5 tips for college students on how to begin investing using pocket money

Published on: 16 July 2018 Last Updated on: 02 March 2020
college students

According to the United Nations, India has the world’s largest youth population with more than 356 million individuals between the ages of 14-24 years.

A young population carries with it some characteristics- low savings, high splurge and little sense of investment. In such a scenario investment education becomes an important movement. While it may not be intuitive, investing at a young age is beneficial in the long-run considering these individuals are free of financial burdens, possess a higher risk appetite and are rife with enthusiasm.

Though practical knowledge is a must for students to understand the intricacies of any investment, here are 5 basic tips for any college student to take a step into the world of investments.

1. Start saving from yesterday :

Though it is impossible to travel in the past and stop ourselves from splurging on vanity products, it is vital to start saving every single day. As college students, it is easy to go on a guilt-free spending spree, but an effort needs to be made to save a certain portion of your pocket money. This can be easily done by allocating a certain amount at the beginning of the month towards investments, either stocks, fixed deposits or mutual funds. You can pay for college essay with ideas on OnlineCollegeEssay.com. You will get high-quality papers at low prices which will help you to save the balance.

Pro Tip: You can choose a minimum amount to be transferred into another bank account or investment option as a standing instruction with your bank.

2. Low-risk investment options are your best friend :

As college students and amateur investors, it is important to not be swayed by the prospect of high risk high return promises. Though it is exciting, it is necessary to be grounded and learn the basics. You should choose low-risk investment options so that you don’t lose money fast. As a young investor, always remember to balance your risk by planning and with efficiency. A planned investment can fetch you a decent return.

You should choose to invest in long-term options but can segregate a small amount to experiment with such that you can learn with experience.

Pro Tip: The market is rife with risks and uncertainties. Hence, it is advisable to approach your finance professor or family member who could guide you in the same.

3. Assess and evaluate your risk and margin estimate :

Even seasoned investors such as Warren Buffet strongly believe in calculating your risk vs return estimate. No matter what your financial background, risk appetite and goals, it is important to calculate your risk. Before investing, try to assess the amount of risk you are willing to bear and the margins below/above which you will not buy/sell. As a young investor, be ready to tackle losses and be clear in your investment options and always try to balance your portfolio.

Pro Tip: Try to approach a senior family member, ask them about their investments and the calculations they undertake. This will help you give a direction towards what you can do too.

4. SIPs – The future :

A boon for young investors, Systematic Investment Plans are an excellent investment option which offers low risk in combination with high returns. It is one of the smartest methods to mitigate the loss in your portfolio.

SIPs allow for college students to be able to deposit a predetermined amount on a certain schedule which can be attuned according to every individual. This can be weekly, monthly, quarterly or even yearly. Though a long-term option, it is one of the most sought-after investment options by early investors.

Pro Tip: Before investing in SIPs, research about various mutual funds offered by fund houses such as HDFC Mutual Fund, SBI Mutual Fund etc. This will allow you to compare options based on various factors such as past performance, returns etc.

5. Be patient and do your research :

As young investors, it is easy to get carried away by brief success or favorable market positions. But, it is important to be patient and keep learning. As you are amateur investors, the skill that you should master is the skill of research and due diligence. The more you learn about various investment options, market vulnerability and performance, the more you will be able to invest wisely.

Start with researching the company, fund house or investment tool. Though past performances will not dictate the future, understand how it does play a role in future growth. Try to analyze the various market trends and keep a lookout on the extremities.

 You will find many bombarding you with information and advice. But, always remember that you are the maker of your own future. So, do your research, be patient and keep learning.

Pro Tip: Tune into various news channels to learn about market trends from various experts. You can also subscribe to various weekly newsletters and magazines for the same.

 Investments are tricky, for everyone including college students. It is an exciting journey filled with ups and downs which only make it more worthwhile. You can reap the benefits tomorrow if you the sow the seeds of research, patience, and dedication today.\

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Modern Education

Ten Ways Technology is Impacting Modern Education

No one can deny the fact that the use of technology in education is having a tremendous impact on the learning process. How technology is changing education, though, is a topic that is being hotly debated right now by educators. Some believe that it has a positive impact on education while others believe that its impact is highly negative. That is why we have come up with a list of ten ways the latest technology in education is affecting the learning process. Five Positive Impacts of Technology on Education 1. Education is more accessible : In recent decades, one had to go to a university in order to learn new information, but with the advent of the internet, information is becoming so accessible and widespread, that you can now learn for free what would normally cost $50,000 to learn at a university. In addition to free information, many educational institutions, from Harvard to the Naval War College, offer distance learning for busy professionals who would otherwise be unable to further their education. This type of learning certainly is not free, but it does make learning easier for a large number of people who want to better themselves. 2. Getting access to information is faster and more efficient : Accessing educational resources is no longer a slow, painstaking process thanks to search engines and online databases and libraries. Technology has even made going to the library to find an actual book easier. Google has an application that allows you to find out which libraries have the books you are looking for almost instantly. 3. Multiple Ways to Disseminate Information to Students : Thanks to Blackboard and smartboards, teachers are now able to present and disseminate information to students in a number of ways. Blackboard enables teachers to keep students apprised of their grades and upcoming due dates, while smartboards allow them to enhance the learning experience by giving them the opportunity to use everything from videos to interactive presentations in the classroom. 4. Technology makes it easier to stay organized : Before hard drives and Blackboard, students and teachers used multiple paper folders, binders, and filing cabinets to stay on top of homework and grading. Now students can save their homework on a hard drive and turn it via Blackboard when they are finished, while teachers can use this same technology to organize their time, make lesson plans, and keep parents apprised of their children’s grades. 5. Technology is preparing students for the future : Many of the devices and programs being utilized in the classroom, such as laptops and Microsoft Office, are used in the workplace, as well. While not all students will learn how to write code, many will be able to gain valuable user-level knowledge of these programs so that they can use them effectively in the future. The Five Negative Impacts of Technology in The Classroom 1. Technology is making students lazy : This is one of the major complaints teachers have about students these days. Rather than spending the time needed to do good research on a topic, many students will simply google the answer, and when they can’t find what they are looking for in the first few search results, they give up and invariably say: “I can’t do it. I don’t know.” Full report and statistic that you can find on the internet. Thanks to search engines, these students think that the answer should be available to them instantly, and when it isn’t, they give up. 2. Technology is making students stupid : Since many students now expect to find answers instantly, they have forgotten how to engage in critical thinking that would ordinarily allow them to find answers on their own. Another impact technology is having is that it is shortening the attention spans of students. According to Pew, 90 percent of teachers believe this to be true. Many more students cannot differentiate between valid and non-valid sources of information; as a result, many students believe Instagram posts are valuable sources of information when doing academic writing. 3. Technology is Distracting : “Turn that off” is now a common phrase in the classroom because students are constantly on their cell phones or laptops playing games and texting when they should be listening to the instruction of the teacher. Students are losing a valuable opportunity to learn, while teachers are losing their patience with the students. 4. Technology is seen as a solution to every problem : There are many problems in classrooms across the country, and technology is expected to solve every one of them. Technology can’t solve them all, and in some cases, it only exacerbates the problems. But, technocrats in Silicon Valley are insistent that they can bring about a utopia devoid of problems, and they lobby Congress frequently to force unwanted technologies and curriculums on schools across the country. 5. Technology isn’t preparing every student for the future : “Technology prepares students for the future” is popular slogan politicians love to throw around, but it is not completely true. Not all students can grasp how to properly use technology other than to play games and listen to the music due to variables ranging from parenting to IQ. As a result, much of the money spent on tech in the classroom is wasted. As you can see, there are many benefits and drawbacks to using technology in the classroom. Like most things in life, we have to take the good with the bad. Read Also : 5 Questions To Ask Yourself While Finalizing An E-Learning Platform For Quality Education Upcoming Educational Trends In 2017    

Union Public Services Commission

How to Prepare for Current Affairs for UPSC 2020

The Union Public Services Commission (UPSC) conducts the Civil Services Examination (CSE) every year and it is believed to be one of the most difficult exams in the country. Comprehensive preparation, consistency, determination and hard work are a few things needed to sail through all three levels of the UPSC Exam, which are as follows: UPSC Prelims UPSC Mains UPSC Interview/ Personality Test The Union Public Services Commission conducts this exam in order to recruit various candidates for the Central and All India Services. While lakhs of aspirants in the country appear for the examination, only a few hundred serious and well-prepared candidates will make it to the final list. It is absolutely possible to crack this exam. What is needed is a proper strategy and rigorous preparation. What gives an aspirant an edge over many hardworking peers in the examination is how well he/she is updated with Current Affairs. Read on for the best sources to cover current affairs for UPSC 2020. UPSC Current Affairs Preparation Current Affairs has gained increasing importance in both the UPSC Preliminary Exam as well as the UPSC Mains Exam. Therefore, it must be an indispensable part of your everyday preparation. Daily Newspaper Reading It is very essential for an aspirant to choose a newspaper of choice and read it meticulously every single day without fail. “The Hindu” Newspaper is considered as the Bible for UPSC preparation. Making short notes from the newspaper will also prove to be beneficial at the time of revisions while helping you remember the concepts better. Start reading the newspaper at least one year prior to the date of your Preliminary examination. Current Affairs Magazines During the mains examination, an aspirant is expected to present his/her views about a topic in a clear and concise manner within the given time frame. The aspirant can gather fodder from the newspaper, but in order to understand various dimensions of a given topic, it is essential to follow one or two current affairs magazines. A critical analysis of a topic would help the aspirant answer better at the time of the mains examination. Some examples of Current Affairs magazine are: Kurukshetra Yojana India Yearbook Exploiting the Internet There are various websites and UPSC online materials to help the UPSC aspirants in their preparation for the exams. Specifically, with respect to current affairs preparations, there are various initiatives like daily quizzes, issues in the news, everyday news analysis, etc. The aspirant must pick and choose one or two such initiatives to add value to his/her preparation for the civil services exam. News Channels and Debate Shows Studying continuously for a long duration might become monotonous. In order to make learning less boring, one can watch various debate shows that involve veterans, experienced people, field experts, etc. such as Rajya Sabha TV. Their opinions and suggestions can be used as strong points to support one’s answers in the mains examination. At the same time, you can learn how to express your views during the UPSC personality test. YouTube Videos for UPSC Content & Current Affairs Certain concepts or issues in news require detailed study to be understood well. There are many channels on YouTube that post current affairs videos which will help an aspirant understand and remember such concepts better. There are plenty of options when it comes to current affairs sources for UPSC Exam. Like the saying, “Many cooks spoil the broth”, one should not refer to all the sources but stick to one reliable source.  Another important aspect to be considered is Revision. Thorough revision is a must, in order to remember the Current Affairs portions and its link with the UPSC Syllabus. If the aspirant follows a good strategy with determination and consistency, it is possible to crack the UPSC Civil Service Exam in the first attempt. For tips on covering current affairs for the UPSC examination, daily video analysis of “The Hindu” Newspaper, and other current affairs updates, subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube channel. Read Also: 5 Communication Tips For Introverts In College Topic 3 – Transform Your Career With Online Certification Courses Online Schools The Only Source For Personalized Education 3 Tips To Help You Perform Better At College

civil rights of children

Children are Citizens: What are the Civil Rights of Children in Public Schools?

In the United States, children are given many of the same protections as are adults, namely, the right to equal protection. Simply put, children are entitled to the same treatment under the law regardless of race, gender, disability, or religion. Children also have the right to a safe environment, good nutrition, healthcare, and education. But when it comes to that last one, education, the rights of minors differ from those of adults. It's critical for parents and educators to understand the civil rights of children in the U.S public education system. Federal vs. State: In the U.S., the federal law governing education is limited. The Tenth Amendment provides that state and local governments decide most education policies. Parents can't assume the federal government will protect children in the public school system. You can find state-specific information here. However, there are basic rights provided to all public school children. Free Education: Every child in the U.S. has the right to free, public school education. Parents and guardians should take a look at their state, district, and school policies. They'll want to find out exactly what is free and what they'll have to pay for. For example, a school can charge students for lunch, athletic equipment, and field trips. Protection from Discrimination: The U.S. Constitution guarantees equal treatment to all, including public school students. Schools can't discriminate against a student because of their gender, sexual orientation, home country, financial status or disability. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires that male and female students are treated the same in school programs and activities that receive federal funding. Title IX also applies to higher education, career training and education for pregnant students. Students who've had children are protected too. Title IX covers employment and math and science education. Sexual harassment, standardized testing and technology are also included. Parents and guardians who feel their student is being discriminated against can contact the ACLU for help. Safety in School: Civil rights laws are in place to protect students from bullying at all public schools. Teachers and other students can't harass someone because of their race or national origin. Gender, disability, ethnic background, and religion are also protected. School safety has been in the spotlight a lot, especially after the shootings at Sandy Hook and Marjory Stoneman Douglas.  Schools have come up with safety plans, required active shooter drills and in some cases, even allowed teachers to carry guns. In the 2015–16 school year, 94 percent of public schools said they controlled access to school buildings. They did so by locking or monitoring doors during school hours. If your child is injured at school due to negligence, you'll want more info on your rights and possible compensation. Freedom of Speech and Religion: Public school students have a limited right to free speech. They're often encouraged to speak their mind and share their opinions. But schools can limit the student's right to free speech if they feel it might hurt other students. Students keep their First Amendment right to freedom of speech, as long as they don't disrupt the educational process. Public school students also have the right to pray and take religious material to school. They also have the right to wear religious clothing like a hijab or yarmulke. Students' rights in public schools also include the right to talk about their faith. They're allowed to organize a religious club and miss school for religious holidays. It's illegal for any school or employee to push a particular religion on students. They can't encourage students to join a religious organization. And, they can't discriminate against students who don't practice any religion. Homeschooling: Some parents would rather keep their children out of the public school system entirely. Federal law protects their right to teach their children at home. Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states. Every state has its own regulations that parents have to follow. You can look up state-specific laws here. Civil Rights of Children Include the Right to Privacy: Federal and state governments often gather information about students for research and education-related purposes. Students might be asked to fill out surveys that ask about their alcohol or drug use, their home life, their diet, and their mental health status. Public school students have the right to opt-out of these questionnaires without fear of reprisals. It's illegal to penalize children for refusing to take the surveys. Protection for Students with Special Needs: Federal law gives every student who qualifies an individually-designed instruction program for free. Parents can ask to have their student professionally evaluated. That way, they'll know exactly what the student's academic and social needs are. Qualified students may learn in a regular classroom and get help from a specialist. Or, they could study in a smaller group of students. These kids might need individual or small-group instruction. A student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and Section 504 provide a road map for schools that are teaching students with learning and emotional disabilities. It covers mental and physical disabilities, too. Parents who understand their student's IEP can better support their child at home, just as teachers will better understand their condition. Opting out of Sex Education and HIV/AIDS Prevention: Some parents don’t want schools to teach their students about sexual health. They may not want their student to learn about HIV and AIDS prevention in school, either. Students can opt-out of these lessons if their parents request an exemption in writing. Free Education for Immigrants: Children of immigrants have the right to free public school education in the U.S. They have the right to go to school without worrying about deportation or discrimination. Their parents don't have to show a green card, a visa, a passport or an alien registration number to enroll their children. Wrapping It Up: Children under the age of 18 are still developing physically and mentally, and they aren't given all the same rights as adults. Children can't vote, own property or agree to medical treatment. But the U.S. Constitution does protect the civil rights of children by saying they're entitled to a safe environment, good nutrition, healthcare, and education. For more information about the importance of education and its role in the success of our children in the global economy, please visit us! 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