7 Fun and Simple Outdoor Activities for Your Child Under Ten


01 December 2018


Outdoor Activities

Children, particularly under ten years of age, require more attention from their parents. Your child may like to watch TV or play indoor games all day but you have to make it to the outdoors. This is because doing regular outdoor activities keeps your child fit and healthy. Also, it enhances your child’s creativity and thinking ability. It is crucial for optimal physical and cognitive development.

Here are seven simple yet fun-filled outdoor activities which your child can perform regularly to play healthily:

1. Draw with Colorful Chalks:

Kids find colorful chalks very attractive and like to draw with them whenever they get the chance. So, you can take them outside the home to some muddy area where they could draw with different chalks. It’s a simple yet fun-filled activity which can also make your child more creative. Adding to it, they can learn various new things while drawing freely with chalks. In case you don’t find any nearby muddy area, you can use a mini blackboard for the same purpose. Moreover, doing any activity outdoor increases levels of creativity of your child. Therefore, you must take your child to a nearby park or garden for this purpose.

2. Play With Hula Hoop:

Playing with hula hoops in the outdoors is an absolute fun especially for your child who is under ten years of age. On top of that, it’s a playful way to keep your child physically active and hence healthier. You can take your child to a garden or a nearby playground for playing hula hoops.

3. Get an Electric Scooter:

Riding an electric scooter is the simplest way to have outdoor fun. It also keeps your child physically active and energetic. Electric scooters are not simply for the young ones but also for the adults. Therefore, you can opt for electric scooter racing with your child to make as much outdoor fun as possible with it. Click here to check out the best electric scooters for your child.

4. Head towards the Beach:

Heading towards a beach with your child is a simple idea to have fun. Beach offers so much mud with which your child can play in various ways. For instance, your child can make sand castles or draw anything with fingers on the muddy area. You can also help him build sand castles on the beach.

5. Capture the Nature:

Children under ten years of age are always excited to learn new things and explore nature. Just take your child outside, hold him a camera and ask him to take pictures of whatever he sees around. It could be greenery, snow, bridges, transport, roads, people or anything.

6. Gun Painting:

Most kids like painting and playing with colors. They would enjoy doing it with a color splashing gun. You can take your child to a certain garden or playland for gun painting. It’s an enjoyable way of keeping your child happy and active.

7. Catch and Throw Water Balloons:

Balloons are probably the favorite playable thing for kids. They actually find balloons really attractive and fun-filled objects. Hence, throwing water balloons on one another in an open ground or green area is a hell of a fun for kids. In addition, using colorful water to fill the balloons will make this activity more cheerful.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Style Your Child: How to Find Comfy and Cute Clothing for Kids

Dressing your child right can contribute to their comfort, self-confidence, and even their success in school. So, the question is, how well are you dressing your kids to meet their needs? Each kid is different and so their various personalities, needs, and your family's personal priorities will vary. However, there are a few basic ways to choose the right designer clothes for newborns that will arm them to feel and look their best. Choosing the Right Clothing for Kids: Many parents tend to feel that overindulging their kids and dressing them in the latest "trends" is the best way to go. According to research, the opposite may be true. When it comes to picking what your kids wear, three main factors are key: 1. Budget: Let's be honest, even the most adorable Easter outfit is going to fit your little stud or doll for only one season. Kids grow way too fast to consider spending huge amounts of money on designer kid's clothing reasonable. You can maintain a wise clothing budget that accounts for the small amount of time your child will wear those clothes, and still find cute clothes for girls and boys to help them look stylish. One thing that may help is to establish a clothing budget before hitting the racks. How often do your kid's need a wardrobe update? If you have an active child that wears through things often, a slightly higher budget may be appropriate. Regardless of what budget you decide on, having it pre-determined will help you choose cute clothes for your kids, without breaking the bank. 2. Durability: While a proper budget is vital to styling your kids well, the old adage, "buy nice or buy twice," is still important. You can maintain that budget without resorting to getting "cheap" clothes that will just fall apart as soon as they hit the playground. If you're a fan of designer clothing's durability but it doesn't suit your budget, try shopping at an outlet or hitting the season end sales. You can find great quality clothing—designer status—that doesn't cost much. At the end of the day, you don't want your kids coming home with holes in their knees and toes poking through shoes. 3. Comfort and Personality: If your kid's clothing suits their personality, they are going to be comfortable in it. Clothing material and fit are important to comfort (of course), but what style of clothing you choose also adds to how comfortable your little one feels in their own shoes—literally. Don't choose ultra-tight skinny jeans for your daughter if she loves to run and jump on the playground. If your son likes basketball but has a fear of dinosaurs, opt for the "nothing but net," shirt instead of the T-rex. You get the idea. Just like adults, kids are freer to be themselves and enjoy life if they feel good in what they're wearing. Get Your Kid's Style Organized: Now that you're geared up and ready to choose the best clothing for kids that will help them thrive and enjoying being alive in, how about getting their closets ready too? Check out these 10 helpful kid closet organization tips before you hit the mall and start shopping. Happy styling! Read Also: Unique Christmas Gifting Ideas- Gifts For Everyone Are You Thinking About Buying Quad Bike For Your Kid?

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If you're considering enrolling your child in a martial arts program, then you're already on the right path. Learning martial arts is beneficial to our children in many ways. And it's a great afterschool class for them to take that keeps them busy until you're off work. Children martial arts classes are an ideal extracurricular activity. But if you're not sure if signing your child up is worth it, then keep reading. We've put a list together of 5 benefits of learning martial arts! 1. Learning Discipline: One of the most crucial benefits of martial arts for children who need more discipline is learning how to be disciplined. And although there is the discipline of instructor vs student that your child will learn, there's an even better type of discipline that is taught. Learning martial arts teaches your child self-discipline. Children will learn how to perfect their technique. And they learn to correct themselves. 2. Learning Self-Defense: It's not a secret that taking martial arts classes like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a great way to learn self-defense. Parents feel comfort in knowing that their child is being taught skills that can be used in the real world. With so many abductions and other child-related abuse stories flooding the internet, it gives parents a peace of mind knowing that their child is being taught ways to defend themselves. 3. Learning Self-Confidence: Martial arts for kids is a good way to teach them self-confidence. As children achieve goal after goal in a martial arts program, they build more self-confidence. At each level completed, rank achieved, and new belt earned, your child will know that they have the ability to set goals and reach them! This will give them much more confidence as they walk down their school's hallway or as they walk down the sidewalk while playing outside. 4. Learning Teamwork & Social Interaction: If your child is not as social as others and doesn't handle social interaction well, then martial arts might be the solution. Many martial arts classes promote healthy social interaction. And all attending children must work with one another to accomplish a productive class. 5. Maintaining Healthy Habits: Martial arts classes promote healthy habits by keeping your child physically fit. It's as much of an exercise as it is a fun time. So your child won't even notice how much exercising is actually being done. And starting good exercising habits at an early age helps them to keep those habits throughout their older years. This keeps their body healthy and physically fit! It's Worth Learning Martial Arts: Learning martial arts is beneficial to the whole family. And your child will not only have fun but will reap all of these benefits while doing so. So, if you enjoyed reading about these 5 benefits of martial arts classes, then you'll really enjoy reading about the benefits your child will receive if they learn coding. Click here to learn more. Read Also: Can Dogs Make The Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better? How To Select The Best Investment Plan For Your Child? 5 Golden Rules Of Children Language Learning Are You Thinking About Buying Quad Bike For Your Kid? Care Free Fun: 5 Fun And Family-Friendly Activities For Children With Special Needs

Benefits of Martial Arts

Benefits of Martial Arts for Kids In Modern World

Let’s face it: we now live in an age when tablets, smartphones, and other gadgets dominate children’s daily lives. It’s a surefire distraction, considering how these technological marvels carry apps and/or programs specifically designed to pass time, alleviate boredom, and entertain us But It's also important to learn Martial Arts. Almost gone are the days when our children’s summers feature chopping wooden boards in Karate classes, like today, their eyes – and fingers – are mostly glued to different mobile devices. We always condition ourselves that it’s never too late to change for the better; part of this mantra is to occasionally veer our eyes away from technology and experience the real world through real activities. Yes, it’s sometimes hard to watch our young ones engage in physical endeavors like martial arts – with all the jumping spinning kicks, painful joint locks, and hard throws. It’s even harder seeing them spar with kids seemingly twice their size. Now if we can look past these obvious, unavoidable risks, we, as parents, can open our eyes to the true benefits of martial arts to our youngsters. With that, here are some of the reasons to encourage kids into an active lifestyle. Benefits of Martial Arts for Kids Promotes Self-Discipline: Martial arts won’t transform your child overnight into a walking weapon or any of the fictional characters we see on-screen. However, it’s a sure-fire way to teach them the value of self-discipline. It’s become quite the norm that kids these days are so used to getting what they want – somewhat taking the easier route towards instant gratification. By training in martial arts, they’ll be more exposed to the physical and mental challenges of learning how to deal with delayed gratification. This, in more ways, can also permeate to other areas of life, as well. Encourages a Healthy Lifestyle: What better time to introduce young ones to the apparent joy that is sweating it out in the gym and learning a specific discipline than through martial arts. Aside from acquiring useful life skills, children can develop a one-of-a-kind love for a healthier lifestyle at an early age. This may be way too shallow to be a reason to get children into martial arts, but most of us know how aesthetically important it is for the younger generation to be fit and healthy, especially with how common a sedentary lifestyle is today. In all seriousness, though, being physically active not only makes them look good, they’ll also feel good from within with all the endorphins flowing through their veins. Basically, martial arts can put them in an overall better position – mentally and physically – for years to come. Read more: Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle Fosters Camaraderie: To the naked eye, any form of martial arts is an individual venture wherein an athlete tests his or her mettle against an opponent, mano y mano. However, what we don’t see are the people behind the artist who train, condition, and, of course, bond with them. Martial arts – or any type of sport for that matter – offers a great avenue to form friendships, which in turn cultivates teamwork. This is beneficial for kids, especially at a young age, as they get exposed to the dynamics of working with different types of individuals with various personalities. This, as stated earlier, can translate outside the four corners of the gym and into the real world when they grow up. Builds Coordination: With the repetitive movements during martial arts training, a child's muscle memory will begin to develop well. It will develop to the point that these become somewhat second nature. As their fundamentals improve through continuous practice, motor skills such as hand and foot placement develop with laser-like precision. Improved coordination helps their reaction time, whether inside the gym or almost in every facet of their daily lives. In addition, a well-coordinated body exudes confidence, as well as diminishes the risks of injuries. Through constant repetition, children also develop vital training facets such as spatial awareness, distance judgment, and quick acceleration. In Conclusion: Encouraging children to be involved in physical activities at an early age carries with it ample benefits. When we say this, it doesn’t mean we eliminate or discourage the aforementioned digital sources of happiness and satisfaction. Indeed, everything boils down to priorities. So, whether your kid goes to Karate or Taekwondo classes, or rolls with the big boys in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or maybe even hit pads during Muay Thai sessions, it’s absolutely important for parents to inspire them to take the necessary steps toward a well-balanced lifestyle. Come to think of it, it shouldn’t be that hard convincing them to take up any form of martial art. After all, being even just a vestige of the shadow of their favorite high-flying, quick-kicking, fast-punching fictional character isn’t that bad. Read Also: 10 Healthy Habits To Improve Your Health How Martial Art Can Help You Stay Fit And Healthy