Online Services to Help Student

Published on: 13 July 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Online Education

If students have modern gadgets and stable Internet connection they can’t complain about the lack of assistance because the number of online services exclusively designated for this purpose is enormous.

Some of them haven’t realized that yet because they haven’t spent time discovering and exploring all the advantages of the Web learning sources and management services. Review the types of online remedies with actual examples to organize the studying process and improve your academic performance.

Study planners :

When you’re not aware of what you have to do how can you complete it? The system and order are essential for any undertaking. These attributes save time and contribute to performance quality.

Online services like MyStudyLife will help you to set and achieve your learning goals. Improve your time-management by creating classes and individual learning session’s schedules, keep track of your progress to stick to existing and come up with new studying strategies. Besides the website and browser extension, you can access your account on any portable device with the network connection since it has multi-platform compatibility and online synchronization.

Specialty dedicated websites :

There are many online services that provide information repositories, special task execution instruments and tutorials for the majority of the fields of study. Consider also sites for the professionals to learn by their experience and extend your overall knowledge range.

For instance, if you study statistics the site like Stat Trek will come in handy. It provides various task manuals, definitions dictionary, formulas with their application examples, statistical tables and tools, etc. Other like Wiley’s Statistics for Dummies will supply you with straightforward written materials that will be useful especially for undergraduates.

Writing checkers :

Academic papers require a multi-stage reviewing and revising process. After hours of the tedious research and the content completion to perform a quality checkup of grammar, punctuation, semantics, authenticity, etc. is hard without assistance.

Tools like Grammarly provide more developed writing improving mechanisms in comparison to classical text editors and suggest words, marks, and formulations corrections. This online service available as a browser extension, add-ons for Microsoft Word or Outlook and a desktop application. It can also be applied as a plagiarism checker to increase the percentage of your work uniqueness.

Online libraries :

Paper books aren’t as convenient now for studying as their digital versions. The last ones are always available, more portable and easily quotable. You can access even copies of rare editions that are preserved in museums or private collections.

Online repositories like provide thousands of free eBooks in different languages and categories. The books at all or already aren’t protected by copyright law. Other services like adhere to the conventional borrow-return library system and contain textbooks and MIT press publications.

Homework assistance :

Every now and then students struggle with their assignments. The reasons can vary from the lack of organization or exploration skills, limited spare time due to the employment to unclear material and regulations representation at classes.

There are online services that provide help from tutors that will assist them to overcome difficulties with tasks completion and clarify puzzling concepts. For instance, Homework Lab – student collaboration platform that also supplies students with study tips and learning-management instruments to adhere to well-known or develop individual efficient homework accomplishment methods.

Routine helpers :

It’s hard to concentrate on studying when your other life is chaotic. Constant money problems, accommodation changes or health issues significantly affect the educational process and can cause its premature ending.

The Internet is filled with websites and applications that can help organize and refine all life aspects thanks to helpful advice and tools. Manage your finances, save money with discounts, find a permanent home, learn how to cook, switch to healthy meals, explore various lifehacks, etc. Other services like Evernote can bring order to your daily routine and other undertakings. Create notes, reminders, lists, team projects with multiple instruments and various attachments types. Keep a finger on your day’s pulse with it’s mobile or desktop app.

Exploit to the utmost your devices to find assistance during your studying you are looking for. Don’t forget about moral support. Receive it via social networks and various chat and video calls applications from your relatives and friends.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Strategies For Effective Math Note-Taking In IB Mathematics

IB Mathematics is a challenging and comprehensive program that is designed to prepare students for further studies in mathematics and related fields. The program is divided into two levels, Mathematics Standard Level (SL) and Mathematics Higher Level (HL), and covers a range of topics in pure mathematics, statistics, and calculus. The Mathematics SL course includes topics such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and probability. The Mathematics HL course includes these topics as well as more advanced topics such as calculus, differential equations, and complex numbers. IB Mathematics: A Pathway To Student Enlightenment In addition to learning mathematical concepts and procedures, students in the IB Mathematics program are also expected to develop their critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. They are required to engage in inquiry-based learning, which involves investigating and exploring mathematical problems and concepts independently. Assessment in IB Mathematics includes both internal and external assessments. Internal assessments are completed by students throughout the course and include tasks such as investigations and explorations. External assessments include written examinations that are administered at the end of the course. IB Mathematics provides students with a rigorous and comprehensive education in mathematics that prepares them for further studies and careers in mathematics, science, engineering, economics, and other related fields. Tips To Efficiently Take Notes In IB Mathematics Note-taking is an essential part of IB Mathematics as it helps students to organize and remember key concepts, procedures, and examples. Here are some tips on effective note-taking in IB Mathematics: Use headings and subheadings: Use headings and subheadings to organize your notes by topic or subtopic. This will make it easier to review your notes and find specific information later. One of the biggest perks of using headings as well as subheadings is that they help differentiate one point from another.  Write down key definitions and formulas: Write down important definitions and formulas as they are introduced in class. Make sure to label them clearly and highlight them for easy reference. Pointing out major formulas help you go through important discussions when you are running out of time.  Include examples: Include examples and worked-out problems in your notes. This will help you understand how to apply concepts and procedures in practice. Remember how our answers would get specific and more focused when we included real-life examples? That’s the case here, too.  Construct diagrams and graphs: Draw diagrams and graphs to illustrate mathematical concepts and relationships. This math enrichment process can help you visualize the material and remember it better. You might also try including some relevant tables and charts to bring out the best of your study notes. Utilize symbols and abbreviations: Use symbols and abbreviations to save time and space in your notes. For example, use “sin” for sine and “cos” for cosine. Simultaneously, don’t forget to learn the meanings of these symbols. Otherwise, you would not be able to figure out what it stands for.  Review and summarize: After class, review your notes and summarize the key points. This will help you reinforce your understanding of the material and identify any areas that you need to focus on. Done taking down the notes? Make sure to leisurely stroll your eyes once throughout the summary.  Organize your notes: Keep your notes in a well-organized binder or notebook. This will make it easier to find and review your notes when studying for exams or completing assignments. Even if you are in a hurry, you can access your notes easily by following this tip.  Note-Taking And Its Associated Benefits Effective note-taking can help students to better understand and remember IB Mathematics concepts and procedures. By using headings and subheadings, writing down key definitions and formulas, including examples, drawing diagrams and graphs, using symbols and abbreviations, reviewing and summarizing, and keeping your notes organized, you can become a more successful IB Mathematics student. Note-taking is an important part of studying for IB Math, and it can be a valuable tool for helping students to pass the course. Here are some ways that note-taking can help students to succeed in IB Math: Organization: Note-taking can help students to organize their thoughts and ideas about a particular topic, making it easier to study and review the material later on. Active learning: Taking notes requires students to engage with the material actively, which can help them to better understand the concepts and retain the information more effectively. Reviewing: Notes can serve as a useful resource for reviewing material covered in class or in readings. By reviewing their notes regularly, students can reinforce their understanding of the material and identify any areas where they need additional help. Test preparation:  Notes can also be a helpful resource for test preparation. By reviewing their notes before a test, students can refresh their memory of the material and feel more confident about their ability to perform well on the exam. Personalized learning: Note-taking allows students to create their own personalized study guides that reflect their individual learning needs and preferences. The Bottom Line In summary, note-taking can be a powerful tool for helping students to pass IB Math. By promoting organization, active learning, review, test preparation, and personalized learning, note-taking can help students to better understand and retain the material, ultimately leading to greater success in the course. When students are passionate about taking notes, they are more likely to be engaged and attentive in class, which can lead to better understanding and retention of the material. Passionate note-takers also tend to take more detailed and organized notes, which can help them to better review and remember the material later on. Furthermore, having a passion for note-taking can also inspire students to explore the material more deeply and to take ownership of their learning. This can lead to more active and self-directed learning, which is an important skill for success in IB Math. Ultimately, having a passion for note-taking can help students to achieve greater success in IB Math by fostering a love of learning, promoting engagement and attentiveness in class, facilitating better understanding and retention of the material, and encouraging active and self-directed learning. Read Also: Benefits of Internship Programs Mass communication students: (All You Need to Study at Home) Top Five Tips on How to Succeed in University

How To Show Appreciation

Graduation- How To Show Appreciation for Loved Ones?

Ah, graduation. I still remember that day five years ago when I graduated from college. When I got up on stage to get my graduation certificate from my college principal, most didn’t pay attention. However, my parents and many of my friends did, pointing out to me who my closest supporters are. Therefore, I decided to throw a house party for all those who cheered. All those who supported me in my journey to where I am now. However, after my house party was over, I thought to myself - what else could I have done to show my appreciation for my dearest supporters? Are house parties and dinners the only way to make them feel valuable? Or are there other concoctions that allow me to express my gratitude better? This is why, after all these years as a writer, I finally got the opportunity to do some research on this topic. However, I was surprised to find out the number of things you can do apart from a simple house party! Therefore, here are ten great ways for you to show appreciation and gratitude to your closest supporters after graduation! How To Show Appreciation To Your Supporters After Graduation? After careful research and starting multiple threads on Quora and Reddit, I found the answers I needed. Therefore, here are ten great ways for you to show appreciation and gratitude to your closest supporters after graduation! 1. Throw a Themed Graduation Celebration Host a graduation party that mirrors your individuality and passions. A themed party can inject excitement and originality into your festivities, whether it's a Hollywood carpet affair, a lively tropical luau, or a nostalgic homage to your favourite era. However, remember to send out graduation invitation cards or 8th grade promotion invitations well in advance. Customize your invites to match the theme of the event. Therefore, decorate the venue accordingly and encourage guests to dress according to the theme. Moreover, organize activities that align with the chosen motif. 2. Organize a Virtual Event If your loved ones are dispersed across locations or if you wish to include friends and family who can't be present physically in your celebration, consider arranging a virtual graduation event. Utilize video conferencing platforms to bring everyone together and plan engaging activities such as games, sharing memories through slideshows, or raising a toast to make the occasion memorable. Regarding virtual activities, there’s one that I would have loved to do after graduation - play video games together over Discord. Some online multiplayer/co-op games that come to my mind are Sea of Thieves and Helldivers 2. 3. Embark on an Adventure Commence your graduation journey by embarking on a trip to a destination you've always dreamt of exploring. Whether you're looking for a peaceful beach getaway, an enriching city exploration, or an exciting nature trek, traveling offers an opportunity to relax and commemorate the completion of your endeavors. Consider organizing the trip with friends or family to make it more special. One video game that comes to my mind is Sea of Thieves. It’s an amazing game that you can play with your three closest classmates. Here, you can band together with them and go on an epic treasure hunt on your pirate ship! It’s one of the most engaging ways to have fun with your friends - one last adventure before all of you go your separate ways in life! 4. Craft a Graduation Time Capsule Put together a time capsule filled with keepsakes from your school years. Include items like photos, notes from loved ones and teachers, copies of papers or projects, and other memorabilia that hold value. Seal the capsule. Set a date in the future to open it, allowing yourself to reflect on your growth and accomplishments over time. This is one of the most interesting ways to celebrate your graduation after spending years together with your friends. I wish I had done this during my graduation, so that I could open it up five years later with my friends and reminisce our college days together! 5. Arrange for a Graduation Photoshoot Capture the moment with a graduation photoshoot. Choose a location that's meaningful to you, such as your school campus, a park, or a picturesque spot in your city. Dress in your cap and gown. Bring props like your diploma, confetti, or a chalkboard with graduation messages. These photos will become mementos for years to come. 6. Give Back to the Community Celebrate your graduation by giving back to the community that has been there for you throughout your journey. Coordinate volunteer. Organize fundraising efforts for causes for you. Not only will this have an impact, but it'll also offer a meaningful opportunity to mark your graduation. 7. Organize a Graduation Brunch or Dinner Invite your closest circle of friends and family to a celebratory brunch or dinner. Whether you opt for an eatery or cook up a meal at home, take the time to share anecdotes, show appreciation, and revel in each other's company. Therefore, consider adding a graduation toast or speech to recognize the support and motivation you've received. 8. Reflect and Plan for the Future Set aside some moments to ponder your achievements and set objectives for what lies. Therefore, pen down a letter addressed to yourself outlining your ambitions, aspirations, and the valuable insights gained along the way.  Moreover, this practice can serve as a gesture towards acknowledging your journey and keeping yourself driven as you progress. 9. Craft a Graduation Memory Book Capture the essence of your graduation experience by compiling a scrapbook brimming with photographs, notes, and keepsakes from your school days. Include graduation announcements and event programs as personal reflections.  This creative endeavor can help immortalize memories while serving as a testament to your accomplishments. 10. Indulge in Some Relaxing Time At times, the perfect way to celebrate is by unwinding and dedicating a day to yourself. Therefore, indulge in a spa day and binge-watch movies. Enjoy your hobby. Take this opportunity to relax and relish in the joy of your deserved achievements. Conclusion Marking your graduation is a significant moment that can be personalized to showcase your individuality and path. Whether you opt for a celebration, a moment of solitude, or an adventurous escapade, what truly matters is acknowledging your successes. Embracing the promising future ahead. Cheers to you, graduate! 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Online Study Materials

A Student’s Guide For Effectively Utilizing Online Study Materials

In today's fast-paced digital era, students have a wealth of resources at their fingertips, transforming the way they approach learning.  Online study materials have become indispensable tools for academic success, offering a diverse range of content to enhance understanding and retention. Statista notes that a sizable portion of faculties globally have also demonstrated a desire to promote digital and non-traditional learning programs. The usage of open educational resources is supported by about 65% of faculty members. In this article, we will navigate students through the art of harnessing these resources effectively, ensuring a seamless integration into their study routines. The Digital Landscape of Learning In this digital age, students can transcend traditional learning boundaries by exploring the vast online landscape. Beyond textbooks, students can access a multitude of resources ranging from interactive videos to podcasts and e-books.  YouTube channels dedicated to educational content open up new dimensions of understanding. The key is to embrace this diversity, incorporating multimedia elements into your study routine to cater to various learning preferences. Strategies for Discovering Quality Materials The internet is flooded with information, and sifting through it can be overwhelming. Develop effective strategies to identify reliable and relevant study materials. Leverage academic databases, scholarly articles, and reputable educational websites.  Pay attention to user reviews, ratings, and recommendations to gauge the quality of content. By refining your search skills and discerning between credible and unreliable sources, you can ensure that the materials you choose are actually useful.  Organizing Your Virtual Library As your digital repository grows, organization becomes paramount. Implement a systematic approach to categorize and store online study materials. Create folders based on subjects, topics, or courses, making it easy to locate specific resources when needed.  Utilize cloud storage or dedicated apps to ensure accessibility from any device. A well-organized virtual library enhances productivity, streamlining your study sessions and reducing the time spent searching for materials. Harnessing Online Study Platforms Proprep notes that online study platforms have revolutionized education, offering courses from leading institutions and experts worldwide. Explore these platforms to access high-quality lectures, quizzes, and interactive assignments. Take advantage of features like discussion forums and peer assessments to deepen your understanding and engage with a global community of learners. Let's explore how a student studying biology can benefit from these platforms. Online study platforms provide a wealth of resources for biology enthusiasts. Imagine delving into a virtual world where comprehensive modules on anatomy, physiology, and ecology are at your fingertips.  As you explore cardiovascular anatomy, you may come across questions like, "Which valves are anchored by chordae tendineae?" For this intricate query, online study platforms offer a multifaceted approach to learning. A student can access diverse content formats such as detailed video lectures, interactive 3D models, and virtual dissections.  These platforms often curate content from experts in the field, providing insights and explanations that go beyond traditional textbooks. Virtual dissections of the heart allow the complexities of the chordae tendineae and their role in anchoring specific valves to become vividly apparent. Visual aids like these, coupled with expert commentary, allow for a better understanding of complex biological concepts. Leveraging Effective Note-Taking Strategies Effectively capturing information is essential when using online study materials. Experiment with various note-taking techniques such as the Cornell Method, mind mapping, or digital annotation tools.  According to Goodnotes, the Cornell Method is a methodical approach that involves splitting your notes into two categories. It has a broader right column for in-depth information and a narrower left column for hints or keywords. This approach encourages participation and hence makes effective review easier. Tailor your approach to suit the content type – visual notes for videos and concise summaries for articles. This not only reinforces your understanding but also creates a personalized study resource for quick review during exams. Collaborative Learning in the Virtual Space Tap into the power of collaboration through virtual study groups. Join forums related to your field of study, participate in group discussions, and use collaborative tools like Google Docs or Zoom for shared projects.  EarthWeb notes that Alphabet Inc.'s in-house word processing program, Google Docs, is used by more than 1 billion individuals globally. The fact that it is cloud-based allows it to save all changes in real-time. This makes it vastly superior to most other word processors. Engaging with peers offers diverse perspectives while fostering a sense of community in the online learning environment, combating the isolation associated with independent study. Adapting to the Dynamic Nature of Online Resources The digital realm is ever-changing, with new resources and updates constantly emerging. Stay adaptable by regularly evaluating and updating your virtual toolkit.  Explore emerging technologies, subscribe to relevant newsletters, and be open to incorporating innovative tools into your study routine. By staying abreast of the dynamic nature of online resources, you ensure that your learning approach remains current and effective throughout your academic journey. In summary, the world of digital education calls for a strategic approach to harnessing diverse online resources, organizing effectively, and engaging in collaborative platforms. The continuous evolution of technology necessitates adaptability, prompting students to stay abreast of emerging tools.  This digital era presents a unique opportunity for personalized, interactive, and global learning experiences. Through the judicious utilization of online study materials, students excel academically while cultivating resilience and preparing themselves for the challenges of an ever-evolving future.  Adopting a proactive and adaptable stance ensures that the transformative power of online education becomes a lasting catalyst for academic success and lifelong learning. 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