce pain have been looking to CBD to help.  It doesn’t have any mind-altering properties and isn’t addictive, unlike some pharmaceutical drugs.  How it is made? Well, most often, CBD oil is made by extracting CBD from cannabis or hemp plants and diluting it with a carrier oil like hemp seed oil or coconut oil.  What Are The Benefits? Anxiety If you suffer from anxiety and/or depression, you have probably been tempted to try CBD so many times. But of course, the worry is that it will set off an attack, or you won’t be able to find the motivation to do things. Fortunately, CBD doesn’t work like that. We have a system called the endocannabinoid system, and that deals with a range of things. From sleep to mood regulation. CBD works with your system to help you maintain a better mood balance and reduce anxiety too. There are no side effects when taking CBD for anxiety and depression, which gives them the edge over more typical prescribed drugs. It is suggested that a daily 300mg dose is ideal to start helping depression and anxiety.  Pain The big one that can impact all areas of life - is pain. Lupus, MS, Cancer, and other long-term chronic pain illnesses have their life affected daily. Pain can reduce the amount of rest they get, the ability to concentrate, and general life enjoyment. CBD works with the body’s own pain receptors, reduces inflammation (often the cause of the pain), and interacts with the neurotransmitters.  There are many countries that have approved the use of CBD and THC spray to help treat the pain related to MS and arthritis.  It is worth noting that marijuana has been used since 2900 BC for treating pain.  Sleep Almost all areas of life can be improved when you sleep better. But sleeping can be somewhat challenging to get when you are in pain or feeling anxious. So you might say that the benefits here are multiple. If you take a large dose of CBD in tea, oil, or a capsule a short while before you intend to sleep, you should drift off much easier. Combine that with something like a sleep story from the Calm app or Headspace for extra sleepy vibes. Smaller doses taken during the day will serve you in two ways - one is that the smaller dosing is microdosing designed to keep you sharp and reduce anxiety and pain, the other is it will keep your endocannabinoid system topped up and functioning at a better capacity. When that happens, your circadian rhythm is supported, and dropping off to sleep happens much more quickly.  Calm If you don’t have an illness or anxiety and really just want to have a bit of peace, the CBD will work for you too. Because of the extensive amount of areas that CBD functions on once you take it regularly, you are likely to benefit from positive effects anyway. Being more relaxed, noticing that maybe you did have a little bit of stress, more productive at work, sleeping better, and generally functioning as you had hoped. Busy Phillips has been quoted as using CBD and THC gummies to help with her anxiety.  Acne While some people grow out of acne, for some, it never leaves. And it can be pretty disheartening. CBD has been trialed on acne with positive results. The anti-inflammatory properties can help the skin to reduce sebum production. With less sebum being produced, there will be less redness and spots. There are more studies looking into this, but the results of tests done so far have been promising.  Topical Use If you aren’t comfortable ingesting CBD, you can use it topically like you would with any other painkilling gels. CBD can work locally to reduce pain and swelling, and in fact, Mandy Moore uses CBD oil on her feet to reduce the pain from high heels.  Overall, with a little bit of research, you can find a CBD product that will work for you.  Read Also: How CBD Oil Capsules Are Changing People’s Lives Should You Consider Drinking Cbd Water? CBD: The Understanding Of Its Benefits


Top 4 Natural Combination for You to Eliminate Blackheads

Having a bright glowing and flawless skin is one short way to bring you confidence when communicating with others. But let’s face it; it is a very difficult task since our skin is exposed to many pollutants, dirt, sunlight and countless other harmful factors. One common skin problem to be named is blackheads which are annoying and potentially stressful to deal with. Many people resort to cleaning strips to pull out those annoying blackheads, but they also bear the risk of irritated or dried skin, not to mention the fact that these products are pricey and painful to remove. In this article, we provide some natural ways you can try to get rid of blackheads. One common feature of these formulas is that they all use all-around, simple, natural and safe ingredients. 1. Egg White Mask Egg white, also called glair gained its popularity as number one blackheads remover thanks to its ability to wipe off dirt, dead skin cells. Plus, egg white can visibly tighten your pores and whiten your skin tone. How to use: Prepare an egg white, add 1 teaspoon of honey for better moisture. Apply one thin layer of egg white to your face, place a strip of tissue paper to your face. Allow it to dry completely then gently peel the mask. The peeling will pull out the blackheads. If you want a thicker mask, apply the second and third layer using the same method. The key point is to let it dry properly. 2. Turmeric and Mint The benefit of turmeric to blackheads removal can be attributed to its powerful antibiotics, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can easily absorb excess oil, eliminate dead skin cells and brighten the tone; while mint can soothe the skin with its cooling effect. How to use: Make a mixture of 2 teaspoon of turmeric powder and 3 teaspoons of mint juice to create a paste. Apply the mixture and keep it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing your face with water. Perform twice a week for best result. 3. DIY Peel off Mask with Clay As it turns out, those expensive peeling masks they sell out there are not hard to make. You can totally make yourself a peeling mask to get rid of blackheads with some charcoal powder and glue. This mask can sweep away all the dirt and impurities that block your pores and dry out excessive oil. How to make: Mix one tablespoon of activated charcoal powder with enough glue to make a thick yet spreadable paste. Open the pores by dabbing with a warm cloth in your face about 1 to 2 minutes. Apply the paste on blackhead affected areas. Let it dry completely and slowly peel off the mask. 4. Baking Soda This versatile ingredient never fails to surprise us. The antiseptic quality not only makes it an excellent exfoliant that can sweep away all the dead skin cells and impurities that cause blackheads. It is also a great tool to neutralize the pH of the skin. How to use: Make a paste from baking soda and some water. Apply the mixture on your face and let it dry for about 15 minutes before rinsing with water. Perform this formula once or twice a week, you will find those ugly blackheads disappear in no time. 5. Lemon and salt Lemon deserves a spot in this list because it can remove the deepest blackheads. The acid citric in lemon makes it a good exfoliant and brighten the skin tone by burning the topmost layer of skin cells; while salt which antibacterial properties help fight against germs and bacteria worsening the situation. How to use: Mix ½ teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of sea salt and 1 teaspoon of honey. Use this mixture to massage your face, and then wash with cool water. It is safe to perform this action twice a week. The change you see is incredible. However, don’t forget to apply sunblock every day. Read also: Top 7 Superfoods For Healthy Skin And Hair 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health Top 4 Natural Combination for You to Eliminate Blackheads (Infographics)  

Pregnancy Guide

Complete Pregnancy Guide For Mumma’s To Be

Pregnancy is considered as a blissful experience for and by every woman. Being so exhilarating and elating happening, it demands a lot of care, both physically and emotionally. To help you along the way to your parturition, a few things must be kept in mind. PRENATAL CARE The prime step of prenatal care during pregnancy is to choose an adroit and devoted health care provider. It is of paramount importance since your doctor would be the one caring for you and your baby for the next 40 weeks of your pregnancy. While, choosing your own family doctor is always the best choice, but in case he/she is not experienced as a Gynecologist, you should consult a Gynecologist. You can also take frequent suggestions from your family doctor just to ensure that everything is moving smoothly and as planned. Scheduling your first visit to your doctor is the next step towards a well-planned pregnancy. This visit is typically scheduled in between 8 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. A frequent visit to your doctor during your entire pregnancy is a must and is more important if you have some prior health issues. You must also consult on your doctors on some better sleep guide. We will talk in details about sleep. Read Also:  9 Tips For Staying Fit And Healthy During Pregnancy NUTRITION A healthy and nutritious diet is the vital essential for a healthy baby. The diet must contain at least three to four servings of fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains in the whole day. A small amount of fat intake is also necessary. Raw animal products, as well as raw fruits and vegetables, must be strictly avoided. Refrigerated foods, unpasteurized dairy products, certain seafood, alcohol, and unpasteurized juices can also be harmful to the mother and the baby. While there is a list of things that you should not take while pregnant, you should consult your doctor to get a better idea about the same. Proper medications and prenatal vitamins are also crucial for a healthy pregnancy. FITNESS Being physically active during your pregnancy helps you to be enthusiastic and ecstatic. A basic exercise and physical activity as suggested by your doctor would be the best choice. However, any kind of physical stress must be avoided, especially during the first trimester, as there is a greater chance of miscarriage during this period. Any types of sit-ups, inverted activities, and fall risk activities should be critically avoided. HOW TO SLEEP? How to sleep while pregnant? One of the major guidelines for a pregnant woman is about the accurate sleeping posture, which is also termed as SOS. SOS means Sleep on Side. While, you can sleep on either side, sleeping on the left side is preferable because of its unique advantages of better blood and nutrients circulation. An SOS with bent knees and legs posture and a pillow between the legs can be more effective. Pregnancy can result in lack of sleep and thus, a memory foam mattress is recommended by physicians for a good and comfortable sleep. To provide your body a complete rest avoiding the issue of sleep deprivation, a piece of soft and soothing music can also be helpful. Choose your own music to help you sleep. Keep the above facts in your mind, and enjoy a healthy pregnancy. And don’t forget to consult your doctor for the best advice. Read Also: The Top 10 Best Foods To Eat In Early Pregnancy Choosing The Best Mattress That Will Make Mothers Comfortable During Pregnancy Golden Pregnancy Care Tips For All Expectant Women