Tips on Writing a Winning Reflection Paper in College

Published on: 24 April 2018 Last Updated on: 07 October 2020

When it comes to college writing, most students quickly adapt to the rhythms of producing a fact-based paper. You visit your school’s online library, research some material, and slot it into a five-paragraph essay template, or a similar standard format. Bang! You’re done. But what happens when you are assigned a completely different type of paper that doesn’t fit neatly into the standard essay formats you learned in high school or in freshman composition class? When it comes to the personal reflection paper, many students struggle precisely because this type of essay is so different from most that they’ve written in their other classes. Fortunately, there are a few tips that will help you with this type of paper.

Before we get to the tips, it’s important to make sure we are all on the same page when it comes to what exactly a personal reflection paper is. As the name implies, a reflective essay looks back on something, and a personal reflection offers your own feelings and reactions. Typically, a personal reflection paper is intended to allow a student to share with the instructor his or her feelings about a course and how the course has impacted them. Some personal reflections, however, may examine other topics with which you have had personal experiences, such as a job or a volunteer opportunity. In most cases, the instructor is looking for you to draw connections between course material and your own experiences in order to discover how course content can be or has been relevant to your lived experience.

In order to write a terrific personal reflection essay, follow a few simple tips:

Start with simple pre-writing activities :

Start with simple pre-writing activities

Before you even begin writing, make sure you have read the essay question and understand it completely. For a personal reflection, you won’t likely be doing heavy research, the next step isn’t usually a visit to the library. Instead, you should make notes about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences so you can better understand your reaction to the essay topic. By writing down your thoughts, you can begin to organize them into categories so you can structure your paper around a few key themes. Try asking yourself key questions to guide your note-taking such as:

  1. How has the essay topic affected me personally?
  2. How has the essay topic changed the way I think about an issue or experience?
  3. Has the essay topic sparked any questions I want answers to?
  4. How does the essay topic relate to other course content or content in other courses?

Begin organizing your reflections :

The exact format you use for your paper will vary depending on your instructor’s requirements and the essay question, but in general, you will adapt a standard essay format for a reflective essay. You will still have an introduction with a thesis statement and a conclusion, but the body paragraphs might be organized somewhat differently. Depending on the essay question, you may follow the standard format and offer three reflective points (one per paragraph) which you support with evidence. Or, you might have a different format, such as telling a story about your reflective journey in chronological order or exploring one particular reaction across multiple paragraphs. Whichever style you choose, try to match it to the essay question so you are sure to answer the instructor’s question.

Remember that the personal essay is, well, personal :

The biggest difference between a personal essay and an expository essay like a term paper is that it involves your own views and opinions. In this genre of writing, it’s OK to refer to yourself and to talk about your thoughts and feelings without having to phrase them in an awkward third-person format (“One often feels…”). Don’t be afraid to share your honest views, but keep your instructor in mind. Even if you had a negative reaction, avoid insulting the instructor or viciously attacking course material. Instructors are open to reasoned disagreement, but they don’t want to find out that you want to set your textbook on fire.

 With these tips, writing a professional reflection paper from scratch should be an easy and refreshing change of pace from the standard academic term paper. The hardest part is getting your thoughts and feelings down on paper. Once you’ve mastered the art of sharing your feelings in written form, you’ll quickly find that these essays are quick to produce, and you’ll look forward to having time off from the more detailed research papers that take up a lot more time.

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Education Powers

How Education Powers a Better World?

Good education starts at a good school. Schooling is the first step in a child’s life when it comes to their academic life. Many are of the opinion that schooling is the foundation of every great individual. If your schooling is good, you can go a long way in life. That’s mainly because schooling has a great role to play in forming a child’s educational foundation. Good schooling means a good education for a child. Schooling is not only about getting the right kind of education; it stands for much more than that. The inculcation of good values, philosophies, and ethics from a formative age helps build the right kind of personality of an individual. This is why most parents stress the need for good schooling for their kids. Today, we have a number of good private and international schools in the country. These international schools offer a vast curriculum, in terms of developing both educational as well as extra-curricular dimensions in a child. Enrolling your kid in any of these reputed schools ensures a bright future for your kid. Education Powering a Better World: Education is the most important aspect of everyone’s life. Right from our childhood, we are taught to educate ourselves so that we can grow up to be a qualified person in the future. The value of education has great importance in today’s competitive world. Whatever career your child decides for himself or herself, will ultimately depend on the exposure he has for a particular field of study. In today’s times, apart from education, companies and careers are looking for well-rounded and polished individuals who might be part of Debating Teams (confidence of public speaking), Sports Team (being a team player, and leader), and other organizing committees that are there in schools. If you send your kids to a leading international school Singapore, they will be able to interact with students from different cultural backgrounds. This can help them with a much more enriching ecosystem that will help them become truly international or global citizens. It will also help them develop respect and sensitization for other cultures, races, ethnicities, food habits and customs. Teachers at international schools are drawn from all over the world. This richness helps in creating a better individual right at their formative years. 1. Spreads awareness: Education helps spread awareness against blind beliefs that exist in society. Superstitions and blind faiths can be fought only with the power of education. People having false beliefs can cause damage to society. All this can be taken care off through the power of education. Education gives exposure, and opens up virtues of developing a ‘Scientific Temper’. Students start questioning outdated modes with reason and rationality. They start believing things that are logical and based on science and reasoning. 2. Help us progress: Education is the step towards progress. In other words, with education come progress in every sphere of our lives. Having a good educational background means that you can secure a good job and thus build a bright career for yourself. Having an individual who is qualified, is good, not only for him or her and the family, but for society in general as well. A society is a sum total of parts, and in this case, it is the qualified individuals who become credible and contributing parts of society. Speaking of high-quality education, Candor International School Bangalore is one of the best international schools in Bangalore. It provides with high-quality education and infrastructure to the students. It was founded in the year 2010. There are quite a number of international schools that function as a business, appropriating high tuition fees from unsuspecting parents. Candor International School Bangalore, offers the best infrastructure, in terms of not only qualified faculty members, but also offers extra-curricular developmental facilities like Sports, Music, Theatre, Debating, Quizzes, and others. Education is the way to a better world. The more you educate yourself, the more good you can do to yourself and to society. Read Also: Ten Ways Technology Is Impacting Modern Education Cégep 101: Everything You Need To Know About Quebec’s Education System

Professional Qualification Courses

Top 6 Reasons Why Professional Qualification Courses Are The Best Way To Learn

With the numerous ways available currently to further your learning it can be quite overwhelming to find the right qualification that matches your personality and aspirations. Professional qualifications offered in London are packed with unique benefits that can enable students to gain a competitive edge over the candidate pool. If you are looking for professional qualification courses, then read the following points to learn why London is the best place to consider continuing with your education and the wide array of professional roles that it can offer you. 1. Affordability Professional qualifications are a great way to top up your university degree in a more affordable manner or even lay a solid foundation of a particular subject or topic that you are planning on doing as your undergraduate or postgraduate program. Moreover, a majority of business employers worldwide consider professional qualifications as a benchmark of competence and are more eager to recruit individuals who have the commitment and dedication towards learning. 2. Flexibility Besides saving you from stress and money loss, professional qualifications offered in London are designed to help students fit their learning around their work and personal life, as well as complete their assignments at a pace that you are comfortable with. When it comes to professional qualifications you can on your certification from the comfort of your home via virtual learning platforms where you can take up classes a few times a week, in the evening or during the weekends, allowing you to delve into your studies at a time that you're able to attend. 3. Accessibility Professional programs allow you to pick up learning related to a specific area of interest and at your level on individual topics, covering a range of subjects. It is the best way to proper in a direction that you want your career to move towards and can be quite a boost to your aspirational or existing professional role, without even the need to possess any prior knowledge or experience. 4. Hands-on training  Professional courses taught in London are delegated by industry experts and highly experienced tutors who are more than happy to share their knowledge and decades of experience but students across the globe. Throughout the course curriculum, you will not only get to deal with realized scenarios but also obtain an in-depth understanding of the industry that you are currently engaged in and apply the professional skills gained in your day-to-day work. 5. Career progression and employability Completing a professional course from London can help you win a new role or increase your chances of promotion, opening doors for you to step up within the industry that you want to establish yourself in. 6. Upskill or reskill Opting for a professional course can help you drive in a changing work environment by relearning certain essential abilities of a professional role and expanding your existing knowledge about a brand. To learn more about professional programs and the dedication and platform that we have to offer visit our website today! Apply to a professional course of your choice and make a difference in your everyday professional life by choosing a career path that you are best suited for. Read Also: 4 Factors to Consider When Making a Great eLearning Course Topic 3 – Transform your Career with Online Certification Courses Should you Study a Business Course Online? Types of Fashion Designing Courses You Should Know

Children Language Learning

5 Golden Rules of Children Language Learning

God has blessed every child with an innate skill as well as a curiosity to learn new things in a speedy manner. The brain of your child observes new things very quickly; that is why he starts understanding your language at the earlier stage of life. According to the statement of an expert, young children have a high intellectual level to learn a second language. If you want to teach your child any language, the following simplest yet useful rules are going to help you a lot. Active Adult Participation in The Language Learning Process: In the initial six years of life, the brain of the child increasingly changes to absorb more and more knowledge. For that reason, it is necessary that the adults take an active part in helping their child learn a new language. To serve that purpose, talking to your child matters the most in the first place. Both the parents can contribute to this learning process by listening to the fractured yet cute stories of their kids. Furthermore, the teacher should also act patiently when dealing with young children to make them easily understand some new words. For example, in the case of the Spanish language, the teacher has to repeat the Spanish alphabet sounds again and again for the child’s clear understanding. Ensure a Child-Friendly Learning Environment: Creating a child-friendly environment of learning is essential for your child’s smooth learning of a new language. It matters because children are sensitive little heads that whole-heartedly learn only when they feel listened to, valued and cared for. In order to ensure a child-friendly environment, adults are advised to organize fun-filled activities e.g., dance, sing, and rhyme etc. You can also take help from numerous online videos as well as audios that can make the learning process more appealing. Above all, every effort you make to teach your child a language will only work when you put yourself in your child’s shoe. You have to think and act like them to ensure effective learning. Involve the Children in Listening Activities: In addition to being receptive, language is expressive too. Therefore, it is vital to engage children in listening activities. In this way, they will be able to effectively process what they hear. Such listening activities can ask the child to repeat after the speaker whatever he/she has listened. To serve this purpose, parents can turn on a radio or TV where perhaps a fairy tale is being told. Teachers can also contribute to this type of activity by telling them a story or even a short real-life interesting incident just to introduce them to new words and sentences. Adding to it, many interesting rhyming audios with attractive sounds can add to the responsiveness of children to a great extent. They can also enhance the listening power of the children. Let Them “Maked the Made” Teaching a language to children requires patience and considerable time. When it comes to children, they certainly make too many mistakes in the beginning. They may be too little to understand the reasons behind all the forms of verbs, parts of speech, degrees that a particular language has. For instance, they may say ‘made’ rather than made, ‘eated’ instead of ate, ‘sleeped’ instead of slept and this list goes. In fact, making mistakes is good and perhaps the only way of letting children learn something new. Every mistake that they make tells that they tried a new thing. Now, it is the duty of the teacher to correct it with love and kindness. Take Baby Steps: Do not rush the learning process since it might confuse your child. In contrast, it is essential to take baby steps while teaching your child a new language. In the beginning, talk to them and tell them stories in the new language so they start understanding and recognizing different sounds. It will also make them able to pronounce the words in the right way later on. Subsequently, start enhancing their vocabulary by introducing a new word every day. Repeating it all day long and asking your child to do the same is effective for better memorization. In order to make this whole process effective, ask children to recall the previous words before introducing a new word. Afterward, start off with the phrases and then to sentences. In the end, patience and effort would be worth it. Read Also: Tips To Help You Learn A New Language In A New Country English As A Second Language: Ways To Find Great Teaching Materials On A Budget