Using the aptitude test for hiring a Pilot

Published on: 13 July 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Pilot hiring

At times, when you come across the right type of candidate who has applied for the pilot in your aviation academy, the very first thing that might click your mind is whether the candidate is actually a good person to handle such flexible job or not. The job role of a pilot is way lot different than the job role of any other candidate, after all, the lives of many individuals on the air depends upon him. It is expected to form the person to be physically and mentally fit to fly the plane. And for this, it is important to assess the candidate with the right assessment solution.

Understanding the concept of aptitude test for Pilot:

The focus of the pilot aptitude test is to know whether the candidate is mentally fit and can use the skills in the right manner or not. The aptitude test is categorized in different forms. Psychometric test is one part of it. The test depicts a clear examination of the behavioral tendency of the candidate and whether the person can understand different mindsets that would be traveling with the person or not. A pilot has to be extremely of a balanced nature and must see to it that he fly the plane in a way that the passengers feel safe and secured. No doubt that this job has got a lot of responsibilities and it is expected that the person who applies for such job role is only expected to fulfill all the requirements that aviation industry would expect him to do.

Benefits of using such test:

Such type of test not only benefits the aviation industry to know the pilot but also helps the candidate know whether he is actually performing well or there are some areas of improvement on which he needs to work upon. Such type of test is a great solution for the employer to know if the mind-sets that would be working in their organization as the pilot are stable, can take active participation and weather can bring out the best from themselves for better output or not. The pilot would be taking the passengers to different countries through different weather situations. Condition at times can be worst and it is expected form the person to have an active approach to handle such situations so that passengers are reached to the destination safely and without any kind of problem.

With minimal investment and conducting the subject matter expert to design such a test, there is no doubt that you will get the possible outcome. But again, it is important for you to keep in mind that creating such a test needs to be highly secured. Using proctored software can reduce the risk of fakers and cheaters. Besides, you will understand how serious the candidate is for such type of job role.

Now things are in your hand and as an employer, definitely, you would not want to waste the investment that you have made in the aviation academy or the pilot whom you are intending to hire.

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online education

How India Is Transformed After The Success Of Ed-Tech Startups?

In the startup ecosystem, India stands in the third position, and it has been estimated that since 2012, there have been more than 200 Ed-tech startups that are emerging. From the global education perspective, the Ed-tech startups have gained a prominent position with almost 1.5 million school boarding 260 million students. In addition to this, there are more than 35,000 colleges and 750 universities. A few years ago, the startups that surfaced showed a tremendous change in people’s perception of how students can learn and grow and implement the acquired knowledge well in their professional field. Present scenario of online education With success in Ed-tech startups, students from small districts get the opportunity to feel close to their dreams. The success of Ed-tech startups has been able to eliminate the problems of high-quality education. Due to the advancement in technology, the students residing in the underdeveloped parts of the country also get the facility to achieve their dream easily. With the introduction of technology, the students are now able to take part in the online classes and complete their preparation efficiently. The online education market is also growing from 1.96 Billion and reaching up to 9.6 million in 2021. This is an opportunity both for the existing students and the new entrants. Among the Ed-tech startups, some of them struggled to secure a firm position while others went through a sudden death within 18-24 months of its initiation. The Transformation From The Traditional Mode The traditional model of learning has changed in more than one way with the introduction of interactive textbooks, increases of web-based research, expanding the audience. In the change of educational system, mobile phones play a vital role, and the device has become quite popular in engaging students. The cloud-based learning platform is catering to more than four million students worldwide. The various learning applications are helping students to get the required information at their fingertips and are easily available. How Are The Ed-Tech Startups Benefiting The Students? The education startups are trying to cater to a large audience through online tutoring, book updates, online test preparations, and others. With the advent of technology, students are able to enhance their quality of education. The reach of education has been widened with the help of technology, and innovative ideas are introduced in this technology-based education. With this, the students are able to watch high-quality videos on their mobile devices. It also ensures that people who have access to low internet bandwidth also have access to learning by interacting with online teachers. The advantage of the eLearning video is that it enables the student to grasp a better idea about the concerned topic. This also benefits the students who are willing to prepare for the high-ranking tough examinations such as UPSC online, and others. Apart from readily available study materials, the students also get to learn from the online programs that are offered to the students. For any doubts and explanations about the curriculum, the online classes have an experienced team of teachers to cater to the needs of the students. Influence Of Technology-Based Applications With the help of digital aids, the students are able to decide upon what they wish to learn. In addition, the online mode of education also helps the students to go for self-analysis and therefore, improve their strong and weak points easily. The various Ed-tech startups help to provide online test series and study material to the students, and they only need to log in for free and start practicing. Some of the startups have designed their application in such a way that it enables the students to access the application both in the online and offline mode as well. For interactive sessions, get hands-on with the application today. Thus, these applications are of immense help for the students who are planning to qualify for examinations such as UPSC, IAS, and other banking sector examinations. Other than the preparation, the students can also apply for online and distance courses and get the required certification. In search of excellent online tutors, students from primary classes to higher classes are influenced by the websites. It is also evident in the last few years as parents, teachers, and students are taking help more the online technology including that of urban and semi-urban regions of India. The various Ed-tech startups are dealing with online courses and professional courses as well. It offers more than 200 professional courses including project management, quality management, IT security management, and others. If students are planning to appear for any competitive exams, scholarships exams such as IAS, UPSC, and others, then these online applications would be of utmost help for them. Therefore, digital platforms are changing the ways of learning and offering high-quality educational content to students around the world, and in this way, education is transformed to the next level. Apart from this, there are also certain impacts of social media. The form of digital literacy should be introduced in school-level education. Digital media has impacted greatly on the students. Read Also :  4 Emerging Trends In The Education Sector Online Services To Help Student Ten Ways Technology Is Impacting Modern Education

Choosing The Best Education Majors

Counselor’s Guide To Choosing The Best Education Majors

Deciding which college to go to is hard enough; choosing a major is even more challenging. Students worldwide frequently report having a hard time narrowing things down when it comes to a major. Both fresh high-school grads and undergraduates may not know how to go about locking themselves down. We often forget that we don't just have to choose our subjects once we can change midway. However, after graduating with their bachelor's, students claim that choosing a specialization becomes even more complicated. Not only does a master's degree hold a lot more weight than a regular college degree, but it also streamlines you for your career. Therefore, if you are having trouble choosing a subject as a high-school grad or undergrad, you might want to read on further. This article will be looking at a guide to choosing the best education majors. We will be looking at several aspects to consider when making the decision. By the end of it, you will be better equipped to pick a major and pursue a career finally. Therefore, here is a career counselor's guide to choosing the best education major. Pick a career with a promising future: Before you go ahead and choose an unpopular degree, make sure you read up on the field's future. For instance, the field of technology holds excellent prospects and advancing opportunities. With trillions of dollars flowing in and out of the technology industry, it would be a viable option to pursue a degree in it. With online degrees making things considerably easier for working individuals, you can pursue your masters and continue work. Therefore, if you have sought a career in information technology and all the signs indicate good news for the industry, go for it. A masters in MIS online will provide comprehensive information about the IT industry and the necessary skillsets to make a career for yourself. Strive for your passion: When choosing a major, ensure to evaluate your preferences. Students have to subdue the desire to follow their dreams from an early age because of peer pressure. However, now that you have the chance to choose your college major, select an academic endeavor that you genuinely like. Think about what YOU want to do and where your interests lie. Students who were passionate about arts when growing up now have the chance to do what they love. It doesn't just have to be the hobbies that you can pursue. You can go for new, emerging subjects that spike your interest. Millions of people have pursued psychology as a career because of recent mental health awareness movements. Others are looking at environmental studies as a way to raise global awareness of climate change. Don't make money the sole motivator: Pursuing a degree only for its monetary returns isn't a viable option; perhaps you should consider money as a secondary benefit. We aren't saying that money shouldn't be a factor in your life. Just don't make it the primary motivator. Many people pursue a degree only for the monetary benefits and end up ruining their career life. It can pose severe consequences as your career can become stagnant with less growth and development opportunities. Therefore, instead of eyeing a field only for its monetary gains, opt for one that entices you. Plan for the future: Looking into the future, where do you want to see yourself? Do you want to see someone who neglected their passions only for making other people happy? Do you see yourself as someone who made their own choices but is having a hard time in life? The future can be exciting for some yet scary and daunting for others. It's always good to take calculated risks, evaluate opportunity costs, and play it safe when you feel puzzled. Ensure to strike a balance. Preparing for the future usually puts things into perspective and gives you much-needed clarity for narrowing down a specialization. Take your time. It's okay to be nervous: If you aren't comfortable with making a decision just yet, don't compel yourself. It's better to wait it out and take some time off to clear your head than to commit to something and have to see it all the way through. It's all too common to hear about college dropouts who had no passion for what they were studying. A fair amount of the time, they were either forced into the degree or felt pressured to choose something they didn't enjoy. Don't be one of those people. If you need to, take a year off and think about what you want to do for your career. Seek academic counseling, approach mentors, and plan out everything for the future. Conclusion: Deciding on a degree major can be challenging; however, you should take things one step at a time. Fortunately, counselors are always looking to keep the student's best interests in mind when recommending options. With that said, a counselor can evaluate your interests, skills, and aspirations to guide you properly. Read Also: Benefits of Internship Programs Mass communication students: (All You Need to Study at Home) Top Five Tips on How to Succeed in University

Personal Development

Reasons Why Personal Development Should Be a Priority?

In this ever-changing life, people have forgotten their true selves. Everyone has seemed to be lost in their hectic work life and surrounded by technologies that they don't even remember their motives in life. It won't be wrong to say humans today don't focus on smart work, they have been in the idea of hard work. Personal development will not only encourage you out with your defects but can also improve your depths. The importance of personal development in our lives cannot be underestimated. It's a secret mantra that can help you stand out from the rest of the crowd, and build a bridge that will lead you towards your goals in life. Personal development has numerous advantages. People who are seeking self-improvement and looking for some courses can try self-improvement courses offered by different organizations like Landmark Forum or Landmark Education and others and you can also check Landmark Forum Reviews before proceeding. Here are some major reasons why you should focus on Personal Development: Get the Best out of yourself: Sharpening your already present talents can help you perform better at everything you do. You sharpened skills will boost your confidence and positive attitude that will compel you to explore new areas in life without hesitation. When you go through personal development, you will notice the changes yourself. You can see that you will start to work more and efficiently, and produce better outcomes. You will be willing to take on new challenges every day and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Improving your Strengths: Personal development will not only help you out with your weaknesses but can also improve your strengths. Sometimes people don't even know their areas of strengths, personal development will help them identify their strengths and weaknesses, and improve those areas. The ideal way to get to your goals is to use your strengths. So why not take up personal development as an opportunity to overcome the hurdles with your strengths and achieve great heights. Attain new Skills: Talking about skills, personal development will help to develop new skills that can be useful for your professional and personal life. When working on new skills, make sure you focus on your personal growth as well. For instance, you can learn a new language that can be beneficial if you travel to new places or even a technical field like Adobe Photoshop that can provide you an edge over others on your corporate professional life. These skills will separate you from your colleagues. Boosting Confidence Levels: Lack of confidence will always push you down if every aspect of life, both personal and professional. A good amount of confidence in a person will enable him to convey his ideas in a good way and smoothly to others. Having confidence will help a person in Performing better under stress Influencing other people Keeping a positive attitude Improving communication with others Helping you to socialize more Improving leadership skills Improve Self-Awareness: Person growth is closely tied to self-awareness. It offers you an opportunity to look closely at yourself and identify the areas you need to work on. Through this practice, you will get to know what you really are and where do your interests lie. You will identify what your true values are where you want to take yourself in your life. Stay focused to improve your self-awareness. Having oneself-awareness enables you to see where your dreams and passions are taking you. It also allows you to take control of your sentiments, performance, and character so you can make adjustments you require. As you evolve self-awareness you are able to make adjustments in the ideas and statements you make in your mind. Read Also: Online Schools The Only Source For Personalized Education App Development Benefits: Here’s Why You Should Go Mobile Top 8 Advantages Of Effective Web Design And Development 5 Things To Take Into Account To Hire Custom Software Development Services