Kids Will Get These Benefits if They Learn Coding

Published on: 21 December 2018 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021

Coding is not necessarily the first thing you think of when asked what your kids do at school. Coding involves programming language and writing lines of code. You associate these tasks with professionals who want to pursue a career in this industry.

However, several educational institutions now introduce coding in the curriculum. It seems like the world has become more dependent on the internet these days, and knowledge of coding is an advantage. Whether kids ultimately become professional programmers or not, they will receive these benefits from learning to code.

Creative thinking:

Coding involves building computer games and animation movies. Kids not only learn coding language in the process, but they also explore ideas. They become creative. They learn how to tell stories and create characters. They don’t limit themselves with rote learning but look at things from different perspectives.

Problem-solving skills:

Coding involves lots of problem-solving. During the process, children learn how to find the best method to solve a problem. The solutions may or may not work, but they can at least try. They also learn how to work hard until they accomplish their goals, and not give up because they find something too difficult to solve.


Coding for kids does not only involve one person. The process requires several minds to think together. They need to communicate with other kids, discuss the best techniques and negotiate. These are skills you usually associate with adults, but it is not too early to introduce them to kids.

Presentation skills:

Kids don’t only work on the code. They also need to present their output. They discuss what they did in the process. Along the way, they learn how to present themselves and feel confident when talking in public.


It is not good to keep telling kids what to learn and how to learn. At some point, they need to have the freedom to discover things without assistance, or with minimal supervision. It is one of the benefits kids will receive if they try coding. They will receive the task, and it is up to them how they make the most of what they receive.

Build friendships:

Kids bond when they share the same interests. Those who love speaking and discussing will most likely hang out in the same place. Those who love math will work together on problems during the break. The same thing can happen with kids who enjoy coding. They will work together and even spend more time with each other outside the class.

Boost self-confidence:

You can’t expect kids to excel in all areas of learning. Some of them might find it difficult to do well in school because they feel like they are not good at anything. With the addition of coding in the curriculum, they might finally find something they feel interested in doing, and it will make them feel confident.

Given these benefits, you need to find a school that offers coding as part of the curriculum or enrol your child in a place to learn how to code.

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Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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CBD for Kids

CBD for Kids

Since CBD is doing miracles for a lot of adults it is normal to ask about the possibility to use it for kids. People are not only using CBD products for themselves but also for their pets. The results and benefits are the same or very similar because both have the so-called endocannabinoid system. And when it comes to kids, parents want to know more about the benefits and possible side effects. Assuming that you know enough about CBD, we will not dive into details of explaining what CBD is again and again. Instead, we will dive right into the pros and cons of using CBD for kids. Are parents using CBD to help their kids? Yes. Parents around the world are using CBD products such as CBD oils to treat some conditions. Children may suffer from anxiety and hyperactivity and CBD can help against both. And not only that because other parents who have children with autism use it to reduce symptoms of autism. While there is some evidence about the effectiveness and benefits of CBD, more research is underway. That is because some parents are still unconvinced and uncomfortable giving it to their kids. As we mentioned above, the main factor that is pushing parents to try CBD on their children is the fact that CBD helped them well. These parents took the advantage to use it on a daily basis until it worked. Even though a cannabis plant's ingredient, CBD is legal and safe to use without a prescription in most countries. And the list of health issues it fights is long and getting longer after each scientific study. If we are to mention a few health conditions that some children face, then epilepsy, autism, and anxiety are what CBD is successful in fighting. Assuming that you are sure of using CBD oil, then we recommend you buy the best CBD oil out there. Are there any risks of using CBD for kids? Medical cannabis has a rich history of usage, for hundreds of years to be more informative. CBD oil as a derivative of that is still a bit new to the market. That means that this product hasn't been researched enough for use in children. It helps the adults, it helps the animals, and may also help the children. But when it comes to children more studies are needed to find more about its effects. We are saying that because if the child is taking other medications it is not safe to use other compounds without talking to the doctor first. The interaction between CBD and non-all-natural products may produce negative side effects. While CBD oil has shown to be quite successful for the treatment of seizures in kids, for other issues there is little evidence. In conclusion, it is obvious that more parents are using CBD oil for their kids. These parents are also recommending it to other parents stating that it is very beneficial. However, when it comes to you, we recommend that you think of it one more time and always talk to your child's pediatrician. This is a must if your child is taking other supplements. Read Also: The Top Benefits of CBD Oil For Dogs Are CBD Lotions Good For Your Skin? What is the best way to consume CBD? CBD capsules & softgels! CBD the Solution to Insomnia

Baby Formula

Why Baby Formula Should Be A Consideration For All Parents

Choosing whether to breastfeed or use baby formula is a decision all parents need to make. Before you choose one over the other keep in mind that whatever your final decision, both choices are good for your baby’s development. Whether a woman can’t breastfeed or simply decides not to, when making this judgment it is important to know that there is a healthy formula substitute for breast milk with all the nutrients needed for your baby to thrive. More parents are considering using baby formula for its many benefits even when breastfeeding is an option for them. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of using baby formula and why you should consider it as an option. For more details please make sure to visit the most reliable store in the baby food industry Emotional Connection: Often, new mums fear that if they don’t breastfeed they won’t bond with their baby. However, bonding will happen even with bottle feeding and it can be strengthened with a few little tricks like having skin to skin contact, looking into baby’s eyes during feeding and singing to the baby. Additionally, feeding time is not the only time mum and the baby bond and there are plenty of opportunities throughout the day such as bath time, putting the baby to sleep and playtime. Diet: Breastfeeding mums need to be more careful about their food intake for however long they decide to breastfeed the baby. On the other hand, when bottle feeding, the mother’s food intake won’t affect the newborn. For instance, mums who are breastfeeding should not have fish high in mercury, they need to watch their caffeine intake and will have to wait for at least 2 hours before they feed the baby if they had even a small amount of alcohol. These and many other restrictions are not applicable to mums who use a formula to feed their child. Pain-Free: When breastfeeding a baby, there is some pain caused by the nipple and areola being pulled into the baby’s mouth. The pain usually lessens after a minute or two, but it can be quite uncomfortable, especially for first-time mums. When bottle-feeding, any pain or discomfort of such kind is avoided. Convenience: Unlike breastfeeding, bottle feeding can be done by both parents. Father helping out with feeding can lessen the burden on the mum who is also recovering from giving birth. Although this is also true for women who express their breast milk, bottle feeding can be more convenient as it doesn’t require mum to schedule her day around breastfeeding or expressing breast milk. Breast milk is digested faster than formula so breastfeeding mums are in higher demand and need to be available for feedings more than formula feeding mums. Medical Conditions And Treatment: Bottle feeding can be the preferred choice in any situation where the mother has a medical condition that can affect the baby, such as HIV/AIDS, and/or needs sedating psychotherapeutic drugs, anti-epileptic drugs, and opioids. Bottle feeding in such a case can be imperative, not only a preferred choice in order to prevent endangering the baby’s health. In addition, there are infant syndromes that require the formula to be used instead of breast milk. Personal Choice: Every mum will have to make a decision - formula or breast milk. Sometimes a decision made before birth might change after the baby comes due to any number of reasons like medical conditions of mum and/or the baby, low milk supply, latch-on pain, etc.. It is important to consider formula as an option due to its many benefits. Keep in mind that with the formula the baby will still receive all the nutrients needed to grow, an emotional connection will still be established and mum can have more freedom with food intake and her availability. Read Also: How To Set Up Your Baby’s Room Baby Shower Party: What To Expect


Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe in a Car

Whether they love it or not, kids can’t really bypass traveling in a car. Commuting to school, going on a road trip or accompanying parents to the grandma’s house, the list is endless. Unfortunately, not all these trips have a happy ending. Despite following all car seat rules and safe driving tips, car accidents remain one of the leading causes of concern in the US. In fact, reports say motor vehicle injuries remain the leading cause of death among children in the United States. According to the car crash doctors, at least twelve children under the age of ten are killed or injured as passing. Here are more tips to keep your kids safe in a car. Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe in a Car: There are some very clear dos and don’ts while driving with a child on-board. These include: Children under the age of three are not allowed to travel in a car without proper arrangements like an age appropriate car seat Children should have proper seatbelts, according to their height. This isn’t the one used by the adults Children under the age of twelve and below 135cm in height should use a child restraint According to a 2013 report, almost 638 children of twelve years and below died in motor vehicle crashes and more than 1, 27,250 were injured. 38 percent of these deaths were due to no seatbelts. It has also been found that more than 6, 18,000 children from in the age bracket 0-12 travel in a car without any proper child safety seat. This clearly explains why car crashes are one of the leading causes of death among children. Chances of Risk Reduction: Several studies and reports including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Traffic safety facts, 2013 data have a few startling revelations. Use these as pointers to minimize the risk for your kid: Proper car seats reduce death percentage among infants and toddlers by 71 and 54 percent respectively When compared to the seatbelts, booster seats reduce the risk of serious injury for children between the age of four and eight by 45 percent As for older children, seatbelts reduce the percentage of car crash injuries and death by almost half Car Seat Arrangement: 0-2 years – Kids within this age group should be properly buckled up in a rear-facing position at the backseat. This place should be retained until they have reached the upper weight or height limits of the particular seat. You need to check the car manuals to know the weight and height limits. 2-5 years – Once your children outgrow the rear-facing seats, they must be buckled in a forward-facing car seat until they reach the age of five and cross the allotted weight limit. 5+ — Beyond the age of five, make sure your child fits the allotted seat in the car along with the seatbelt. In case they have outgrown it, get a booster seat with a proper seatbelt that fits them properly. The lap belt should be properly buckled up across the upper thighs and the shoulder belt must cross the chest and not the neck. Once the seatbelt of the car fits the child properly, there is no need to use a booster seat. Although your kid can travel in the front seat, try to avoid it for reasons of safety. Instead, keep them properly buckled in the backseat. Also, do not buy secondhand car seats for your kids because that could be unsafe. It is quite surprising that most of the accidents occur in short journeys. Also, no matter how minor an injury your kid sustains in a car crash, take him immediately to a car crash doctor and treat him thoroughly. A little bit of caution can save the life of your child. So drive carefully! Read Also: Dos and Don’ts After a Car Crash Are You Thinking About Buying Quad Bike For Your Kid? 5 Safety Features in Your Maruti Car You Did Not Know About